
SIYE Time:23:10 on 7th October 2024
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Reviewer: Arnel Signed Date: 2023.11.18 - 02:35AM Title: Chapter 62


I see you're tying up all the loose ends for Harry's fifth year. I'm glad Harry had the companionship of Sirius and Remus while everyone else was in Hogsmeade and that he has a job to do to help eliminate rooms on the Horcrux hunt. Your Quidditch games were nice, too. It's good to see the good sportsmanship of Harry and his teammates despite their loss of the Quidditch Cup. As much as it's nice to have Gryffindor win a game or season, it's good that they can congratulate another successful team with dignity. Well done.

Author's Response: There are lots of loose ends to tie up, but that’s going into overdrive in the next few chapters. I think we learn more about Harry from his losses, so seeing the Puffs hoist the trophy gave some fun opportunities. I also liked the Sirius, Remus, and Harry section. Those moments are pretty special to me. Thanks for commenting!

Reviewer: skiutahnum1 Signed Date: 2023.11.17 - 04:27PM Title: Chapter 62


Well Gryffindor can’t win it all…but then again they all put in a good show…kutgw

Author's Response: Having Gryffindor win the Quidditch Cup and so much else feels overdone to me, so I liked having them come second to a fantastic Hufflepuff team. Thanks for commenting!

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