
SIYE Time:23:16 on 5th November 2024
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Reviewer: skiutahnum1 Signed Date: 2023.06.18 - 04:52PM Title: Chapter 40


Nice to see that the groups are starting to learn more….snape really needs to grow up and start acting more mature then he is right now…kutgw

Author's Response: Lots of fun training is coming! Snape has a lot to learn, but having McGonagall there has to help out a little bit.

Reviewer: Arnel Signed Date: 2023.06.17 - 12:15PM Title: Chapter 40


What a fun chapter! You did a great job with your characterizations of Harry's teachers at the meeting, pitting them against each other verbally as they explained what would be going on with Harry's training. I'm glad they agreed to include Cedric, Ron, Hermione and Ginny as much as possible. Your solution to the Occlumency tutoring made me smile; not only did you neutralize Snape, you found a way to protect Harry against Voldemort's suggestive visions. Hopefully, Harry will be a little more successful at keeping Voldemort out of his mind than he was in canon. The best part of the chapter, though, was the first training session in the Charms classroom. I really enjoyed the action and the fact that Ron, Ginny and Hermione were able to even the odds during the second exercise. I think all five will learn a lot from each other while they are working with the teachers. Well done.

Author's Response: Thanks for such an encouraging comment! I had lots of fun pitting the professors against each other in the meeting. I spent a lot of time trying to make the action fun to read and helpful to the story progression, so I’m glad you like that part of the chapter. Hopefully, these kind of training sessions will give characters other than Harry the opportunity both to shine in their own strengths and to shore up some of their weaknesses. Thanks for reading and commenting!

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