More than Just Galleons by lalachoa

Summary: Harry receives a lot of galleons from several sources. He tries to decide what he wants to do with his future. What will he choose?
Rating: G starstarstarstar
Categories: Potter’s Affairs Challenge 2008-4
Characters: None
Genres: None
Warnings: None
Challenges: None
Series: None
Published: 2008.08.09
Updated: 2008.08.23


Chapter 1: Chapter 1
Chapter 2: Chapter 2
Chapter 3: Chapter 3

Chapter 1: Chapter 1

Author's Notes: This is my first foray into fanfiction writing. I love to read though I am not good in creative writing. Maybe writing about something familiar will help sharpen my dull tool. So, please review =) Edited: Had to re-check some facts.

The smell of sausages wafted up the floors above the Burrow’s kitchen. It was Sunday and Molly Weasley has gone all out in preparing today’s brunch breakfast. All her children were coming over for a family gathering. It had been a few weeks since the last of the funerals and Molly had decided that she wanted her family together.

Arthur was already up and reading the Daily Prophet in his usual seat at the table when the familiar swoosh of the Floo was heard.

“Arthur, could you see who had arrived?”

Arthur tried to lean over to poke his head through the kitchen door just as the door was pushed open.

“Ooooff!,” as Arthur fell from his chair.

“Sorry, Dad! Didn’t see you there.” He knelt down and held out his arm to help pull Arthur up.

“Thanks,” said Arthur sheepishly.

“George! You’re here!” Molly rushed over to her now non-twin son and gave him a big hug. George’s face began to turn to match his hair.

“Mum, need … to … breathe,” he wheezed out.

“Shush, come and sit.”

Molly put a plate in front of George heavily laden of pancakes, bacon, sausages, and baked beans.

“Eat up. The others should be down soon enough.”

Right on cue, several pairs of feet were heard bounding down the stairs.

“You know, mate, I really don’t want to see you feeling up my sister while only clad in a towel. And it’s not like I don’t see you two pawing each other often enough already.”

“Hey! I was not trying to feel Ginny up. I was just … uhm… I bumped into Ginny on my way back to our room.”

“Yeah, right. And maybe I’ll just let you tell Ginny what you did to her favorite underwear.” Ron smirked at Harry. He finally got him in trouble. Or so he thought.

Harry groaned and turned a shade of purple. He wanted the floor to open up and swallow him now. Much as he loved Molly and Arthur like if they were his parents, they were also the parents of the love of his life. He did not want them to get the impression that he was taking advantage of their daughter while under their roof.

George looked up with his eyes now twinkling in mischief. ‘Let’s see how Harry extricates himself from this and prove that he is Mum’s favorite son,’ he thought to himself.

“Errr…, good morning, Mr. Weasley, Mrs. Weasley,” he nodded to them as he walked over to the seat furthest from both adults, just in case. “Did any owl arrive for me?” he said hoping to change the subject.

Arthur nodded back and returned to reading the paper. It was as if he did not hear that bit of conversation.

“Yes, deary,” replied Molly. “They are over the side counter. Quite a bit actually and all for you. Some official-looking in fact.” She presented Ron and Harry plates heaped with their favorites and kissed the top of their heads. She continued on to bustle around the kitchen cooking and humming.

“I’ll open them later then.”

“Ron, have you heard from Hermione recently?”

Ron had already begun to eat and was about to shove another spoonful in to his mouth when he hesitated and replied, “Yeah. She’s coming but she’ll be late.”

Ever since the trio decided they would go back to finish their seventh year at Hogwarts, Hermione began to spend more time with her parents. She had felt guilty for sending them away to Australia and had gotten them back three weeks ago with Kingsley’s help. Her parents were none too pleased with what she had done but conceded that her actions had the best intentions.

“Wow, Ron, Hermione finally has you trained. You actually had some table manners,” George said cheekily.

Harry expected Molly to chastise George only to find her trying to keep herself from smiling.

Instead, she said, “Harry, maybe you should check on Ginny. She should already be down.”

On cue, Ginny opens the kitchen door. “Hi, Mum! What a lovely day!”, said Ginny as she walked over to Molly to give her a kiss on the cheeks.

“Morning, Dad.”

“Hi, Harry,…” Ginny sat next to Harry and gave him a chaste kiss on the lips and a hug.

Ron and George looked at each other. “What about us?!?”

Ginny folded her arms and turned her nose up. “I don’t want to hear from you two. Not after what happened.”

“But that was a week ago!” Ron blurted out. “And the prank wasn’t even on you. It was on Harry!”

In a blink, Ginny was out of her chair with her wand tip pointed at Ron’s nose. “Now listen here, Ronald! No pranks on Harry. He’s mine! You don’t get to prank him.”

Harry could only be amused by the scene. Ginny was only half a head taller to Ron who was still sitting down. And yet, the taller older brother was quivering under the fury of the littlest redhead.

Both Ron and George had taken turns in pranking Harry after they caught the couple snogging by the pond. Harry had taken the pranks in stride. After all, so long as the brothers did not attempt to kill him for being intimate with their only sister, he did not mind. But Ginny somehow got wind of the pranks and gave them both Bat Bogey hexes that lasted for hours. Even Arthur could not dissuade his daughter to cancel the hexes on her brothers.

Several Apparition pops were heard from the living room that heralded the arrival of the rest of the Weasleys.

“In here, dears” shouted Molly.

Bill, Fleur, Percy, Audrey, and Charlie hustled into the kitchen and took their seats around the table unmindful of the wand that was still pointed at Ron’s nose.

Finally, Percy spoke up. “Ginevra, maybe you should sit down and have breakfast first. Ronald’s punishment can wait, you know.”

Ginny glared at Percy but said nothing. She went back to her seat beside Harry, huffily and started scooping some oatmeal including several strips of bacon onto her dish. She began to eat while still shooting sharp looks at Ron and George.

Several conversations began to go around the kitchen table as everyone began to eat. Harry looked up as Ginny reached for his hand and entwined his fingers with hers. He smiled to himself and thought, ‘This is what family should be.’

It was minutes later when Bill piped up and said, “Oh yeah, Harry, before I forget. Griphook is expecting you on Tuesday. He said that the goblins are willing to allow you into the bank this one time as you need to settle some financial issues with them. He also said that maybe when things die down some more, they might think about the ban on you stepping inside the bank premises. Unfortunately, your breaking in the more highly secure vaults still have some of them in an uproar.”

“Okay. Thanks, Bill.”


After breakfast, Harry grabbed the letters and went up back to the room he shared with Ron. He closed the door behind him as he kicked off his trainers and sat crossed-legged on his cot.

He opened the first letter. It was from Kingsley.

Dear Harry,

As you already know, as Interim Minister, one of my major projects is to manage the aftermath of the war. If you could come by the Ministry at your convenience, I would like to sound out some ideas with you.

Yours truly,

Kingsley Shacklebolt
Minister of Magic

Harry groaned as he finished this letter. Although he knew Kingsley will no take advantage of him, he dreaded what Kingsley wanted to talk to him about. It was not even a week since the Battle at Hogwarts when rumors circulated regarding Order of Merlin awards. Harry was supposedly expected to receive the Order of Merlin — First Class for his defeat of Voldemort. He brushed off the rumors. He did not defeat Voldemort to receive the award. He defeated Voldemort because Voldemort endangered everyone else and had to be stopped.

He got up and went to the desk near the door rummaging for some parchment and a quill.

“Aha!” He started to write,

Dear Mr. Shacklebolt:

I will be in Diagon Alley this coming Tuesday to attend to some personal business. I would be happy to drop by in the afternoon.


Harry Potter


Harry woke early that Tuesday. He had two meetings today and he was not sure what to expect. Blearily, he reached for his glasses and put them on. Ron looked peaceful and was snoring loudly.

Harry got up from his cot and looked through his rucksack for a clean towel and headed for the loo. Ten minutes later, he was back in the room and dressed for the day. Or at least, he tried to. All he found that still fit him was a pair of Muggle jeans and an old Weasley jumper. He was glad that he had the black robes he had Kreacher obtain for him for the funerals held weeks before.

Mrs. Weasley was already busy making breakfast when Harry entered the kitchen.

“Good morning, Mrs. Weasley.”

“Good morning, Harry. Busy day today?”

“Yes. Lots to do today.”

“I heard. Eat up.” Molly served him a plate of toast, baked beans, and hashers.

“Thank you.”


As Harry walked up the stairs leading to the doors of Gringotts, he thought about his first visit accompanied by Hagrid all those years ago. How different things were then.

He knocked on the door and a Goblin Harry did not recognize answered.

“You are not allowed inside the bank anymore. Leave now!”

Harry hesitated. “Ummm… Griphook is expecting me. He made arrangements for my visit today. Maybe you can check with him,” he said expectantly.

Just then, Bill arrived at the steps. “I am sorry, Slate, but Griphook did ask Harry to come in this time to discuss his account. I’m sure additional security arrangements had been made to ensure there will be no problems during the visit.”

Slate nodded and let Harry and Bill through.

“Very well, Mr. Potter. Please wait inside the room third from the left wall. Griphook should arrive momentarily.”

“Errr… Thank you.”

“I’ll wait with you until Griphook arrives then, Harry.”

Three minutes later, Griphook entered the room carrying quite a few folders filled with parchment.

“Ah, Mr. Potter, Mr. Weasley. Thank you for coming.”

“Good morning, Griphook. Now that you are here, I shall leave Harry with you. Harry, I’ll see you at the Burrow soon.”

Harry shook Bill’s hand and gave him a one-armed hug. “Yeah, see you soon.”

As soon as Bill closed the door behind him, Griphook cleared his throat and said, “Mr. Potter, shall we begin?”

Harry nodded and sat on the sofa opposite Griphook. “Call me Harry, please.”

“Very well, Harry. I had arranged for this meeting with you so that we could discuss your financial standing with the Gringotts. I have here several folders for your vaults with us.”

“I am not sure I understand, Mister, err…, Griphook. I mean I have my vault and the key to the vault. I haven’t really touched my vault the last year or so. I think I still …”

Griphook cut him off. “No, Harry. I don’t think you understand. The vault which you have a key with is the trust fund your parents set up for your use while in Hogwarts. When you turned seventeen, you had stood to gain access to the rest of the Potter fortune and the Black estate as well. But because of extenuating circumstances last year, we decided to hold off discussions until the situation was more stable.”

Griphook opened the first folder and handed Harry a stash of parchment.

Potter Trust Vault
Current Balance as of August 15, 1998
286,000 Galleons
25,982 Sickles
18,899 Knuts
Applicable interest rate is 5% per annum.

“As you can see, Harry, you still have a substantial balance left in your trust vault.”

Harry had a gob smacked look painted on his face. All these years, he had never really asked for an accounting of his trust vault. He wasn’t really extravagant in his spending and at the back of his mind, he had expected that he would need to make the gold last as long as possible.

Griphook opened a second folder and handed Harry a second parchment.

It read:

Black Estate Vault
Current Balance as of August 15, 1998
30,685,921 Galleons
590,341 Sickles
809,035 Knuts
Applicable interest rate is 6% per annum.
Various magical trunks containing Jewelry, paintings, suits of armor, and personal items estimated to be worth 35,000,000 Galleons if sold at market price today.

In addition, the Black estate owns five parcels of land, one of which is Unplottable at the moment. The other four are: a thirty-room country home in Bath, a cottage in Plymouth, a twenty-room manor in Manchester, and a four-story flat in Liverpool.

Harry knew that the Black estate was substantial but it still surprised him.

A third parchment was handed over. Harry presumed it to contain a summary for the Potter estate.

Potter Estate Vault
Current Balance as of August 15, 1998
21,984,366 Galleons
126,904 Sickles
95,348 Knuts
Applicable interest rate is 6% per annum.
Various magical trunks containing Jewelry, paintings, suits of armor, and personal items valued at 28,000,000 Galleons if sold at market price today.

In addition, the Potter estate has a diversified stock portfolio; owning shares in various Magical and Muggle companies in several countries. Also part of the Potter estate are two properties: Potter Cottage and Potter Manor both in Godric’s Hallow.

“As you can see, Harry, you have substantial gold and holdings with us at Gringotts. Although our account managers such as myself try to take care of all our clients’ needs, we try to advise our clients to hire a separate financial manager. At present, it is I, Griphook, who has been standing as your financial manager. However, events that took place a few weeks back have prevented me to keep the position since.”

Harry cringed at the recollection. The Goblins probably mistrusts him more now than most wizards. He was, after all, the first person to successfully steal something from the vaults in 300 years and he actually did it under Griphook’s nose.

“I’m sorry about that. I believe that the Minister provided some sort of explanation for that incident.”

“Yes, yes. But for security purposes, we have to be strict.”

“Okay. Do I have to decide now? Will you be able to provide recommendations for trustworthy financial managers?”

“No, you don’t have to decide immediately. But it should be soon. I will send a list along to Mr. Weasley if you like. You can go over the recommendations at your leisure.”

“Good. Thank you very much.”

Harry left the front steps Gringotts in a daze. ‘What will he do with all that gold?’ However, his day was just beginning. He still had a meeting with Kingsley.

Harry directed himself towards the Leaky Cauldron and entered the pub unmindful of the other patrons inside. He headed towards the bar and ordered a cold butterbeer to calm himself down. As soon as he finished his bottle, he paid for his drink and asked to use the Floo.

Soon enough, Harry appeared at the Ministry Atrium and walked into the direction of the Minister’s office. He entered the outer office and was greeted by Penelope Clearwater.

“Hello, Mr. Potter. The Minister has been expecting you. Please take a seat while I announce you.”

Penelope smiled at Harry before getting up and letting herself through the door behind her desk.

Almost instantaneously, Harry heard footsteps inside. The door opened and the familiar booming voice was heard.

“Harry, thank you for coming.”

Kingsley Shacklebolt held out his hand to give Harry a handshake. It was a very firm and enthusiastic handshake in Harry’s experience. He did not even notice that Kingsley’s other arm was also extended to pat his shoulder a couple of times.

“My pleasure, Minister Shacklebolt,” Harry demurred.

“Nonsense, Harry. We go way back. Call me Kingsley.”

“Errr… okay, Kingsley. What can I help you with?”

Kingsley nodded. ‘Ah, straight to business.’ “Come on, let’s go inside my office.” Kingsley ushered Harry inside his office. Harry looked around the interim Minister’s office. Except for the very large table and chair for the Minister’s use, a filing cabinet behind the desk, and two visitors’ chairs, there were no other furniture inside the office. Well, maybe except for the portrait whose duplicate hangs in the Muggle Prime Minister’s office.

“Please sit, Harry.”

Harry saw that Kingsley pointed to one of the visitors’ chairs. Surprisingly, to Harry at least, Kingsley sat on the other visitors’ chair opposite Harry.

“Now, I am aware of your dislike of the Ministry as a whole in the past years. There is nothing I can do to undo the past. I would very much like for you to hear what I have to say and then you decide what your next action would be.”

“Fair enough.” Harry replied and nodded for Kingsley to continue.

“You may have heard of rumors that are circulating that you are to receive the Order of Merlin First Class…”

Harry moved to interrupt. However, Kingsley had anticipated this and therefore raised his hand to quiet Harry and continued, “In clarification, it is not only you who is expected to receive an award. Those who had participated would all be acknowledged including some to be given posthumously. What you might not know is that the Ministry had seized all vaults of all known Death Eaters. The Goblins had been surprisingly cooperative in this regard. Now, the proceeds of these seizures would be distributed to the victims of the wars as well as to the heroes of the wars.

You, Harry, are expected to receive a substantial amount being both a hero and a victim of the war. You suffered more losses than most and made many sacrifices. I urge you to accept as a token of the Ministry’s gratitude and regrets. We do not mean for your losses and sacrifices to be alleviated with the monetary payment. It is just that what the Ministry can offer to you. I expect your friends and loved ones can offer more of what you might need.

You do not have to decide now, if it comes to that. Take a few days and let me know. The Order of Merlin awards will be a public ceremony lest you forget. I sincerely hope you can attend.”

“I will not take too much of your time,” Kingsley said as he stood up. He took a piece of parchment that was inserted in a folder that was on top of the desk and handed it to Harry.

Harry took the parchment and said, “Ummm… okay, I’ll get back to you.”

A soft knock was heard and Penelope opened the door and brought some parchment for Kingsley to sign.

“Penelope, would you mind escorting Mr. Potter here to the door?”

“I’m sorry Harry but I have some matters to attend to.”

“Don’t worry, I know my way around.” Harry said with a smile.

Back to index

Chapter 2: Chapter 2

Author's Notes: Here's a new chapter.

Harry wandered around the corridors of the Ministry, seemingly lost after he had stepped out of the Minister’s office. He had read the parchment that the Minister handed to him. It listed the known Death Eaters including assets seized.

Malfoy, Lestrange, Crabbe, Goyle, McNair, Yaxley, Dolohov, Carrow, Pettigrew, …

The list went on. Gringotts vaults taken over. Houses and mansions raided. Dark objects confiscated. ‘The Ministry is more thorough this time,’ Harry thought. But something caught his eye at the back of the parchment.

… The next of kin/heir will receive a share of the assets seized. For those without either, the proceeds will go to the Ministry and would be used in the reconstruction effort…

Harry Potter — James Potter, Lily Potter, Sirius Black, Regulus Black, and Severus Snape

Harry stopped midstep as he read off the names. Snape! What did he have to do with this?!?

No sooner than that thought, somebody bumped into Harry. “Sorry, I didn’t see you there, Harry.”

Harry looked up to see Arthur Weasley. It was a welcome sight for Harry. A friendly face was what he needed at the moment.

“Hello, Mr. Weasley. Do you have time now? Maybe we could go and get some tea.” Arthur looked at Harry sternly expecting him to ask permission for something that had to do with Ginny. He had hoped that it did not come so soon. Arthur nodded his consent and followed Harry out.

Harry led Mr. Weasley towards the Leaky Cauldron. He hadn’t had lunch yet and was quite hungry at the moment. He waited for Arthur to settle in and waited for their orders to arrive before asking his first question. “Mr. Weasley, Ron mentioned way back that the Weasley family was related to a Muggle accountant. Do you still keep in touch with that relative?”

Arthur could not help himself but laugh when Harry had finished. He was so relieved even as Harry looked at him quizzically.

“Sorry about that Harry. An old man’s foolishness. Won’t happen again soon, I hope.”

Harry nodded for Arthur to go on.

“Well, to answer your question, we haven’t been in touch lately. I’m afraid we did not invite them to attend Bill and Fleur’s wedding. You knew how it was. It was difficult times. I could make some inquiries for you if you tell me why you need an accountant.”

Harry proceeded to tell Arthur his conversations with Griphook and Kingsley. Arthur listened quietly, letting the young adult unburden himself.

“Well, Harry, I can offer you some advice, if that is what you are looking for. You definitely need a good financial manager. You have your whole future ahead of you. It would be good if you have it managed well. I’ll try to write our cousin and see if he can help.

I suggest that you think about what career you want to pursue once you finish Hogwarts. Do you want to work or start a business? Do you plan to get married soon? Where do you want to live? I understand both the Potter and Black estates include large real estate holdings. You might want to take advantage of that. All these things would directly impact your discussions with your financial manager.”

“I am not sure what I want to do after Hogwarts. I was thinking about something to do with flying and Quidditch. I‘d rather not have anything to do with dark wizards at the moment. I’ll leave that to Kingsley and the Ministry, for the time being. As for getting married, well… I, we, … I haven’t talked to Ginny yet.”

Harry whispered the last sentence, avoiding Arthur’s gaze altogether. He and Ginny had gotten back together the day after the battle. She had found him sleeping in the boy’s dormitories inside Gryffindor Tower and she just never left his side until it was time to leave for the Burrow. They had agreed to take things slowly and not rush into things. They had all the time in the world.

But the parchment from Kingsley was a stark reminder of how little family left he really had. He wanted his own family but it was too soon. Then, an idea formed in his mind. A smile emerged from his frowning face. He would need time to execute that one.

Arthur cleared his throat in an attempt to jolt Harry back to his presence. He, of course, knew what could make Harry space out and then smile in the end. His little girl had grown up to love and inspire the young man before him. He was glad they had survived the war and could fully live out their lives maybe together. He hoped they would, anyway.

Harry heard Mr. Weasley clear his throat and smiled sheepishly.

“I was also thinking about renovating Grimmauld Place and making it more livable. Now that the Ministry had cleared it of dark objects, it would be much easier to do a little re-decorating. I think Kreacher could help me out. Maybe I could ask Ginny for some ideas as well. I’d probably not touch the other houses in the meantime though I won’t bear to sell them off either. After all, they are all I have of my family, all I can ever learn of them.”

“You forget that you have us, Harry. We may not be related by blood. But you are my son. I’ve always been proud of you. And despite the challenges you had to face while growing up, I am proud to see the young man you have grown to be.

And what about Teddy and Andromeda? Aren’t they family, too?”

Harry blushed at his forgetfulness. He was glad he was talking to Mr. Weasley. Mr. Weasley had always given him sound advice. Today was no exception.

“I have another question, if you don’t mind Mr. Weasley.”

“Ask away, Harry. I’ll do my best.” Arthur said to Harry, giving him a radiant smile.

“Well, sir, remember me literally bumping into you at the Ministry? I was reading the parchment Kings…, Minister Shacklebolt handed to me. Why would Severus Snape be included in my list? I could understand Regulus since Sirius left everything to me. But Snape?”

Arthur was also puzzled by the question Harry posed. The full explanation of Snape’s motivations had come to light at the end of the war. He agreed that Severus was one of the bravest men he had ever met. But it was saddening to know that he never gotten to know who the real Severus was. All those years of hiding and secrets… Such sacrifice. And Arthur respected that, if nothing else.

“I’ll ask around and see what I can come up with. Is that okay with you?”

“Yes. Thank you.”

“I should get going, Harry. There is much to do these days at the Ministry. See you at home.”

Harry waved goodbye to Mr. Weasley. But he wasn’t heading home yet. He still had his idea to implement. So he left through the back door of the Leaky Cauldron and headed for Diagon Alley.


When Harry got back, he went directly up to Ron’s room to clean up. He noticed that there were a few more letters that he had not gotten around to open. Harry reached down his cot and opened one of the more official-looking letters. It was from the Offices of Fritzgerald and Munchkin.

Dear Mr. Potter:

We would very much like to request your presence at 10 in the morning of Wednesday, August the 19th to sort out some legal matters.

Yours truly,

Mandy Munchkin

Harry was curious about the letter but he figured he would find out soon enough. The meeting was set for tomorrow.


After dinner that evening, Harry invited Ginny out for a walk. He had not seen her or talked to her all day. He missed his time alone with her.

Tonight, the moon is almost nowhere to be seen and the small pond behind the garden was as black as the sky. Harry and Ginny had quietly made their way to sit near the pond. It was their favorite place to be alone. Ginny had noticed that Harry had preferred to listen in on the conversations around the dinner table that night even as Ron, Hermione, and Percy debated the various career options the Golden Trio had open to them.

Harry heard Ginny sigh and turned his face towards her. Her head was leaning on his shoulder as they sat facing the pond. Harry had his arm over her shoulder as he whispered, “So you really want to try out with the Harpies?”

“Uh huh. I’ve always loved to fly. It’s something I want to do. What about you?”

“I’ve been thinking about it, too. I talked to your Dad even.”


“Yeah, I thought he could give some good advice.”

“So what did he say?”

Harry shrugged. “I love Quidditch and I love to fly. But I do not think I can survive the fame if I ever join a team.”

“That’s true. But I am sure you can come up with something,” Ginny said thoughtfully. “How about flying instructor? You’re a good teacher,” she teased.


“You don’t want to be an Auror anymore?,” Ginny asked, concerned.

“I am not sure. I mean, I am still continuing my NEWT classes for Auror studies. But I don’t want to join the Auror corps immediately after I graduate. I need time away from dark lords and dark wizards. However, even though I defeated Voldemort does not mean there are no more dark lord wannabes out there. I’m torn of wanting to help Kingsley and …” Harry couldn’t finish. He didn’t want to sound selfish.

“Ginny, …”

“Yes Harry?”

“I was thinking of redecorating Grimmauld Place. I thought, … , well, …, “


“I thought that you might like to add some of your ideas. I mean it’s gonna be yours too someday. You might as well start now.”

Ginny’s mouth shaped a big O. Harry was glad it was dark out. He was sure he was blushing hard.

“That’s so thoughtful, Harry.” Ginny put her arms around Harry for a hug.

“I have stipulations, though.”


“No pink please.” Harry said as he smiled mischievously.

“Too right! No pink!”

“Come on, let’s go inside. It is getting late.”


Harry Flooed to the address of Fritzgerald and Munchkin at ten minutes before 10 in the morning. Harry tried not to let his curiosity get the best of him as he approached the secretary.

“Hello. I’m Harry Potter. I have an appointment with Mr. Munchkin at 10.”

The secretary had a scowl on her face as she looked up. “Ah, yes. Please take a seat. Mr. Munchkin will be right with you,” she said tersely.

Harry looked around the waiting area. The walls were of dark mahogany finish with a few portraits hung on them. Against the wall were two library armchairs that looked quite old. The upholstery was of tan leather. A small circular table piled with old volumes of Witch Weekly rounded off the small waiting area.

“Mr. Potter.”

Harry turned to see a young woman in her thirties wearing a deep purple robe and black square glasses. Her arm was extended, what Harry could discern anyway, a handshake. Harry shook her hand and offered a forced one-sided smile.

“I’m Mandy Munchkin. Come into my office, if you please.”

Harry followed her into the room.

“Please sit, Mr. Potter. Thank you for coming. We weren’t sure that you would attend the reading of the will.”

“Will? Whose will?”

“One Severus Snape. Now that you are here, we may begin.”

“Wait. Nobody else is coming?”

Mandy shook her head. She clear her throat, and began to read. “This is the last will and testament of Severus Snape…”


It turned out that Snape left everything to him. It was not much; Gringotts vault amounting to a under ten thousand Galleons, the house at Spinner’s End and everything in it plus a box full of letters and keepsakes. The surprising part was that the box of letters was the correspondences between Snape and Lily.

Harry felt that he needed time to go through the box uninterrupted. So, instead of heading to the Burrow, he apparated to Grimmauld Place. Almost immediately, he was greeted by Kreacher with a shallow bow.

“Welcome home, Master Harry.”

“Hello, Kreacher. But please drop the Master. Harry will do.”

“Are you hungry? I can prepare lunch.”

“Yes please,” Harry replied non-committally. He was more focused on the contents of the box that he brought back as he began dumping them onto the sofa.

He sorted them to letters, keepsakes, birthday cards, and Christmas cards. A copy of James’ and Lily’s wedding invitation was also among the items in the box. The whole box was about the friendship of Snape and Lily. The one true thing in Severus Snape’s life.

Several things whirred inside Harry’s mind. All the losses, the pain and the suffering in both wars. Maybe he could make a difference.


Meanwhile, back at the Burrow, Molly Weasley was spending the afternoon cleaning the Burrow. There was very little to clean these days. Most of the children were no longer living there. Only Ron, Ginny, and Harry were left. George would sometimes stop by. The rest of the clan had their own houses.


Molly turned towards the clock to see who had come home unexpectedly. She saw that it was Arthur. “Arthur! Such a surprise!”

Arthur walked into the living area to give his wife a hug and a kiss on the cheeks. “Hello, Molly.”

“Have you had lunch yet? I have shepherd’s pie in the oven and some crisps prepared.”

Arthur smiled. Even though the kids had grown and moved out, Molly still prepared every meal expecting everyone to drop by at some point. “Of course, dear. I’d love some. Tea also, if you don’t mind.”

Molly patted Arthur over his heart. “It’ll be ready in a few.”

Arthur followed Molly into the kitchen and sat in his usual place. “Harry back yet?”

“No he hasn’t been back yet. Anything the matter?”

“Well, Harry and I bumped into each other yesterday after his visit with Kingsley. He was surprised at something and asked me if I knew anything about it. I asked around today and I just wanted to tell him what I learned.”


“Molly, you know I can’t tell you. Not yet anyway. It’ll be better if it came from Harry.”

“Alright. Eat up now,” as Molly handed her husband a plate piled with food.


“Thank you for seeing me on such short notice, Minister.”

“Harry, call me Kingsley.”

“Kingsley,… remember the lip of paper you gave me two days ago?”

“Of course. What do you think?”

“Well, I have an idea.”

“Let’s hear it then.”

"I agree to the idea of the awards. ALL those who fought should be acknowledged somehow. I will leave the mechanics up to the Ministry. If you need me to attend the ceremony, just tell me when and where."

Kingsley nodded. He was glad that Harry agreed to the awarding ceremony. There would have been a public uproar had the Ministry not acknowledged Harry from saving them from Voldemort.

“Uh… The gold seized from the vaults of the known death eaters, rather than arbitrarily distribute compensation to heirs or next of kin, should be used to establish a foundation that would run schools, foster homes, and orphanages. The idea is so that no wizarding child will be brought up neglected in the muggle world. Tom Riddle a.k.a. Voldemort might have not turned bad had things been different for him. Besides, there will be a lot of orphans after all our losses in the last war. We should be looking into the future and taking care of the future generation rather than looking back. We fought the war for them after all.”

Kingsley sat in his chair dumbfounded. He almost did not recognize the young man sitting before him. “The Chosen One” had come very far.

“Alright, Harry. It is indeed a very good alternative. Any suggestions on who will run the foundation?’

Harry grinned mischievously. “I haven’t really ironed out any details but I think I should leave that to the one who is going to run the foundation. And besides, you’re going to be the one to ask her.”

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Chapter 3: Chapter 3

Author's Notes: This is the third and final chapter of the story. It took me days to decide how I wanted the story to progress. Work has been hectic leaving me little time to myself. I guess this is the reason most stories take a while to update. But the challenge has a deadline that I would like to meet.

Happy reading!


Harry arrived late at the Burrow having flooed from Grimmauld Place. He had to look over the orphanage this week before things got hectic for him. The orphanage had been progressing well. Wizarding children orphaned mostly from the war and had no other magical relatives were welcomed with open arms at Grimmauld Place.

Life at the Grimmauld orphanage was almost like being adopted into a very large magical family especially when Molly Weasley is around. The children had their assigned chores although the house elves still bustled around. Yes, house elves. Kreacher often came around Grimmauld Place because he could not stand leaving the house to any other house elf. The house still belonged to the Ancient Noble House of Black/Potter. Winky and Kreacher would bicker and hit each other with pots and pans at times when Kreacher thinks Winky is not making enough effort to keep the house in order. In fairness to Winky, this house is now an orphanage; with many children living here, the house could never be one hundred percent tidy all the time. But Kreacher would hear none of that. That morning was one of those days so that Harry had to make a quick trip over there to placate the two before they tore the house down. The children living there, on the other hand, were quite excited that a living legend, an Order of Merlin First Class reciepient, the Chosen One, the…. (you get the picture) were under the same roof as they were. Of course, their excitement made them forget that the house did belong to Harry, which once they remembered, will get them all the more excited again.

Harry shook off the soot and dust that clinged to his robes and looked around to see if he was the last one to arrive. He could already hear Molly in her element behind the kitchen door. She was giving instructions to her daughter and daughters-in-law on the various things that needed to be done. The cooking frenzy was in honor of his twenty-third birthday. They will have a small party where some friends and family would be coming over to help him celebrate. Looking back to the summer before his last year at Hogwarts when he got the ball rolling on making his plans happen. Those days seem so long ago. He was glad that summer happened for him. It gave him direction.

And yet, Harry was being sentimental of that summer five years ago for a totally different reason. It was that summer when Harry went around shopping for a promise ring for Ginny. They were too young then to get married then. It was a simple ring — an emerald mounted on a platinum band. Now that Harry is turning 23, he thought they had waited long enough. He just hoped that Ginny agrees. It was an exasperating last three weeks for Harry. Opportunities keep slipping past him so that he could propose properly to the redheaded beauty. If it wasn’t the Auror office, it was the Harpies’ schedule that kept interfering. Crossing his fingers, he hoped he could succeed in proposing tonight. He could no longer stand the burning hole the ring box was making inside his robes. He had found the ring in his vaults years before when he had inventory done for all his vaults. It had belonged to his great-great-great (he wasn’t really sure how many greats it was) grandmother. The ring itself was stunning if he could say so himself — a rare round red diamond surrounded by four leaf-shaped clear diamonds. He hoped Ginny would love the ring.

Harry headed out to the garden where the dinner party was most likely to take place. Stepping out, he noted that Hermione Granger-Weasley was directing the Weasley men except for Percy to arrange the decorations as well as the tables and chairs that they would be needing for tonight. Percy was assigned to babysitting duties instead. It was hilarious to see that Percy had no control of the 5 Weasley children he was assigned to, even his own daughters. Harry was already letting his imagination run wild to the things that could happen after Teddy arrives.

Teddy was growing up fast. Harry wasn’t a bit worried. The world was now safer for kids like him. Harry made sure and tries to everyday. The only thing that Harry worries nowadays concerning Teddy was how to tell Andromeda that Teddy has a trust fund waiting for him when he starts his schooling at Hogwarts. He had set that up to cover Hogwarts and whatever apprenticeship Teddy wants to enter. Andromeda though appreciates Harry helping out financially did not think he needed to help her or Teddy at all. The posthumous Order of Merlin awards intended for Remus and Tonks had monies included and Andromeda had been very careful in spending them. She had most of them put away and invested wisely with the same financial manager as Harry’s. Mr. Baldorf was very adept in handling their finances and making very good recommendations that made good returns. It would be more than enough.

Harry got to thinking the progress of the Weasley brood.

Bill and Fleur still worked at Gringotts though Bill accepts short-term curse-breaker jobs from his employers once in a while. He says he misses the continuous adventures but he doesn’t think it compares how he misses his wife and kids if he goes away for work.

Charlie is still a bachelor married to his dragons. He is the one Molly worries on most these days. Most importantly, Charlie is the one Molly keeps dropping hints on to get settled down already.

Percy never handed his letter of resignation after declaring his to Thicknesse during the Battle of Hogwarts. Kingsley had other plans for him. Percy was knowledgeable with the Ministry and its laws and with his eyes now open to the truth, was very helpful in making things happen faster within the Ministry. It was Percy who made Harry’s plans happen in so short a time.

George continued to expand the WWW empire, if they could call it that. These days, however, he keeps lacking the time to spend with his new family. Now that Angelina had given birth, George wanted to spend more time at home. He hopes that he can finally convince Ron to become his partner in the business. Surely, now that Ron is married and more money could be earned from the “empire” would be enough reason. He had already talked to their silent “partner” and Harry did not voice any objections in having Ron as a partner in WWW. Nor did Harry object in losing Ron as an auror. Family had always come first for Harry.

Ron, who had wizened up and married Hermione last year, still couldn’t be convinced to join WWW. He felt that he was abandoning Harry. He had always promised to be by his side whenever Harry had to fight dark wizards. Fieldwork was dangerous but the duo of Harry and Ron had always prevailed. With George’s offer, Ron was keeping his options open by training his “replacement” with everything in his arsenal. If he chose to leave, he would sleep better knowing that Harry’s new auror partner was the best he could give him. If he chose to stay, the auror department had a very good new recuit. Hermione, on the other hand, had continued to dedicate herself to the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures. She was already making some headway with Kingsley’s support and Percy’s advice. She knew Ron would want children someday so she needs to make serious breakthroughs before that time. She would not want to shortchange her kids with her time.

The Weasley brood had each received a fine sum of Galleons along with their Order of Merlin Awards Second Class. They were wise enough not to spend them all frivolously except for the purchase of two Quidditch teams’ worth of the latest Firebolts. They, including Harry, had all pooled together their equal share to buy those brooms. It was a “necessary” purchase as they always had family “pick-up” games whenever they got together.

Molly Weasley brought about the most change in her routine since after the war. Tapped by Kingsley for the leadership role in the foundation, Molly found the strength to move on after Fred’s death by taking the reins of the foundation. She had so much love to give and the little ones would only lap it up.

True to his word, Kingsley used all the seize Galleons to establish a school to provide for a brighter future for the younger generations. Harry found several Ravenclaw graduates to willing help establish a day school for children not yet eligible for the standard wizarding school. Harry wanted the school established so that muggle-borns were integrated earlier into the wizarding world to bridge the gap of ignorance between different ancestries. Teddy had been invited to attend this school this coming September. Kingsley was saddened that Molly did not want to head up the foundation. She was the ideal mother hen — fiery but very loving. In the end, Harry had provided the surprising compromise.

The Malfoys were seated at the center as the Wizengamot court assembled. The last two weeks were hectic as testimony after testimony was given for both prosecution and defense. They were all stoic and never shown any outward emotions. Harry came in day 8 to give his statement about the Malfoys. He tried to temper his bias against the Malfoy family against the help they had provided in defeating Voldemort. In the end, Lucius was still sent to Azkaban for fifteen years. Draco and Narcissa were spared of that fate but were sentenced to each serve 5000 hours of community service.

The foundation was a lot of work and Molly Weasley needed help — a lot of full-time help. Imagine her surprise when Narcissa Malfoy came knocking at her door and offer her services. Molly was hesitant to accept her help and had to consult Arthur before obliging. It was a good call on her part. Narcissa was an outstanding assistant especially with dealing with the oversight committees of the foundation. The years helping her husband in his Ministry dealings paid off.

“Hello, handsome. Knut for your thoughts.”

Ginny had been busy training hard with the Harpies for the last eight weeks. Before that, the team had been constantly touring for the last nine months. She hadn’t had much time spent with Harry. She was worried that he might resent that she had not been spending enough time with him.

Unknown to Ginny, Harry was glad that she had been spending so much of her time with the team. With Grimmauld Place being taken over by the orphanage, Harry decided to take his abode in Godric’s Hollow instead. He had been redecorating like crazy the past four months. It was a surprise for Ginny. The ideas were all hers after all since Grimmauld Place was lent to the orphanage. Ginny could not bear to throw away her research so Kreacher kept them in the attic. That foresight allowed Harry to redecorate Godric’s Hollow to Ginny’s tastes without her ever knowing.

The house was finished last Tuesday. Ginny’s design ideas made for the open kitchen concept beside the dining area. She had grown up with her mother trying to feed everyone and it had rubbed off on her. Her designs allowed for a spacious kitchen work area with a lot of counter space for people trying to help. Harry even bought the latest Muggle appliances and made them run with magic. Even if Ginny would not appreciate them, he was already sure that they were the best four months for Arthur.
He had helped Harry convert them. Harry had bought two of everything. One for Arthur to tinker and one to install. The shed behind the Burrow was certainly filled up now. The Manor had a large living room to accommodate the family and the fifteen bedrooms were bold and airy. The library housed many old texts that made Hermione hyperventilate every time she thinks about the place. The regulation Quidditch pitch at the back of the house would make Ron want to stay there forever.

Harry was startled out of his reverie. He followed the seductive voice to see that Ginny had come from behind him to wrap her arms around him.

“Hello, beautiful,” Harry replied, twisting his neck to give her a peck on the cheek. He reached for her hand and intertwined his fingers with hers. “Let’s go for a walk.”

Ginny nodded and pulled at Harry and usher him towards her favorite spot by the pond. Harry was nervous now and he tried to muster as much Gryffindor courage as he could.

He cleared his throat and started the lines he rehearsed, “Ginny, you know that it’s always been you — the one who inspires me to wake up in the morning, the one who gives me the spring in my steps, the one who makes me want to be the best man I can be. You’re my everything. Would you give me the honor and be my wife?”

With that, he knelt down on one knee and produced the velvet ring box. Ginny gasped as soon as she saw the ring. The red and white diamonds sparkled in the early evening sun. Tears began to form in Ginny’s eyes. She had waited for this proposal from Harry for so long.

Ginny nodded and whispered a soft “yes” to Harry.

Harry smiled and stood from his kneeling position. He took the ring out of its box and reached for Ginny’s hand and helped her put on the ring. The next thing he knew, he and Ginny were sharing a searing and passionate kiss.

“Hem hem…”

Hermione tried her best Dolores Umbridge impersonation.

Ginny just rolled her eyes refusing to stop. Harry waved one arm trying to shoo Hermione away. They clearly did not want to be disturbed.

“Come on, guys. Molly is asking for everyone to come to the table already. The roasted crown of pork ribs are going to be gone in three seconds with every Weasley being here. And if we don’t show up in one minute, I don’t think even Molly can stop them.”

Harry and Ginny had to concede. After all, nobody could come between the Weasleys and their food. They turned and started toward the house. Harry put his arm around Ginny as she leaned her head on Harry’s shoulder. They could see the children running around with Percy still desperately trying to make them take their seats. Molly was waving her wand around as plate after plate of food hovered over the long table. The boys’ arms were full of cold butterbeers and pitchers of pumpkin juice. Everything was ready for Harry’s birthday party.

Harry looked over his shoulder and found the person he was looking for. Hermione was still behind them. He waved her over.

“Hey slow poke! You’re the last one!”

With that, Hermione came running.

Everything was as it should be.

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Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters and settings are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. No money is being made from this work. No copyright infringement is intended.

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