
SIYE Time:11:58 on 5th October 2024
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Reviewer: Gin110881 Signed Date: 2023.07.11 - 04:36AM Title: Chapter 42


That was a surprise, and no litle one - the Chamber of Secrets as the meeting point of the Dueling Club. It took me a moment to consider the implications, but I like the idea. Dumbledore's address was brilliant, as was the way he promoted the Dueling Club. Will we find out who all attended Umbridge's counter event? lol
Oops, seems I missed an update. Sorry, I have to hurry.

Author's Response: Thanks for dropping a comment! I’ve only seen a couple authors use the Chamber like this, so it’s fun to work with. The Room of Requirement is absolutely jam packed with possibilities, but keeping it off the table a bit longer constrains the story in ways I find interesting!

Reviewer: Arnel Signed Date: 2023.07.01 - 01:35PM Title: Chapter 42


I started smiling with the first paragraphs and never stopped until Dumbledore's last words. It was very brave of Ginny to suggest the Chamber as an appropriate space for the Defense Club to hold its meetings and I'm very glad she joined the expedition of teachers and students in order to face her fears and memories. I love the transformation of Moaning Myrtle's bathroom into a student lounge and think it will be a better place for her and the students. I wonder how many students stayed in the Great Hall after Dumbledore announced the two offerings for the evening? Not many, I'm sure. Finally, credit needed to go to those who earned it and spreading the limelight certainly took most of the focus off of Harry's exploits centered around the Chamber. Well done!

Author's Response: So glad you enjoyed the chapter! I think suggesting the Chamber is a sign of Ginny's growth and that she's dealing with her past a bit better this time around. Changing the bathroom into a lunge for students seemed both practically helpful and kind toward Myrtle. Plus it's a bit of a middle finger to Umbridge and Voldemort, which I can appreciate. I doubt many students stuck around for Umbridge's extra lesson. I figure Dumbledore's spreading of the accolades helps give the students a better understanding of why they're each well-qualified to lead this student group. Thanks for dropping such an encouraging comment!

Reviewer: skiutahnum1 Signed Date: 2023.06.30 - 08:25PM Title: Chapter 42


Well umbitch is certainly making her self unwanted more and more…i hope soon she is out the door…but at lease harry is learning to keep his trap shut… the jab from albus….kutgw

Author's Response: Yeah, I get the feeling she's going to be very displeased with how this works out...Dumbledore just couldn't resist a little shot there! Thanks for checking in with a comment!

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