
SIYE Time:18:05 on 7th January 2025
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Reviews For

Reviewer: emma Anonymous Date: 2006.01.13 - 10:06PM Title: He Raped Me...Almost


your retarded

Reviewer: Jim McGuffin Signed Date: 2005.09.24 - 10:46PM Title: He Raped Me...Almost


Ahhh, so Narcissa does receive the Dark Mark and has it burned off. Okay, so that explains it. As I said earlier, I wonder whether your theory of a Narcissa secretly against Voldemort will prove to be true. So now we see Ginny's perspective. First, we see Draco attempt to rape Ginny. We know from canon that Ginny is rather attractive, so it makes sense that she would be attractive to Draco. Of course, that doesn't excuse what Draco does, by a long shot. Then Ginny uses the Unforgivable Avada Kedavra to kill Draco. This raises the issue of whether Ginny has it in her to use an Unforgivable curse. Of course, after what Draco tries to do to her, she's definitely angry enough to kill. Seamus/Parvati? An interesting ship. It's too bad that it had to end in tragedy, as Seamus loses both his wife and best friend. And even though he was a git, it's sad that Percy is dead as well. We all hope that Harry is still alive, but we'll find out soon, assuming that this isn't the last chapter and you will continue this fic. I enjoy reading your fics, and I can't wait to read your next chapter, whether it's a chapter of this story, gp'ers, or DF.

Author's Response: LOL, I love your reviews - they're very well thought out. Thank you so much. I'm kind of...disabled at the moment, so the third chapter won't be out for a bit.

Reviewer: Pokie4389 Signed Date: 2005.09.24 - 04:29PM Title: He Raped Me...Almost


More? I hope

Author's Response: Oh, yes. Definitely more.

Reviewer: SJ Anonymous Date: 2005.09.21 - 05:32PM Title: He Raped Me...Almost


Great chapter. when can we expect another update?

Author's Response: It's here!

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