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Lord Potter's Own Will
By Mutt N Feathers

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Category: Post-OotP
Genres: Action/Adventure
Warnings: Violence/Physical Abuse
Story is Complete
Rating: R
Reviews: 26
Harry is now Lord Potter, and he decides to use his new found Independence to set the course of his life.
Hitcount: Story Total: 26169; Chapter Total: 2827

Author's Notes:
Hi, as I said earlier, this is a re-post. We will get to the new material soon. I've been asked to give translations of things in other languages. Klytië sounds just like it's written K-lie-tee-e. She was a Greek goddess who was in love with Helios the sun god. She stared at him so much, she was turned into a flower, the Heliotrope, who's face follows the sun.


Chapter 2:
Cartefu (Welsh)/
To Make Home (English)
"Wait, you mean Dad went with Klytië?" Harry asked Sirius as they were standing in the meadow, awaiting their return trip to Grimmauld Place. They needed to pick up Remus before going to Ireland and Harry's home.

"Went with... might be too strong of wording," Sirius responded. "He was twelve, she was eleven. He'd run to her classes to walk her to the next one. She obviously needed an escort. They'd hold hands in the common room, sort of. I think he kissed her once while we were playing spin the bottle."

"Huh," Harry said thoughtfully. "I never thought of him with anyone other than Mum."

"He really wasn't," Sirius confessed. "From the first day of our fourth year, she was it for him; he really wasn't it for her. Your Mum loathed your Dad and me for several years. You should have seen your Dad when Lily was snogging Thad Summersby. I honestly thought he might kill the bloke. You need to thank Remus for finally getting the two of them together."

"Okay, too much information. I can barely think about Mum and Dad snogging, let alone Mum with someone else," the young Lord Potter said while shivering as if to shake off the cold. "Tell me more about Klytië."

"Well, she was born sighted, both in the physical sense and the metaphysical. Her visions and dreams are frighteningly accurate," Sirius explained sadly. "Her eyes were very weak, the physical ones. When she was a little girl, she didn't understand why she couldn't run outside and play like the other children. One day she slipped out when the adults weren't looking. The minute she was out in the bright sunlight, her eyes burned. She screamed so loud," he explained, his voice getting softer. "She's been blind since."

Harry looked at his godfather, the far away stare of his eyes, the regret painting his face more than usual, and he understood. "You were there, weren't you?"

"Yeah. I wish I'd known how badly she wanted to play with us. Reg and I would have gone in and played with her," he added to no on in particular. Sirius then seemed to snap out of it, blinking his eyes several times. "We'll spend more time with her, I promise. Her family house is… unusual."

"Wonderful," Harry sarcastically replied. "Burrow unusual or Grimmauld Place unusual?" Sirius laughed at the question.

"Are you mocking my ancestral home?"

"Yes, and you do too."

"True, but that doesn't mean -" he was cut off by their magical transportation activating and moving them from Avalon to the back yard of Grimmauld Place.

"That is absolutely exhilarating," Sirius said. "That reminds me, we need to take the bike with us to Ireland. We should definitely do some riding while we're there."

"Sure," Harry said excitedly. The pair moved toward the back door, and were greeted by Remus coming out. He hastily moved toward the newest Lords.

"Be prepared, Molly is livid. She doesn't want us going to live in Ireland. She's also told Dumbledore our plans," he explained. Sirius groaned and Harry looked surprised.

"Why don't we want Dumbledore knowing? He's been distant all year and there are so many things I need to ask him, and -"

"I know, Harry," Sirius said putting a hand on the young man's shoulder. "We will tell you everything tomorrow at the estate, with your parents' and grandparents' portraits helping fill the bits in. There are things Dumbledore doesn't want you knowing, we think since you're now the head of your family, you deserve to know everything."

"Oh," Harry replied thoughtfully. "And Mrs. Weasley doesn't want me to know?"

"Molly is excellent at mollycoddling," Sirius said, smirking in the moonlight at the play on words. "She'd prefer you remained ignorant, and therefore a child."

"But I'm not, I haven't been for a long time."

"We know, Harry," Remus sadly confirmed. "We know."

The trio made their way back into Grimmauld Place, attempting to walk quietly through the hallway which led down to the kitchens. It was the last place Remus had seen Molly. To their surprise, she was standing at the base of the grand staircase, awaiting them.

"Harry, up to bed," she commanded. Harry saw the stern look in her eyes, and was prepared to follow. Sirius put his hand on Harry's chest to stop him, moving to speak. His friend beat him to it.

"Molly, I know your heart is in the right place, but Harry is Lord Potter now," Remus quietly explained. "It's his birthright. It's Sirius' chance to be free. We need to go."

Her shoulders slumped some, and she looked forlorn and exhausted. "Must you leave before Christmas?"

"Mrs. Weasley, I promise we'll be back," Harry said. Of course that was the answer, just not the one she was looking for. She was beginning to look panicked.

"But, it's your house, Sirius," she uttered, hoping to find some excuse.

"I don't want it. The Order is welcomed to it. Be the best use for this old place, and the one which would torment my parents the most. They probably want to bust out of their crypt to stop it. Trust me, Molly, you and your brood are safe as houses here," Sirius gently explained. Remus moved and took her hand.

"Tonks is here, up in the sitting room. Go and visit her for a few minutes. We'll come and say goodbye," he explained and she wearily agreed. The trio recognised had she not been thoroughly knackered from all which had happened this week, they might not have had such an easy time of it.

They quietly followed Molly upstairs, watching her go into the sitting room. Tonks shot her cousin a dirty look for leaving her with the nearly weepy woman. Sirius shrugged and gave her a crooked smile. When she was gone, and they were safely onto the second floor, Sirius began speaking again.

"You'll only need clothes," he explained. "Remus went to the estate today and asked your family elf to go clean the place up and stock it. I'd take you straight to the place in York, but I really do need to establish my residency in Ireland as fast as I can. I'll go to the Ministry there, meet up with Maggie, and get this squared away first thing, and then we'll be off in the morning. You can decide which house you want to spend Christmas at."

"Sirius, you said there was a portrait of my Dad at the estate?" Harry asked, sounding as if he was struggling against being hopeful.

Sirius stopped as they rounded the stairs on the third floor. "I did," he replied.

"Both your Mum and Dad are there," Remus explained. "They can't wait to see you. It's been too long." Joy burst out of the pores of the boy's face. He would have some relationship with his parents. They wouldn't be living, but they'd be better than what he'd had thus far.

"The estate," Harry quickly replied. Sirius and Remus shared a glance and then began to move up the stairs, again. Harry followed, deep in thought.

"Wait," Harry said when he and Remus were to enter their respective rooms; Sirius had taken off up the final flight of stairs, to his childhood room. Remus stopped and looked at his former student. "If my parents have portraits, then the Mum and Dad in the painting would know how they died, right?"

The implications of the question deflated Remus. He didn't want to have this discussion here or now. Harry was a smart boy, he knew it wouldn't take much for him to put this together. The werewolf gathered himself before answering.


"Why didn't anyone go ask them who the Secret Keeper was?"

"Harry, please, these are things which we'll talk about elsewhere, please," he implored.

Something crumbled inside Harry's heart at the admission. He could have been with Sirius all these years. He could have grown up in the Wizarding world, and been loved and cherished. It was all kept away from him. There was so much he didn't understand now. He felt like his world had been turned upside down, but somehow it wasn't righting it from the last upending which occurred the night Mr. Weasley was hurt or from finding out about this Lord stuff. He wasn't even sure which way was up anymore. He went inside, picking up one end of his trunk from where it sat on the floor and dragged it to the wardrobe to shove his clothes inside.

"Blimey, those are some strange clothes, Harry," Ron said, making Harry jump. He'd forgotten he shared the room with his friend. Being so quickly roused from his thoughts, Harry was jumbled up, even as he returned to his task. He chose to leave a pair of jeans which sort of fit him and a jumper out to change into. He took a deep breath before answering Ron's statement, seeing how his brain wasn't on his outfit. He had to have better clothes on when he met his family tomorrow. Harry thought about how embarrassing it would be to show up in Dudley's cast-offs. Maybe he and Remus could shop while Sirius was at the Irish Ministry?

"It's the traditional robes for the gatherings," Harry explained, his brain clicking back in to the current situation. "We all have to wear them."

He began by taking off the cape, then the cassock and finally the robes. He had a tee-shirt and his pants on, so he just stuffed these clothes into the trunk as well. He turned to slip his feet out of the sandals, and grab his trainers, when he heard Ron again.

"When did you get it? That's bloody cool," Ron announced while staring at Harry's arm. The new, young Lord looked at his arm and sighed. This wasn't a conversation he really wanted to have with Ron. "What's it of?"

Quickly pulling his jeans up, he answered Ron. "It was part of my taking on the Lordship. I had to do this ritual, and cut myself and then when it was done, this appeared. It's a potter's wheel. It represents who my family were when magic was practiced by nearly everyone in all of Great Britain."

"Wicked. Do you think Mum will let me get one, now that you have one?" Harry was thankful his back was turned as he was reaching into the dresser for his pants, shirts and socks. Ron had really been on his nerves lately, and he didn't want to make things worse.

"I doubt it, Ron. Sirius has had them for years, and that never convinced her," he added drolly before slamming his trunk shut. Then, he went for the door.

"Where are you going?"

"I'm moving into my own house in Ireland. Sirius isn't a convicted criminal there, and their Ministry is going to give him a real trial. He's got asylum already, but he needs to live in Ireland to make it all work out okay. The Order can stay here," Harry looked to Ron, hoping he'd understand. Thankfully his friend had seemed to have grown some level of maturity, as he just nodded.

"You'll come back, right? I mean the Order still has Sirius' house, right? He's still going to part of the Order?"

"Yes, both he and Remus will be part of the Order, I think."

"Professor Lupin is going too?" Ron asked, sounding somewhat dour.

"Ron, they're best mates, my dad's best mates. They're both going to help me learn about this Lord stuff, and help me prepare to face Voldemort," Harry explained the best he could. Harry looked to the clock on the dresser top, and realised just how late it had gotten. Ron really should have been asleep. He felt bad he'd awoken his friend.

"We promised we'd be here for Christmas," he placated his friend. There was an uncomfortable silence between the two which Harry chose to break. "Yeah, bye."

"Bye," Ron responded and Harry closed the door. Sirius was waiting on the landing for him. He'd changed out of the ceremonial wear as well.

"You okay?" his godfather asked and Harry nodded. "Moony told me what you were asking. Let's not discuss it tonight, please. Let's go celebrate for a while. You're of age now. I want to give you your first Firewhiskey."

"Sirius, I'm only fifteen, remember?"

"Pish, posh," he said with a wave of his hand.

"Thank Merlin you never reproduced," Moony said, walking up behind him. "You would have made a horrid parent."

"Remus, my old friend, you hurt me. If it had been my kid, I wouldn't be nearly so bad. Remember, James made me the godfather to spoil him."

"Yes, and Lily begged me to keep you in check." All three laughed, and Harry felt more at ease, the last lingering frustration from his conversation with Ron disappearing. Sirius took Harry's trunk and shrunk it, stuffing it into his back pocket. Remus tapped his wand to his trunk and it became a manageable size, fitting nicely in his sweater pocket.

"Let me make sure I have everything," Sirius said before they left the landing. He patted each pocket of his trousers as he said something, as if he were checking off a list. "Wand, trunk, motorbike, Harry's trunk, record collection and player. Yes, I do seem to have it all."

"Record player? You have a record player? You have records? What do you listen to?" Harry asked incredulously.

"Rock, my boy. Guitars wailing, drum banging, Rock."

Remus sighed. "Did you bring them all?"

"Absolutely," Sirius answered. "I don't plan on ever entering my old room again. Goodbye and good riddance to the memories which still haunt these walls." He said the last words with a flourish of his arms and a bow, but they sounded bitter and cold.

The trio slipped from the house without any further discussions, Harry feeling bad he'd missed Hermione and Ginny, but he'd make it up to them on Christmas. They stepped from the house, bracing against the cold of the yard. They were surprised to see Buckbeak in the yard.

"What are you going to with Buckbeak?" Harry asked wearily.

"I'm going to bring her to the estate, and then I'll meet you in Ireland. I can't leave her here and expect the others to take care of her. The elves at your family place have already agreed to make sure she's taken care of, whether we're there or not. Anyway, she's nearly destroyed my parents' old room," Sirius explained with a grin. "If she does anymore structural damage, the magic might not hold the house up anymore." Harry laughed, Remus laughed reluctantly, Sirius guffawed.

With a quick nod and wink, Sirius and the hippogriff were gone.

"He proves the old adage, 'You can grow up and still be immature'." Remus took hold of Harry and Disapparated to the family cottage in Killarney.


"That is awful," Harry moaned, his face bright red, sweat dripping from his brow. His glass wasn't even empty, but he'd had enough. "You said my father enjoyed this?" Sirius was laughing, Remus was getting a glass of water from the kitchen, as well as some pumpkin juice to ease the burn in the young man's throat.

"It's an acquired taste," Sirius explained between his dying chuckles. "One your father most definitely did."

"Your Mum, however, did not," Remus explained as he handed the pair of glasses to Harry. "Your reaction was identical to hers. She stuck to Dew Drop Wine and a Muggle beverage called rum."

"Definite lightweight when it came to the drink," Sirius mumbled.

"Tell me something about them?" Harry asked. "Sirius said you were the one who got them together, Remus. Please, tell me."

"Sure thing, Harry," Remus kindly replied. "James decided he was in love with Lily in our fourth year. Your dad and Sirius were just horrible prats then. They picked on everyone, including me. It was only in joining in their pranks that I escaped bearing the brunt of them."

"Oh, please, we only pranked you and…" Sirius stopped, realising his near unintentional reference to Peter Pettigrew. They all had a visceral reaction to the thought of him, but Sirius was determined to be happy. His life was decidedly better than he could have hoped, he would enjoy it. "We only pranked you when you were getting all moody and studious. Of course, with him, it was most of the time."

"I wanted to do well in my classes, something which you never seemed to care about," Remus countered and Harry thoroughly enjoyed the happy banter between the two. Even the inference about Peter had now passed. Harry noticed the scowl lines on Sirius' face were lessened, and Remus seemed more relaxed and at ease.

"Why would I care about classes? It got in the way with the fun!" Sirius joked back and Remus shook his head at his friend.

"Alright, what about Mum and Dad? How did you get them together?" Harry asked of Remus.

"Well, you have to understand," Remus started his tale. "For the first two years of your dad "loving" your mum, it wasn't reciprocated. You dad tried to get her attention, but he went about it completely wrong. He annoyed her, infuriated her and just acted like an arse. It got worse in our sixth year, when a prank badly backfired."

"I'd forgotten about that," Sirius interrupted.

"How could you forget about it, you were purple for three days?"

"Regal colour, looked good on me."

"Are you serious? You hated it!"

"Of course I'm serious, I'm always Sirius." Remus and Harry groaned at the pun.

"Okay, so the prank," Remus attempted to regain control from Sirius and his bad, old jokes. "The plan was to have it go off on Snape. We knew he was in the potions lab, redoing a potion we had ruined in class." Remus looked embarrassed for his actions, Sirius did not. Harry wondered how his dad would feel about the memories of him and Snape at school.

"We set it all up in the corridor outside the lab," Sirius said, taking over the storytelling. "What we didn't know was your mum was in there with him. There was a stone which was the trigger, and when it was stepped on, soap and water would appear, and wash his hair. The dye was just an added bonus."

"Unfortunately, your mum stepped on the stone first." Remus said regretfully. Harry could imagine what happened.

"Realising it was Lily we were inadvertently pranking, your dad tried to stop it. However when he withdrew his wand, Snape took it as a threat and pulled his. They started to duel and I jumped in and stopped the prank," Sirius explained. "Your mum was livid. Stormed off, forgetting about everyone else. Of course, she thought your dad had set the whole thing up to gang up on her. She barely made eye contact with us for the rest of the year."

"So how did you get them together?" Harry asked.

"They were made Head Boy and Head Girl our seventh year," Remus retook the storytelling. "The meeting on the train with the prefects, they contradicted and corrected each other more than telling the rest of us what we needed to do. I finally ended the meeting, and they didn't notice. I then locked them in the compartment."

"You locked them in there together? Weren't you afraid they'd hex each other?" Harry further asked.

"Took their wands. They were stuck; in the hours we travelled to Hogwarts they came to some agreement. Lily was civil with your father after that. What really pushed them together was the attack on your mum."

"Mum was attacked? When? By whom?" Harry asked, sounding worried for a woman who had been dead for fourteen years.

"A group of stupid Slytherin girls cornered her coming out of the prefects' bathroom," Sirius explained. "She wasn't hurt badly, but they were saying nasty things about her. They also told her that Snape had shared details of their nights of passion."

"MUM SLEPT WITH SNAPE?" Harry yelled out. The two men sniggered.

"No," Remus explained. Harry relaxed the tension from his muscles. "He'd just made up some stories that everyone believed. It was how he kept her protected, even after she wouldn't speak to him after the 'mudblood' incident. The next day in potions she set him straight, in front of everyone."

"Swore she'd never even acknowledge him again," Sirius continued. "He got the point, as did everyone in Slytherin house. Without his 'protection' the Slytherins came after her with a vengeance. She couldn't walk through the halls without being dangerously hexed or cursed."

"We, the Marauders, we all took turns, never letting her walk alone in the corridors, but your dad was nearly constantly with her. They just sort of became a couple. One day we walked into our room, and there they were, snogging away on his bed," Sirius finished.

"That's how bad it was? Students cursing other students?" Harry thoughtfully inquired.

"Harry, most of Slytherin house were aligned in some way with Voldemort beginning somewhere late in our fifth year,"
Remus said. "By our seventh year, I don't think there was a single bloke left in our year, save Snape. Not too many girls either. They'd all just up and left school to become Death Eaters."

"Reg didn't even make it through his sixth year," Sirius seethed.

"Wait, so you're saying the younger students were cursing older ones? The Head Girl, too?" Harry spoke, the words tumbling out of him.

"Harry, their parents were followers," Sirius explained. "The things my parents taught me when I was young..." The trio was silent for a long while, each reaching for their glasses, Remus and Sirius draining theirs, Harry taking another tentative sip. His face screwed up as he swallowed it.

"You know, I just don't think Firewhiskey is ever going to be your drink," Sirius teased him and Harry sighed helplessly before yawning. "Up to bed with you. You've had a long day."

"Wait, I thought we were celebrating my adulthood?"

"You can be an adult who gets a full night," Sirius said as he was pulling his pocket watch out. "Okay, at least a half night's sleep. Honestly, Harry, get some sleep, tomorrow will be long too."

"Fine," Harry said rather reluctantly, but not really pushing the issue. He didn't want to admit he was tired. He went up to get ready for bed in the bedroom just at the top of the stairs. After he was gone, the two old friends continued their imbibing. Sirius poured them each a full glass.

"You ready to face James and Lily tomorrow?" Remus asked Sirius.

"Yes, no, shite," Sirius said. "How do I tell them I was impulsive and stupid and that their son wasn't with me, but with her shite of a sister and her family? He's gonna hate me, Moony."

"Prongs isn't going to hate you," Remus rebuked gently. "You are his best friend, true to the end. They're going to understand. Just make sure they know you're going to do right by him now." Sirius very thoughtfully closed his eyes, before downing the rest of his glass.

Times like these Remus knew not to say too much. He couldn't imagine the demons Sirius had lived with all these years. It had been his idea to trust Peter, and though they'd all agreed to it, Sirius claimed the guilt as his own. While Remus had been lonely and often destitute, at least he was free to live as he chose. Sirius had been incarcerated unjustly. The stories he'd let slip when his tongue was loosened by drink had been horrific. Nothing the werewolf had heard about Azkaban was even close to what Sirius had endured. While Sirius had told him it was being Padfoot which had kept him sane, Remus suspected it had been the man's utter love and devotion to his godson.

"So," Sirius said, placing his heavy, now empty glass down on the table. Surprisingly, he put the lid back on the bottle. "Guess who I saw tonight?"

"I'm sure you saw a great many people."

"Yes, but this one will be of particular interest to you."


Sirius paused for a moment. "Klytië."

Remus didn't say anything for a minute before he picked up his glass and drained it. "How was she?"

"Good. She was part of the ceremony. Harry was intrigued by her."

Remus nodded almost absentmindedly. "Like father, like son."

"Prongs never loved her like you did. They were kids when they did their thing. She loved you."

"Uh-huh," Moony quietly responded. "You'll see her again?"

"Yeah. She might come to visit sometime. Harry wants to hear stories about his parents from her."

"Great," he said, sounding anything but happy about it.

"Remus, really, you should talk with her. I don't think it matters to her at –"

"Sirius, I don't think getting love life tips from you will do either of us any good," the werewolf firmly replied before standing and leaving the room. Sirius decided sleep, rather than being passed out, might be good for his old bones for a change. He doused the fire with his wand, cleared the glasses and bottle and turned out the lights. Just before he slipped into the large bed, he looked out and admired the night sky. It certainly looked different here, the lights from the nearby city obscuring some things, but he still enjoyed the view.
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