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Friends For Now
By Hedwiglover

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Category: Alternate Universe, Post-HBP
Characters:All, All
Genres: Angst, Drama, Romance
Warnings: Death
Story is Complete
Rating: PG-13
Reviews: 4
Summary: Harry feels horrible over Dobby's death. Ginny tries to make him feel better. Harry and Ginny make an agreement.
Hitcount: Story Total: 4625

Disclaimer: Harry Potter Publishing Rights © J.K.R. Note the opinions in this story are my own and in no way represent the owners of this site. This story subject to copyright law under transformative use. No compensation is made for this work.

Author's Notes:
Takes place right after Dobby's death. Ginny is staying with Bill and Fleur at that time so she gets to see Harry. I thought she'd ge a good comfort to him.


“Get help! Someone get help, quickly!” screamed Harry. He heard Ron’s hurried footsteps go running off toward Shell Cottage. Seconds later Bill and Ginny were next to him.

“He’s dead, Harry,” Bill said, gesturing to the bleeding elf in Harry’s arms.

After they buried Dobby they all went inside. They sat by the fire, hardly saying anything. Harry stared into the flames, watching them lick the logs, slowly burning them away. The flames were hypnotizing. They numbed him and left him in a kind a trance.

“Harry,” he heard a voice say as though it was a hundred miles away.

“What?” he said, blinking his eyes rapidly. It was Hermione that spoke,

“Harry, I think we should all go to bed, okay?”

“Yeah,” he said, not really thinking. The image of the dancing flames was still playing in his head. He was suddenly aware that he was extremely tired. He fell into a troubled sleep, full of dreams of scenes from the Malfoy’s mansion: Hermione being tortured, being shoved in that cold dungeon, seeing Luna looking so horribly, seeing Bellatrix throw her knife at them right as they were apparating away-

He awoke suddenly, breathing hard. He couldn’t sleep. He couldn’t face those nightmares; not now.

He left Ron snoring on the other bed, climbed slowly and quietly down the stairs, and slipped out the front door into the night. He went over and sat on the grass by Dobby’s grave, staring out at the sea. He was full of remorse for Dobby, the elf who helped Harry out ever since he was 12 years old. The elf that wanted so much to be free, and was finally released. The elf that nearly peed his pants with delight when Harry gave him his Christmas present of socks. The elf that was always loyal to Harry and had once told Harry that he would die for him rather than go against him. Well he was dead now, and he wasn’t coming back.

“I should be used to this by now,” Harry thought bitterly. He’d lost so many people already: His parents, Sirius, and Professor Dumbledore. He shouldn’t be so shocked to have another person that was close to him die. He was putting them all in danger by being with them, but he knew that Ron and Hermione wouldn’t leave him for anything; they’d already made that clear. He couldn’t go on risking the rest of their lives though. He, Ron, and Hermione would have to leave soon; continue on with their mission.

All of the sudden he felt a small warm hand touch his shoulder. He caught a whiff of flowery scent. Apparently Ginny had heard him sneaking down the stairs and had come out to investigate. His body tensed at her touched. Her soft trembling voice whispered,

“Harry…” He didn’t look at her. He couldn’t. That would just make his heart ache more. He couldn’t handle any more pain.

“Harry,” she repeated; firmer this time.

“What?” Harry said, still gazing out at the ocean.

“Harry, I…I missed you.”

He didn’t know what to say to this. He had missed her too of course. He’d been watching her dot on the Marauder’s Map every day since September the first; but he couldn’t tell her that. She knew that he couldn’t be with her; not with the risk of Voldemort looming over them. When he ignored this comment she went on,

“Every night when I’d go to bed I’d think of you. I couldn’t put you out of my mind, and I’ve decided,” she said, her voice getting firmer with each word, “that I don’t care how bloody noble that you’re trying to be, I can’t go on without you anymore.”

With that she flung herself into Harry’s lap, sobbing into his chest. Then before he could protest she was kissing him, and he kissed her back. He couldn’t control what he was doing. Then realization crashed over him like the waves against the rocks and he tore himself away from her.

“Ginny, stop. Stop!” he yelled and she ceased trying to pull his head back toward hers. The hurt look on her faced nearly killed him, but he knew that this was the only way he could keep her safe. “Ginny…” he said, tears welling up in his eyes, “We can’t do this, okay? We have to stop.”

“Why?” she said, giving him a piercing stare, “Because Voldemort might find out that you love me, because I’m too young to be putting myself at risk, because the only way for me to be safe is by staying the hell away from you?” She was screaming at him now, “Because in case you haven’t noticed, Potter, I’m not a little girl anymore. I can make my own decisions, take my own risks, and you can’t tell me what the bloody hell I can and can’t do!”

“Don’t you think I know that you’re not a little girl any more? Dammit, Ginny, don’t you get it? I can’t be with you because and can’t bear the idea of seeing you dead too.” Ginny opened her mouth to protest but Harry cut her off, “No, listen to me! I’ve been thinking of you non-stop ever since I left. I’ve been having nightmares of seeing you lying dead on the ground, and I can’t take it anymore” He was screaming at her now, tears falling down his face. “You think the only reason I’ve told you I can’t be with you is for your own protection? No! It’s been for mine! I can’t…bear the idea of you being…dead and never…coming back.”

He couldn’t yell at her anymore. The tears were falling fast and furiously now, and his breath was coming in short, hiccupy gasps. He sat there and sobbed uncontrollably for a while then said in a voice barely above a whisper,

“I…I love you, Ginny.”

She was staring at him. Her eyes were filled with tears too. Then in a shaky voice she said,
“I love you, too.”

Harry pulled her into a hug. He stroked her back and held her close. Just, for a few moments he forgot everything in the world besides Ginny. There was no Voldemort, no death eaters, no war, and no danger; there was only himself and Ginny, wrapped tightly around each other on a rock in the sea. He finally let her go and said to her,

“I promise you, Ginny, that when this is all over, I’ll be there for you and we can be together for the rest of our lives if you want to.”

She nodded and they went back into the cottage together. They’d be friends for now. When the day came, if it came, they’d never have to let each other go again.
Reviews 4

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