
SIYE Time:13:21 on 5th October 2024
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Reviewer: Arnel Signed Date: 2023.11.04 - 10:37PM Title: Chapter 59


I'm sure Harry curses Umbridge every morning for making his Quidditch team get up at oh-dark-thirty, althou it seems the girls are more enthusiastic than the boys.

Good to see the other teachers helping the Gryffindors keep their spirits up by giving points for good work.

Oh, dear! The corridor... Shame on you, Harry! You're a foul, loathsome, evil little writer for having Nagini attack Tonks! I only hope that the St Mungo's Healers will be able to save her! ...And now I have to wait a week to find out! Ugh!

Author's Response: At this point, I'm sure Harry spends lots of time cursing Umbridge. I like to think the professors are sympathetic to the plight of the Gryffindors, though last-minute points in years past may prevent them from being too generous. I wanted an opportunity to showcase Tonks' dueling prowess and quick thinking and a chance to make the readers squirm. Thanks for commenting!

Reviewer: Gin110881 Signed Date: 2023.10.30 - 08:54AM Title: Chapter 59


Ouch, this time, it was Tonks who got hit. I hope she recovers soon (and gets a get-well visit from Remus). I'm curious to see what conclusions Dumbledore and especially Harry will draw from the incident.

Author's Response: I hated to do this to Tonks, but it just made too much sense to have Madam Bones increase security. Thought she availed herself well in the fight with on-target spell casting. Thanks for dropping a comment!

Reviewer: skiutahnum1 Signed Date: 2023.10.29 - 06:30PM Title: Chapter 59


Well Im glad to see harry has used his head and his resources effectively this time around…but also nice to see that everyone is believing what is going on…kutgw

Author's Response: Yeah, having a better connection with Sirius and Dumbledore really helps Harry in a moment of crisis like this. Thanks for checking in with a comment!

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