
SIYE Time:18:51 on 4th October 2024
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Reviewer: Arnel Signed Date: 2023.12.24 - 09:33PM Title: Chapter 66


Thank goodness for good teachers like Moody! Even if Harry hadn't been completely focused on that lesson, some of what Moody said obviously stuck in Harry's brain. Ever the resourceful student, I'm glad Harry was able to defeat his enemies and regain his own wand. While some of what he did was definitely questionable, it's good that Harry listened to his conscience and didn't outright kill Malfoy. Well done.

Author's Response: I’m with you about Harry. I think him killing someone, even unintentionally, would be really traumatic for him to deal with. I wanted him to have a chance to showcase the skills he’s developed this year, but didn’t want him to take a life. Thanks so much for reading and commenting!

Reviewer: skiutahnum1 Signed Date: 2023.12.15 - 04:19PM Title: Chapter 66


Well I have to say. First off I hope my favorite teacher has met the end which she deserves so sweetly….second the kids are smarter then the two dunderheads that where left to clean up malfoys plan….as for harry screwing up malfoys body…too bad is all i will say even if its not right it was justifiable and Ginny will be most pleased but will also need to help him work it all out in the end. Kutgw, nice to see harry thinking more and reacting less.

Author's Response: Your favorite isn’t going to meet her fate off camera, because I’m sure folks will want to see what happens to her. Crabbe and Goyle are physically intimidating and capable of casting Unforgivables, but I’m not surprised they couldn’t keep the other five in line. Harry’s prowess in this kind of situation is quite promising! Thanks for the comment!

Reviewer: Gin110881 Signed Date: 2023.12.15 - 05:27AM Title: Chapter 66


Oh, what an interesting turn. I hope the DA leaders made short work of Umbridge, and I wonder if Umbridge knew about the plan or if she really thought it was Fudge.
Great chapter!

Author's Response: A mystery to be revealed in later chapters! Glad you found the chapter interesting. Thanks for leaving a comment!

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