
SIYE Time:5:49 on 13th December 2024
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Reviewer: Gin110881 Signed Date: 2023.11.10 - 03:46AM Title: You Can't Be Twenty on Sugar Mountain


Oh, I loved the Remus/Teddy reunion. Well, it's not a real reunion yet, but hopefully soon.
I really hope Harry's plan with the maps works out. And I'm even more excited to see who will be the first to take a closer look at baby Harry. Will Harry himself take a shy glance at his baby self, or will Ginny pick up little Harry and carry him around? I'd bet it's the latter, lol. I'm wee bit surprised the little one has gotten so little attention so far, lol.

Reviewer: Aurorofthelight Signed Date: 2023.10.25 - 05:59PM Title: You Can't Be Twenty on Sugar Mountain


I meant grandparents meeting grandkids! :0 Anyone not having issues in this! Surprise Remus!! D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

Author's Response: Haha I got you! lmao for real, I mean baby Harry is kinda just vibing, but otherwise?? I promise there will be fun ahead, but it is gonna be a bit rocky for a minute. Thanks!!

Reviewer: skiutahnum1 Signed Date: 2023.10.24 - 09:23PM Title: You Can't Be Twenty on Sugar Mountain


Well im glad to see that harry is jumping in to action still with out thinking….as for James and Remus they have to believe the map…they made it…..glad Sirius is not going only because I don’t think McGonagall would allow it …also they just got the castle back in shape so why ruin it ….kutgw

Author's Response: Oh yeah, same old Harry! Lol agreed, not much would get done if Sirius went. Thanks so much!

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