
SIYE Time:9:11 on 8th October 2024
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Reviewer: helloseem Signed Date: 2024.10.07 - 09:19AM Title: Chapter 5


Seriously good story. You deserve that award! Brilliant! Keep it up!

Reviewer: Gin110881 Signed Date: 2024.05.14 - 07:42AM Title: Chapter 5


Oh, what a fun story. I couldn't help a good giggle several times, especially when Ginny placed one of her dry comments.

For a moment, I really thought Ginny was so desperate to forget her feelings for Harry that she'd actually take the potion. And I wasn't wrong, was I? I was even more relieved when she took the potion to suppress her feelings for Dean, thanks to her conversation with Harry the day before. I love it when Harry moves his bum a little faster and snatches Ginny right from under Dean's nose!
Well done. Loved your story!

And before I forget, I loved the almost friendly relationship between Ginny and the ghoul.

Author's Response: Thanks so much for leaving a review! It was a fun story to write that just poured onto the page once the idea hit me. I enjoyed keeping Harry and readers guessing about what Ginny was doing. In a way, she's the real mystery in the attic. I couldn't write Ginny cheating on someone or Harry pushing someone to cheat on someone, especially a friend. I've seen lots of authors play off Ginny's relationship with Dean as a joke to get under Ron's skin at the end of OotP, but I liked using it as a plot point that made both my main characters consider who they are and what they're willing to do. Having the ghoul act partly as guard, partly as confidant, and partly as wingman was fun for me. Glad you enjoyed it!

Reviewer: Trucker Signed Date: 2024.03.07 - 05:30PM Title: Chapter 5


No Review

Reviewer: Count Westwest Signed Date: 2024.03.04 - 10:54PM Title: Chapter 5


Loved the story and the twist. Congratulations

Author's Response: I’m so glad you enjoyed it! Thanks for reading and leaving me an encouraging comment!

Reviewer: skiutahnum1 Signed Date: 2024.03.03 - 02:30PM Title: Chapter 5


Well im glad that ended as well as it did, it could have been much much worse…kutgw

Author's Response: Thanks for reading through this little story. I'm glad you enjoyed it!

Reviewer: gxrridxc Signed Date: 2024.02.29 - 03:04PM Title: Chapter 5


omg I love the ending so much this is great. Keep it up! Also, when is the next chapter of ritual's memory coming out I can't wait!!!!

Author's Response: So glad you enjoyed it! RLM updates on Fridays, so we’re close to the new chapter dropping tomorrow. Thanks for commenting!

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