
SIYE Time:21:50 on 5th November 2024
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Reviewer: Arnel Signed Date: 2023.10.23 - 04:08PM Title: Chapter 53


Wow! What a fun session of the Defense Club. The Gauntlet sounds like the perfect way to test one's knowledge and ability to think on one's feet. Professor Flitwick did a fantastic job setting up the challenges and I'm really glad that those who mastered their own year's course were allowed to try the next one(s) in the series. It's so like Harry to be encouraging to his fellow students, especially Neville. I also liked that Theo and Harry challenged each other to complete the sixth year course and were supportive of each other's efforts. This was a great idea and I really wish the original DA had had the support of one of the teachers so that the students could put what they were learning into practice. Well done.

Author's Response: Flitwick has been a fun character to flesh out more in this story, so I'm glad that you like his contributions. Harry's good at encouraging others, and I like the way he interacts with both Neville and Blaise. I would have loved to see McGonagall or Flitwick help with the DA more in canon. Thanks for leaving such an encouraging comment!

Reviewer: skiutahnum1 Signed Date: 2023.09.16 - 09:12AM Title: Chapter 53


Nothing like having a teacher get an adaboy for his work and to be shown that sometimes we need to keep in mind what the students have been through….would have liked to know how the Slytherin girl did that was sparing with Ginny in the beginning, but nothing that healthy competition doesn’t bring out…kutgw

Author's Response: As a teacher myself, it's cool when a student notices that you've gone above and beyond to create a meaningful learning experience that's fun. Flitwick is a dang good professor, so I wanted him to get some of the praise he deserves. I'll confirm that the new Slytherin girl did make it past the Fourth Year gauntlet, but I'm keeping her shrouded in a bit of mystery, at least for now. Thanks for the comment!

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