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Fairy Tale
By Ravenclawdistrict7

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Category: Alternate Universe
Genres: Drama, Humor, Romance
Warnings: Mild Language, Mild Sexual Situations
Rating: PG-13
Reviews: 45
Summary: "I went to the muggle doctor and they smeared this blue goo on my stomach… I heard their heartbeat… I could barely hear but it was the best sound in the world mum… I never know how I feel anymore if I'm happy or mad, or scared, or excited or terrified. But I want to meet him or her, I want to be their mum," Even if she had to do it alone.
Hitcount: Story Total: 15160; Chapter Total: 1636
Awards: View Trophy Room

Author's Notes:
Hi, it's me. I'm still writing this story, hopefully, at least a few of you out there still want to read it. If you are reading this, I hope you decide to review, I'm working on my ability to write and feedback really helps. Thank you to seeker's_destiny for his help, Last thing I'm planning to go back and edit some chapters.


Dear Harry Potter,

I hope this letter finds you well, I'm writing to apologize for the way I reacted to seeing you. It was rude of me to not allow you to speak. I recognize how much effort you put into finding me. I would like to speak to you soon. I will be very happy once you tell me you're not interested in having a part in this child's life as I will be free from seeing your stupid sad face. Or more realistically you will pretend you want a role for a few days or weeks and then you will disappear. *poof* gone with no bloody explanation you bloody piece of —

"You can't put that the letter, Ginny," Hermione scolded Ginny as she looked over her shoulder at Ginny's 4th attempt to write to Harry.

Harry- the father of her child- was Harry Potter- moments like this made her miss scotch. Ginny took a long, slow, deep breath; this letter had very quickly strayed from the kind tone she was going for. She crumbled the parchment and tossed into the wastebasket with the others.

"Sorry, it slipped," Ginny mumbled.

"That excuse stopped working around the second time you used it. You have to take this more seriously."

"I know that, my mind is just still reeling from it all." She could remember all her emotions from the night before, the anger, and irritation at seeing Harry at her door, the heart-stopping shock when Harry became John, the resentment she felt with every word he said.

She wanted to feel bad about the way she had spoken to him, but every time she thought about last night, she felt angry. She tried to put herself in his shoes and commend him for continuing to seek her out after he found out she was expecting instead of keeping to himself, but then she considered that it was his fault that he found out the way he did. If... if hadn't left the way he had, if he had simply given her his name or just shown her his face, she would have found him and told him.

Her child did not need a father who wouldn't show up when he was expected to and liked to spend his time playing with women's feelings.

Yet while her brain continuously screamed that out at her, it and Hermione also kept whispering that he deserved a chance. So, she was going to write to him and very politely invite him to dinner where he would most likely tell her that he didn't really want a child in his life and she would his respect wishes.

"You agreed to reach out," Hermione reminded her.

Such a letter, however, was not coming together as simply as she would have liked. She set herself back to work.


I should start by apologizing for last night. I didn't expect to ever see you again, well, to see John, again. I was rude and I apologize. Like you pointed out last night, I'm pregnant, and you are the father of that child. We should talk about that, about what you want, what I want, and what best for my our child. Please write back soon with a time and date you will be free.


Ginny Weasley

"How's this?" Ginny asked Hermione who'd remained hovering over her shoulder.

"Good, a bit rigid but good." Hermione pursed her lips, "maybe you should wait few days before you send this, to give yourself some time to adjust."

"I don't need to adjust Hermione, I want him to say his piece so I can move on." She stood up and moved towards the floo. Hermione rushed ahead of her.

"You should stay for breakfast. I'm sure Ron will be home soon, we can all talk this through again."

"I'm tired, Hermione." She hadn't slept much before coming to her brother's home in the wee hours of the morning. The sun was only just rising, when she entered her flat and found a snowy owl grooming itself on her coffee table. Its back was turned to her, but with Ginny's startled gasp it turned its head two- hundred seventy degrees towards her. It stuck out its left foot, before giving a loud squawk to let Ginny know to hurry up and take the letter attached to it. Once she did it wasted no time in spreading its wings and flying out the window it had come in.

Dear Ginny Weasley,

I have no idea how I am supposed to start this letter, but now I suppose I already have. I should apologize for showing up at your home the way I did last night, in my sleep-deprived head it made sense but I understand how you might have interpreted it. When I asked you to dinner before It was so I could explain to you who I was, I tried to ask again when I saw you at the ministry, but we were unfortunately interrupted. I tried to find you at your place of work the next day, but you were out. I was getting desperate that's why I decided to camp outside your door. Again, I am very sorry, for the way I came across I hope my intentions can help you better understand my actions.

Last night, you asked me what I wanted and why I was there. Please give me a chance to answer, and to explain what happened in France, it's a long story that I would rather tell you in person. I'm hoping you can have dinner with me tomorrow at my flat. I realize its short notice, but I'm already 5 months late and I don't want to lose more time.

Please write back as soon as you can,

Harry Potter

Ginny rubbed her temples and longed for the days when her biggest stress was work.

Harry looked around his flat triple checking for anything out of place. Everything was ready, the table was set, the chicken was out of the oven, and the rooms were all clean. Everything was ready, the only thing missing was Ginny but she wasn't due to arrive for another 15 minutes.

In his head, Harry went over the plan for tonight. Step one: greet Ginny warmly and make her comfortable, step two: engage in a light conversation over dinner and showcase his ability to be a fully functioning, articulate adult and not the mumbling, ranting mess she'd seen. Step three: move to the very clean living room and transition to the main topic of the night. Step four: explain the role he wants in his child's life and make it clear he isn't going anywhere. Step five: devise a plan for moving forward.

Harry nodded to himself he felt so determined. Come hell or high water this evening was going to go off without a hitch. He looked over the room again, flat swept: check, table set: check, chicken ready: check, wine chilled: check, wait, no, why would he put out wine, she can't drink that, she might find it inconsiderate if he drank it in front of her. He moved to replace the wine with some pumpkin juice in the pantry when a loud wolf whistle made him pause.

"My, my, my, is that my godson," said the fiery face of Sirius black from the fireplace. Harry mentally cursed himself for not blocking the floo, "I was going to invite you to dinner but it's clear you have better plans."

Harry rubbed his neck, he had yet to explain his situation to Sirius and right now was surely not the right time. "It's not what you think Sirius."

He rolled his eyes, "I don't understand why you feel the need to lie, I mean you cleaned the flat, brought out the good wine, you combed your hair into something bordering on neat, and Merlin... are you wearing pleated Dockers? No, a man doesn't bring those out unless he's trying to make a good impression on a special lady." He said with a waggle of the brow. There was a knock at the door. Sirius's eyes widened with glee, "Is that her? Let me say hello."

"No, I have to go," Harry closed the floo on Sirius's protest, before rushing to the door. Deep breath, time to make the most important second impression of his life.

Ginny knocked one more time, perhaps she had the wrong flat. She heard footsteps coming toward the door, and as they grew louder, she grew more anxious. Deep breaths, she was ready for this, she was sure. The door swung open.

Harry looked a lot better than he had the last time she saw him. He was clean shaven, and no longer had dark circles around his eyes, altogether he looked very normal, though, his clothes, Ginny thought made him look like he was going to interview for a job at the ministry.

She was staring at him and he was staring at her not unlike they had two days ago. What was the proper way to greet the person you had traveled with for a week before they left you pregnant in a hotel in Paris?

Hello, would have to do, he stepped aside and let her let her in. As he took her coat she glanced around his flat. It wasn't the bachelor pad she had expected in her head. It was a beautiful flat black and white walls and dark wooden floors, it was a very plain home, not much decoration.

"Thank you, for coming I realize it was short notice," Harry's voice drew her mind from its wanderings.

She gave him a restricted smile and shook her head, "It wasn't a problem I was actually going to invite you to lunch."

Harry smiled at that, she wanted to talk to him. There was that awkward silence again, neither of them really knowing how to engage with the other. She was glancing over the room again, scanning it like it would provide her with vital information. Trying to break the bubble of unease, Harry decided it was time for step two. "I, er, thought we would eat dinner first and talk after."

Ginny nodded and followed him to the table. "I thought you couldn't cook."


"In Greece, you said you couldn't cook."

"Oh," Harry thought back to that particular day. They'd been in a restaurant in Athens where Madeline, or Ginny, he should say, was telling him about the fantastic creatures that infested in the ancient ruins. When their food arrived, Ginny found it salty and when Harry had asked if she thought she could do any better she immediately said yes and challenged him to a cooking competition which he turned down citing his inability to cook. The call back to that day had made him remember that Ginny wasn't a stranger. "John couldn't cook, Harry, on the other hand, can follow the carefully written instructions of a house-elf who can."

"Well, the food is delicious," Ginny said after her first bite. Harry smiled, so far step two wasn't going too bad.

In truth, however, Ginny found the food bland, and dry, however, the tension was finally starting to lessen, and Ginny hadn't eaten before coming here, so she did her best to make it seem like she was enjoying it.

"So, how have you been?" Harry asked.

Ginny had to stop herself from simply saying 'pregnant', "I've been well, mostly." Harry nodded, "How have you been?"

"Good, been keeping busy with work mostly."

"Mhmm, how is the auror department?"

"Um... frustrating I suppose is the best word for it, nowhere near as glamorous as I imagine quidditch reporting would be," Harry responded.

Ginny snorted "Glamorous for some maybe but I only get tasked with the assignments the better-known writers don't want, and really their only job is to remember which teams are paying them to be nice."

Dinner passed amiably and awkwardly, and the tension that had been passing returned with full force. "Can I use your restroom? She's pushing on my bladder."

Harry looked up sharply from clearing the table, "She?"

"Oh, no, I just use whatever pronoun comes to my head. I don't know yet, he won't let the doctor see his bits or lack thereof and I don't like calling her or him it."

Harry seemed to understand, "The restroom is the first door down the hall to the left".

As she walked away Harry wiped his sweaty palms on his pants and tried to calm his nerves. When she returned he gestured for her to move to the couch, "Would you like something to drink?"

"I'd take some water." Harry brought her a glass and sat at the opposite end of the couch.

"Before I say anything else, I just want to apologize again, for showing up at your home the way I did before."

Ginny shook her head, "I understand why you did what you did, if I hadn't kept walking away from you we could have figured the whole thing out a lot faster."

"I think before we talk about anything else, I have to explain what happened in France."

Ginny looked away and her jaw flexed. "For the sake of things, I'd rather we just try to forget it." Her voice was tighter than it had been all evening, and Harry realized that what Remus had said was right - to her, he was the jerk who had abandoned her in a foreign country.

"I don't think you understand."

"It's fine Harry, let's just put it behind us," while she might be slightly curious as to what made him decide to leave the way he did, she'd rather not rehash her embarrassment.

"What exactly do you think happened?"

Ginny looked off and huffed, clearly annoyed that Harry wasn't letting the subject go,

"You thought the game was getting too personal so you left before you had to deal with any emotions. And while I was hurt, and embarrassed when it happened I've moved past it."

Harry shook his head and grabbed Ginny's hand, and pulled it to the back of his head, "You're wrong".

Harry woke to Madeline snoring softly in his ear. He took a moment to smile down at the way she was tucked into his side.

Today was supposed to be his last day with her and that thought made his heart hurt. The past week he had lived someone else's life, quite literally. 'John' was someone he would never have the liberty of being, he wasn't weighed down by his past as Harry felt he was at times. Harry cast that train of thought away before it could run over his good mood. It was time for him to get breakfast.

He gave Maddy (he had never called her that to her face only in his head, he didn't think she would like a nickname) a quick kiss before he got out of the bed, he shuffled through his bag for something clean to wear. None of his things seemed to fit which made sense considering wearing a week's worth of clothing for two. He carried his bag to the hotel laundry mat where a small wrinkled woman maid stood. "Excuse me," he said to her.

"Oui," the woman responded
Bringing forward his bag of clothes he asked "could you have these washed and brought to room E-
fourteen?", the woman looked at him in confusion.

"Je ne Parle pas l'anglais." Taking this to mean she didn't speak English, Harry tried to scrape together enough French to tell her what he wanted.

"portrait to er... lavage et bring a la chamber ee- cathorize," Harry was sure he said that wrong but the woman to understand and took his clothes from him. On his way out of the hotel took a brochure for a nice a nice café, since it was there last day he wanted to do something extra special for breakfast today. Also, he had to make sure that the food had put her in a good enough mood to stop her from hurting him when he told her he had been lying about his appearance this entire time. Hopefully, she would understand why, and that he hadn't done it to trick her.

As Harry walked down the road to the café he felt a telltale warmth coming from his watch, he glanced around in the search for somewhere secluded, before running to an alleyway. The watch had been issued to him by the DMLE and was worn by all Aurors as a means of urgent communication. They weren't required to wear them when on vacation but it was a well-known fact that Harry never took his off.

Harry considered the face of his watch, as the translucent face of his boss came in to view. "Potter, I hope you enjoyed your break because it's over. How soon can you get back to France?"

"I… I never left I stayed for my break."

"Really?" Robards said in a tone that made it clear he didn't believe him. "When I said take a break Potter I meant it."

Going along with the reprimand Harry nodded regretfully, "Get to the ministry, there's new information on Yaxley."

Harry paused for a moment thinking of Madeline in the hotel waiting for him to get back with breakfast he didn't want to keep her waiting but this could be really important, hopefully, it wouldn't take long and he would get a chance to explain things to her.

Ginny ran her finger across a jagged scar on Harry's scalp where no hair grew," I don't understand."

" I know I'm not explaining it well, there's a lot I just can't tell you," he rubbed his hand along his jaw, "The reason I was in France was that I was on a mission, we were tracking someone and they got away. That morning when I was getting breakfast my boss contacted me to tell me there was some new information and he wanted to see me at the French ministry, I thought it wouldn't take long and I was already planning to go there to get us a portkey anyway." Harry's eyes strayed to his lap, "The information we learned was time sensitive so I and 5 others were sent to a warehouse. It was a trap and we were soon surrounded, and falling fast. Fortunately, reinforcements from my own team arrived, unfortunately, not before a reductio sent a chunk of concrete hurling towards my head. I don't remember anything after that before I woke up the next day in a hospital bed."

Harry's words had slowed the pace of her heart and rearranged the gears in her head, this new information wanted to reorganize her brain, but her past presumptions wanted to keep things the way they were.

"When I was released I went back to the hotel, but you were long gone. I tried to track you down but I didn't know what parts of what I knew about you were real and it didn't help that I was looking for a woman with black hair," Harry squeezed her hand and looked beseechingly in her eyes. " I was going to come back, I was going to tell you who I was, and I'm sorry for lying about my appearance, to start with, I should've told you the truth from the start, and especially before we became… intimate."

Ginny interrupted, "I knew you were lying, I saw your glamours start to fizzle out when you were sleeping, figured that it didn't matter considering we were already pretending to be different people."

Harry gave her a small 'oh' in response, "Well I still should've told you."

Ginny nodded blankly, "It's fine…. "

Silence reigned as they both struggled to find a smooth transition to what really needed to be discussed, what Harry wanted his role to be in raising his child, before when Ginny thought Harry had left on his own volition, she assumed he wouldn't want a big role if any at all, but now that she knew that hadn't been the case, that he might not be the man she assumed him to be, she could only guess what he wanted.

Steps one — three were complete, next step four, explain the role he wants in his child's life. "I hope you can understand I didn't want to leave,"

"And now?", Ginny unconsciously moved her hands to her protruding stomach, "What do you want now?"

Harry wanted to put his hands over hers but decided against it. "I want to be my son's or daughter's dad."


"Meaning, I want to raise them and know them and care for them at every step. I want to be their dad, not their father, not the guy who took them to a Quidditch match two birthdays ago or who they see every other weekend of every other month, I want an active, present role in their life, and for them to know they're wanted by me. I know what it feels like to think your own family doesn't want you or care about you, I won't let my kid ever feel like that." Harry spoke all at once, spilling the thoughts that had been swirling in his mind for the past two days. He saw a tear fall down Ginny's cheek.

Ginny cursed inwardly at herself for crying, she wiped her eyes and smiled apologetically at Harry who was looking at her rather concerned. It seemed like every time he opens his mouth, she had to reconsider what she thought about him. "You're sure that's what you actually want, not what you think you should want?"

"I'm positive."
Ginny sighed and slumped against his couch, "I need time to think," Ginny said as she stood.

"Ok, did I say something wrong, I'm sorry." Harry started.

"Stop apologizing," Ginny said irritably with gritted teeth, before sighing at the confused look on Harry's face, "Please, You haven't done anything wrong, I just need time to think." Harry followed as she walked to the door attempting fruitlessly to convince her to stay, he couldn't help but feel troubled by her sudden reaction.

Though it had been years since it had been necessary Molly Weasley still woke up at 7 am to make breakfast. It was only her and Arthur now, there was no yelling, or rushing, or fighting, or stomping, even the ghoul in the attic seemed to have gone quiet at this point. And as lovely as it could be at times, Molly would be lying if she said she didn't miss it.

She had her grandchildren though, and they kept her plenty busy when she watched them. Still, perhaps she ought to get a crup puppy to keep her company. Or perhaps not, her children still visited plenty, like her daughter, who had just apparated into the yard.

Ginny greeted her mother, who was finishing preparing breakfast at the stove, with a kiss on the cheek, then sat at the table to pour herself some tea. "How 've you been dear, my granddaughter hasn't been bothering you, has she," Molly asked.

"I've been fine mum, and for all you know he could be a boy."

Molly shook her head, as she washed her hands and dried them on her apron, "Not with the way your carrying, not low enough to be a boy." She said as she started putting a plate together.

Ginny wasn't sure what her mother meant but didn't ask her to clarify, "Is that for dad? Is he in the shed? I can take it to him."

Molly questioned her eagerness for a moment but didn't object.

Ginny gave a soft knock on the door of the shed before she went in. Her father was tinkering away at what seemed to be an alarm clock but paused when he saw her to greet her with a smile.

"Ginny dear," he said as he took his plate, "To what do I owe a visit from my favorite daughter?"

Ginny cleared a small bench near him to sit, "That's not much of an accomplishment considering I'm your only daughter. Now if you said I was your favorite child, then I would feel like I had accomplished something."

Arthur chuckled, "Well, I can't say that or I'd have six angry sons at my door, wouldn't I?"

"Oh, who's got time for them, I'm sure they already know anyway. Just say it I won't tell." She leaned close to him like she was ready getting to hear a secret.

"Ginny," her dad said in a whispered tone, as he too got closer. "You are my favorite… biological female relative above the age of 6."

Ginny leaned back, with a pout "Is that the best I'm going to get?," nodded, "I suppose I'll take it."

After that she there was a gentle silence broken only by the sound of her father chewing and swallowing. When he was done he wiped his mouth with a conjured napkin before simply staring at her, with questioning raised eyebrows. Ginny looked at him with her own wondering look, which her father responded to by tilting his head farther and raising his brows higher.

This exchange continued with more and more exaggerated looks until Ginny finally gave up with a sigh, "I need some advice."

"Reeealllly?" said dramatically, making Ginny wondered if she was old enough to smack her father with a newspaper. "Well, what's this about?"

An anxiety Ginny wasn't used to when talking to her father rose in her stomach. "I had dinner with the father last night". The smirk on her dad's face was replaced with his trademark unreadable expression. That blank face of his was part of the reason why Ginny had come to her father for advice rather than her mom or Ron and Hermione, he asked questions but kept his opinions to himself until he had the whole story.

"I thought you didn't know who he was?" her father replied in a tone as neutral as his face.

"I might have left a good portion of that story out," Ginny admitted.

"Hmm, well, how did it go?"

Ginny bit her thumb " He wasn't what I expected at all. He was kind and calm and mostly awkward," she expected her father to ask a question here but he didn't so she continued, "I was prepared, almost eager, to hate him but I couldn't, he hadn't done the things I thought he did. He was a sweet man and at the end of the night he said he wanted an active role in our child's life."

Giving his neutral nod her father asked, "And this is all a problem because?"

"Because I'm still mad at him even though I know I have no right to be, I am. I don't know if I trust him, and how can I raise a child with somebody I don't trust?"

Mr. Weasley cleared his throat, " Ginny you know I love you, don't you?"

She nodded, "I do."

"You know I'd push the earth closer to the sun to keep you warmer, don't you?

"I do."

"And you know that your not being fair, don't you?'

"I might."

Arthur stood to hug his daughter. " I know you want to protect your son or daughter, but it seems rather cruel to keep a father away from his child for no real reason." Ginny went limp with a huff. " I'm assuming you came to me for advice because you wanted someone who would tell you that straightforward."

"Ron is indecisive, mom tells long stories, and Hermione uses too many analogies," Ginny mumbled into her father's shoulder. "Thank you, I should go."

"I'll walk you out."

"You and mum are going to gossip about me once I leave, aren't you?" Ginny asked her father as they reached the apparation point.

Arthur dropped a final kiss on his daughters head, "Like schoolgirls dear."

Ginny laughed "Well I have a letter to write to Harry Potter."

"Harry Potter?!"

"Did I not say? He's the father." Ginny said one second and disapparated the next.

Reviews 45

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