
SIYE Time:23:33 on 7th October 2024
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Reviewer: Gin110881 Signed Date: 2023.11.27 - 04:28AM Title: Chapter 63


Oh, yikes. I briefly thought Harry went to the ministry alone. But this must be one of his dreams.
I'm glad he now has plenty of adults he can trust by his side, so he doesn't have to endanger his best friends.
Great chapter!

Author's Response: Yeah, I sure hope Harry doesn’t accidentally bring his friends to the ministry unnecessarily… That’d be a real shame… Surely nothing will happen to make his teenage brain ignore the warning signs and rush off unprepared… Right? Thanks for the kind comment!

Reviewer: Arnel Signed Date: 2023.11.26 - 08:58PM Title: Chapter 63


I really like your version of Harry's OWL exams. His self-satisfaction seems justified because he feels he completed the questions knowledgeably. I particularly liked the practical potions exam wherein he was asked to reason out how to finish the potion and discern its use. That shows a competent knowledge of ingredients and their uses in various potions. I also had to smile when his Astronomy and History of Magic exams followed canon; thank goodness Professor McGonagall wasn't involved with the sacking of Hagrid and that the latter is still securely in his job. I could have done without Harry's dream in the middle of the History of Magic exam, however. I'm not looking forward to the next chapter and sincerely hope that Harry is able to communicate with Sirius in order to foil Voldemort in his quest of the prophecy.

All in all, a good chapter indeed.

P.S. Just to be a bit of a quibbler, Professor Tofty is a wizard and Professor Marchbanks is old enough to have given Dumbledore his exams!

Author's Response: I don’t know why I always imagined Professor Tofty as a witch, but it’s so stuck in my head that it spilled onto the page! Griselda being old enough to have proctored Dumbledore’s exams is absolutely correct in canon, but my brain refuses to abide the thought. Well done noticing those unaccounted for variations! The potions practical might be one of the sections of which I’m most proud. What a delight to see that you noticed and appreciated it! The next chapter may be challenging for Harry and for readers, but I guess we’ll have to wait and see… Thanks so much for the encouragement!

Reviewer: skiutahnum1 Signed Date: 2023.11.24 - 03:51AM Title: Chapter 63


Well i hope that harry uses his head shortly and not rush off,,,,but since he has been in a state for a while…I’m not sure he is going to think clearly…kutgw

Author's Response: This Harry's a little less rash than his canon counterpart, but a vision like that would be enough to make anyone consider hasty actions. We'll see what he does next week... Thanks for the comment!

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