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The Legacy of Regulus Black, the Story Continues
By Gin110881

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Category: Alternate Universe, Post-OotP, Pre-OotP
Characters:Harry/Ginny, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, Sirius Black
Genres: Action/Adventure, Humor, Romance
Warnings: None
Story is Complete
Rating: R
Reviews: 64
Summary: What happened to Harry and Ginny after their mysterious Portkey journey and how did the legacy of Regulus Black change their lives, up to the defeat of Tom Riddle? Becomes more and more AU during the story.
Sequel to The Legacy of Regulus Black
Hitcount: Story Total: 60112; Chapter Total: 4753
Awards: View Trophy Room

Author's Notes:
Well, it's not a real epilogue, just a few bullet points of how I always imagined the future life of Harry and Ginny and those who are close to them. It’s more or less the summary to the sequel I’ll never write because the project would be far too big for me. If anyone wants to try, feel free to do it. Please let me know, however, because I'd be interested to read it.


February 16th, 1996
Because of the possession of Dark Objects and their use on students, Dolores Umbridge is dismissed from her position as Senior Undersecretary of the Minister of Magic and sentenced to four months in Azkaban.

March 30th, 1996
Due to incompetence in the office and the endangerment of the wizarding world by the refusal to accept the return of Voldemort, Cornelius Oswald Fudge is dismissed from his position as Minister of Magic. In his place, Madam Amelia Susan Bones is elected Minister of Magic.

April 13th, 1996
As a result of his trial, Sirius Black is acquitted. He moves back to Grimmauld Place 12 after making it habitable again.

August 6th, 1996 — August 9th, 1996
Harry Potter and Ginny Weasley travel back to ‘their’ island together with Sirius for a few days. Of course, Sirius just brings them there and picks them up again, but please do not tell Molly!
August 6th will forever be their anniversary, and they’ll always try to spend this day on their island.

April 1st, 1997
On their 19th birthday, Fred and George Weasley open the Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes after they have passed their NEWTs. Without Umbridge at Hogwarts, they, unfortunately, had no excuse to leave school earlier.

August 1st, 1997
William Weasley marries Fleur Delacour on the estate of the Delacour’s in France.

September 1st, 1997
Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, and Ron Weasley are heading back to Hogwarts for their 7th year, Ginny Weasley for her 6th year. Harry is the Gryffindor Quidditch Captain, while Hermione becomes Head Girl.

October 13th, 1997
Harry Potter asks the Firebolt Company to equip the Hogwarts Quidditch teams and flying classes with Firebolt brooms. In return, he agrees to give Quidditch Weekly an interview in favour of the Firebolt Company. It’s one of the very rare occasions he’s giving an interview.

November 5th, 1997
Harry Potter and Ginny Weasley are visiting the Firebolt Company. During their stay, they get an introduction into the art of broom crafting. During their visit, Harry gives Quidditch Weekly the appointed interview.

January 10th, 1998
Harry Potter and Ginny Weasley are signing a training contract with the Firebolt Company to learn the art of broom crafting after they’d taken their NEWTs.

August 11th, 1998
Harry Potter proposes to Ginny Weasley on her 17th birthday during a dinner in Muggle London.

August 15st, 1998
Harry Potter moves to a flat in Hogsmeade to be close to Ginny during her last year at Hogwarts.

September 1st, 1998
Ginny Weasley is heading back to Hogwarts for her 7th year. She is the Gryffindor Quidditch Captain. Being of legal age, she is allowed to leave the castle in the evenings, and she uses the opportunity to visit Harry as often as possible.

September 1st, 1998
Harry Potter starts his apprenticeship at the Firebolt Company.

October 1st, 1998
Ron Weasley joins the Chudley Cannons team management department as an apprentice.

October 7th, 1998
Hermione Granger attends the University of Oxford to study Law.

June 10th, 1999
The Potter Cottage in Godric's Hollow is rebuilt and both, Ginny Weasley and Harry Potter move to Godric's Hollow.

July 2nd, 1999
As a balance to their professional life, Ginny Weasley and Harry Potter want to play Quidditch as this has always been their passion. They join the Godric's Hollow Lions, the local Quidditch team in the 3rd amateur Quidditch League.

August 11th, 1999
Ginny Weasley and Harry Potter marry at the Burrow (Molly insisted on the Burrow). It is the day the first story, The Legacy of Regulus Black starts.

September 1st, 1999
Ginny Potter starts her apprenticeship at the Firebolt Company.

July 23th, 2000
Harry Potter starts his job at the Firebolt Company after successfully passing the exams.

July 23th, 2001
Ginny Potter starts her job at the Firebolt Company after successfully passing the exams.

August 1st, 2003
Hermione becomes Undersecretary for Muggle Relationships in the office of the Minister of Magic.

April 13th, 2004
James Sirius Potter, the first child of Harry and Ginny, is born.

June 13th, 2004
Randolph Spudmore, the owner of the Firebolt Company, offers the Potters to take over the company because he wants to retire. The Potters accept the offer. Both parties agree to keep the purchase price confidential.

September 1st, 2004
The Potters take over the Firebolt Company. Harry is responsible for the production lines, while Ginny manages the public relations departments. They are both responsible for the product development and the broom testing departments.

May 18th, 2005
The Firebolt Company launches their first broom for children on the market, the Firefly No. 1.
James Sirius Potter gets the first manufactured model for his first birthday.

August 1st, 2005
Ron Weasley becomes the Team Manager of the Chudley Cannons

September 1st, 2005
The Potters expand their company through a line of Quidditch equipment and Quidditch clothing, directed by Angelina Weasley née Johnson, the wife of George Weasley.

September 19th, 2005
Ron Weasley proposes to Hermione Granger on her 26th birthday. Ron invites her to a performance of The Tempest in the Shakespeare's Globe. He wants to make sure she is in a good mood when he asks her.

January 1st, 2006
The Firebolt Company becomes the official supplier of the North American Quodpot League.

May 30th, 2006
Ron Weasley marries Hermione Granger in a traditional Muggle wedding. The wedding celebration takes place at the Granger's home. After the celebration, most of the electrical equipment must be replaced because they failed due to the overpowering magic of all the Weasley's. The magical part of the wedding takes place in a private ceremony in the Ministry of Magic.

August 15th, 2006
William Arthur Potter, the second child of Harry and Ginny, is born.

January 1st, 2008
Hermione Weasley-Granger becomes Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement.

September 30th, 2008
Lily Luna Potter, the third child of Harry and Ginny, is born.

September 22th, 2020
Ginny, Harry, and James Potter play their first official Quidditch match for the Godric's Hollow Lions together.

Just like their parents, James and William Potter will be trained at the Firebolt Company and will later take over the management of the company. Lily Luna will become a very successful Quidditch player and, after her career, she will be responsible for the PR department of the Firebolt Company.
Reviews 64

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