
SIYE Time:23:26 on 7th October 2024
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Reviewer: skiutahnum1 Signed Date: 2024.03.16 - 05:00PM Title: Chapter 75


Well If it was me and I was one of the twins I would have had the bet going for a lot longer before the words where said….as for harry he is caught between the Brick wall of Ginny and the immovable object of the group….now the wall is about to come down fast around albus and he should be running scared….not of Ginny although she is a close second to fluer but it’s MOLLY who is about to rings his butt all the way home and then some…..oh to be a fly on the wall for that one….kutgw

Author's Response: An angry pack of Weasleys is not to be trifled with, so Dumbledore ought to be watching out. We'll see if something changes the dynamic, but thanks for the comment!

Reviewer: Arnel Signed Date: 2024.03.15 - 08:49PM Title: Chapter 75


Well, the excrement had to hit the fan sometime, especially with Dumbledore changing plans and using the Imperius Curse on the goblins. I feel sorry for Kingsley and how angry he still is and Remus who seem to be taking his part in the raid so personally that he's disappeared, but I can't justify feeling sorry for Dumbledore himself, mostly because it seems that his actions prior to the raid have affected more than just the participants. It makes me sad that the goblins were so angry at Dumbledore that when they questioned Bill, they sacked him and Fleur without hearing their side of the story. You're right...not even the knowledge that the group is one Horcrux closer to their goal makes up for all the heartache Dumbledore has inflicted on his "pawns." The one bright light in this whole mess is that Ginny and Harry's argument seems to have resolved itself because it seems they truly love each other. Well done.

Author's Response: Yeah, things are falling apart a bit now. Dumbledore's mistakes are more important and costly than most, and that's the case here. I love that you mentioned Dumbledore's "pawns," as that will be a metaphor I play with a bit more later. Thanks for the kind and encouraging comment!

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