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What Really Matters
By Bluest Witch

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Category: Post-DH/AB
Genres: Comedy, Fluff, Humor
Warnings: Mild Language, Mild Sexual Situations, Negative Alcohol Use
Story is Complete
Rating: R
Reviews: 34
Summary: ¨What matters here is that you and I will get bonded for life, and we´ll get to share the moment with the people we love¨

This is the story of Harry and Ginny´s wedding, a spin-off from my first fic, That Look In Your Eyes. Fun, bantering, surprises and a lot of laughs.
Hitcount: Story Total: 19880; Chapter Total: 1957
Awards: View Trophy Room

Author's Notes:
The moment has come at last! Please join in the celebration… oh; I forgot I’m not the officiant. Thanks to Arnel, of course, and to every one of you that left reviews or favourited. You are the cherry to my ice cream.


Like Harry’s birthday three years ago, the leaves of the trees under which Ginny and Harry were going to be Bonded now shone with gold, courtesy of McGonagall, who had stated upon arrival at The Burrow’s orchard that there was some truth in golden things, or sun colours in general, bringing luck into the wedding day. Harry refrained from pointing that neither the golden balloons nor the yellow attire of the Lovegoods had prevented the Death Eaters’ invasion of Bill and Fleur’s wedding party, because her former professor had enthusiastically taken charge of the last minute decoration and organisation and was having a great time. She had directed the crowd to sit on Summoned or conjured seats (“does neither of you possess a wand, or what? If you don’t have a seat, conjure one; for Merlin’s sake, this is an orchard, not St. Paul’s Cathedral”), leaving an aisle in the middle and free chairs at the front for the family, and was supervising Lee’s choice of music.

“No, no, no, Mr. Jordan, the March for the Turkish Ceremony is not adequate for the bride’s entrance, she’s coming down to meet her future husband, not an army ready to fight. Pachelbel’s Canon would be a much more suitable piece. And I must say, it surprises me that you have such a wide repertoire. I did not think you had good taste for the classics.”

“Well, you know, Professor, sometimes, with the appropriate company, I like to enter my chambers with liveliness.”

Andromeda was taking advantage that Teddy was distracted looking for puppets with Hagrid to put white lilies in the buttonholes of Ron and Neville, and now that she had them in their designated positions, she was inspecting the aisle critically.

“I don’t like it so… bare,” she said, and with a swift wand movement, the aisle was filled with white and purple petals.

“I don’t understand why aisles are so important, really. It’s simply a lane,” said Harry, who was feeling progressively nervous each minute that passed waiting for Ginny.

“It’s supposed to symbolise the union of two families, separated by the aisle,” answered McGonagall, who had arrived at the front with Minister Shacklebolt.

“Well, in this case it’s only one family, with a lot of friends,” said Harry sarcastically.

“Let’s find another analogy. Think of it as the last space both of you will walk as single entities, and the first you will make together as a new family, beginning a shared life project,” said Kingsley. Around him, everyone was silent. Harry mulled it in his head; he found he liked it. The aisle now had a new meaning for him.

“I can see why you won the elections, Minister,” said Andromeda. “You have quite a gift with words.”

“Let’s hope it doesn’t abandon me while officiating. I haven’t had time to prepare a speech… and now it’s too late; here comes your future family in law, Harry; the bride must be ready to go next.” Harry turned around and saw Bill and Fleur, Charlie, Percy and George, who was holding hands with Angelina, striding down the aisle, followed by Molly. Aunt Muriel closed the procession, complaining loudly of everything in sight. He smiled ruefully at his future family.

“I’m sorry we didn’t tell you before, guys, but we thought it’d be better–” But he could not keep talking: Molly Weasley launched at him with open arms, hugging him tightly.

“Harry, you must know by now you can’t hide anything from Mum,” said Bill. “Don’t ask me how, but she knew, and Dad, too. They can’t be happier, so you have our blessing, if you were going to ask for it. Don’t tell Ginny, though. She would hex us all if she heard anything about us giving consent.”

“Strongly opinionated, your bride is. Are you sure you want to do this, Harry? You still have seconds to run away.” George smirked, and then grimaced when Angelina elbowed him in the ribs. Both Molly and Fleur rolled their eyes. The latter was opening her mouth to retort when suddenly music blared from Lee’s turntable, and Ginny and Arthur left the house and walked down to their end of the aisle, where the bridesmaids stood, waiting for them. The bride’s appearance caused a stir among the guests, but Harry only became dimly aware of it, for in that moment Ginny looked at him, with the same hard, blazing stare he had only witnessed on a handful of unique moments, and suddenly the rest of the world disappeared for him.

“You’re supposed to wait for her looking straight ahead, not at the aisle, mate,” whispered Ron in his ear.

“I’ve missed a lot of things in my life, Ron,” Harry managed to answer, without taking his eyes from Ginny’s. ”I’m not going to miss this.”


“Gin, a word before we go,” said Arthur when everyone left them alone, before it was their turn to leave the house.

“What is it, Dad? I hope it’s not to tell me I should have waited or requested your permission, because let’s be honest, it’s a bit late for that,” she joked. Now that mere seconds separated her from joining Harry, she was feeling nervous, and joking helped to soothe her.

Arthur shook his head. “On the contrary, dear, I want to thank you for letting us participate, for wanting to share this moment with us, for choosing a man who loves you, and will do anything is his power to make you happy. I know you’re only nineteen, but in those years you have endured more than many people in all their lives. So no, we’re not upset you made a decision without asking us, because although you will always be our little girl, we know you are a grownup woman. Married life, my dear, is not a state of permanent blissful happiness; there would be trouble, and days where neither of you would stand the other; however, I trust you are prepared to deal with it. No, you did not need to seek our permission–don’t cry, darling, Merlin knows we’ve cried enough–but you two have our blessing anyway.” Ginny was trying with all her might not to let the tears fall; she let out a watery chuckle when she saw her father pulling a handkerchief out of his pocket, dab at his eyes and then blow noisily in it.

“No matter how tragic the cause of your tears is, you always end up blowing out bogies, true again,” recited Ginny.

“Great sentence, whose is it?”

“A wise woman I met at–Oh, listen, music! That must be our cue.”

Feeling a jittery anticipation in her stomach, she picked up her bouquet, and taking his father’s offered arm, they exited the house and headed down the garden to the orchard. She was concentrating in not tripping on the way, so at first she could not see anybody, but then she raised her head, and… Oh!

The setting looked fantastic. The crowd was sitting with their heads turned in her direction, many smiling, others giving the thumbs up, her teammate Gillian engaged in a contest of wolf-whistling with Charlie and George. Luna and Hermione were waiting for them at the nearest end of the aisle, both wearing sandals and simple but stunning summer dresses, Luna in a soft yellow, Hermione in a flowery print. Ginny beamed at them. She was briefly able to appreciate the last minute decorations, until she saw him.

He was staring steadily at her, his mouth open, his face wearing an expression she was very acquainted with– he could not believe his luck. Ron whispered something in his ear and she saw him answer him without glancing away from her. Then his face lit up with the broadest grin she had ever seen, and Ginny suddenly saw the world as if she was standing inside a tunnel, with Harry in the end point of it.

Dave was wrong; her knickers did not fall, but she suddenly wished that it would be socially acceptable to run and jump in the arms of her love, instead of calmly walking on the arm of her father the last steps of her life as a single person, her eyes never wavering from his.


Dying and coming back from the dead was worth for this. The long time spent fighting, running, enduring fatigue, battling despair and uncertainty, was worth this. What he was living right now must be the reward for the tortures, the hunger, the losses, the pain. I’m the luckiest guy in the world, he thought for the millionth time. His chest threatened to burst with joy when she finally stood at his side, her face glowing, her hand seeking his. He had to make an effort to hear what Kingsley was saying, because all his brain seemed to process was how much he wanted to grab her hand and run away together, to a place where they could be alone.

A place where they would not be the centre of attention. Where no toddler could tug on his jeans… “Teddy?”

“Lost puppet,” said Teddy, bottom lip quivering, clearly seconds away from one of his tantrums. Ginny let out a nervous giggle and Harry looked around to see Hagrid trying to bandage what looked one or more bites from a gnome that was scurrying away as fast as its short legs allowed. Andromeda launched herself forward, trying to catch Teddy, but he began to cry and clung tighter to Harry’s leg.

“It’s all right, Harry, pick him up,” said Ginny merrily. “Poor boy must think this is boring.” Harry bent down, but Kingsley was faster; ignoring the comments and giggles around him, he squatted down in front of Teddy and offered him his hand.

“Young Edward Lupin, it’s a pleasure to meet you. Would you like to be my assistant officiating the ceremony?” It might be because of the reassuring tone of voice, or the surprise at being addressed like a grownup person, but to everybody’s amazement, the toddler stopped crying, stared at him with big, round eyes and allowed the Minister for Magic to pick him up.

“For heavens’s sake, a brat interrupting the ceremony, what would be next, a banshee reciting the vows? Scandalous…” Though she did not bother lowering her voice, nobody paid any attention to Aunt Muriel, so she eventually reduced her complaining to a low muttering.

“Now, Edward, as I was saying, Harry and Ginny are here, in front of family and friends, to tell the world that they want to live together and love, care and help each other.”

Teddy frowned in concentration. “They happy,” he said, pointing at them with his finger.

“Indeed, Edward, that is what they intend to do, live happily ever after, as in the fairy tales. In order to do so, first they must say some magical words.” Teddy nodded seriously, completely entranced by Kingsley’s voice. The Minister addressed then the bride and groom. “Please join your hands, and answer my questions. Do you, Harry, and you, Ginevra, come here today of your own free will, to lawfully get married?”

Harry had thought he would stammer the words, but holding hands with Ginny seemed to have done the trick to steady him. His ‘I do’ sounded firm, and he saw her beaming again; her voice was equally sure.

“I call upon these persons here present, to stand and speak if they know of any impediment for the marriage of this couple. They may talk now, or forever keep silence.”

Everyone at once looked at George, some smirking, others scowling; Molly and Angelina seemed ready to tackle him down if he dared to stand up. But George just smiled innocently, battling his eyelashes to complete the effect.

“Harry James Potter, do you take Ginevra Molly Weasley to be your lawful wedded wife, to be loving, faithful and loyal to her in living your married life together?”

“Of course I do,” he said, and felt her hands squeezing his, her grin going wider.

“Ginevra Molly Weasley, do you take Harry James Potter to be your lawful wedded husband, to be loving, faithful and loyal to him in living your married life together?”

Ginny took a deep breath. “I do.”

“Excellent. Now see, Edward, as this is a joyous occasion, they have gifts for each other. Rings, please.” His words sent Ron into action; he began patting his pockets, until he eventually located the little parcel Harry had given him before the ceremony. He unwrapped and gave it to Kingsley. Teddy clapped at the sight of it. “Presents!” Everyone laughed. Kingsley opened the little box and revealed two thin gold bands of a pale yellow-white gold. He whistled softly in appreciation.

“Welsh gold! Fine and fitting rings, indeed, given the fact that you’re going to live in Wales. Now, please, repeat after me…”

“No need, I- I know it by heart,” Harry said blushing. He took the smaller ring and placed it in Ginny’s finger. “I give you this ring as a symbol of my love and our bonding. Wear it with happiness and pride– now and always.”

Tears glistened in Ginny’s eyes, but she managed to keep them from falling. She took the other ring. “I haven’t learned the words,” she said with a sheepish smile, “but I, too, give you this ring as a sign that I love you and that we are bonded. I know for a fact that you will wear it happily and proudly,” said with a wink, and Harry could not help giving a snort of laughter; Teddy gave a peal of giggles and clapped loudly.

“Wait, Edward. I have to say the final magical words. By the power vested in me by this magical community, I declare this couple lawfully bonded. You may kiss–” Kingsley did not get to finish the sentence, because Ginny had jumped into Harry’s arms and the two were kissing fiercely. The guests stood up cheering and clapping, Teddy joining in. Hermione had tears running down her cheeks, which she did not bother wiping; Ron and Neville whooped and hugged, patting their backs as if they had achieved a big goal.

“Ladies and gentlemen, I am pleased to present to you Mr. and Mrs. Potter!” At this, the two finally broke the kiss, grinned at each other and turned around to greet the people. Smiling serenely, Luna raised her wand, and a rain of golden confetti began to shower the couple. Fleur pulled out hers and imitated Luna, and one by one, the rest of the crowd followed suit.

Dumbledore’s words came to his mind. “You think the dead we loved ever truly leave us? You think that we don’t recall them more clearly than ever in times of great trouble?” Dumbledore was wrong, Harry thought. He recalled them better in this time of great joy; it was as if he could sense them, standing next to him, clapping with the rest. He looked at his new wife. She took his hand, made a head gesture in the direction of the aisle, and together they took the first steps as a bonded couple, under a rain of purple and gold confetti and between the applause of their loved ones.
Reviews 34

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