
SIYE Time:13:26 on 5th October 2024
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Reviewer: DeadFish37 Signed Date: 2024.04.11 - 07:46AM Title: Chapter 52


Loving this story so far (I have intended to leave reviews twice previously, but only just rediscovered my log-in details). I loved the inventiveness involved with selecting that particular memory, and how natural the flow of the relationship developing from that has been. It's also many of the little things which make it so nicely written, such as when Ginny observes that her family is used to having small arguments but still knowing they love each other, but Hermione finds those sorts of arguments more off-putting - I love the thought that goes into such an observation (and it's also reminiscent of my current relationship)... I look forward to what more this story has to offer. Even if all the horcruces are found, I suspecty there is still more peril to come...

Author's Response: Thanks so much for leaving a comment! As much as I enjoy writing grand battle scenes or sweeping timeline changes, I’ve found myself really loving smaller characterization moments like you mentioned in your comment. Fleshing out these characters is a joy, especially since I see so much good in them. Hope you enjoy where the story goes from here!

Reviewer: Arnel Signed Date: 2023.09.08 - 08:14PM Title: Chapter 52


I'm so glad Fred and George's Hush Putty worked so well for Neville. Glad to know Neville was able to survive his detention with a minimal amount of discomfort from the quill.

Nice job on the Quidditch match! Action sequences like these games are always hard to write; you kept the momentum flowing and building to a sub climax and then the real one with the Snitch catch. Nice idea having Harry and Cedric collide. I've never seen that done in a fan fic before. Good game, even if Ron felt he had lots of improving to do at the end of the game. Hopefully, he'll learn from the experience.

Well done.

Author's Response: I'm glad Neville got a chance to stand up for himself without dealing with all the Quill of Echoes repercussions. I had lots of fun trying to come up with interesting things to do within the setting of a Quidditch match. I'm not yet sure how many more of these matches I'll actually be writing for the story, but it was fun to get to use the game to further some plot points. Thanks for reading and leaving a review!

Reviewer: skiutahnum1 Signed Date: 2023.09.08 - 06:20PM Title: Chapter 52


Well i feel sorry for Madam Pomfrey but she does bring it on her self. As for harry and Diggory they are good sports and show it in everything. Nice to also see life is moving forward….kutgw

Author's Response: Harry and Cedric are pretty good sports, despite the thick-headedness Pomfrey points out. Thanks for dropping a comment!

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