
SIYE Time:22:03 on 5th November 2024
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Reviewer: Arnel Signed Date: 2023.10.23 - 07:23PM Title: Chapter 54


Thank goodness for small favors! By narrowing what Harry is supposed to try to block Snape from, Professor Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall have helped Harry advance with his Occlumency. That he successfully blocked Snape from most of the third memory, says that Harry is making more progress than he has in the past. I think it's a good thing.

Oh, very sinister with the headline from the Prophet Harry found in the common room. Nice to know that you're still following canon somewhat and might even be heading toward a visit to the Ministry of Magic in a few more chapters.

Author's Response: I wanted to show the difference that competent and reasonable teaching would make in Occlumency and this felt like a way to build toward that. I am still following some of the major beats from canon, so there might still be a foray into the Ministry at some point... Thanks for the comment!

Reviewer: skiutahnum1 Signed Date: 2023.09.23 - 08:56AM Title: Chapter 54


Well sometimes Ron really needs to take word from hermione about muggles to heart, instead of trying to get hermione to make out with him…as for snape well he is a bastard but at lease he held his word…Neville is not going to like that headline, kutgw

Author's Response: We're definitely getting to check in with Neville in the next chapter. Considering what Ron knows about Muggles, I could see him being skeptical about the moon landing. As for Snape, I've seen some fics vilify him and others paint his actions as not a big deal or justified. My opinion of his character in canon is in the middle but leaning toward villain due to how badly he treats so many good characters. In this story, he's getting opportunities to be less of a terrible human and is doing a bit better than in the books, I hope.

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