
SIYE Time:0:42 on 8th October 2024
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Reviewer: skiutahnum1 Signed Date: 2024.08.03 - 04:00PM Title: Chapter 89


Oh harry you forgot rule number one about rumors that all they are….as for harry making head way is about time with flamel….as for hagrid joining the group i think is perfect…kutgw

Author's Response: Harry’s perceptive about some things, but not everything. We’ll see if this is one of those instances! Good times with Harry making progress and more Hagrid moments. Thanks for commenting!

Author's Response: Harry’s perceptive about some things, but not everything. We’ll see if this is one of those instances! Good times with Harry making progress and more Hagrid moments. Thanks for commenting!

Reviewer: Arnel Signed Date: 2024.08.03 - 12:36AM Title: Chapter 89


It's quite natural that more people would be interested in the Defense Club after the giant attack on Hogsmeade and i think it's fabulous that Dumbledore suggested that Hagrid have a proper wand and a look-in at the next meeting. I hope you mention his presence and how he succeeds/improves during the next few chapters.

I'm still not convinced that Harry should disturb the rogue memory. It seems to me that the adults don't know when to leave it alone to guide Harry in his pursuit of a better outcome of the war to come. However, it is nice that he's getting to spend some extra time with Professor Flamel, so maybe there is a silver lining to the problem after all.

Finally, you made me smile when the dormitory rumor mill tapped Harry's curiosity and made him think of something other than defense or Voldemort and be a "normal" teenage boy for a few minutes.

Well done.

Author's Response: I love Hagrid, so we’ll see more of him. There’s much left to be learned about the rogue memory, so we may yet find out if tampering is unwise. As for a normal teenage moment, you’ll get more of that to start off the next chapter. Thanks for reading and commenting!

Author's Response: I love Hagrid, so we’ll see more of him. There’s much left to be learned about the rogue memory, so we may yet find out if tampering is unwise. As for a normal teenage moment, you’ll get more of that to start off the next chapter. Thanks for reading and commenting!

Author's Response: I love Hagrid, so we’ll see more of him. There’s much left to be learned about the rogue memory, so we may yet find out if tampering is unwise. As for a normal teenage moment, you’ll get more of that to start off the next chapter. Thanks for reading and commenting!

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