
SIYE Time:1:18 on 11th November 2024
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Reviews For A Taste of Honey

Reviewer: Aurorofthelight Signed Date: 2024.03.09 - 01:07PM Title: Chapter 9


Another terrific chapter this was! Was fun to see Harry go to the burrow with Ginny and meet Molly! Sounds like Molly is coming down with the disease - yikes! At least Ginny's muggle pills seem to be working! :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

Author's Response: Yes, Molly gets sick too. It would be strange if she didn't get sick considering the amount of time she spent at Arthur's bedside. But luckily, Ginny knows her stuff.

Reviewer: Arnel Signed Date: 2024.03.08 - 10:55PM Title: Chapter 9


I've just finished reading the entire story so far and think it's terrific. I love your hints in the first few chapters alluding to Ginny's lack of magic and was nearly convinced she was the Muggle when she told Harry she's a Squib. I had to laugh when they each thought the other was a Muggle and it made good comedy when that was the case.

I'm glad Sirius is alive. Harry needs the stability of a parental figure who isn't Petunia or Vernon Dursley. I also think it's also a great idea that Harry learns of Bill through work first; it gives them the chance to get to know each other professionally before making the connection personally.

You've done a really good job of showing Ginny at her best as a doctorial student and how she's applying her knowledge to help her dad and other magicals get better using Muggle medicine. I like that the healer is looking for the cause in the outside world and that you've brought in the idea of prejudice against unknown things like Muggle meds.

I look forward to your next chapter. Well done.

Author's Response: Yes, the plan for the first few chapters was to introduce the two of them and very subtly let Ginny not use magic. And Bill was the perfect person to end all the Muggle or non-Muggle confusions. I was afraid that all that would happen a bit too quickly, but I also didn't want to let it drag because there are still a few surprises waiting for us. I'm really glad you enjoyed it so far. And yes, it was important to me to show that Ginny feels comfortable in her new world and stands her ground before the ghosts of the past come back to hound her. I just hope everything turns out as good on paper as it appears in my head. Thank you so much for your wonderful comments.

Reviewer: skiutahnum1 Signed Date: 2024.03.06 - 10:14AM Title: Chapter 9


Ah the joys of dealing with stubborn parent…they always seem to think they know best…kutgw

Author's Response: Lol. Yes. But in the end, Molly will follow Ginny's advice.

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