
SIYE Time:23:43 on 7th October 2024
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Reviewer: skiutahnum1 Signed Date: 2024.02.24 - 04:05PM Title: Chapter 72


Way to go Harry get Neville in trouble but something tells me Mrs longbottom will forget about yelling at Neville and maybe just start to see him for who he truly is……glad Harry help as well with his Luna issue but best to not let embarrass himself in public. Thou Luna make like it for the fun of a friend…kutgw

Author's Response: It was a joy to give Neville a few moments in the spotlight. Glad you liked the chapter and thanks for commenting!

Reviewer: Arnel Signed Date: 2024.02.23 - 06:36PM Title: Chapter 72


A Neville chapter! Yippee! It made me smile when Harry admitted to himself that he really didn't know Neville all that well and that he was going to spend an afternoon with his friend. It was nice reading his thoughts about the other Gryffindors, but to have two-thirds of a chapter about his visit to Longbottom Manor is fantastic. I'm so glad Neville had his time to shine, even if the two ended up getting into trouble for being boys. Yes, their nearly sixteen, but having the time to be just themselves and not what others expect was so good for them. Also, Harry letting Neville in on his secret about the rogue memory shows just how much Harry values Neville's friendship. However, Neville's toad Patronus is what really makes this chapter shine because it forces Madam Longbottom to look at her grandson not as a disappointment but a success and someone coming into his own. Bravo!

Author's Response: I was thrilled to finally give Neville his moment in the spotlight, and it was super fun writing about their time together. Nev may never reach the rarified air that Ron, Hermione, and Ginny occupy for Harry, but being a great and valued friend is still worthwhile. I'm glad he got to show his Gran his patronus, and enjoyed her sharing a bit about his father's struggle to conjure one. As always, thanks for reading and sharing your thoughts with me!

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