
SIYE Time:22:50 on 7th October 2024
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Reviewer: Arnel Signed Date: 2024.07.21 - 10:03PM Title: Chapter 87


Great chapter! I think it a good idea the four had to let the lunch rush pass before eating themselves. It was nice to see the support given to Neville, Hannah and Luna regarding the entrance gauntlet and while Harry still has a lot of explaining to do, I think Ginny will calm down about being kept in the dark about Harry's activities once he has a chance to explain. I don't blame him for not wanting to tell Ginny about the Horcrux, though.

A giant! The action kept me on the edge of my seat, glad that Harry had three others to help him with the giants. I'm also happy that so many others provided help to end it. I don't think giants have come to Hogsmeade in any of the fan fics I've read...ever. There have been plenty of Dementors, but no giants. Well done!

Author's Response: It was fun for me to have a bit of levity to start off the chapter, and I like having the more self-assured characters encourage those whose confidence is a bit lacking. I get the feeling that Ginny's temper can flare up quickly but she doesn't hold onto her anger very long. I had a blast writing the giant action sequence! I wanted to make sure Harry wasn't facing them alone, and support from Ginny, Bill, Fleur, and other students like Ron and Padma really helped me create a fight scene I was happy with. Glad you liked it, too! As for Dementors, what kind of monster would make Harry and company take them on in Hogsmeade? Thanks for the comment!

Reviewer: skiutahnum1 Signed Date: 2024.07.06 - 05:15PM Title: Chapter 87


Well Ginny should be a part of the group and so should Ron and hermione screw the need for occiumany, they all deserve to know what the heck is going on and allow to help in the long run..glad to see most people are ok but i have a feeling the three broomsticks will not be the same again…kutgw

Author's Response: I agree that they should be strongly considered to join the horcrux hunt, but learning Occlumency seems like a significantly important step. Feel bad about the Three Broomsticks, but there’ll be more about it in the next chapter.

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