
SIYE Time:0:40 on 8th October 2024
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Reviewer: Gin110881 Signed Date: 2024.02.13 - 03:48AM Title: Chapter 69


Finally, I managed to catch up, only to realize there is already another chapter to read (it's already on my ereader now). I loved your demission of Umbridge and hope she now has to tell the truth and only the truth for the rest of her life. Lol. Reminded me a little of Obelix and the Magic Potion - Umbridge and the Truth Potion, lol. Well done!

Author's Response: I got really excited when the idea of how to serve a hot bowl of comeuppance to Umbridge popped into my head. Glad you liked it and thanks for leaving a comment!

Reviewer: Arnel Signed Date: 2024.02.09 - 06:22PM Title: Chapter 69


It's so nice to see Harry relaxed and happy and in the place he thinks of as a second home. It made me smile when Fleur approved of his relationship with Ginny and that she knows Hermione has someone who cares for her in Harry. Well done.

Author's Response: After all the challenges he faced in the past year, I'm glad he got a moment of respite at the Burrow, too. I'm hopeful that Fleur's advice helps Harry do right by his friend. Thanks for the comment!

Reviewer: skiutahnum1 Signed Date: 2024.02.03 - 09:12PM Title: Chapter 69


You have to be nuts to want to get in to the Weasley but then again Ginny will be a potter and that might be worst….kutgw

Author's Response: It was super fun writing the little interpersonal connections for this chapter, so I'm glad you liked it. Thanks for reading and commenting all the way into the HBP arc!

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