
SIYE Time:23:49 on 7th October 2024
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Reviewer: Arnel Signed Date: 2023.08.05 - 06:49PM Title: Chapter 47

I forgot to say congratulations on winning the Best Drama and Best Romance Silver Trinket Awards in the last voting. I hope this story continues in its excellence and wins further DSTAs as you continue this excellent tale.

Author's Response: Thanks for the kind words and congratulations! It's so cool to know that folks are enjoying the story enough to nominate it / vote for it.

Reviewer: skiutahnum1 Signed Date: 2023.08.05 - 05:30PM Title: Chapter 47


Yea albus like that was an everyday occurrence……i think leaving harry to snape was kind but not necessarily, but something tells me everyone learned something new today….as for Umbridge nice to see nothing will faze her, but i think its time the crew lets loose on her….kutgw

Author's Response: I think that Dumbledore is being a bit more intentional about trying to mend things between Harry and Snape in this timeline, and it seems to be working a little bit so far. Umbridge is so infuriating, but it's so much fun to write her character. Thanks for dropping a comment!

Reviewer: Arnel Signed Date: 2023.08.04 - 05:58PM Title: Chapter 47


Nice report on the last few weeks of Defense happenings before Christmas. I see that Umbridge is still at it trying to persuade anyone she teaches that Fudge is still the best man to lead the country! I'm glad that Professor Dumbledore was able to get Ron and Ginny out of their various detentions so they could participate in the next Defense Club leaders' meeting.

You did a really great job of not only showing the action in all of the duels as well as the observations the students made. I had to smile when Harry ended up being the one to critique Professor Snape's dueling style. I'm sure Harry would have been in trouble if he'd listened to his inner Sirius, but I also think praising Professor Snape was just as effective in embarrassing him as any ridicule would have. That said, it was very easy to see the progression of each of the duels in the way you transitioned from one spell to another. That's the hardest part of writing "lists" and you did it without resorting to the easy "first he cast this that was countered by that" sort of thing! Well done.

Author's Response: The Defense Club and its leaders meeting and learning are some of the most fun I have while writing this story. Figure that having Dumbledore spring the Weasleys out of detention was very well worth it. I like having the students recount what happened for some duels so that I can alternate between describing the battle as Harry watches it and having the students explain what they witnessed through dialogue. I think it helps make sure it doesn't get too monotonous. Thanks for the kind words about how the duels progressed!

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