
SIYE Time:23:44 on 7th October 2024
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Reviewer: Arnel Signed Date: 2024.03.03 - 12:34PM Title: Chapter 73


It was good to see Harry having a bit of a temper tantrum over the articles in the Prophet. Even at nearly sixteen he's entitled to a bit of immature expression of his feelings and in canon, he didn't get to do that. I had to smile over how bored he became with the meeting in Dumbledore's office, but the resulting trip to Gringotts made up for it in knowledge gained. I know he started out asking questions from a script of sorts, but it seems the last few questions Harry asked were straight from the heart. Oh, I was a bit surprised that Griphook wanted a bribe for the last bit of information; I remember he told Harry something to the effect that he didn't need gold in DH. Interesting take on this particular goblin. Well done.

Author's Response: Yeah, I thought it was important to see Harry's emotions around the war escalating and that meetings can get boring for him. He definitely improvised a bit in his conversation with Griphook, and some of that emotion was very real. I always thought Griphook was just opportunistic; he saw a chance to get the sword back in canon and offered his services to get it. Telling a little information to Harry wasn't as big of an ask as breaking into Gringotts, which meant needing less in return. Thanks for reading and commenting!

Reviewer: skiutahnum1 Signed Date: 2024.03.03 - 09:46AM Title: Chapter 73


Oh boy nothing like playing with fire….as for harry and griphook, not like they both didn’t know what the other was ask for….kutgw

Author's Response: Yeah, they're definitely playing with fire. We'll see how things work out, thanks for commenting!

Reviewer: gxrridxc Signed Date: 2024.03.01 - 11:20AM Title: Chapter 73


wow I wonder how they are going to pull this off, and I love Arnold. and Harry's bribery. Keep it up! :)

Author's Response: Glad you're enjoying it! I had fun writing the bribery piece and their visit to WWW. Thanks for commenting!

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