
SIYE Time:22:47 on 7th October 2024
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Reviewer: Arnel Signed Date: 2024.02.17 - 08:11PM Title: Chapter 71

It looks like the Horcrux hunters are headed for a wild goose chase, in my humble opinion. Why couldn't you have had Dobby poke Harry in the side and suggest the Come and Go Room? I realize the students didn't need it what with the opening of the Chamber, but the hunters need a break and right now, I see Hogwarts as their best bet while the grown-ups hash out what they're going to do about Gringotts.

I'm so glad you're going to put Charlie into this story. He's such a unknown entity in canon and I can hardly wait to see what you do with him.

Well done.

Author's Response: Stumbling upon the Room of Requirement might have proved fortunate for the group, but it just didn't happen this time around. I'm excited about some Charlie-related plans I have abrewin', though. Thanks for commenting!

Reviewer: Arnel Signed Date: 2024.02.17 - 08:11PM Title: Chapter 71


It looks like the Horcrux hunters are headed for a wild goose chase, in my humble opinion. Why couldn't you have had Dobby poke Harry in the side and suggest the Come and Go Room? I realize the students didn't need it what with the opening of the Chamber, but the hunters need a break and right now, I see Hogwarts as their best bet while the grown-ups hash out what they're going to do about Gringotts.

I'm so glad you're going to put Charlie into this story. He's such a unknown entity in canon and I can hardly wait to see what you do with him.

Well done.

Author's Response: Stumbling upon the Room of Requirement might have proved fortunate for the group, but it just didn't happen this time around. I'm excited about some Charlie-related plans I have abrewin', though. Thanks for commenting!

Reviewer: skiutahnum1 Signed Date: 2024.02.17 - 03:28PM Title: Chapter 71


And here I would have thought dobby would have come in with a suggestion for his master harry to fine the the come and go room….kutgw

Author's Response: As helpful as a push in the right direction would be, it seems like a Hogwarts horcrux has eluded them for now. Thanks for the comment!

Reviewer: BrianMcLyr Signed Date: 2024.02.17 - 10:13AM Title: Chapter 71


I always forget to R&R

Author's Response: No worries! I'm glad anytime you read or review, so thanks for checking in!

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