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Hopscotch - Missing Moments 2
By Mirloc

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Category: Alternate Universe
Characters:All, All
Genres: Comedy, Drama, General
Warnings: Extreme Language, Violence
Story is Complete
Rating: R
Reviews: 2
Summary: Second in a series of missing pieces to the Hopscotch story, where more background and filler is given to the characters.
Hitcount: Story Total: 4024

Disclaimer: Harry Potter Publishing Rights © J.K.R. Note the opinions in this story are my own and in no way represent the owners of this site. This story subject to copyright law under transformative use. No compensation is made for this work.

Author's Notes:
I do not own the characters, situations, or even my cat (who apparently dislikes any mark of ownership) however, I do rather feel attacked the to one letter words in the story. Harry Potter and that series of characters are owned by the money gathering minions of J.K.R., She owns half of England, whereas I I own a Jeep - get the difference?


“Have you ever seen anything so wonderful?” The man spoke in a hushed heavily accented voice.

“No Viktor, I haven't.” Harry Potter admitted sliding the jeweled dagger back into the black bag.

“So now what Harry, do we duel for the dagger?” There was a hint of humor as Harry Potter and Viktor Krum stood in the stinking alley in Düsseldorf, Germany.

“No.” Harry said shaking his head. “I was supposed to keep it out of the hands of the — what are they calling themselves these days?”

“Sons of Voldemort.” Krum replied.

“Right. Those right bastards.” He tied the bag shut and tossed it to Viktor. The ex-seeker snatched the bag out of the air, and slid it into his jacket. Harry watched it with interested eyes. “I will say this Viktor, I always regretted not playing you in Quidditch.”

The Bulgarian nodded. “It would have been a fine game I am sure Harry.” He half turned. “Our business is complete then?”

Harry nodded. Viktor completed his turn and vanished. Harry shook his head and smiled, straightening his arm, he slid the real dagger from his sleeve, and placed it carefully in a second black bag which he stowed in his own inner pocket. Viktor was a damned clever man, but a sucker for the dark alley.

He returned to his hotel room, packed his bag and was gone long before Viktor's enforcer showed up to search the now vacant room. Harry Potter was already in his office in Langley, Virginia filling out the paperwork to have the dangerous artifact stored in one of the Smithsonian's Dangerous Magical Devices vaults.

He finished packing the dagger in a small wooden crate, carefully tagged it, and took it down to the Evidence Room. “Hey Chuck.” Harry said walking in.

“Mr. Potter, a pleasure as always.” The large man said smiling at Harry. “So what goodies do you have for me today?”

“Dagger of Amon-Ra.” Harry said laying down a thick stack of papers. “It's a maximum security item.”

Chuck nodded gravely, and began his spellwork to prepare the crate for shipping. “Routine questions of course Mr. Potter. You are sure about the contents of the box?”

“Never left my possession since I recovered it.” Harry nodded.

“Right, looks like everything is in order.” The man finished sealing the box and slapped a metal disk to the box, touched it and the box vanished.

Harry left Evidence and entered his office looking over his calendar. He drew out a piece of paper and jotted on it for a few minutes until his phone rang. “Potter.” He answered hitting the speakerphone button, and continuing to write.

“Meeting of all European agents in fifteen Mr. Potter.” The young woman's voice said.

“Thanks Tiffany.” Harry said automatically, and released his line. He gathered a few file folders, and some other notes, and left his office heading for the conference room.

The eight agents currently working on Europe were all present, and a newcomer was there as well. No doubt fresh from Salem or MIT&T. Harry frowned even as few as eight agents placed Europe as very well covered. He glanced at his watch five minutes early, and sat looking over the new man. His face was average, he wasn't a heroic image, but then again the CIA wasn't known to recruit heroes. They wanted people who blended in. Even Harry when outside of England was no longer much of a celebrity, though it usually didn't take someone long to ask for an autograph on a Chocolate Frog card if he went out in public.

The Director entered the room. A quick look around and the woman smiled. “Potter on time for once, I'm pleasantly shocked.” A round of chuckles emanated from the other agents.

Harry flashed her a lopsided smile. “I finished the dagger case up early. So I figured I could put in a good showing.”

The director looked at Harry critically for a moment, and nodded. “I don't have much really just the usual. Once again the International Confederation has placed a ban on apparation. This time anything in excess of fifteen kilometers.”

Harry frowned. “Why tell us, it's not like I'm about to chase down someone for long distance apparation.”

She sighed. “This is to include all agents.” The eight field agents came to their feet all shouting at once.

“This is pure grade A bullshit!” Drawled Samuel Whithers an agent from Texas Harry had some dealings with. “How are we supposed to do out jobs if we can't even fucking apparate?”

“Actually for once, Sam has a point.” Robert Peterson said, the two were normally at loggerheads over just about anything and everything. “The one hundred kilometer restriction was bad enough, but this is ridiculous.”

“The word you are looking for Bob is 'Bullshit'.” Sam said.

The director held up her hand. “I am looking into dispensation licenses for all of you. Until then however, we have someone new to enlist into our ranks. I'd like you all to meet David Kenton. David will be shadowing one of you lucky, lucky gentlemen.”

Harry eyed the aging woman warily, he didn't like how this sounded. “Why is someone getting a shadow, normally that is a precursor to a desk job.”

“It is indeed Mr. Potter.” She slid a file folder his way. “Congratulations Potter. You are the new department head of the European arm.”

“Bloody hell!” Harry snatched up the folder and glared at it. “This is so unfair. Sam has more years than I do!”

“Don't go dragging my name into this son.” Sam slid a touch further away from Harry, as if he had some dread disease.

Harry looked at each agent in turn and none could look him in the eye. “Oh, I see — you were all in on this weren't you? Bloody yank bastards every last one of you.”

“Look Harry.” The always smiling Terry Jones said. “It's like this man, everywhere you go over there they know who you are, it's like working with James Bond or something. It's nothing personal, I just don't see how you can continue much longer as a field agent.”

Harry sulked the rest of the meeting. Five times he seriously considered quitting, but this job was all that kept him in the States, and away from Ginny.

They had worked together several times, it had come as a shock to him that she was a hit witch for InterPol, not so much that her as a hit witch surprised him really, nor even that she was not only good at it, but seemed to enjoy the work, but that they were so good together.

“Potter, take Kenton under wing. I expect him ready to work on operations alone by the end of the year.” Her steel gray eyes bore into his own.

“Yes ma'am.” Harry muttered and left the room. It was a full three minutes before he looked up and saw Kenton following him. He sighed, and turned around. “Sorry, my foul mood should not beget bad manners. Harry Potter.” He extended his hand.

“David Kenton.” The man replied in a smooth voice.

The two talked as they continued to Harry's office, when they got there, the window had been changed to H. Potter — European Theater Dept. Head, and under it David Kenton — European Theater Trainee. Harry sighed and opened the door, the office was twice the size it had been when he left, and a second desk put into the office.

Harry sat at his desk, David placed his briefcase on his own and looked about the rather spartan office. “You don't — um, I would have thought...” Harry looked up from the paper he was reading. David's voice died out.

“You would have thought what, exactly?” Harry asked the young man.

“Well, I mean you are Harry Potter.” He said by way of explanation.

“Well I suppose, yes I am.” Harry leaned back and rubbed his temples hoping that this Kenton fellow wasn't a Harry Potter groupie.

“You defeated Voldemort.” David said in a slightly hushed and awed voice.

“Yes, I did.” Harry nodded. “At least three times, six if you count duels to a standstill where I got away.” Harry was tired, he'd been operating on adrenaline and caffeine for three days now.

David looked at him and said. “So why did you let the girl get away?”

Harry shook his head and said “Wh- what did you just say?”

“I said 'how in the world did you get away?'” David looked concerned for a moment.

“Sorry, I've been running a bit light on sleep. I think I'm going to go kip a bit, I'll see you tomorrow.” Harry tossed the folders into a drawer and locked it. “If anyone asks, I'm seeing a man about a horse.” Harry left the office. If he was lucky, David wouldn't be there the next day.

He walked to the alley and looked around to make sure no one was watching, and then prepared a spell that Dumbledore had taught him so many years ago from his Pensive. The scrolls marking the diapparations never even registered Harry Potter leaving Langley and arriving in the outskirts of Ottery St. Catchpole.

“Welcome home Harry dear, how was your day?” Molly asked as he let himself into the Burrow.

“Fine Mrs. Weasley.” He waved off the food she tried to press on him, and entered Percy's old room, shutting the door, he sealed it with a charm, laid in a heavy silencing charm, and slid his eyes shut. He woke up dismantled the charms and left quietly, vanishing the same way he had appeared. Near silently, and without disturbing the magical signatures of either country.

David Kenton entered his new office with trepidation. Harry Potter seemed at once far less than he was lead to believe, and yet at the same time so much more complex. Truly the man was a hero, and had done many marvelous things. Yet he seemed so relaxed, and casual about everything, as if taking on the strongest Dark Lord in decades had been a simple affair.

Rumors abounded of a Horcrux, some of the more wild rumors described several of them, but David hadn't believed even someone like Voldemort had purposefully fractured their soul more than once. He had read the censored accounts that were made unclassified, as every school kid in the past ten years had. But that didn't prepare him for the file he'd received last night. It had come to his desk in a blank folder, and inside was the unedited version of Harry's hunting of Voldemort, and it had torn apart his image of Harry Potter.

He hadn't gone after Voldemort alone, all accounts were he traveled with a Mundie born and a Magical born with Harry himself being a mutt, or as they were known in England a 'Muggle-Born, Pureblood and a Halfblood'. David was born to a magical family himself, tracing a magical lineage far before his family emigrated from England in the 1800's.

To David's surprise it appeared Harry was already here. A cup of some hot beverage, he assumed it was some form of tea, though the reports said Harry had been on a potion to relieve pain from intense nerve damage due to prolonged crutiatus exposure.

Harry entered the office, and David noticed several things. The suit was almost, but not quite the exact same one he'd worn yesterday, and Harry had been to the bathroom, so he'd been awake at least an hour or so.

He watched Harry sit and rifle through his folders for ten minutes before he got up the nerve to speak. “Someone left me a file last night.”

Harry didn't even slow down. “Mhmm.” He wrote on the file he was working on with a quill as if nothing had been said. “Was it at least interesting?” He asked again not moving his head one bit from looking at the files.

“Quite. It was the unedited version of what happened during the Dark War.” David said hoping to get a reaction out of Harry.

“And why, do you speculate, would someone release that file to you?” Harry asked, still not looking at David.

“Originally, I figured it had been someone on the team trying to let me know the things you wouldn't tell me, but then it occurred to me, exactly twelve people could have handed that file to me and only one of them works here.” David's eyes had not strayed from Harry.

“You don't know that for a fact.” Harry responded, not reacting to the news.

“No, but I do know you work here, and you would have access to the file.”

“True, but why would I present you with that information?”

“Because I asked.” David said somewhat triumphantly.

Harry looked up, his face seemed weary, tired, and yet energized all at once. “Wrong.” Harry finished writing in the folder and closed it. “I released that file to you because it contains pertinent information on a case we are about to embark on. It is going to take a large chunk of time out of your life, and might possibly even require you to sacrifice that. As such, you deserve to go into this with your eyes open.” David's eyes widened and his jaw dropped. “Now then, first there's a cult of people who believe Voldemort was right in the persecution of muggles and muggle-born wizards and witches. They call themselves the 'Sons of Voldemort'.

“Their current modus is to use ritual torture and sacrifice, making it as bloody messy as they possibly can to add the horror element to the crime scenes. I have already contacted InterPol, and we will be accompanied by one of their top investigators.” Harry paused, and looked over at David. “Are you up for this David?”

The two agents left the office for the apparation point to Dulles Field Portkey Facilty. Harry flashed his badge and paperwork and the two took a hula-hoop to Paris. As they exited the room, a young woman with vibrant red hair greeted Harry with a hug and a friendly kiss on the cheek. “Hello Harry.”

David watched and his eyes caught several things. Their relationship was not what they wanted everyone to think it was. Her hand lingered on his arm much too long, and her eyes never left his except to flicker to David was they were introduced. “Virginia Von Kofft, this is David Kenton. David, Ginny and I attended Hogwarts together, she was a year behind me, and her family housed me most summers.”

David extended his hand. “It's a pleasure Mrs. Von Kofft. Though, I was sure Harry had spent his time with the Weasley family.” He eyed Ginny. “Unless, you are Ginny Weasley from the report...”

“Guilty as charged.” She said with laughter in her voice. “So has Harry been a bad boy recently and needs a chaperon now?”

“David is my replacement.” Harry looked at the ground in embarrassment.

Ginny,'s hand clutched at Harry's arm. “What? Why?” Her eyes narrowed and David could feel the power building inside the compact witch.

“Nothing like that.” Harry's hand covered hers easily, and his fingers brushed against the back of her hand in a calming motion. “Too many people know Harry Potter, so it's time he stopped playing field agent I guess.”

“That's bloody asinine Harry. I am so sorry.” Once again she held him, this time longer, and words were exchanged in whispers.

When they broke apart, Ginny swiped her eyes with the back of her hand, and her face had changed from soft and inviting to one of steel and resolve. “Right then, on to the Sons of Voldemort.” She handed Harry a packet. “This is all InterPol has on them, and it's not that much.”

“About the same as the yanks actually.” Harry handed Ginny a similar envelope. “Let's find someplace and play comparison.”

“I've...” Her eyes flickered to David. “There's a hotel not far from here. I have a room already.”

The three entered the hotel room Ginny was staying in, it wasn't tiny, but it wasn't extravagant either. Then he noticed the bed was a queen. “Must be nice, the CIA insists on us getting at most a double.” David said offhandedly.

Ginny looked at Harry and spoke again. “I took the liberty of using our normal cover, I didn't realize we'd have company.”

David raised his eyebrow. 'Normal cover?'

Harry smiled. “I actually have a plan for this. Ginny my dear, meet my personal assistant David.”

Ginny smiled. “That should work just fine. David, Harry and I work best with the image of being a couple. For this assignment I'm Jenny Avery, and this is my husband Paul. We are international traders of hard to find goods.”

“Smugglers?” David said shocked. “I know the Averys! We tracked their progress in the Academy!”

“Lies. The last Avery was slain in the Dark War by Harry.” Ginny said smiling. “He's a 'cousin' or something in the family tree we set up, and yes the identities do actually own a shipping industry that trades in more or less legal items.”

Ginny smiled. “Now, if you don't mind, I need to powder my nose, and I believe Harry needs to put on some weight.”

Harry groaned, and removed his shirt and t-shirt revealing a toned, but not overly muscular frame. He added a belt that increased his weight by several kilos and changed his profile. He dug into his suitcase and pulled on a new t-shirt and button up shirt that fit his new frame. “Ah, Harry -” David started.

Harry raised his hand interrupting David. “It's Paul.”

“Right. Um Paul, what is it exactly you intend to accomplish with this?”

Ginny walked out of the room and took Harry's glasses, and placed them into a soft leather case. She then took out a cosmetic case, and ten minutes later Harry's jet black hair had streaks of white in it, and his face was several shades darker. Bright blue contact lenses had replaced his glasses, and his scar was covered up under the clever makeup of Ginny.

By contrast, Ginny now had rich brown hair and pale blue eyes. There was no doubt in David's mind, these two were the Averys. “And no one knows?” He asked the couple shocked by what he was hearing.

“The Avery cover was created by InterPol for us to use for joint missions, and frankly there have been a number of them.” Harry grabbed a glass and filled it with water. “When this assignment is over, the Averys will fly out of Paris on a private jet to a villa in southern Spain. There they will remain until we need cover again.”

Ginny smiled at David. “So what should your name be, David is generic enough it could come from anywhere. Let's say David Voort. You are an American, because we can't hide your terrible English, and you used to run one of our American interests, but now Paul and I have need of a personal assistant.” She nodded the cover done as far as she was concerned.

“Where will I stay then?” David asked.

“Paul will arrange for the room that connects to this one.”

Harry got up and picked up the phone, the tone of voice and the accent threw David completely. “This is Paul Avery, why hasn't my Personal Assistant been given the key to his room?” He demanded on the phone.

Ten minutes later a manager arrived. “Mr. Avery, I am so sorry, there was a mixup and the computer...”

Harry cut him off with an imperial wave of his hand. “No matter, just give us the key, and then you may leave.

The manager looked a bit worried. “That room is — well it's rented already.”

“Move them. My wife likes to make sure that David is readily available when she has need of him.” The manager looked at the three of them.

“Not like that you simple oaf. David attends to her business needs.” Harry scolded the man. “Besides he's a homosexual.” David nearly choked on his tongue. “It's not like it's a secret.” Harry said to the now red-faced agent.

The manager bowed. “I will do my best Mr. Avery.” And scuttled away.

The door closed and Ginny busted up laughing the hard face of Jenny Avery dissolved. “You fucking bastard!” David managed.

“What? We had to get you the room without any suspicions.” Harry said chuckling.

“Why do I have to be gay? Why can't I be banging Jenny while you are out?” David asked.

He was taken aback by the cold tone in Harry's voice. “If you ever say anything like that again, I'll be looking for a new replacement and you will be feeding the carrion scavengers.” David drew back from the power radiating from the man who had slain a Dark Lord.

“I — sorry.” He muttered and stood up. “I'll just go see if they have had any luck with my room....” David left.

Ginny took Harry's hand and kissed the palm. Then held him tight to her. “It's ok Harry honey, I'll make sure everything works out in the end ok?”

Harry nodded into her shoulder releasing pent up emotions and his anger soon filtered away. David returned to find Harry missing and Ginny waiting for him. He came into the room and started to speak when Ginny held up her hand. A quick wave of her wand and David felt the bubble of a sound suppression charm take effect. “David, how long have you known Harry?” Her voice was like velvet over a steel chain whip.

“A day, more or less.” He felt like a school kid again under her gaze.

“I have known Harry since I was ten. He has stayed at our family house over the summers and when he was released from the hospital following the defeat of Voldemort, the first place he went was to our house to see me. His friendship with Hermione and Ronald Weasley is exceedingly well documented in the files you claim to have read over. So how did you possibly miss the obvious hints that he had feelings for me?”

“But — I had assumed that if you had loved each other you'd get married, so it couldn't be that.”

Ginny shook her head. “Do not mistake one thing for another. I love Zach very much and he was there for me when I needed him. He provides me with a comfortable life, and does not interfere with my work.”

“And Harry?” David asked confused.

“There are not words Mr. Kenton to describe my feelings for Harry nor his for me.” Ginny stood and having come to a decision looked David in the eye. “Which is why I have come to a decision to tell you about myself and Harry. In return you will choose one of two paths. The first path is simple really. You take a wizard's oath and never speak to anyone other than myself or Harry about this.”

“And the second?” David asked eying Ginny.

“I kill you, and make it appear that you were a double agent from the beginning.”

David raised his wand and took the oath. “So, would you really have killed me?” He asked afterwards.

Ginny paused a moment and smiled softly. “David, I've taken the lives of over two dozen witches and wizards, what makes you think I was bluffing now?”

Harry returned a few minutes later and the three started planning a way to flush out the cult members...
Reviews 2

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