
SIYE Time:22:59 on 7th October 2024
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Reviewer: Arnel Signed Date: 2023.12.25 - 11:20AM Title: Chapter 67


If a repeat of the Ministry debacle had to take place, I'm glad none of the "good guys" has died so far. I see you borrowed heavily from the movie to fuel your arsenal of spells used by Dumbledore during the duel, but since they make good visuals, you're excused for the moment. If I haven't said this before, the resourcefulness of the five leaders in subduing and capturing their captors before going after Harry is heartwarming. Ron's right that Harry would do all in his power to rescue his friends and I'm glad the same goes for the other five. I'm looking forward to the conclusion of this adventure, because I don't think you're going to kill Dumbledore off a year early. Well done.

Author's Response: Glad you approve of the visuals! I originally planned to focus more on the battle itself, but when the Umbridge plot came together I got excited to use the battle as a backdrop for her comeuppance. I’ve been happy to write the six leaders’ growth and resilience through this section, so I’m glad you enjoyed it. Thanks for the encouragement!

Reviewer: skiutahnum1 Signed Date: 2023.12.22 - 05:11PM Title: Chapter 67


All harry needs now is his Ginny bear and a bed for a long sleep and recovery…hopeful umbitch is done for and will soon not be able to do anything at all….as for the kids….they held up well and need a little more training but over all well played….voldy just over step his power a little and will be hurting i hope for a long time…kutgw. Happy holidays

Author's Response: After an ordeal like tonight, Harry could definitely use some rest and care from Ginny. The kids aren’t all fully trained Aurors by any means, but I agree that they held up well and showed some real skill. Umbridge will have some big repercussions to face in the next chapter! Thanks for the review and a wonderful holiday season to you and your loved ones!

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