
SIYE Time:1:50 on 7th December 2024
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Reviews For Hufflepup

Reviewer: Gin110881 Signed Date: 2024.02.03 - 04:14PM Title: Mortified


Oh. What an intriguing, hilarious premise written in your unique writing style and distinctive wit. I can't wait to see how long our poor Hufflepup will need to storm Fortress Ginevra - or will she surrender voluntarily in the end?

Reviewer: Aurorofthelight Signed Date: 2024.02.03 - 12:13PM Title: Mortified


This one is hillarious! You know I always thought Ginny hated the name Ginevra ;o! Nice to see everyone alive in this one! Really liked the Tonks's Hufflepuff survival tips! Harry as a Hufflepuff? How could the sorting hat have f*cked up so bad?! (I was a Gryffindor so is that another 5 points off?) Looked like a little spark between the tall, dark & disposable Harry & the fiery red head Ginny?! :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

Reviewer: skiutahnum1 Signed Date: 2024.02.02 - 02:50PM Title: Mortified


Took to long harry….i could see him in hufflepuff since lily and James are both alive as well as Tonks and Remus…..oh Ginny has to eat crow though…that’s harder….kutgw

Reviewer: greek goddess Signed Date: 2024.02.01 - 04:59AM Title: Mortified


Brilliant start, made me laugh out loud.. Looking forward to future chapters!

Reviewer: zorica Signed Date: 2024.01.31 - 08:40PM Title: Mortified


No Review

Reviewer: zorica Signed Date: 2024.01.31 - 08:40PM Title: Mortified

Hufflepuff Harry and Gryffindor Ginny! And oh my goodness a divorced James and Lily! This sounds great!

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