
SIYE Time:23:02 on 7th October 2024
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Reviewer: Arnel Signed Date: 2024.07.21 - 09:14PM Title: Chapter 86


Wow! Harry gets to lean about what resides in his scar a whole year early! I think you were working towards this in previous chapters and I missed the hints. Oh, well. It's good to know that he has time to get used to the idea and a support network of friends and adults to help him cope and plan, something he didn't have in canon. I find it interesting that you included Severus Snape, but upon further consideration, he's the link they have to Voldemort and is someone who might facilitate getting Nagini away from him when the time comes. Good chapter...well done.

Author's Response: I went back and forth about when to have Harry learn about the scar, but it just didn't make sense for Dumbledore to hold it back from him any longer. I've got some big Snape-related plans for later that I've been gradually building towards. Thanks for reading!

Reviewer: skiutahnum1 Signed Date: 2024.06.21 - 05:54PM Title: Chapter 86


Oh snap….now snape knows more then he should….but the rest I agree with…but hope hermione and Ginny and Ron soon get it as well…kutgw

Author's Response: Oh, I've got some Snape-related plans brewing! Thanks for reading / commenting!

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