
SIYE Time:23:51 on 7th October 2024
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Reviewer: Arnel Signed Date: 2023.12.11 - 08:11PM Title: Chapter 65


Just as I was thinking that Harry would have an uneventful end to a school year, THIS happens. I hope Harry's friends can come to his defense and keep the Ministry thugs from taking Harry against his will.

The rest of the chapter was a nice, calm end to the school year with the summing up of everything that transpired during the year. I had to chuckle that Ginny had to take two History of Magic exams. I hope that Blaise makes a decision that is right for him, no matter how Harry and the other leaders feel about it.

Well done.

Author's Response: Wanted to lull the readers into a false sense of security with some falling action before springing this on everyone. Even knowing where the chapter was leading, I enjoyed writing about the chill times with Harry and Ginny and the others. I think Blaise has a lot of things to consider, but maybe he'll have an answer soon. Thanks for commenting!

Reviewer: Gin110881 Signed Date: 2023.12.09 - 05:22AM Title: Chapter 65


To be honest, I immediately had the feeling that something was wrong, just from Umbridge coming to Harry to invite him to a dubious meeting. Good thing he didn't go alone. However, I'm wondering what Fudge wants to achieve by kidnapping Harry. Can't wait to find out. However, there's still hope the leaders of the defence club are able to repel the attack of the Fudge gang.
Intriguing chapter!

Author's Response: I like to think Umbridge's presence brings about a little unease in all of the RLM readers, but good job noticing something was amiss. Answers are coming soon... Thanks for your comment!

Reviewer: skiutahnum1 Signed Date: 2023.12.08 - 04:44PM Title: Chapter 65


And the hits just keep on coming….I have a feeling that Umbridge is about to loose her standing all together and that’s ok…as for the 3 in the room….I doubt they are who they say they are…..hopefully the group is thinking as one….kutgw

Author's Response: I hope Umbridge loses her standing soon because I'm getting tired of writing her tantrums and vile comments! We'll have to see about the identities of the three guests we met, but you may be onto something! Thanks for the comment!

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