
SIYE Time:3:31 on 5th December 2024
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Reviewer: Prewishjay13 Signed Date: 2024.09.21 - 09:16AM Title: Family Troubles


this fic feels more like a story between ginny and everyon involving harry but really harry, more like ginny and harr potter's family and harry the boyfriend as a side character

Author's Response: Yes I have done some chapters were she at school but I have also done ones she see harry at hogsmede but it also showing friendship with rose and Evan and what her last year at school would be like why is that a bad thing I would have to skip a year for her to be out of school he is not a side character just it hard to write when most of her time is in hogwarts sorry you feel that way

Reviewer: Aurorofthelight Signed Date: 2024.09.03 - 10:50AM Title: Family Troubles

maybe Harry could teach Dada

Reviewer: Aurorofthelight Signed Date: 2024.09.03 - 10:49AM Title: Family Troubles


Glad to see a new chapter! James really stuck his foot in his mouth with Ginny! Always wondered why none of the deathmuncvhers or their kids or any Slytherins never bothered to check Riddle's birth records so they knew he was a half blood fraud?! Glad James, with Lily's help, finally apologized to Ginny but don't get why he'd leave professoring for auroring! Kudos to Evan for his helping Ginny and Minerva for giving Astoria her just due! Maybe Harry could te:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

Reviewer: skiutahnum1 Signed Date: 2024.09.02 - 09:35PM Title: Family Troubles


I think James should have suffered alittle more for being a dunce,,,,,lily let me off way too easily…and Ginny was screwed from the start….nice to see one of the kids was smart enough to go to the top….kutgw

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