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Birth of the Potter Children
By JetLaBarge

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Category: Post-DH/AB
Characters:Harry/Ginny, Hermione Granger, Minerva McGonagall, Neville Longbottom, Nymphadora Tonks, Ron Weasley
Genres: Action/Adventure, Comedy, Drama, General, Romance
Warnings: Death, Intimate Sexual Situations, Violence
Story is Complete
Rating: R
Reviews: 59
Summary: Third in the Almost Happily Ever After series, starting at the end of the hunt for the remaining supporters of Tom Riddle and the end of Ginny's Quidditch career.
Hitcount: Story Total: 123107; Chapter Total: 4448

Author's Notes:
A short chapter focusing on Teddy.


It was the end of April. Ginny’s weight gain had all but stopped for a few weeks, but she was gaining weight again. She was also beginning to develop the bump in front that give evidence of what was happening inside.

Teddy knew something was happening, and he asked Ginny, “Mum Ginny, why are you getting bigger?”

“I’m pregnant, Teddy,” Ginny said. “I am going to have a baby.”

“Can’t play with babies,” Teddy said. “Will I have to share my bedroom?”

“We were thinking of moving you upstairs, Teddy,” Ginny said. “The baby needs the bedroom right next to us.”

“If I have to move, can I move back to my old bedroom in the Burrow?” Teddy asked. “I’ll be over every day, but my bio-logic-cal Gran-mum needs me too. She kisses me each night when I go to bed. Gran-mum says she misses kissing me and putting me to bed.”

Teddy got quiet, with a pensive look on his face. Ginny waited. Since Andromeda had come she had taken over the nighttime ritual of putting Teddy to bed and kissing him good night.

“Gran-mum needs me. I am all she has,” Teddy said, tears just starting to form. “You have Daddy Harry, and you will have a new baby. Maybe Gran-mum needs me more than you need me.”

“You are always welcome to live with us, but if you want to move back to the New Burrow that is not a problem for us. If that is what you want, Teddy, and then that is what you should do,” Ginny said.

“I don’t know what I want,” Teddy said, crying. “I want Gran-mum Molly and Grandpa back, and I don’t want to lose Gran-mum Tonks, but I don’t want to lose you. It’s not fair having to choose!”

“No, it’s not fair, Teddy. It is not fair that your mother and father died at Hogwarts, and it’s not fair that my brother died. It is not fair that I have a big loving family and Harry just has a family that, that, well, they are not exactly what you would call loving. We all just do the best we can.”

“I think maybe I’ll move back to the New Burrow, I guess, Mum. Will I still be your little boy?”

“Of course you are and will always be. We have the documents to prove it! As long as you need a mum I will be your mum! You will always be my son.”

“Thank you, Mum,” Teddy said, as he let Ginny hold him close. “You are soft and pillowly, just like Gran-mum Weasley.” Teddy snuggled closer.

Ginny looked over her now very substantial breasts. She sure did not have the hard body she had when she was playing for the Harpies. She didn’t even have the much curvier but still firm body she had when she was married. Even her arms were just a little bigger and softer. She was getting ‘soft and pillowly.’ Well, if Harry still loved her, and they had a healthy baby, getting a little soft and pillowly was, well, it was. There didn’t seem to be much she could do about it. Ginny felt very much like she was becoming her mother.

That night, as they lay in bed, Ginny told Harry all about her conversation with Teddy, and they talked about Teddy, and how to make sure he always knew they loved him. Finally Ginny said, “Teddy says I am getting soft and pillowly, just like my Mum.”

“I don’t mind getting lost in your bosom,” Harry said.

“I’m becoming my MUM.”

“I just hope I am as good a dad as your father.”

Ginny said, “I always thought I would become a mother, but I never really thought I would look like my Mum. I’m going to be FAT!”

“You have a woman’s curves. VERY nice curves,” Harry said. “I love you, Mum Ginny.”

“I love you, Daddy Harry.”

Ginny went to sleep thinking that boys didn’t have as many emotions, or conflicts, as girls. Here she was thrilled to be pregnant, and very happy, and upset at her shape and becoming pregnant when she did. She was doing well in class, but missed mothering Teddy. Nothing was simple.

May 1 Ginny received a call from Fleur. Fleur said, “Allo, Ginny.”

“Hello, Fleur. What is the reason for this call?”

“It is Victoire, Ginny. She keeps saying that the only thing she wants for her birthday is to see Teddy. We are having a birthday party for her at the New Burrow tomorrow, but would it be acceptable for us to floo over to see you Monday May 3.”

“I would love to see you and Victoire. How is your pregnancy going?”

“Ah, it’s bien. I always enjoy being pregnant, Ginny. I think three children will be enough, at least for a while. How are you doing?”

“I’m fine right now. My balance is not getting any better, but even with my changing shape I am learning better and better how to use Mitzi and other aids so I don’t fall. I actually feel fantastic, much better than the first couple of months.”

“I think we will be over right after lunch your time, Ginny. Victoire and I will have to take a long nap before we come, but with potions and spells we can manage the time difference. We will go back in the morning.”

“I will not tell Teddy until you get here. Otherwise he will not think of anything else.

“It will be good to see you, Fleur. Good Bye.”

“Au Revoir, Ginny.”

Monday morning Ginny sent a note to her teacher saying she had family things Monday, and she would be back in class on Tuesday. She waited at the apartment, and about noon Fleur and Victoire arrived. As soon as Ginny opened the door Victoire said, “Where Teddy? Where Teddy?”

Ginny said, “He is at school, and I think they are eating lunch. You and your mum should have a little to eat, and then we will go over to see Teddy. Is that all right?”

“NO!” Victoire said, and she sat and sulked.

“We eat,” Fleur said. “Let her sulk for a few minutes.”

Ginny and Fleur went into the kitchen, and with Mitzi’s help had a nice salad made, with bread for anyone who wanted sandwiches’.

Ginny said, “I’ve never had to watch my weight before, but after getting hurt, and then pregnant, everything changes.”

Fleur said, “A Veela looks the same after having a baby, but it not totally the same, not inside. I am very lucky to have easy, enjoyable pregnancies.”

When lunch was ready Fleur called to Victoire, “Victoire, you must eat so you do not faint from hunger when you see Teddy. As soon as you are done SLOWLY eating your lunch we can go.”

A sulking Victoire came in and started to stuff her sandwich in her mouth, Fleur said, “Slowly.”

Victoire slowed down.

Victoire wanted to run to Teddy’s school, but they walked a route that would take a while just to tire here out a little. Finally they arrived at the school.

Ginny led Fleur and Victoire into Teddy’s classroom. As soon as she saw Teddy Victoire ran to him, shouting, “Teddy, Teddy, bonjour, bonjour, I missed you soooo much!” She then hugged Teddy hard and gave him a little kiss.

The four girls who had been teasing Teddy started in, almost in unison, with, “Teddy and Torry sitting on a tree, k-i-s-s-i-n-g. First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes Torry with a baby carriage!”

Victoire went right over to the girls, and said, “It is Veek TWAWRR,” rolling her R’s.

“Victoria?” one of the girls asked.

“Veek TWAWRR.”

“Teddy and vic tar sitting on a tree,” the girl started.

She was interrupted again by Victoire who said, “When Teddy grow up we are going to get married. We are going to have LOTS of babies; we are going to live in a BIG house. Teddy and I are going to sleep together in a big bed.”

Teddy said, “We are NOT going to sleep in a girly bed. We are going to sleep in a proper married people’s bed, and do proper married peoples things in the bed.”

One of the little girls, who knew more about the ‘facts of life’ than most of her age group, asked, “Is that how you are going to have LOTS of babies, by doing proper married peoples things?”

Teddy had a rather confused look on his face, like he was not really sure what proper married people did.

Victoire, who could tell when she and Teddy were being teased, went up to the girl, her long fiery red hair waving, pointed a finger at her, and said, “You stop teasing Teddy or I will, I will, I will use Aunt Ginny’s Bat-Boogey-Hex. I will Bat-Boogey-Hex you and you will have big Bat Boogey’s coming out of your nose!”

The four girls looked over to Ginny, who said, “You do NOT want to be Bat Boogey Hexed.” Ginny was almost positive that Victoire had no idea how to actually Bat Boogey Hex someone, but she didn’t let the little girls that were teasing Teddy and Victoire know it.

One of the girls said, “I’m sorry, Victoria.”

“Veek TWAWRR,” said Teddy, rolling his R’s like a real Frenchman. “It’s not Vic-tor-ee-ah, it is Victoire.”

One of the girls asked, “She doesn’t care if we tease her, as long as we pronounce her name correctly? Veek tar? Veek twaa rrr?”

Eventually things settled down. The teachers had Victoire and Fleur talk about France, and how her grandparents lived, and the class had a brief French lesson. Most of the class was impressed that Teddy could speak fluent French.

As they were walking home Teddy said “I’m sorry the girls teased us, Toire, (twawrr) rolling the R.

“Torr …eee…uh, ugly,” Victoire said. “Tor-ee-ah is not Toire.”

(Many years later, when Victoire and Teddy did get married, Ginny had a chance to share this story. Teddy and Victoire did have a chance to share a proper married people’s bed, do lots of proper married people’s things in the bed, and have LOTS of babies.)
Reviews 59

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