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Reviews For Harvest Dream

Reviewer: BrianMcLyr Signed Date: 2022.11.09 - 12:53AM Title: Chapter 1



Author's Response: Thank you! :)

Reviewer: skiutahnum1 Signed Date: 2022.10.02 - 09:44AM Title: Chapter 1


Sometimes harry needs to get his head out of the office and in to the real world away from bad guys…kutgw

Author's Response: Don't we all? Thanks!

Reviewer: Aurorofthelight Signed Date: 2022.09.27 - 08:07PM Title: Chapter 1


Really enjoyed this one! Brought back memories of my childhood helping my grandma gather eggs from their chickens and harvesting strawberries instead of apples! Harry and Ginny have a nice future ahead! :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

Author's Response: Lots of farmers it seems we have here. Thanks for the review!

Reviewer: HolyheadHarpy15 Signed Date: 2022.09.27 - 02:13AM Title: Chapter 1

I enjoyed your story. I could never picture Harry and Ginny living in Grimmauld place, at least permanently. I always imagined they would fix it up, decorate it to look and feel like the Gryffindor common room, but only use it in the last weeks of summer. The Potters, Lupin and maybe some of the Weasley's would use it to floo to Grimmauld place and drive to Kings Cross Station since they are both in London. I figured Harry and Ginny had too many negative memories there. Plus, it doesn't have a backyard. I always imagined them leaving it to Teddy. After all, Teddy and Sirius were first cousin's twice removed, has no negative connotations, and could be considered as a family hand me down.. As for Harry and Ginny, I'd imagine they both want a place they could fly as well as teach their children how to. Between the closet under the stairs, the smallest bedroom, Grimmauld place and the tent, I think Harry wouldn't want to be cooped up. I see Hermione as a city girl. Both her parents were practicing dentists, so I figured like Grimmauld place, she grew up in the heart of London. Privet Drive sounds like the suburbs. Cookie cutter houses, backyards, and neighbors you can spy on from your window. Harry was accustomed to do the gardening for the Dursley's and wanted to help and do the same chores as the Weasley children when visiting. And Ginny who grew up with a garden, an orchard, with chickens, and a pond would most likely want her children to grow up in a similar environment. A lot of people write Ginny as being undomestic, and that seems too contradictory from the books. We saw how Molly expected her and all of her children to help out with meal preparations, cleaning, and gathering eggs and vegetables. And backyard chickens are easy to keep, as someone who has a flock, I'd be worried about an owl. Lovely story, I enjoyed the small glimpse you painted of Harry and Ginny's future.

Author's Response: Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts, much appreciated! Yes, this story kind of highlights how Harry and Hermione are suburbanites (Harry lives quite far from City of London; Hermione is a downright city girl). I always had the thought of the Burrow being a working (magical) farm and thus Ginny and the Weasleys doing farm chores. I kept chickens too many years ago and I still have family in the country who do. I agree with your thoughts actually, in "Twenty-Five Years" I allude to Ginny looking down on the tiny backyard of Grimmauld Place. But since there is instantaneous travel with Floo, wizards can live nearly anywhere and it doesn't matter. Ginny also is the type to enjoy city life, at least when she is younger, and that's stuff I mention as well in the other stories in this series. I also think that ultimately Harry and Ginny decide to stay in Grimmauld as it is useful and a magical stronghold, and Harry needs that as he is Britain's Most Wanted to the surviving Death Eaters... but that's a story I'm working on ;)

Reviewer: Trucker Signed Date: 2022.09.27 - 12:06AM Title: Chapter 1


A very enjoyable glimpse into shared dreams!

Author's Response: Thank you! Just a short one while other stuff is in progress, haha.

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