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Reviews For Irretitus Amor

Reviewer: BeeferoniSupreme Signed Date: 2023.06.16 - 12:08PM Title: Chapter 3 - Detention


No Review

Author's Response: Thank you for reading and commenting!

Reviewer: Aurorofthelight Signed Date: 2023.05.25 - 08:27PM Title: Chapter 3 - Detention


Quite the chain of events in the greenhouse and in the professor watch room! Cormac never fails to be a jerk and he is extremely lucky he didn't end up with a face full of Ginny's bat bogeys! Harry and Ginny proved they are the perfect couple! Nice tete a tete between Mione and Firenze! :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

Author's Response: I am very happy you seemed to enjoy my little tale. I hope you will be pleased with it's ending once it is posted in the next couple of days. Thank you so much for the kind comments. Happy reading!

Reviewer: LadyKitai Signed Date: 2023.05.20 - 10:41AM Title: Chapter 3 - Detention

I am in love with this story! I can’t wait to see how the harvest goes, and how long they bloom. There is so much potential in this story to highlight different parts of the story. I can’t wait to see how the flowers react to the break up, and the separation, and Harry dying… I just can’t wait!

Author's Response: Wow! I am so glad you are enjoying it. You'll have to wait at least another week for the final chapter and hopefully that will give you all the answers you need. Though, probably not the specific answers to the specific questions you pose here. IN any case, I do hope that you will be satisfied with my little tale upon its conclusion. Thank you so much for reading and commenting!

Reviewer: LadyKitai Signed Date: 2023.05.20 - 10:40AM Title: Chapter 3 - Detention

I am in love with this story! I can’t wait to see how the harvest goes, and how long they bloom. There is so much potential in this story to highlight different parts of the story. I can’t wait to see how the flowers react to the break up, and the separation, and Harry dying… I just can’t wait!

Author's Response: Wow! I am so glad you are enjoying it. You'll have to wait at least another week for the final chapter and hopefully that will give you all the answers you need. Though, probably not the specific answers to the specific questions you pose here. IN any case, I do hope that you will be satisfied with my little tale upon its conclusion. Thank you so much for reading and commenting!

Reviewer: skiutahnum1 Signed Date: 2023.05.20 - 06:41AM Title: Chapter 3 - Detention


Well hermione always needed to know what was gong on but in the end, I think she got more then she was expecting….as for Ginny and harry we all know what should be the outcome but will it be who knows…kutgw

Author's Response: One of my favorite aspects of the story is the way in which Hermione takes center stage, even though it is all about Harry and Ginny. I am very happy you seem to be enjoying it. I am very much looking forward to reactions to the final chapter, which should drop in just over a week. Thank you so much for reading and commenting.

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