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Birth of the Potter Children
By JetLaBarge

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Category: Post-DH/AB
Characters:Harry/Ginny, Hermione Granger, Minerva McGonagall, Neville Longbottom, Nymphadora Tonks, Ron Weasley
Genres: Action/Adventure, Comedy, Drama, General, Romance
Warnings: Death, Intimate Sexual Situations, Violence
Story is Complete
Rating: R
Reviews: 59
Summary: Third in the Almost Happily Ever After series, starting at the end of the hunt for the remaining supporters of Tom Riddle and the end of Ginny's Quidditch career.
Hitcount: Story Total: 123099; Chapter Total: 4386

Author's Notes:
FriendofMolly pointed out that Vernon would BELLOW and not just say. It is hard to find anything good about him.


Monday, November 1, 2004, there was a big meeting at the Ministry of Magic. The Ministry was beginning to be overwhelmed with the number of times Witches and Wizards who were caught apparating or otherwise doing magic on the ever increasing number of security cameras recording more and more of Great Britain. They were also having to do more to take care of problems with witches and wizards using regular mobiles, (instead of the special and more expensive wizard mobiles), and then apparating or using the floo network and suddenly appearing in vastly different places. Wi-Fi was not causing a problem yet, but there were all sorts of ways modern technology was threatening to expose the magical world.

Arthur Weasley had a large group of witches and wizards working on the problem, but just trying to take care of the problems after the fact was not working. The only way they were even keeping up was to employ as many Muggle born as possible.

Harry had just been to class on these problems. “We can teach witches and wizards how to do the spells to see if there is a security camera or any type of Muggle camera around,” said Harry.

“How do we let Witches and Wizards know these spells exist?” asked Arthur.

“How many of the magical people in Great Britain know what kind of problems the ministry is having?” asked Harry.

“We don’t have any idea,” said Arthur.

“We don’t have any good formal way of letting all the Witches and Wizards know anything,” said Kingsley.

“How many of our magical people get the Daily Prophet?” asked Harry.

“Maybe three quarters of them,” said Kingsley. “Another small group only gets the Quibbler or Witches Rumors. A few do not get either but do get wizard radio. This leaves a small group that is very hard to reach, and in some cases these are witches and wizards that are very hard to find. The harder they are to find the less likely they are to cause problems with modern technology.”

“So we really don’t need to worry about getting to everybody,” said Harry. “Articles in the Prophet and Quibbler should get to most of the magical community.”

“You going to get your private reporter to help?” asked Kingsley.

“I’m sure Cindy can help,” said Harry, “but I was thinking of getting more help. I can talk to the editor of the Daily Prophet and to Lovegood of the Quibbler. If we have some real troublemakers maybe I can get Rita Skeeter to do a few nasty articles. Skeeter owes us.”

Harry ended up getting Cindy and Rita and several other reporters and writers involved. Dennis Creevey was able to take excellent photographs of the problem, and his father helped, showing what a totally Muggle photograph or video showed when a Witch or Wizard apparated or otherwise used magic in front of Muggles. Of course getting a Muggle deeply involved in something so close to the secrecy act was a real concern.

Harry taught spells to tell if you had a Muggle camera of any type looking at you to a number of people in the Ministry, and everyone who had been caught by a Muggle camera had to take one of the classes that the people Harry taught were teaching, so they could avoid getting caught again.

Harry got a law passed that made it mandatory to take the classes, the beginning class if you were caught once and a 2 day class with some serious “talking to” by Harry or Kingsley, threatening serious fines and restrictions if they were caught again. Over the next months the number of problems gradually started to go down, instead of going up.

The next problem they had to tackle was financing the Ministry, and in fact financing the Wizarding community in general. Wizards did not usually need a lot of Muggle money, but as more and more magical people were using Muggle technology more and more Muggle money was needed. The British Wizarding Community needed to earn Pounds as well as Galleons. Harry had an answer to that problem as well. One day what had become weekly Monday meetings Harry announced that the Potter Estates had purchased about 500,000 square feet of industrial buildings in the London area, close to Grunnings the drill company that his cousin (and the Potter Estates) was in the process of buying, and that they were going to be making things for Muggles and getting paid in pounds.

Harry needed the help of the Ministry because they were going to take a lot of unemployed or underemployed Witches and Wizards and put them to work. Some of them had been supported by the Harry Potter Trust since the Battle of Hogwarts.

November 8th Belinda Shashaguay from North America showed up with details on what they wanted to do with the factory they had purchased. Apparently Bill, Belinda and Dudley had been meeting and planning this for the last year. She and Dudley Dursley started to work together on what they wanted to do with the magic/Muggle technology. By this time George Appleleaf had a wizard accountant working on the magic side of Grunnings, and the company Belinda’s family owned had sent over a business manager.

By the middle of Wednesday it was becoming apparent just how big and complex this project was. Bill thought Harry and Arthur and Kingsley all had to be involved, and they were all deeply involved in their own work as well. Bill did not want another evening away from his 3 children, and he knew Harry wanted some time with James, so he invited Harry and Ginny and James, Arthur and Molly and Teddy (there was no way Teddy was going to be kept away from his cousins), Kingsley, George and Grace Appleleaf along with their two youngest children Jonathan and Gala, Dudley Dursley and Belinda Shashaguay for dinner and then a meeting after dinner.

Bill and Fleur had used some of the very substantial money the Harry Potter trusts were paying him to build a new and much larger Shell Cottage, and to make the grounds really special. They had a large glassed in Sun Room, almost a glassed in patio, sitting out away from the house but connected to it, and overlooking the ocean. It was one of those special rooms that even if it had been all Muggle construction would have been magical. As it was the space was as comfortable a place to meet as you could imagine. Dinner was served here, with the mothers’ feeding the two babies and Bill and Harry trying to watch over Teddy, Victoria and Dominique. When they were done Teddy, Victoria and the Appleleaf children disappeared to play and Fleur took Dominique up to bed while Ginny and Molly watched the two babies play in an enclosed playpen.

Harry started the meeting by saying, “I have been working with the International Aurors’ Association, and there is an increasing amount of evil that focuses on Great Britain, on the Weasley family, and in particular on Ginny and Me. The Potter Estates has increased the number of Auror grade private guards around us and those close to us, and around our property.

“The only problem is that extra protection is expensive. That is one of the reasons we are looking to earn more money.”

Bill said that everything was going well, but there were some personnel issues that needed to be addressed. “We have 3 couples that are going to be working for the companies, all 3 with a Muggle married to a witch or wizard. George Appleleaf has a couple working in the accounting. Both are comfortable in the magical community as well as in the Muggle community. He is a wizard that went to Hogwarts and, because his father is an accountant, went on to college in accounting. There he met his wife, also an accountant but not magical. She is fascinated by the magical world, and really likes living half in the magical world.”

George said “I want them there because they are the ideal couple to work with both the Muggle and the magical community.”

Belinda Shashaguay said “I have a couple, also a wizard and Muggle, who have been involved in the marketing of some of the products we have been making in California. They are eager to work on the same thing here. Again the wizard went to college after graduating from, in this case, Salem Academy, then because his father was in business went to college for business, then found himself involved in the combination Muggle/Magical business in North America. His wife is a Muggle, also fascinated by the magical world, and together they just hope to develop an interesting business here. They thought it would be fun to live in Britain as well.”

Dudley said, “I have the third couple. In this case I hired an excellent machinist, and found out that he was married to a witch. He was the ideal person to work with us in developing the magic drills. His wife was also fascinated by machining and what we were doing, so after their children went to Hogwarts she became a journeyman machinist, and she has been working with us the last couple of years.”

Harry said, “What is the problem?”

Kingsley said “The secrecy act. Putting Muggles right in the middle of a magical enterprise is at the minimum is irregular and under normal circumstances illegal. I want to point out that we have a Muggle here.”

“I may not be married to a witch,” said Dudley, “but I’ve become comfortable straddling the Magical/Muggle world. I’ve had to hide anything about this from my father!”

“So what do we do now so we can employ these people?” asked Harry.

“So like Harry,” said Kingsley. “Not can we do it, but how do we do it.”

“Of course!” chimed in Ginny. “If you have enough guts you can get away with anything!”

“It’s not that simple, Ginny,” said Kingsley. “There are laws both in Britain and Switzerland against this type of close wizard/Muggle cooperation.”

“So we change the laws,” said Harry. “We make sure we keep our existence as secret as possible, but at the same time we are not secret from spouses. We are not secret from Muggle parents of magical children. We make careful adaptations to the laws to take account the spouses and parents who may be Muggles but who are involved in the magical world.”

“We need a meeting of the Wizengamot,” said Kingsley, “but I am not worried about winning there. There is enough respect for Harry and Bill, and I might say myself, to get approval from the Wizengamot. We will get away with it at the International Confederation of Witches and Wizards, because they have no power to micro-manage local governments, but we are in at awkward position. Harry and I both have a lot if influence at the Confederation, but we are going to have some explaining to do. No one is saying we can not do what we are planning on doing, but I want to stress how careful we must be.”

Belinda Shashaguay said “I have another small group that wants to join us, Goblins. They want to build a home in magical space connected to the factory compound, and grow a family group here. The reason they want to come is Harry, and the changes Harry and Hermione are trying to make in House Elf and Goblin relationships.”

“We have not really done anything to change the relationship with Goblins,” said Harry.

“Don’t be so sure,” said Bill. “You personally, and the Harry Potter Estates, and Harry Potter Trust, have bent over backward to be fair to the Goblins.”

Harry said, “You are the one who has most of the dealings with the Goblins, Bill.”

“I’ll certainly take some of the credit, but you started the process when you buried Dobby, and you and Hermione have kept it going,” said Bill. “All the work you are doing for house elves has not escaped the notice of the Goblins.

“Gerhard Richter and I both work closely with the Goblins, and have gotten to know a couple of them rather well. Goblins are very hard to know, but we have talked frankly with them. Neither of us really knows what their family life is like, and we are not sure what their homes are like either.

“Harry, Belinda, you should get to know the Goblins at the factory as well as possible, and if there is any chance of becoming friendly with any of them jump at the chance.”

The rest of the meeting was taken up with how they could hire Muggles, and what sort of restrictions the Muggles and the magical people should operate under.

Within the week Hermione’s Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures became the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures and Muggle Relationships, by which they were referring to Muggles working for a Magical business, witches or wizards working for a Muggle business but using magic, businesses that employed house elves or goblins or other intelligent creatures, and unusual living relationships including someone other than parent/child where you had Muggles and magical people in the same household.

Hermione ran an efficient department, was fair and compassionate, but could be very tough when she needed to be. Her department ramped up quickly to handle the extra work load.

Ginny had started to go to Harpies Quidditch games 2 weeks after James was born. November 13. Ginny was going early to interview a couple of the players and then see if she could talk to someone on the other team. She wore James like a backpack, but on her front. Of course Mitzi was always with her, but usually so inconspicuous that she was almost like a piece of jewelry Ginny always wore. Harry was meeting Dudley and Belinda, and was going to try and make the game shortly after it started.

Harry was not totally surprised to see Herodotus Budziszewski meeting with them. It seemed that the display spells that made the mapping program possible could also be used to see inside of machines, and other variations could be used to see very small objects, like a microscope but better. Some of the spell variations that Harry thought were utter failures were just taking the display in a different direction than he wanted. Harry became one of about a dozen witches and wizards working on the display spell. The magic that his father and father’s friends had come up with to make the Marauders Map was taking the magic world in directions Harry could hardly imagine.

Harry got to the Harpies game just after 12:00 noon, after begging off lunch. Donna and Bill Lionhart were there. Ginny gave Harry a hard time for being late, and then said “Look at Donna. The baby has dropped, and I bet from looking at her she is starting to have contractions. I asked Fleur and she says Donna is going to have her baby soon.”

Monday mid day Ginny got word that Erica Lionheart was born early in the morning of November 15, and that mother, father and baby were doing just fine.

Friday November 19 Harry had a chance to meet with Belinda while both were at the Ministry, and both wanted to talk at much greater depth. He contacted Ginny and then invited Belinda and Dudley to dinner that evening.

About 6:00 PM Belinda and Dudley showed up. Ginny noticed that they were a reasonably good match for each other in size. Dudley was a lot thinner than he was at his peak, but at 6’4” and 250 pounds he was still a very big man. He was bigger around on top because he was trying to lift weights a couple of times a week, and at work he easily moved large pieces of the steel and carbides that the company used. Belinda was a full 6’2” tall and about 235 pounds, well distributed with big hips and a bust that was reasonable in size mostly because she was so big overall, with a defined waist. Both were thick around the middle but neither was obese.

Dudley was clean shaven, with dark brown hair that was of a moderate length, neatly combed, brown eyes, reasonably light complexion. Belinda’s complexion owed much more to her Dutch ancestors than the distant American Indian from whom she got her last name, with dark blue eyes and hair that was light enough that it was almost but not quite blond, pulled back into a ponytail.

James was sleeping when Dudley and Belinda arrived, and Dudley asked “Where is the little guy?” when he arrived.

“Sleeping,” said Ginny. “He’ll probably wake up and want to nurse about the time we have started to eat.”

“Long way from sleeping under the stairs, Harry,” said Dudley. “Here you are, married, with a child, and a rich hero to boot.”

“Won’t make a bit of difference to your dad,” said Harry. “Come on into the dining room. We can start with a drink and appetizers.”

Once they got into the dining room Harry said, “Either Shashaguay is a more common name than I thought, or you are related to the Shashaguay family I met in Michigan.”

“A couple generations removed,” said Belinda, “but we are related. The branch of the family I come from moved to California about 50 years ago. We are still metal workers.”

“So why did you come to Britain?” asked Harry.

“All the eligible guys in California were too short,” said Dudley.

“Big enough for me, Dudley?” asked Belinda with the biggest smile on her face.

“I’m Harry Potter’s cousin!” said Dudley. “How much more magical can you get?” At this he laughed a hearty laugh.

“My mother and father said, ‘could you please try to find someone magical’ when I said I was going to come here,” said Belinda, smiling and shaking her head. “You are going to be working with Harry Potter. Find someone in Harry Potter’s family, instead of the Muggles you have been dating.’”

“I’m sure not one of the Muggles you’ve been dating,” said Dudley.

“Are you dating?” asked Harry.

Dudley and Belinda looked at each other. They both kind of shrugged their shoulders. Finally Belinda said, “We’ve never exactly had a date. We just spend almost all of our time together, partly because we have so much to do, and partly because we just enjoy each other’s company.”

“Have you met Dudley’s mother?” asked Ginny of Belinda.

Belinda said, “Briefly. Dudley stopped at his parents’ house to pick up something, and introduced me, not as a girlfriend, but just someone who was working with him in expanding the company.”

“What do you think of her?” asked Ginny.

“I’ve not spent enough time talking to her,” said Belinda.

“What do you think of Vernon Dursley?” asked Ginny.

“He is so bad he’d be comical if he wasn’t real and someone we have to work around,” said Belinda.

“We may have to fire him,” said Dudley. “I’m worried that would kill him.”

“I hear James,” said Ginny, and she left to get James. A few minutes later she was back with a wide awake James. “We’re going to have an unhappy baby if he doesn’t get fed right away,” said Ginny. She sat down and started to nurse James.

“We’ve never talked about babies,” said Dudley.

“I’m not having any babies until I’m married,” said Belinda.

“I don’t want to become a father until I’m married, and only with my wife that’s for sure,” said Dudley.

“Better be careful, Dud,” said Belinda. “I’m 31, and my biological clock is ticking.” Belinda asked Ginny, “How many cousins does James have?”

For most of dinner Ginny and Belinda talked about family, Ginny’s brothers and their wives and children, and the smaller immediate family but large extended family of Belinda.

After Dinner they went up to the living room. Ginny asked, “Dudley, how did Harry get to be your partner in Grunnings? I’m always surprised in what he is involved with.”

Harry said, “Most of the details are worked out by Bill and his staff. I’m continually amazed at what they have the Potter Estates involved in.”

Dudley said, “I came to Harry because we had a problem. My dad and his sister Aunt Marge owned one third of Grunnings. Over the last 20 years dad has been buying out Aunt Marge, and she does not own any of Grunnings right now. I’ve been buying into the company, but my money has just helped dad pay off Aunt Marge, so between us Vernon and I own 1/3 of Grunnings.

“Each of my uncles owed a third of Grunnings. The company has been profitable, but not enough to buy out the uncles. We have had to make enormous investments in high tech equipment just to keep up. The only super profitable division is the magic one, the division that my father can not know anything about.

“Both uncles wanted to retire. I think both are real tired of working with my father, and I can appreciate what they have gone through. He has gotten fatter, less healthy, and his famously short temper has gotten shorter and shorter. Besides he’s just a nasty man. So I approached Harry, and his staff looked at Grunnings and some of the other projects that we could do and thought it would be a good investment.”

Harry said, “Vernon of course has no idea that I have anything to do with the group that owns 2/3rds of Grunnings. Bill does have a couple of people who works for us who have taken a hands-on approach to managing Grunnings, and they have helped the company already.”

“They have banished Aunt Marge,” said Dudley. “She was nothing but trouble when she came to visit the company.”

“Can we confine your dad to marketing the drills, something he knows something about?” asked Belinda.

“Can we, Harry?” asked Dudley.

“Ask Bill and his team, not me,” said Harry. “All you need is me walking in telling your dad ‘Hi Vernon, I own your company. How do you like the witch who is going to be running your company, and by the way, she has her eyes on your son. We’re planning on giving you plenty of witch and wizard grandchildren.’”

“That would take care of dad,” said Dudley. “He would probably have a heart attack on the spot. Either that or he would kill me.”

Ginny noticed that when Harry casually mentioned Dudley and Belinda having magical children together neither batted an eye. They seemed supremely comfortable with each other.

Much of the rest of the evening was taken up with financial documents and Harry learning about some of the projects and equipment that was going to be transferred to the British location. Harry was fascinated by everything; it was all over Ginny’s head, and she ended up either playing with James or reading a Quidditch magazine.

Before they left, Belinda asked Dudley, “Do you think your mother would like to meet her new nephew?”

“It wouldn’t hurt to try, as long as Dad was not home,” Dudley said.

“I think the only time I saw your Aunt Petunia was at our wedding, and a lot of other things were going on that day,” Ginny said. “I would like to meet her. Vernon wasn’t at the wedding, was he?”

“Dad doesn’t even know we went to the wedding,” Dudley said. “I try to see Mum when Dad is not home. I see too much of Dad at work.”

A couple of days later, at about three in the afternoon, Harry and Ginny arrived at the house on 4 Privet Drive. They were all in the Auror’s Gray BMW SUV that Harry owned. Harry made sure to park in the street, and not in the drive.

Dudley was dressed in a suit but no tie, the outfit he wore when meeting customers. Belinda had a tailored suit that looked both very professional and very feminine. Harry had his Auror’s uniform on, looking very professional. And Ginny had on a dress that showed all her curves, looking like a very sexy young mother. They went to the living room, and Dudley said, “Mum, this is Ginny Potter, Harry’s wife, and their new son James. Ginny was hurt in a sporting accident, and this is Mitzi, the house elf that keeps her from falling.”

Ginny went over to Petunia and showed her James. Petunia looked at James, and sort of smiled. It was hard to get angry at a baby, and a sleeping baby was hardly a threat.

Petunia did not say anything, so Dudley said, “Belinda and I were over at Harry’s for dinner a couple of days ago, and we thought that you might like to meet Ginny and James.”

“You and Belinda?” Petunia asked.

“We’ve been spending a lot of time together, working on the business,” Dudley said. “We get along very well.”

“Does your father know?” asked Petunia.

“He very seldom sees her. She is working for the other division of the company,” Dudley said.

“Does SHE know what Harry is?” Petunia asked.

“Harry and I were in a class together in San Francisco,” Belinda said,

“Are you one of HIS kind?” Petunia asked, obviously horrified.

Dudley said, “Belinda is a witch. I think it would be best if we do not tell Dad.”

“Do you want help getting some tea?” Belinda asked.

Petunia was very flustered, but accepted Belinda’s help.

“Not very welcoming, is she?” Ginny said.

“I hope Mum will accept Belinda,” Dudley said. “I’m really worried about Dad.”

Shortly after Petunia and Belinda came in with the tea James woke up. Harry put James down on the floor and quickly changed his nappies. Dudley said, “You look like you are a real pro at changing nappies, Harry.”

“I’ve had experience,” Harry said. “I changed nappies for three months with our godson after his parents were killed, and then have had at least has a little practice with James’s seven younger cousins.”

“James is going to want to nurse,” Ginny said.

“You have to feed the baby, don’t you, Mrs. Dursley,” Belinda said.

Petunia just sat there, looking uneasy. Ginny had never experienced this kind of uneasiness. Almost all Witches nursed their babies. She ignored Petunia and started to feed James.

James had just latched on and was nursing well when everyone heard the noise of Vernon’s car in the driveway. He barged into the front hall, bellowing , “Petunia!” Before huffing and puffing like he was dying. “Who has that bloody car parked out front? Flashy thing.” He huffed and puffed some more, and turned into the living room.”


James pulled away from Ginny and started to cry. Ginny sat their stunned, not sure what to do.

Harry got up and said, “Stop scaring my son.”

“GET THAT BRAT,” Vernon said, before he was huffing and puffing again. “Didn’t feel well. Came home early to …” Vernon had to stop and catch his breath again.

Vernon looked at Belinda, then at Dudley, and said, “That fat bitch with you again.”

James was tentatively nursing again. Ginny took out her wand and did a shield charm so James could not hear Vernon yell.

Vernon turned to Harry. “Get that female and, is that your bitch? Unnatural like all of you.”

Belinda, who towered over Vernon, got right up and said, “There is no excuse for yelling like that. Babies have to be fed, and only a mean bastard would get happy about starving babies and unhappy mothers.”

Vernon said, “Her dress is open and she’s poking her … her … boob …”

Vernon was staring at Ginny, but turned to stare at Belinda, who was right in his face. She pushed his head down so he was looking right at her breasts, and said, “That’s what these are for. Get used to it, before you have grandchildren.”

“I’ll be damned if I let some bitch expose herself in my house,” Vernon said, just before he collapsed on the floor.

Dudley and Petunia took an obviously sick Vernon upstairs.

As soon as James was through nursing, and changed again, Harry and Ginny, Dudley and Belinda took their leave of Petunia.

Once they were in Harry’s car Belinda looked at Dudley and said, “I cannot expose a child to him. I just won’t.”

Dudley didn’t say anything, but you could see sorrow and frustration in his face.

Sunday November 29 Ron and Hermione told the family that Hermione was about 4 weeks pregnant. Hermione had wanted to wait a few more weeks, but Ron was so excited that it was hard to keep it a secret, and the family could spot the signs in Hermione in any case.

Monday December 15, in the middle of the afternoon, Ginny called Harry and asked where he was. “I’m in my office at the Ministry,” said Harry. “I’m not planning to go anywhere.”

“I’d like to come over,” said Ginny. “I’ll see you in a couple of minutes.”

There was something in Ginny’s voice that worried Harry, and he was a little upset. Ginny arrived, James worn on her as usual, Mitzi at her side. She came into Harry’s office, and Harry could see she was close to tears. “Oh Harry,” said Ginny “Hermione just lost her baby. She had a miscarriage this morning. I feel so bad. All the other couples in the family have children, and Ron and Hermione just lost their first.”

Harry held on to Ginny. He looked at the work on his desk; none of it seemed that urgent. Hermione and Ron had gone to St. Mungo’s when it looked like she was having problems with the pregnancy, but went back home. The family took the floo home and went next door to Ron and Hermione’s house. Molly was there, as was Jean Granger, Hermione’s mother. Hermione was about as emotional as Harry had ever seen her. Harry and Ginny spent the rest of the afternoon not saying much but just being present for Ron and Hermione.

Friday December 17 Dudley and Belinda ate dinner with Harry and Ginny again. Belinda had a problem. “Dudley is coming home with me over Christmas to meet my family. The fact that he is a Muggle of Muggle parents is not going over well, and when I said that he was Harry’s cousin they absolutely refused to believe it. How can we have them meet you and prove that you and Dudders here grew up together?”

“Mirrors!” said Ginny, and she brought out the two little mirrors that she and Harry had used to stay close when she was traveling with the Harpies or he was out of town for an extended period.

“They are too small,” said Belinda. “I need something like a wide screen television.”

“Let’s ask George what they have,” said Harry. “Maybe Ron knows.” The stores were closed for the night, but Ron was right next door, and he and George both seemed to know not only what they had in inventory but what they could get. Ron may not have had the academic knowledge of Hermione, but when it came to what WWW sold Ron knew what it was, what it cost, what they were selling it for, and most importantly for Ron, how much profit it made.

Ron and Hermione came over, and on the spur of the moment they decided to have dinner together. Mabel said she could make a dinner for 6 as easily as one for 4.

Belinda said, “I’m so sorry you lost your baby, Hermione.”

Hermione said, “I know it was early, and that miscarriages in the first couple of months are not all that rare. I shouldn’t feel so bad, but I do. I went back to work yesterday, but I was not all that productive. Thank you for concern.” You could tell from the way she carried herself that Hermione was still having a hard time loosing the pregnancy, even though it was early.

Dudley said, “I’m going to be going to San Francisco to meet Belinda’s family. They do not believe that I’m related to Harry, and we want Harry to be able to talk to my family. Do you have magic mirrors like the ones Harry and Ginny have, but larger, like two foot by three foot.

Ron conjured us a list of some sort started looking through it. He did some more conjuring and got more information. “Wow,” said Ron. “They can make one ten foot by twenty foot. It only takes 6 months and costs 100,000 Galleons minimum.”

“Beyond our budget, Ron,” said Dudley. “Even in pounds that is way beyond our budget.”

They finally came up with a 1’ x 2’ mirror that could be rented for 25 Galleons. December 23 Harry and Ginny took a call from Belinda on a mirror that had been delivered the day before. Harry talked to Belinda’s family for about an hour, and in the end they accepted Dudley as Harry’s cousin, and someone Harry could vouch for.
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