
SIYE Time:22:57 on 7th October 2024
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Reviewer: Arnel Signed Date: 2024.08.19 - 02:56PM Title: Chapter 90


Sometimes, when you are a teenager, your imagination goes haywire, and the strangest thoughts run through your head. That Ginny responded to Harry's theory about Hermione the way she did was convincingly comical. Hermione got it right when she observed that Harry jumped to conclusions very quickly. You certainly got all the characters' reactions to whom Hermione is dating correct.

It was clever of you to include Ginny as a coconspirator when Harry decided to find out what Draco was up to. I predict there's going to be a lot of discussion between the friends when next they meet. Well done.

Author's Response: I spent a lot of time trying to sort out exactly how I thought they'd all react, so I'm pleased that you felt it made sense for their characters! After having tough luck trying to convince his friends that Draco was up to something in canon, I liked giving Harry a partner in crime here. Thanks for the encouraging comment!

Reviewer: skiutahnum1 Signed Date: 2024.08.16 - 09:15PM Title: Chapter 90


Well if harry and Ginny didn’t have enough on their plates now add this to it….oh the joys of an invisibility cloak….kutgw glad hermione is getting back in the game with someone…as well as Charlie and Cedric….

Author's Response: Yeah, they're dealing with all kinds of wild situations! The invisibility cloak sure comes in handy, though. I'm looking forward to exploring how things go for both the new couples. Thanks for commenting!

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