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Revenge of the Specter
By darkelf00

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Category: Alternate Universe
Genres: Drama
Warnings: Death
Story is Complete
Rating: G
Reviews: 5
Summary: Ginny is arrested and dies in prison shortly after. Harry disappears leaving Magical Briton to its own fate. People are attacked and dying in agonizing ways. There is no escaping the Specter. My first fanfic
Hitcount: Story Total: 1649

Disclaimer: Harry Potter Publishing Rights © J.K.R. Note the opinions in this story are my own and in no way represent the owners of this site. This story subject to copyright law under transformative use. No compensation is made for this work.


Albus wondered where things had gone so wrong. He guessed it started when Fudge refused to believe that Voldermort had returned. In an attempt to gain control and further discredit him and Harry, Fudge had assigned Delores Umbridge as High Inquisitor. The woman had the shortest tenure as DADA teacher in the history of the school.

Her mistake was using a blood quill on Harry. He imagined that Harry would have rather to keep it to himself about what happened but his girlfriend Ginny Weasley had other ideas. She had dragged him to McGonagall and his deputy had taken great delight in calling the Aruors. Yes, he thought to himself, this is where everything went wrong. The arrest of Umbridge should have been the start of a much better school year. Delores claimed that she was acting under the Minister’s orders. At her trial it came out that she was the one that sent the Dementors to attack Harry. It was at this point Fudge knew his career was over. It was only a matter of time for him now. Delores was sentenced to thirty years for her crimes. At her age she would die in prison. Fudge insisted that he had no idea that she was using Blood Quills. And for once he was telling the complete truth. It still hurt him as he was the one that put her in Hogwarts in the first place.

Then a few days later when young Luna Lovegood was found dead. She had been tortured before being killed by the killing curse. It was one of the saddest things he had to do in is long life to sentence one so young to prison. He remembered it like it was yesterday.

Harry and Ginny were in the Gryffindor common room enjoying their snuggle time. Now with Umbridge gone the oppressive atmosphere had lifted off the school. The couple was in one of the big chairs talking with the occasional kiss for good measure.

They along with everyone else in the room were surprised when the portrait door opened letting in several people. Dumbledore, McGonagall, Fudge, the Weasleys currently in England, Hermione and six Aruors. Their focus was on their chair. Harry sighed what was Fudge trying to do to him now. They got up to face whatever stupidity was happening.

“Ginevra Molly Weasley you are under arrest for the torture and murder of Luna Pandora Lovegood.” Fudge said a slight gleam in his eyes. All his problems with Umbridge started when this slip of a girl stuck her nose in. He was going down he’d take her down first.

Harry put himself between Ginny and the others. “That’s impossible. She’s been with me the whole time. This is crazy Professor do something.”

“I am sorry Harry but we have a witness.” A very shaken Neville Longbottom came from behind McGonagall. “Mr. Longbottom was so disturbed by what he saw he had to extract his memory of the event. We have spent the last few hours watching the memory looking for anything that would exonerate Miss. Weasley. There were none. It was her.”

“I didn’t kill Luna! She’s my friend, has been since we were three. Mum, dad you don’t believe this do you?”

“Ginny we saw the memory. How could you do that to poor Luna? You haven’t been the same since your first year.” Ginny’s jaw dropped, they actually believed she could do that to Luna? And judging by the looks she was getting so did everyone else.

“Mr. Potter move away from her.” Harry refused to move drawing his wand. He’d fight the lot of them if he had too. “Put the wand away Mr. Potter. The evidence against her is irrefutable.”

“Give her Verteriusum.”

“There’s no need boy we saw what she did. Kingsley I want her in custody now.”

“Mr. Potter, move aside I don’t want to hurt you.” Kingsley moved forward.

“If you think I’m going to let you put another innocent person in prison without a trial you’re dead wrong.” Kingsley and the other Aruors had to admire Harry. His voice and wand never wavered. They fanned out surrounding them. Harry’s eyes flicked to each one. They would probably attack together and stunners at that. With luck his shield would hold. After that he didn’t know but he wasn't letting them take Ginny without a fight.

He didn’t see or hear the disarming spell hit him. He watched his wand fly through the air to Hermione’s waiting hand. Kingsley rushed in wrapping his arms around Harry while Dawlish slapped magic binding cuffs on Ginny.

“No! Stop! She didn’t do anything!” Harry struggled against Kingsley. King was surprised how strong Harry was. “You’re making a mistake!”

“Harry settle down you’re going to get hurt.” Kingsley whispered in his ear straining to contain the youth.

Dawlish handed Ginny’s wand over to Dumbledore. They tested the wand showing the last ten spells cast. Nine and ten were the torture and killing curses. Ginny was dumfounded, she didn’t cast those. Her cries of protest fell on deaf ears.

“Ginny Weasley you are hereby expelled from Hogwarts.” He snapped the wand throwing it in the fire. She watched it burn with tears in her eyes. She was innocent and only Harry believed her.

“Let her GO!” Kingsley was blasted off of Harry. He advanced on Dawlish who smirked if this kid thought he could take him on. His smirk vanished Harry waved his hand sending the annoying Aruor flying across the room. Shouts of ‘stupefy’ five red bolts hit Harry. Those gathered watched in amazement when Harry went to one knee dazed but not out. Ginny smiled sadly they never knew how powerful Harry really was. And now he was going to show them.

“Harry love. It’ll be ok. This will get sorted out.”

“Ginny Weasley, you have dishonored this family. I disown and banish you form the Weasley clan you no longer have a name.” Ginny showed no emotion she didn’t have any left to show.

“No. You can’t take her.” Harry slowly got to his feet. Dawlish hit him with three more stunners dropping him again. Again he was down but not out. Fudge, unnerved by the display of power from the youth ordered their return to the Ministry. By the time Harry got to his feet they had already left by portkey.

The professors and Weasleys tried to comfort him. “Get away from me. You’re nothing but a bunch of traitors no better than Pettigrew!” To their astonishment Harry’s wand flew from Hermione’s back pocket to his waiting hand. His attack while not harmful, not really, was brutal, powerful and faster than they could react. They were all disarmed in the blink of an eye. Dumbledore and McGonagall were blasted off their feet hitting the wall hard. Hermione likewise on the opposite direction. All the Weasleys were also blasted to the wall where they were stuck. “We’re through. Come near me again and it won’t end well for you. This is your only warning. Deal with Riddle yourself you goat buggering old fool.” Albus tried to speak, in his rage Harry kicked him in the face breaking his nose knocking him out. For extra insult he tossed the wands out the open window. Pausing at Dumbledore’s that felt right in his hand. This one he pocketed. Racing upstairs he packed everything shrunk his trunk. Flying out his window to Ginny’s dorm window he got her things before they could be destroyed.

He was away as fast as his Firebolt could go. That was the last anyone saw of Harry Potter but not the last time they heard from him. Two days later Hedwig flew into the Great Hall during breakfast. She flew towards the head table dropping the letter she was carrying. The howler exploded before it got to Dumbledore.

Students of Hogwarts.

As I’m sure the rumor mill has done a hatch job of the truth so allow me to enlighten you to the truth.

Sadly Luna Lovegood was murdered. She was a sweet girl one that I was proud to call my friend as was Ginny. Two days ago the Minister, Aruors and the Weasleys came to Hogwarts to arrest Ginny for Luna’s murder. They had an eye witness, Neville Longbottom. Now I don’t doubt that Neville saw what he saw. However one thing that no one took into account was polyjuice potion.

Anyone could have been in Ginny’s form. Yet the Minister didn’t want to bother with the truth. On top of that her own family didn’t even stand up for her. She was disowned and banished.

Through all this professor Dumbledore and McGonagall did absolute nothing. They just let it happen not coming to their student’s defense. I’ve since learned that Ginny wasn’t given a trial just shipped right off to Azkaban.

All it would take is three drops to discover the truth but they refuse to do so. So with that you can forget me lifting a finger to help when Voldermort finally makes his appearance. He can have the lot of you for all I care. Any world that is ready to condemn its citizens without a fair trial is not one I’m willing to fight for.

One final piece of advice. Stay away from the bearded wanker at the head table. He’ll use you until he no longer has any use and throw you away.

The letter vanished in a puff of smoke. The hall was deathly quiet. Neville sank down in his seat wanting nothing more than to avoid the stares he was getting.

A couple days later another letter was printed in the Daily Prophet. Harry told Magical England they were on their own because if they were depending on the Ministry and Dumbledore they were well and truly buggered. There was a public outcry for what was done to Ginny and a search for Harry.

A week after Ginny had been thrown into prison the guards were alerted to a disturbance in the high security section. One of the cells was completely in flames. The flames didn’t give off any heat though and they weren’t yellow/orange. They were blue/white waves of extreme cold. So cold that the bars shattered as if made of glass, even the stone cracked. Surprisingly it didn’t spread beyond that one cell. The cell that Ginny had been put in. When the flames died out nothing was left but the cell wasn't blackened. And thick a layer of frost covering every square inch and no matter what they tried it wouldn’t melt. The Dementors wouldn’t go anywhere near it to the point of attacking the guards if they tried to for them.

They had searched for Harry since that day. It was if he had dropped off the face of the Earth. There was no sign of him anywhere. Even Remus and Sirius took up the search against Albus’ judgment. The only good thing to come of it was they had caught Peter. With him alive Fudge was forced to give both men Veritaserum. At the end they were forced to acquitted Sirius of all charges. Sirius wasted no time in denouncing Fudge for what he did to Harry with the smear campaign and for not giving Ginny a trial. Fudge was removed from office a couple days later. Amelia Bones took over and so far was a fair hand at dealing with Riddle and his Death Eaters.

Right now Albus didn’t have time to devote to the search. Another school year was starting that required his full attention. “Where are you Harry my boy? We truly need you.” Pocketing his old wand got ready for the opening feast.

It was Halloween the hall was decorated for the banquet, something that many students were looking forward to. Many of them forgot that it was on this night eighteen years ago that two people gave their lives so that their son might live.

One of those was the current Head Boy Ron Weasley. He was heading to the Great Hall looking forward to all the treats he was going to get to eat. He stopped hearing someone cry. Sighing he turned down the hall to check, Hermione would kill him if he shirked his duties. “Hello, who there? It’s Head Boy Ron Weasley.” No answer just more crying. “Hello? Are you ok?”

The torches went out one by one plunging the hall into darkness. Ron panicked pulled his wand. “Lumnos.” Shining the light around it fell on a young girl. “Hello. Are you hurt?”

“Ronnie?” Ron froze. He hadn’t been called that in years and he knew that voice. The girl turned, Ron fell to his knees. Dead brown eyes in a shallow face stared back at him. Even in this state he recognized who she was. Or rather who she had been.

“Ginny?” She looked like she did her first year at Hogwarts. So small and innocent.

“Ronnie. I’m so cold.”

“B but y-you’re d-d-dead.”

“Ronnie, why’d you let them take me? I was a good girl.”


“Ronnie.” The light on Ron’s wand went out, the torches flared back to life.

“Ron. Where are you?” Hermione’s voice called out to him he didn’t answer. “Ron, there you are. Why didn’t you answer me? Why are you on the floor?” Walking around him she gasped at how pale he was. “Ron? Ron what happened?” Ron stared at the place where his sister had been, a ring of frost was the only sign of anything being there. Hermione got scared helped him to his feet. “Ron, sweetheart what happened?”

“Ginny.” He whispered before passing out. Hermione sagged under his weight fighting to keep him from hitting the stone floor.
Another student was heading for the Great Hall. He didn’t forget about what happened eighteen years ago, he reveled in it. It wouldn’t be much longer when his Lord would allow him to do as he pleased in this school. Draco thought that he should have been Head Boy and Granger should never have been given the honor of Head Girl. Well not for much longer. He chuckled. His chuckle died when the torches went out.

Showing some intelligence Malfoy flattened himself against the wall ducking down pulling his wand. He waited listening other than a dip of water there was no sound. The temperature dropped it was colder than when the Dementors were around. Slowly he stood unable to see anything in the near pitch black. “Malfoy.” He jumped the voice seemed to come from all around him. “Malfoy.”

“Show yourself coward.” Hearing a shuffling behind him he spun fired off a stunner. The spells light gave him a glimpse of his would be stalker. “Lumnos!” He staggered back at the sight before him. “Y-you’re dead!” Ginny Weasley shallow face robes in rags her hair mated with filth but her eyes glared at him in malevolent rage.

“I know it was you Malfoy. You did this to me.” Ginny shuffled forward one slow step at a time. “I’m coming for you Malfoy.”

Draco was pale and sweating. He didn’t know what this thing in front of him was but he would stop it. “Stupefy!” Hitting her dead center of her chest it and passed right through. Next he tried the blasting hex with the same results.

“You can’t stop me Malfoy. I will have you and then I shall have my revenge.” It lunged for him her hands ending in long ice blue talons, the light from his wand went out Draco screamed. He was found seconds later by Pansy, Crabbe and Goyle in the fetal position holding his arms around his head whimpering covered in a layer of frost. In fact the entire corridor was covered in it.

“Draco?” Pansy reached out touching him. Draco cowered puling himself in tighter whimpering. Being this close to him Pansy discovered that Draco had soiled himself. Whatever happened must have given him quite the scare. She tried to get the other two boys to pick Malfoy up to get him to the hospital wing every time they touched him he tried to crawl away. Pansy ended up stunning him then cleaned him up before taking him to the Matron.

Hermione had gotten lucky a couple of students were late for the feast passed by and helped her get Ron to the infirmary. “What happened to him Miss. Granger?” Madame Pomfrey asked

‘”I think we’d all like to know that?” Dumbledore and McGonagall walked in.

“I’m not sure. I called out to him several times he didn’t answer. I found him on his knees staring at a spot on the floor. He was pale and shaking. When I finally got him to stand all he said was Ginny and passed out. And on the floor was a perfect circle of frost.

The hospital doors opened Pansy leading Crabbe and Goyle carrying Malfoy. “Miss. Parkinson, what happened to Mr. Malfoy?”

“I don’t know Headmaster. We found him curled up in a ball whimpering. He doesn’t have a mark on him that I could see. He was covered in frost as well as the corridor. We couldn’t touch him without him pulling away so I stunned him.” Pansy saw that Weasley looked to be in the same state as Draco. “What happened to Weasley?”

“Same as you we don’t know. Headmaster is it possible that this is related? There was a ring of frost in front of Ron when I found him.”

“It is a possibility Miss. Granger. Unfortunately we will have to wait until the two young men are awake enough to answer some questions. I am assuming that you two ladies want to stay with them until they wake up.” They nodded. “Very well. Madame Pomfrey these two ladies may stay here until they wake up or curfew. I shall have food sent up from the kitchens.” The professors left Madame Pomfrey checked them over once more before heading the Great Hall herself. Hermione and Pansy waited in silence ignoring the other concerned only for the persons in the beds.

Dumbledore found it troubling that two students in different parts of the castle being found in similar conditions. And what did Ronald mean by say Ginny? His sister died almost two years ago. And Draco? Pansy had tried to clean him up was obvious but Albus could tell that whatever happened had caused the poor boy to lose control of his bodily functions. Perhaps they were related. Perhaps not. As he had said to they would have to wait until the two boys woke to find out what happened.

When they did wake a few hours later neither was responsive whatever happened clearly had scared them badly.

Molly and Arthur had been called informing them of Ron’s condition they flooed directly to the hospital wing. Molly fussed over her son. They were surprised when Lucius and Narssisa walked in heading for their son. It was possibly the first time that anyone had seen concern on the elder Malfoy’s face or a carrying nature in his wife. The only noise in the room were quiet whispers from parents to their sons until Dumbledore arrived. Lucius was on his feet in an instant.

“Dumbledore who did this to my son?”

“That Lucius was what we are still trying to ascertain. Both your son and Mr. Weasley were in different parts of the castle. Yet both were found pale and shaking. The only clues we have is that Mr. Weasley said the name of his deceased former sister. And both areas had frost. Your son was covered in it according to Miss Parkinson.” Molly gasped softly. She hadn’t thought of her former daughter in two years. “As you can see neither of the boys are very talkative. Something or someone scared them last night. I can tell you that we have been investigating the areas where the boys were found and other than spells that they had cast there was no lingering magical residue.”

“What spells were cast?” Arthur asked.

“Mr. Weasley cast luminous. Mr. Malfoy a stunner, Lumnos, another stunner and finally a blasting hex. Which did damage to the wall.”

“No other traces were found. Nothing.”


“This is unacceptable Dumbledore. Our sons have been attacked and you say there is nothing you can do!”

“The Aruors and Professors have been going over the areas since we discovered the boys. Until they can tell us what happened no there is nothing I can do.” He looked at the two families. “I understand your frustration, I share it as well. We will continue to search for whom or what did this.”

Neither Ron nor Draco would talk about what happened. At first Pansy accused the Gryffindors of the attack on Draco and vice versa. Until Hermione reminded everyone that the attacks happened nearly at the same time in different parts of the castle.

“Sir Ron and Draco were targets. It’s the only thing that makes sense.” Albus wished Hermione hadn’t used that wording even as accurate as it might be. “The question is why?”

“Until Ronald or Draco comes forwards with information we will never know.”

It took a week for Ron to finally tell them what happened Albus invited his parents to hear what happened. “It was Ginny. She looked like she did first year, just this cute adorable little girl. But she was in prison robes. She wanted to know why I let them take her and that she was cold. She said she was a good girl and why I let her die.” Molly engulfed him in a hug.

“Sir if it was Ginny’s ghost why did she appear young? From my understanding ghosts appear as they were when they died. Why would Ginny look like a first year in prison robes? For that matter I’ve never heard of a ghost attacking someone. They can’t we just pass through them.”

“You are correct of course Miss Granger. I remember reading something years ago. I have a few friends that I can contact. Until then it is time I had a talk with Mr. Malfoy.

Draco, Pansy and Snape were in his office Hermione and the Weasleys were gone. “Now then, Mr. Malfoy it is time you told us what happened. Mr. Weasley has finally told us without your information we cannot find out who did this. Were you attacked by what looked like a ghost?”

Sighing Draco nodded. “Please Mr. Malfoy.”

“At first I thought it might be an attack by the Gryffindors when the lights went out. The temperature dropped worse than when the Dementors were here. A female voice called my name twice I fired a stunner and saw someone. Used Luminous and there was Weasley.”

“HA! I knew it. I knew they were responsible.”

“No Pansy not our illustrious Head Boy. It was her, the female Weasley.”

“How did she appear?”


“No my boy her appearance. How old would you say she was?”

“Like the day she was arrested only in prison robes not her uniform. She came at me I fired a few spells they passed right through her. Her finger nails turned into ice blue talons that she swiped at me.”

“Did she say anything?”

“Yeah, “I’m coming for you.” ”

“Why would she say that?”

Draco shrugged. “I don’t know. Had very little to do with her when she was here. I doubt I said five words to her. She didn’t hang around with Potter and her brother.”

Albus knew there was something he wasn't telling him. “So what is to be done with Weasley and Granger? Loss of the Head positions? There’s no way he did this by himself.”

“Nothing. You forget that Mr. Weasley was also attacked by his former sister’s ghost. And before you accuse someone in that family of getting a ghost to attack I’ll remind you that she was disowned and banished.”

“Head Master I didn’t think a ghost could attack someone.”

“You are correct Mr. Malfoy. Ghosts cannot attack anyone. I believe what you and Mr. Weasley saw was something else. Something that hasn’t been seen on the isle for many centuries. I have some research to do before I have an answer.” They took that as a dismissal. Snape stayed behind.

“You know what it was.”

“I have a theory. I hope that I am wrong.”

Hermione was going to enjoy one of the perks of being Head Girl. Her own bedroom and common room that she shared with Ron. She had claimed one of the big squishy chairs as hers and right now she was going to settle in with a cup of coco and a book. Romance novel of all things. Despite what people thought Hermione did know how to relax. She just preferred to read instead of physical activity. She’d just gotten into a perfectly comfortable position when someone knocked on her door. Sighing she got up muttering that it had better be important.

A rather frightened Gryffindor fourth year stood there and for the life of her Hermione couldn’t remember the girl’s name. “Yes can I help you?”

“Sorry to bother you but there’s something strange in our dorm.”


“A fifth bed that wasn't there when we went for breakfast. The curtains are closed and really worn out, no one answers us when we ask if anyone’s in there. We tried to open the curtains but well it’s too cold once you get a few feet of the bed. And the room is getting colder it looked like frost was around the bed.”

Hermione was worried. The extra bed and worn curtains could be passed off as a prank. The cold and frost was the problem. “Where are the other girls?” Leading the girl back to the dorm.

“Jill went to get Professor McGonagall the others stayed to watch in case someone comes out.”

Good idea to get the professor, not so much for the others to stick around if it was what Hermione feared. The two girls were wisely outside the dorm clearly scared. The one that came to her joined them huddle together. She really needed to learn their names. Just like it was described a fifth bed worn curtains cold feeling and the frost. The bed was also in the exact spot where Ginny’s bed was. Wand out, Hermione entered the room. “Is anyone in there? It’s Head Girl Granger. If this is some stupid prank you’ve gone too far and scared the girls. It’s time to end it.”

There was no answer. McGonagall showed up with Jill, who joined her friends. “Miss. Granger.” Hermione felt better now that the older witch was there. “Has anything happened?”

“Not yet professor. I just got here myself. With you here we can force the curtain open.”

“Hermione, McGonagall.” The two stopped staring at the bed. The soft voice had a cold edge to it.

“Yes, it is us. Who are you? It would be best if you came out now. It’s over.” The temperature in the room dropped they could see their breath.

A bare pale foot appeared followed by another. The curtains parted a female in striped prison robes stepped off the bed, head bent long matted hair covering her face. Where her feet touched frost spread out. Hermione had never been so scared in her life. This was looking exactly like what Malfoy had described. To her credit her wand didn’t waiver pointed at the figure. Slowly the girl lifted its head her hair fell away, Ginny. Just as they feared. “You let them take me!” The frost around her feet burst into bright blue flames, as did the bed. They felt no heat though just bitter cold worst than any Dementor. Flames crawled up Ginny’s body she screamed in pain. “You were my friend, my sister.” The blue flames touched the ceiling frost spread out. “You were my mentor. I looked up to you. Neither of you stood up for me. Condemned me. Let me DIE!” Ginny was fully engulfed in flames she screamed again lunged at Hermione.

Both witches expecting an attack actually got off a couple spells that had no effect whatsoever. Hermione put up a shield. It didn’t stop Ginny, she passed right through the shield grabbing Hermione’s arm. She screamed in pain. “En Flamrama!” McGonagall cast the flame spell driving Ginny back if just a bit. Ginny tilted her head back let out an unearthly scream that was heard all over the castle. She seemed to burn up in the flames her bed crumbled into a pile of frost covered ashes. Save for the thick layer of frost nothing else in the room was damaged. Hermione whimpered on the floor holding her arm. “Miss. Granger! Girls help me get her up and to the hospital wing. Stay out of that room. I’ll have the elves get your belongings.”

McGonagall watched as Madame Pomfrey worked on Hermione. Ron was next to her ordered to stay out of her way until she was done treating her. Dumbledore showed up. “How is Miss. Granger?”

“Shaken but Poppy assures me that she will be fine in a few days.” Poppy moved they could see where Ginny had grabbed her leaving blue/black hand print on her forearm. She gently applied a cream loosely wrapping it that done Ron raced to her side.

“Poppy what is her condition?”

“Miss. Granger will be fine. She will be sore for a few days and have limited use of her arm.”

“And the burn? Any idea what caused it?”

“Severe frost bite. Minerva told me what happened. Albus if whatever it was held on longer there is a good possibility that Miss. Granger could have lost her arm. Have you had any luck yet finding out what is attacking students?”

“Not yet though I expect to hear from my friend soon.”

“Perhaps we can help with that Headmaster.” Sir Nicholas and the Baron floated through the wall. “We have been talking with the ghost community since the first attacks. You already have a suspicion of what she is. You are correct. The former Gryffindor student Miss Weasley is not a ghost but a specter.”

Albus sighed and sagged. It was as he feared. “Thank you both. I shall inform the students tonight.”

“A Specter Albus. There hasn’t been one of those in centuries.”

“You are correct. The last one was a wizard that was murdered by his friends. He went after them until they were all dead. He was heard saying that in the afterlife he could have his real revenge.”

“And Miss. Weasley?”

“Thinks that she has been wronged in life and is going to take it out on those she feels are responsible. At least now I will be able to give the parents some information.”

Lucius took the information with a slightly worried look and Draco looked even paler than before. These two knew more than they let on, of that Albus was sure. Without proof he had no way to force them to tell him. “There are some spells that can work against specters not many unfortunately and as specters are so far and few between knowledge of these spells are difficult to find. However I shall endeavor to learn them to protect the students.”

Dumbledore announced at the evening meal that the attacks were being done by a specter. He refrained calling it Ginny’s specter not wanting to draw attention or blame to the family. He warned the students that if they came across her to leave the area immediately and find a teacher. In the mean time he researched the spells to combat specters.

After Hermione’s attack any thoughts that it was the Gryffindors that attacked Malfoy were put down. Only one Slytherin was attacked and two Gryffindors and one inside their own house. That was also the last time she was seen in the castle. Life returned to normal the students were no longer afraid of the ghosts.

Far away from the ancient castle in the small village of Ottery St. Catchpole the ramshackle house lovingly called the Burrow was just another quiet day in early fall. Molly was at her worn kitchen table drinking her tea enjoying her day of quiet thinking about her children again. Bill and Fleur had married last summer and were living at a lovely seaside cottage. She had to admit that she had been wrong about Fleur, she really did love Bill. Charlie was back in Romania with his dragons. Percy had a flat in London near the Ministry. And the twins had their flat above the shop. Ron of course was at school, the last of her brood. He would be out looking for work next June. Maybe his father of Percy could get him a job in the Ministry. He said something about joining the Aruor Academy. While that would be a good job she wasn’t sure how she felt about it. Being an Aruor was dangerous work. Hermione was a sure in for the Ministry. Even the stuck up purebloods would see that her intelligence would be an asset.

She wondered how long it would be before that pair moved in together, most likely right out of school. Even into a flat with two bedrooms. Those two would try to hind it from her no doubt. Two that should be three. Molly’s happy mood vanished. They still had no word on Harry. The boy had dropped off the face of the earth. No amount of searching or location spells worked. Where ever he was he was well hidden. But when they found him she was going to sit him down and give him a good talking too for worrying them for so long. Disappearing after … after her former daughter killed poor Luna.

Molly hadn’t spared a second thought about her former daughter in the last two years. And why would she? Ginny had disgraced the family in ways that no one else ever had. They did the right thing disowning and banishing her. What made her think of her now? Was it the attacks on Ron, Hermione and the Malfoy boy by the ghost? No not ghost the specter. Albus had told them what he had discovered. So why was she still around? No one had wronged her, she did it to herself.

She drank the rest of her tea, time to do the few chores there were. A thump from upstairs stopped her. She was alone, everyone was at work or school. Ah it was probably just the cat knocking something over. No she was sunning herself on the window ledge. She must have imagined it then. Thump. This time louder and she certainly didn’t imagine that. Pulling out her wand tapping the phoenix pendent on her necklace. That would summon Arthur and hopefully Bill. He hadn’t been very happy with them since Ginny’s arrest and death. He said they still should have given her the truth potion to hear it from her own voice why she did it.

“Molly!” She sagged in relief Arthur came out of the floo rushed into the kitchen. Bill followed by the twins showed up seconds later. “Molly what’s wrong?”

“Oh Arthur I was sitting here when I heard a noise from upstairs. Thought I imagined it when it happened again. The cat is over there so it’s not him.”

“Mum stay here with dad. The twins and I’ll check it out.” Arthur poured her another cup of tea and one for himself. They could hear the boys moving around upstairs. It wasn't long before they were back down. Molly had cups of tea and biscuits on the table.

“Well mum you’ll be happy to know that we didn’t find anything. Could just be the house settling. I’ll give it a once over before I leave. Make sure none of the spells holding the place up are not conflicting.”

“Thank you boys. I feel like such a silly goose.”

THUMP! Everyone stopped what they were doing looked at the ceiling. Even the birds and crickets stopped, they couldn’t hear the wind. The boys looked at each other; they had been through in their search, one stayed in the hall while the other two searched the rooms. No one could get past them or hide from the human revealing spell not even if they were under and invisibility cloak. Fred was about to speak when they clearly heard a door creak open. The only door that was closed was Ginny’s old room.

“There was no one up there. There’s no way we missed.” George whispered.

“I know but.” The loose stair creaked. All eyes focused on the kitchen door. The wooden frame turned white with frost as did the door. Slowly the door opened a small transparent figure slowly shuffled in. Her face was covered it didn’t matter they knew who it was.

“Mummy? Daddy? Where are you? I’m so cold. The scary things make me so cold. Why did you send me away ?”

Molly’s throat had gone dry. It was her baby girl looking like she did her first year only in prison robes gaunt. A shell of herself. Bill and the twins had their wands out pointing at what was once their sister. Tears on their eyes especially Bill.

“Billy, Freddie, Gerogie … why am I so cold?”

“Ginny, you need to move on love. You need to rest be at peace.” Bill pleaded with her.
“I can’t … so cold.”

“Why can’t you?”

“Why didn’t you stand by me?” She stopped in the center of the room. Frost had been creeping across the floor walls and ceiling.

“Ginny you need to move on. Let go love move on.”

“Why… why… WHY!?” Gone was the little girl in its place was the vengeful specter that McGonagall and Hermione described. The blue flames started and spread quickly. Bill use the same spell McGonagall said made Ginny back off Hermione. This time it didn’t work at all. Ginny screamed this time the flames didn’t spread up her body but out from it. “I burned!” The flames got bigger spread faster. “Alone, abandoned, forgotten, cursed! So cold.”

The cold was so bad they had to rush out of the house. Stared in shock the Burrow was fully engulfed in blue flames. Waves of biting cold hit them. Through the still open door they could see Ginny head thrown back seemingly in pain. Dumbledore and McGonagall arrived in time to witness the last. Again Ginny let out an unearthly scream like she did at Hogwarts. The blue flames flared then vanished leaving the Burrow covered in a thick layer of frost. The old building groaned collapsed as if nothing was holding it together. Arthur, Bill and Albus knew that the only way for this to happen be no one lived there or the magic was burned out of the structure. They were thinking the later was the reason. Even then it would take considerable power to drain the magic of the Burrow. The brothers stared at the pile of rubble that was their childhood home. The wood crumbled at their touch, nothing was left. All evidence that the Weasleys lived on the patch of land was gone. Their complete family history.

Later that day Dumbledore was in his office contemplating the recent events. The specter was causing a great deal of trouble. Thankfully he was able to locate the necessary spells to deal with the specter if she showed up again. Unfortunately the specter couldn’t be banished like a ghost. They would stay around until their vengeance was satisfied. As for the Weasleys they were now living at the Headquarters. Molly was a shell of herself. Shaken at seeing her former daughter had taken a heavy toll on her. Arthur had taken to adding calming draft to her tea. The poor woman was on the verge of a nervous breakdown. Arthur not much better himself.

Albus sent word to Sirius and Remus asking if they had any luck in finding Harry. Perhaps he could get Ginny to move on to the next life. They hadn’t responded yet.

Not long after the Burrow’s destruction Kingsley told Albus about two Aruors that were attacked by the specter. Turns out they were the ones to bring Ginny to Azkaban one had his hand frozen off the other her leg. Under questioning they admitted to slapping and kicking her. So in retaliation they lost the appendage. “Should we warn Fudge?”

“And tell him what? That a vengeful specter is out to get him oh and you can’t hide behind wards as she was able to get into Hogwarts at least three times.”

“Is there no way to protect against her?”

“Not that I have been able to find. My contact has told me the same. Best to pray that you are not the one she’s after and wait for her to finish. And hope no one is truly injured before she moves on.”

“From what I’ve heard that might already be too late. Weasley and Malfoy both scared witless. Granger severe frost burn lucky to have her arm. Molly will never be the same again. Seeing her daughter loosing the Burrow and all their belongings. Merlin a life time’s worth of memories all gone in the blink of an eye. Why is she always complaining she’s cold though?”

“Exposure to the Dementors of suppose.”

“On a different note. Sirius, Remus, Tonks and her parents have gone. Apparently they had a lead on Potter’s location and were going to him. They left their phoenix pendants behind. Best guest is they’ve been gone for a month. Tonks just finished her notice.” Albus signed, that explained why he hadn’t heard from them in a while. “At least they left the house open for us.”

“Not much we can do. Perhaps they may be able to talk Harry into coming back. Until then we must be vigilant against Riddle and the specter. Perhaps giving Cornelius a warning might be a good idea after all.” Kingsley nodded.

Cornelius Oswald Fudge the once the powerful Minister of Magic now nothing. Not even an earn boy for the new Minister. She had told him in no uncertain terms not to bother her and stay away from the Ministry unless he had business there. That he was to conduct said business and get out as fast as possible. At last they hadn’t come after his money. If he had only gotten Potter on his side maybe he could have held on to his lofty position. Oh who was he kidding. There was no way Potter would support him after arresting that Weasley girl. That was another thing. He should have handled that one a lot better. A few drops of Veritaserum and they would have had it right from the girls mouth she did it and why. But no he had to go and throw her right into prison.

And now Dumbledore tells him that the girl has returned as some kind of specter. Man was losing it. There hadn’t been a specter in hundreds of years. Going on about fires that made frost instead of heat. Old fool. He shivered it was getting cold. But his fire was perfectly fine, almost a bit too warm earlier. Now though it was cold, like Dementor cold and getting worse.

“Fudge.” A raspy voice said that seemed to come from everywhere. Fudge jumped wand in hand. Impressive reflexives for a man his age and over all uselessness.

“Who’s there? Show yourself!” The room stayed silent. The candles went out one by one.

“Fudge.” There was enough light for him to see the door to his study. It was closed a blue light shown through the edges. “Fudge.”

He was shaking weather from the cold or fear was hard to tell. Frost started at the door moved quickly along the walls, floor, ceiling. It reached the fireplace, the flames sputtered and hissed in protest eventually giving into the intense cold dying. The once roaring fire covered in frost. He was breathing hard, there was just enough light coming through the big picture window he could make out the brass door handle as it slowly turned. His heart was hammering in his chest it felt like it might explode.

He was going to call for his guards he couldn’t find his voice and he no longer had those guards. The latch clicked sounding like a canon blast to him in his heightened fear state. With the same agonizing slowness the door opened revealing, nothing. No one was there. He didn’t care he was getting out of here. They could get away and come back during the day with help to recover their belongings. Two steps the door slammed shut. “Fudge.” She was behind him. A girl in prison robes. He backed away out of fear and the intense cold radiating off her.

“Who... who are you ? What do you want?”

The seeming little girl turned into a vengeful demon hair fanned out eyes promising pain glared at him. “You killed me Fudge. On your orders I was thrown to the Dementors. What do I want? I want my justice. I want my REVENGE!” She lunged at him ice blue talons leading. His scream waking the rest of the house. His wife and children found him in his study dead.

Albus flooed into the Ministry. It was abuzz with news that former disgraced Minister Fudge was found dead in his own home. In his study that was covered in an inch of frost that refused to melt. They found him on the floor look of absolute fear on his face a blue/black handprint on his chest. Cause of death, his heart was frozen solid. Many thought that he’d run afoul of a Death Eater or the dark lord himself took Fudge out. Who was next on the specters list? He needed to speak with Amelia.

Lucius Malfoy was worried. After Dumbledore had told him what attack Draco and the Weasley boy he’d done his own research and what he found wasn’t good. Specters came from acts of betrayal and murder either by the hand of the betrayer or on their order. They would return to exact their vengeance. Not just the betrayers though but anyone that had wronged them in life. And they would know every person that had wronged them, the dead know.

Given what almost happened to Draco he knew it would eventually come for him for the diary incident. For all his searching he could find no way of stopping the specter. Delay it yes. Even hurt it some, but there was no way to stop the specter if it wanted you. Every author said it was best if you just accepted your fate. He refused to be taken by some shade of a girl.

Every time he learned of a new attack he became more worried. The two Aruors maimed yet still alive. The attack on the mudblood who was by all accounts the girl’s friend. Then the attack and utter destruction of her family’s home, everything gone. He shuddered, the thought that his entire family’s history wiped away to nothing. Finally Fudge’s death. Lucius shook his head; the man was frozen to death in his own home.

Going to the Dark Lord for help was out of the question, he would be punished for showing weakness. Same for any of his fellow Death Eaters. They would demand ‘favors’ for their help no matter how useless they would be. Narcissa was away for the afternoon, leaving him to plan in peace. Sitting heavily into his chair picking his glass of firewhisky. “When you come Weasley I will be ready.” Tipping the glass back he got nothing. His eyes widened, the fire whiskey was frozen.

“I doubt that.” A voice said behind him. Two ice cold hands grabbed his face from behind. Pain beyond what he received from his master lanced across his face. He was only held for a second or two but it was enough to leave blue/black marks of frostbite. Even after the hands released him he was still in considerable pain. Moving as fast as he could away from his chair spinning wand drawn. She was here standing calmly behind his chair. “You put that diary in my things. It was you that put me in that position to be possessed by your master.” She advanced on him. She looked as Draco described, gaunt figure, prison robes, blue talons and those eyes, full of malice and hate. Not even Voldermort had a stare like that. He did note that she looked more solid than any ghost he’d seen before yet she still walked through his desk like it wasn't there leaving it covered in frost. “For what you did to me I will have my revenge.” Malfoy fired off a flame spell that slowed her. It hurt to move his mouth so he was stuck to nonverbal casting. Unfortunately he didn’t know the spells to deal with a specter well enough to use them like that. So he was left with one option. Run.

Out of his study down the hall to the front doors throwing them open he was met with a wall of ice. “Run all you want Malfoy! You can’t escape me!” From his left a hand closed around his, he screamed pulling his hand away two fingers snapped off frozen. Clutching his injured hand to his chest he ran to the back of the house. Whispers of ‘run Malfoy run’ playing in his ears. Every door or window he went to was covered with ice. He called for the elves none appeared. He tried to Apperate that didn’t work either. He was trapped in his own home with a vengeful specter.

Two hands come out of the floor grabbing his right foot, like she did with his face holding it for a second. Her plan was clear now, she was going to destroy him bit by bit. The game of cat and mouse went on a few more minutes. Every time Lucius thought he might get away she would be there touching him leaving hand prints and pain. He was having trouble breathing his last encounter with her she put her hands on his chest. Every labored breath was like sucking air through a straw. The front door was still open and the ice was gone. He could do it he could make it outside and Apperate to Saint Mungos. “Game’s over Malfoy.” No, he almost cried she was standing in the door way, she wasn't there a second ago. A lance of ice flew from her hand piercing him through the heart. His last vision was of his wife stepping from the now unblocked floo seeing him and the specter. She screamed.

Draco was pale even for him. News of his father’s death had reached the castle and now everyone knew that he had died at the hands of the specter. People whispered who the senior Malfoy had wronged and how. Only a hand full of people knew who the specter was in life. This was also the last reported case of anyone seeing her for days. Perhaps her vengeance was over and she was now at peace.

Then the nightmares started. Not every night, two or three times a week. Of the Weasleys only Bill and Charlie said they didn’t have any. Molly, Arthur, Ron, the twins and Percy on the other hand did. Percy ended up going to a mind healer it affected him so badly. They reported having similar dreams about Ginny. The dreams would start out with Ginny running and laughing, playing being her loveable self. Then it would change to her in prison robes, gaunt, malnourished and shell barely alive asking why they left her, why they didn’t love her anymore and why she had to die. Molly was the worst having to be hospitalized for a nervous breakdown.

The twins would wake up crying Angelia and Katie where there to hold and comfort them. At Hogwarts Ron and Hermione had taken to sharing a bed and they really didn’t care who knew. Contrary to popular belief they hadn’t done anything other than hold each other through the night. They were both having the same nightmare as the others and like the others were getting very little sleep. Together the dreams weren’t as bad.

By far the person that had it worse was Draco. Still recovering from his father’s death he was plagued with dreams of himself running through the castle she was right behind him. If he looked over his shoulder she would be flying after him hands reaching for him ending in those deadly looking ice blue talons and those eyes that promised pain and suffering. Almost every night he had that dream, every time she got closer. She would have him soon and there wasn't a bloody thing he could do about it. There was possibly one person that could help him. Problem was no one knew where the hell he was.

Albus had been called to Azkaban, he truly hated this place. Yet the Ministry said they needed his help. They had another cell that was giving them trouble. The Warden met him outside the prison. “Professor Dumbledore. Thank you for coming.”

“Not at all Warden Gates. What seems to be the problem?”

“Best if I show you professor.” His curiosity peeked Albus followed the younger man through the musty cold corridors of the ancient keep. He felt the intense cold long before he saw it. Sighing Albus knew what he was here. The Specter had struck again. “It’s been like this for couple days. We need to get past it to the prisoner.”
“Who is in this cell?”

“Umbridge.” Things made sense now. And Albus had a good idea what they would find once they got inside.

“Sir, the ice is melting.” One of the guards called out. Sure enough the wall of ice over the cell door was melting rapidly leaving no water behind.

“Seems I’ve called you out here for nothing professor.”

Dumbledore said nothing waiting for the ice to melt to confirm what he expected to find in the cell. The entire cell was covered in a thick layer of frost just like everywhere else the specter had been. On her knees hands raised in a defensive position with a look of utter terror on her face was the former Hogwarts Inquisitor Madame Umbridge, frozen solid. “By the gods? Professor do you have any idea what could have done this?”

“Unfortunately Warden Gates I do. No doubt you have heard of the specter currently about. I believe she is responsible. And there is very little we can do to stop her.”

“Specter. The same one that got Fudge? Do you think she’ll come back here?”


“Very well. I guess we should move her.” He motioned to two guards. “Move her to the infirmary for now.” When the guards touched her, she shattered leaving little doubt that she was dead. Dumbledore wondered as he left the prison how many more would die or be maimed before Ginny found peace.

Mid spring and no one had seen Ginny’s specter in months, even the nightmares had eased off according to his parents and brothers. Bill sighed maybe now Ginny can rest in peace. “Bill.” His head snapped up. Ginny was floating in front of him ten feet out from the cliff. She didn’t look like she did at the Burrow. She looked like she did before being taken away.


“I’ve come to say goodbye and thank you for believing in me.”

“Ginny, I’m sorry I wasn't here for you that day.” Tears flowed down his face.

‘It’s ok Bill. I know. Time for me to go, you won’t see me again. Live well Bill.” She faded from view. Bill was on his knees crying great sobs. That was how Fleur found him minutes later. She held him letting him grieve for his lost sister again.

Far away in Romanian Charlie was on duty rounds. So far everything was as it should be. The wards were running fine most of the dragons were sleeping. He caught a glimpse of someone in the pens. Great another one that thinks being a dragon handler was an easy job. Every year they get three or four people that think they can prove dragon handlers weren’t all that tuff. Ninety percent of the time ended up with that person or persons getting seriously injured or eaten by the dragon.

Well at least this person choose the right dragon. Norberta was the calmest dragon in the entire reserve. Entering the pen he didn’t call out not wanting to startle the dragon or girl. He stopped seeing her or rather seeing through her. “Ginny?”
She stood from petting Norberta smiling. “Hello Charlie.”

“What are you doing here?”

“I’ve come to say goodbye. You won’t see me anymore after this.” She gave him her warm friendly smile one that he always remembers her for. “Goodbye Charlie take care.” She faded away like she was being blown on the wind.

It was late May, no one had seen or had dreams about Ginny. Bill and Charlie told them of their encounter with her and they assumed she had finally moved on. Snape was in his office grading papers grumbling about stupid children and how they couldn’t get the spells correct. He let out a loud sigh after reading a poor essay on the shield spell. He stopped he could see his breath.

“Hello Snape.”

“Weasley. Come to complain about your poor treatment in your class when you were alive?”

“No. I’ve brought someone to see you. She asked to be allowed.” Snape nearly fell out of his chair seeing Lily Potter stand next to Weasley.



“Li ly I tried to stop him. He promised me you would be spared.”

“Yet you cared nothing for my husband and son. My infant son that had done nothing wrong to a single soul and you were willing to let him be killed. What did you think would happen after that? That I would fall into your arms in grief? You could have saved us all by letting us know about Pettigrew. I know you knew he was our Secret Keeper. One word from you and I would still be alive. But no Merlin forbid Severus Snape let go of a stupid school feud. And don’t think I don’t know how you’ve treated him while he was here at Hogwarts. I know everything Severus. And so you know, I would never have been what you wanted me to be. I never felt like that towards you. And if by some miracle I did survive that night I would have hunted you down and killed you myself. When you die I will be waiting.”

Being the weekend no one went looking for Snape until he missed his first class Monday morning. He was still in his office dead, he’d taken his own life with one of his poisons. Class was canceled for the following week.

Dumbledore didn’t know what to do. He suspected that Ginny was somehow involved in Snape’s death however there were no signs of frost anywhere. Thankfully Amelia had sent an Aruor from the academy over to help with the last few classes for the year and she had expressed interest in taking up the position next year. Fawkes squawked flamed away. Albus stared at where his phoenix was resting wondering what had made him flame away like that. He saw his breath, from his sleeve his wand slipped into his hand. “Miss. Weasley.”

“You forget I’m no longer a Weasley. Don’t you remember Headmaster you were there after all. Snapped my wand expelled me from school.”

“Then what would you have me call you?”

“Nothing. I’m not here to listen to you to prattle on about how sorry you are that your hands were tied. We both know you wanted me out of the way. I was interfering with your plans for Harry. He wasn't the weapon you wanted. Spending time with me being loved tempered his anger. You couldn’t have that now could you? I know you didn’t set out to have me arrested but you certainly took advantage of it. He knows by the way. He knows everything. The prophecy and about the horcurxes.”


“He figured everything out. Why you kept him at the Dursleys, you sealing his parents will the one you witnessed where it stated that Sirius wasn’t the Keeper.”

“You know where he is.”

“Very good Headmaster. Yes I know where my love is. He’s doing well and learning lots becoming a powerful wizard and man. Not that he wasn't before. But without my former brother and friend holding him back and keeping him down he’s beyond them both now.”

“Miss. Weasley where is Harry?”

“Somewhere you will never find him until he wants to be found.”

“I warn you that I know spells that can harm specters.”

“Take your best shot Dumbledore.” He did just that the spell that should have had the same effect of a bludgeon hex passed right through her. “If that was your best I wonder why Riddle is scared of you. Well truth is that I’m not here for you. Even if I have every right to be. I’ve brought someone that wants to see you.” Another girl appeared next to Ginny.

“Arianna?” She looked like she did that day before she died.


“My dear sister I am so sorry.”

“Stop. I do not want to hear your lies.”


“I know who it was that killed me that day.”

“I am sorry but there is no way anyone could tell with so many spells flying around. You had the misfortune of wandering into the fight.”

“Oh but you are wrong Albus. The dead know. We know how we died or who killed us. We know. The veil is lifted once you die. It was you.”

Albus dropped his wand. “What?”

“The spell that took my life came from you. Not our bother and not your lover. It came from you. You and your Greater Good. Isn’t that what you and Gilbert always said? You needed to take over for the greater good. How many other lives have you destroyed with your Greater Good? Would you like to meet them all?”

“Sadly as much as I would love to see him squirm more than what he is now we don’t have time. Not to worry though. They’ll all be waiting when he does die.” The spirits two faded away leaving an old man on his knees crying his eyes and heart out.”

The last day of school had finally arrived. Albus hadn’t been the same since the day his was confronted by his sister’s ghost. It was like he grew older each day. Knowledge that he was responsible for his sister’s death weighed on him heavily.

However since that day there was some good news. There had been no more reports of the specter. Molly had been released from the hospital still under observation and a few potions to help with her nerves.

The only person not getting better was Draco. If anything his dreams were worse but not as frequent. His once proud features were gone. His face was gaunt, sunken cheeks, rings under his eyes. He’d actually been sent to the hospital wing several times after collapsing in class or the hall from exhaustion. She was getting closer in his dreams. He could swear that he could feel her talons brushing against his neck. It was only a matter of time before she had him.

Finally it was June, exams were over and the students would soon be leaving for the train. These young men and women heading out to make their mark on the world. Despite everything that happened this last year it ended well. Strangely Riddle had been silent. Albus and the Order had expected some attacks on remote villages or attacks in London, but nothing. Little unnerving to be honest. What was he up too?
He got his answer. A loud gong sounded. Albus jumped to his feet. “The wards are being attacked. Fourth year and below stay here. Any fifth year and up if you are capable follow me we will defend the castle until help arrives from the Ministry. Minerva please contact Amelia and let her know what is happening. Follow me.”

Albus really didn’t what them involved in the coming battle he had little choice. There was no way he would be able to defend the castle with a hand full of teachers and the armor. From the upper battlements he finally saw the force that Riddle had brought against them. A variable sea of hundreds of dark creatures and magicals. Many young lives would be lost today. “Harry my dear boy we need you now more than ever.”

Out of thin air a fairly large structure appeared directly in the path of the dark army. It reminded Albus of a muggle tank he’d seen during WW2. Though comparing this to those tanks was like comparing a fishing boat to the Queen Mary II. “Miss Granger, have you even seen anything like this before?”

“No professor but I’ve never followed the military very much. I doubt any nation has built anything like this before. It’s too big to be practical.”

The tank for that was what it truly was had two turrets one forward one facing backwards. It stood at least twenty feet high, forty wide and one hundred long. Even the famed American M1A1 Abrams tank would be dwarfed by this thing. A hatch on the top opened. From this distance and angle those on the battlement couldn’t see his face. They knew who it was when he spoke to Riddle. Harry Potter had returned.

“Hello Tom. Long time no see.”

“Potter! Finally come out of hiding have you? Too afraid?” Those in the dark army that could laugh did.

“Of you? Hardly, you’re just a jumped up half-blood with daddy issues. I see you’ve managed to fool these individuals into following you believing your some pureblood lord. Try again Riddle, your no lord just a bastard child born out of wedlock after your mother used a love potion on him. Sorry to inform you lot but he’s not going to make things better for you. Once you’ve outlived your usefulness he’ll kill you.”

No one from the dark army moved. “Nice try Potter. No one is leaving.”

“You got that right moron. Launch.” Twelve rockets fired well over the heads of the army and past them before they exploded.

“Nice shot Potter you missed.”

“Well if we had been aiming for you yes we did. But who said I was?” Riddle felt the wards he put up to stop anyone from leaving fail and new powerful ones replace them. “So you understand what just happened. Those rockets were carrying oh … couple hundred rune stones. Each one designed to do two things. Destroy any anti-apparition wards in place and put new ones. In order to take the wards down you have to find all of them. Or turn them off with the command rune inside here. Neither of which you will be able to do. So what’s it going to be Riddle? Surrender or die.”

“Surrender? You really think you can defeat my army with that silly muggle contraption?!”

Harry grinned. “Deploy mains take out the giants.” The massive tank move, surprisingly quick for something that size 180 degrees so both turrets were facing the attackers. The two long large barrels on either side of the hatch moved tracking the giants. Harry disappeared back inside the structure. The blast and noise that the canons made was terrific two giant went down massive holes in their chests. The gun crews had trained long for this. They could reload and fire in fifteen seconds. Every time it fired another giant went down, spraying the dark army with gore. When they were taken care of the barrels lowered firing into the heart of the army.

“Attack!” Riddle screamed. The army somewhat shaken at the destruction of a few blasts charged forward. They were too fast for the big guns to track them giving them a burst of confidence that they would win.

Several panels opened on the structure barrels popped out. Each was a double mini gun capable of firing 1000 rounds a minute. There were eight of them. The blasts from the canons were loud and deafening. The mini guns firing, while not as loud, was a long drone of death. 8000 rounds poured into the oncoming darkness they never stood a chance. Neither Riddle nor the occupants of the castle knew what to make of what was happening. In minutes the massive army was reduced to nothing. Harry appeared on top of the structure again this time with four others all in some kind of armor wearing helmets each carrying a long barrel rifles. Lying down they took aim at Riddle and his inner circle.

Dumbledore watched in horror the creatures and people cut down by Harry’s muggle machine. Such death was only seen on the battle fields of Europe during the war. This was a slaughter. They had no defense against such fire power. Four loud bangs three of the inner circle dropped dead. One missing his head as it exploded when the 50 cal bullet hit it.

Riddle was frozen in disbelief. He was caught off guard by the brutal and efficient killing of his army that had taken a year to bring together. If he managed to escape here today it would take a lot longer to raise another. Three of his people died he was sprayed with blood and brain matter from the third. Feeling something wet around his feet Riddle looked down to see his familiar dead and headless. “Potter!” Was the last word he uttered when his chest exploded from the 50 cal bullet.

The opposite side of the tank opened men and women spilled out onto the field taking aim at the remaining fighters downing any that kept fighting arresting any that surrendered. Two ran to where Riddle had been bring back his body and the snake. They took several pictures Harry poured fluid on the corpses.

“Harry, thank you for your timely arrival. Without you we would have been hard pressed.”

“You would have been slaughtered and Hogwarts would be in Riddle’s hands. Oh and I didn’t come here to save you.” That surprised everyone. “I meant what I said that Riddle could have the lot of you. That hasn’t changed.” He sent a spark of magic at the corpse the fluid caught burning it to ash in seconds.

“Then why come here today at all?”

“Report.” Harry asked one of armored people.

“We’ve taken a few into custody, they need minor medical attention already being see too.”

“Did you find him?”

“Bring him out now sir.” They all look back towards the castle where two were escorting a disheveled Draco Malfoy in their direction.

“What is the meaning of this? Why is Mr. Malfoy being brought here?” Albus demanded. Amelia Bones Minister of Magic along with Kingsley Shacklebolt arrive via portkey with two more armored people.

“This is why I came here today Dumbledore. It just so happened to be the same day that Riddle attacked. Madame Minister. You have what I requested?”

“Kingsley.” The tall dark Head Aruor force Malfoy’s mouth, open three drops of the truth potion. “Draco Malfoy, who killed Luna Lovegood?”

“I did.”

“Did you have any help?”

“Professor Snape provided me with a supply of polyjuice potion. Pansy got into a fight with Weasley she was able to ripe a few hairs out of head. Before we tortured and killed her myself, Crabb and Goyle raped her.”

“How did you get Ginny Weasley’s wand?”

“Ramona Vale lifted it while she was sleeping. We told her that we were going to use it to discredit her and get her expelled. She went a long with it to get access to Potter.”

“Did any of the others know what you were planning to do?”

“All but Vale was in on it.”
“Draco Malfoy you are under arrest for the rape, torture and murder of Luna Lovegood. Kingsley around up the ones he mentioned. I want them in a cell now.” Harry spun dropped to one knee pulled his side arm and fired. A yell of pain quickly followed. As did another from a female that was being manhandled by a slightly smaller female in armor.

“Madame Bones I believe you’ll find Crabbe over there with a wounded leg. And here is Pansy. Where is Goyle, Pansy?”

“Dead. He was out there in the field with his father.”

“Well then the Goyle line has ended then.” Harry turned to the professors and people he once called friends. He was mildly surprised that the Weasley elders were there. “And as you heard Ginny wasn't responsible for Luna’s death. As I told you when she was arrested. So now you have to live the rest of your lives knowing that you are responsible for the death of an innocent girl. I really hope you have horrible lives for the rest of your days. Madame Minister I expect to see it in the paper that Ginny has been exonerated. And this bastard dead.”

“Harry wait there are things you need to know.”

He threw a bag at Dumbledore’s feet. “Riddle is gone all his trinkets have been taken care of including the tiny piece that was behind my scar. Now leave me alone do not darken my door. If by chance you happen to see me walking down the street ignore me. Because I can tell you that I will ignore you. And if I see one story printed about me accusing me of anything I’ll drop the hammer so hard their great great grand children will be feeling it.” Harry and the armored people got into the back of the tank. Hermione swore she saw a flash of red hair as one of the female troopers took her helmet off. The tank disappeared as it arrived without a sound.

Albus, professors, students and Ministry personal were left with cleaning up the devastation Harry caused with his weapons. Hogwarts would never be the same again.

Back on an island in the Atlantic Harry saw to the removal of prisoners and made sure his people were ok. Most of the troopers had already moved off to their duties. Tonks, Remus and Sirius shooed him away. A lone girl stood watching the sea. Her short red hair blowing in the wind a blue/white bird sitting on her shoulder. Harry came to stand beside her.

“It’s finally over.” She said.

“Yup. Now we can get on with the rest of our lives.”

“Do you want to go back?”

“To England? No not really. I’ll always consider myself an Englishmen but I highly doubt I’ll ever set foot on the island again. Well maybe for a visit or something but never to live there again.”

“You could forgive them.”

“After what they did? Could you?”

“No. No I can’t. What they did is beyond anything that is forgivable. Are you going to destroy the items?”

“Was thinking about it, but then again no one knows we have them.” Harry pulled out the elder wand, the same wand he picked up after disarming Dumbledore two years ago. They had learned that it was the fabled Wand of Destiny or Death Stick one of the three Deathly Hollows. Harry already had the cloak in his position and they found the stone in the ring once belonged to Slytherin. Combining the three had some interesting powers. They didn’t become the Masters of Death like the legend said that was just silly. They were able to take on ghost like appearance and abilities while still able to interact with the real world.

“We’re good now Frost. I’ve had my revenge and justice.” The bird nodded nuzzling her head.

“You know I still find it hilarious that you with your fiery spirit bonded with an ice phoenix and got ice elemental magic.” Frost gave him a look.

“We Harry, we. Just like when we combined the Hollows. We share the power. And in a few weeks we’ll be bonded for life.”

“I agree, the name Black suits you just fine, course Potter would be a better one.” Harry got down on one knee pulling out a little black box. “Ginny Black would you do me the honor of becoming my wife.” Brown eyes looked at the ring with two Ice Diamonds from the mines in northern Canada, held out her hand.

Standing pulling into his arms kissing her soundly. “I love you Ginny.” Arms around each other the watched the sun set. Tomorrow would be the first day of their new lives away from the troubles of the UK.

The End
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