
SIYE Time:0:18 on 18th April 2024
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By _kb_

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Category: Post-Hogwarts
Genres: General
Warnings: None
Story is Complete
Rating: PG-13
Reviews: 21
Summary: After Harry wins the war, life quickly returns to as it was and not in a good way. A bit of a twist on things going downhill and what Harry and friends have to do to survive ... in a different way with a few OC's along the way.
Hitcount: Story Total: 5191; Chapter Total: 629

Author's Notes:
(A/N: It seems that notifications haven't been going out too well, which means I only now just found the reviews from past chapters. If you haven't seen a notification for review responses you can go look for those. Because I have some extra time, you can have this a little early. For those that celebrate it, Happy Christmas!)


Harry and Ginny walked hand in hand talking quietly. “What do you think?” he asked. “Any misgivings about this?”

“None yet, but thank you bringing me along and not doing this all by yourself,” she replied.

He snorted. “I’ll take all the help I can get on this one. Besides, you may notice something as another girl that I don’t. Lee is too smitten to notice.”

“I agree about Lee. What did Mr Russo say when you asked about her?” she asked.

“He said she was competent for her experience level. He didn’t say much else,” he told her.

“He’s been sort of a grouch for the few times I have been around him,” Ginny said, “but he has been more polite lately and done his job from what Captain Moore has said.”

“Uh-huh, I’ve also noticed he’s become a little easier to talk to over the last month. There is Lee’s room,” Harry indicated the open door down the corridor, so they walked the rest of the way in silence.

Harry nodded on the doorframe. “Can we come in?”

“Hi James, Glenda,” Lee said and stood hurriedly. “Come in and make yourselves comfortable.” He indicated the open couch as he and Mia were in the chairs across from it. “Thanks for coming.”

Harry closed the door behind them and took the offered seat. “Well you asked us to come by,” Harry replied with a mischievous look. “Mia … wait, can I call you that or would you prefer Miss Kaur?”

“Mia is fine, Mr Evanson.”

“That will be James and Glenda please. While formality has its place, we aren’t formal most of the time,” Harry answered before he smirked slightly. “If I was being formal, I’d have to call your boyfriend Leroy instead of his nickname of Lee.” Lee mock glared at him while Mia looked like she was supressing a giggle.

“Now,” Harry continued, “I understand there is discussion of you joining us longer term.” He watched the two of them nod. “In general, I don’t have a problem with that, but there are a few conditions for you staying that you need to be aware of.

“First, after we pick up our friends in Melbourne, and maybe do a stop in Sydney, we’ll be heading to New Zealand. I’m told you’re from there?”

“Uh, yes. My family lives just outside of Auckland,” she answered.

“Oh, how convenient, because that will be our next stop and we’ll be there for about a week, or maybe a little longer. Anyway, you’ll have until we leave there to fully decide if you’re going to join us. I would encourage you to talk to your family about this change because once we leave there we won’t be back in the area for some time, possibly a few years. So this really does need to work out … as in you believe this relationship will probably change into a permanent one.

“If things don’t go well, we can drop you off at a major city and give you a plane ticket to fly home, but that’s a last resort sort of thing. How do you feel about that?” Harry asked

“I, uh,” Mia looked and sounded a little lost. “I hadn’t thought about it like that.”

“I think this leads to point number two. If you stay with us, you’ll be doing so as a friend and become part of the group and expected to contribute in some way like everyone else -- which for you will probably be as our new chief engineer. Being part of the group means you won’t be hired anymore and therefore won’t be paid -- that is after the pay and bonus you were promised for this part of the cruise. If we do something that creates money, which I’m still working on what that might be, then you’ll get an equal share since we all will be pitching in. This means a change in your career in that you won’t be hired out. I will promise you that if this doesn’t work out and you leave us, I’ll be happy to write a letter for you stating you were a long term employee for the whole time you were with us in order to help you. Is this change a surprise?”

“A little,” she answered. “I had considered it would affect my career, but not really how much.”

Harry continued. “Lastly, I’m sure you’ve noticed that there are a few topics that Lee and possibly the rest of us have been a little vague on … mostly in regards to some of the past.” He watched her nod and glance at Lee; thankfully, it wasn’t accusingly. “I’m sorry to tell you that we’ll continue not to answer those questions until after New Zealand. If you do stay with us, we’ll answer any question you want, but not before then.

“You may not believe me after having just said that,” he smiled slightly, “but I’ll assure you that we’ve not committed crimes. We have found ourselves in a difficult situation with some whom I would consider criminals and we left to avoid breaking the law by fighting back. I’ll ask you to please not ask Lee any more about that. If that explanation doesn’t sit well with you, then it might be best if you don’t come with us as I really can’t answer more at this time nor can Lee.”

Mia nodded once. “That helps a little, and yet it doesn’t.” She shook her head. “I’m not sure what to think, but all of you have been very reasonable and kind so I want to think the best of you.” She looked at and smiled at her boyfriend. “Lee’s been pretty special and he might even be worth this.” She ended with a teasing expression and he gave her one back.

“That’s all I have, so we’ll let you two talk about this,” Harry said as he rose and offered a hand to Ginny.

Lee exclaimed. “Oh, I do have something for you.” He grabbed a few sheets of paper off of the end table and handed them to his friend. “This is what we’ve worked up for powering the boat without the generator, and how much power each system draws.”

“Or how much we think it draws,” Mia added. “It was a little uncertain in some cases. There’s also how much battery capacity you’d need to last for 24 hours, which would give you a bit of a buffer in case of a lot of cloud cover for a day. Your friend, Selene, she’s really good with math and helped a lot.”

Harry nodded, understanding Luna’s alias. “All right, that means I need to make a phone call. Thank you and good luck in your decision.”

The two visitors left the hopeful pair. When they were far enough away, Harry asked in the same low tones he’d used before, “What did you think?”

“Besides the fact that you surprised her a couple of times?” Ginny asked and received an affirmative. “She seemed genuine enough. She was a touch nervous, but I think that was to be expected. I don’t think I’d mind her joining even if she can’t … you know.”

“Yeah, I don’t think I’d mind either and I agree I think she was being honest with us,” he commented.

“She’s pretty,” Ginny stated, “and with such a lovely … caramel coloring I guess I’d call it. I may try to spend a little more time with her over the next week or so to get to know her better, but she seems pleasant so far.”

Harry led them into their cabin and closed the door. He found a business card in his desk before he picked up the phone to dial a number he didn’t think he’d use for years. “Mr Cummings, this is James Evanson. Remember me?”

“Mr Evanson, of course; it wasn’t that long ago. How’s your yacht? Is everything all right?”

“We’re doing well, thank you. I was talking with the engineers and they talked about adding something called solar panels and a bigger battery so we could power the ship when we were anchored without running the generator. I have a sheet of figures from them about what we’d need. Are you familiar with this sort of thing and could you do that work for us?”

“Yes, Mr Evanson, to both questions. We’d be happy to do that work for you. It’s a newer technology but it’s catching on for the newer boats. Retrofitting can be interesting but it’s very possible. I don’t believe it’d take too much notice to get the parts. Installation would take close to a week though based on what we’ve done for other boats. When would you be in the area for us to do that?”

Harry noticed a price wasn’t mentioned. Then again, if he could afford this yacht, he could afford the work even if he had to sell a few more bars of gold to pay for it. He consider the time. They’d be in Melbourne tomorrow, two or three days there, then a couple of days to Sydney. “Could you be ready in five to seven days?”

“Hmm,” Cummings vocalized and then went silent, obviously thinking about it. “It’ll be a little tight but I think it’s possible. I can probably add a couple of small aerogenerators to help out; they would have to be small so the vibrations don’t damage the structure, but that’s a good addition.”

“Aerogenerators ?” Harry asked, unfamiliar with the word.

“A small wind powered generator, think of it like a small windmill,” Cummings told him. “While I can guess as to how much power you need, to be most helpful I’d need your power requirements. I believe you said you had some figures? Can you fax those to me?”

Harry smiled at the idea, not having a clue. “I’m sure Captain Moore can help us.”

After getting the fax number and a promise of a call back, Harry hung up the phone and looked at Ginny. “I guess to the bridge to see if the Captain or First Mate can help us.” It was the First Mate who was available and he taught the two how to send a fax.

Harry had been on the bridge with Ginny as she piloted the boat when a multi-page fax arrived from Cummings detailing the work with a cost and timeframe. It wouldn’t be cheap, but then again, he had the money and this would make it a lot easier on them if they found a place to stay long term and used the yacht like a house.

While he looked that over, a call for his personal number came in. He noticed it was about that time of day. “Hello?”


“Hi Hermione. We’re close and should be there about three’ish, or in about two hours, give or take half an hour. I can’t be more exact than that,” he told her.

“That’s fine and was one question,” she replied. “The other is how will I know which boat is yours? I went to the docking area you mentioned yesterday to make sure I knew where it was and there were multiple boats already there.”

“Oh, we’ll be in the big white one…”

“Ha-ha,” she said sarcastically. “That describes all but a few of the boats.”

“We’ll anchor in the water and then come in in our skiff, so you’ll see us as we come to you,” he explained.

“Oh, all right.”

“Is Ron still being good?”


He’s standing there, isn’t he?”

“Yes, but that’s the real answer.”

“All right, we’ll see you in a couple of hours. Bye.” Harry hung up and looked at Ginny. “Apparently Ron is still being good.”

She nodded and said, “He may live yet.” She then giggled and he chuckled.

” ” ”

It was Bill driving the skiff, something he’d learned with practice at the last few ports they’d stopped at, with Harry and Ginny in the back. In this way, they did look like the rich young couple. It was only a little cool in the sun in this area’s winter, but with the skiff going across the water is was cooler still so they wrapped light coats around themselves as they scanned the dock. The three Grangers weren’t hard to find. Ron was standing a few steps away, either not wanting to intrude upon the family unit, or because he was still somewhat in the doghouse, or perhaps both. They’d find out soon.

Dan Granger leaned down so his mouth was near his wife’s ear and he could speak privately. “Why couldn’t Hermione have hooked up with someone like him? Obviously rich and willing to help her out no matter what.” He was pleased he wasn’t elbowed for that, which he took as a sign that she agreed with him.

“Be nice,” Emma told him casually, not bothering to whisper and so received a questioning look from her daughter, which the mother ignored.

Dan didn’t know all of the details of why Hermione wasn’t pleased with her friend, Ron, at the moment; but he could guess in a general way having been a teenaged boy once. Sadly, it looked like her real friend, Harry, was already taken based on the fact that the young redhead with the long plait was sitting so close to him and having an intimate conversation as he’d just had with his wife. Perhaps there were others, he thought after another quick glance at Ron.

When the boat docked, Bill jumped out and tied the little boat off and then gave a hand to his two passengers before he took the lead to those waiting. “Hello, I’m Bill and it’s good to see you’re safe and to meet you.” He shook hands with the two parents before he gave Hermione a quick hug. He moved aside to give Harry and Ginny room by going over to Ron and giving him a hug before pulling him to the side even further away.

Harry and Ginny were right behind him. Harry gave Ron only a nod, while Ginny ignored him. “Hi, I’m Harry and this is Ginny. It’s good to see you again although I don’t know if you remember meeting me a few years ago at the train station.”

“Dan Granger,” they shook hands, “I do remember you, although we were all a little younger, although not so wiser.”

Harry saw him glance at his daughter and thought there must be a few difficult and probably conflicting feelings there, which he could understand. He shook hands with her mother before Hermione practically threw herself at him for a hug while Ginny greeted the parents.

He patted her jacket covered back and told her, “It’ll work out eventually.” She squeezed him hard for a moment before she let go and he saw unshed tears in her eyes. Ginny stepped forward to hug her as well. Turning, he looked at Bill and saw him pat his pocket, the sign he had Ron’s wand. Turning back, he said, “I’d like to invite you to our boat. We could talk more privately and you’re welcome to stay for dinner and beyond.”

“I’m not sure that’s needed,” Emma said quickly. “We wouldn’t want to impose.”

“It’s no problem,” Ginny assured her with a smile. “There’s not much difference between dinner for ten and dinner for twelve. Please come, we’d love to have you. Wait, weren’t you supposed to bring an overnight bag too just in case? I know Hermione was told about that.”

“I have them,” Hermione said, patting her ever present white beaded bag that held so many things.

“Then please come,” Harry told them, “I insist as I’m sure you have questions for us.”

The two Grangers shared a look before Dan said, “Since you’re being so good about it and I would like to see your boat. It’s far larger than I was expecting.”

Harry smiled. “A tour was always a given and I’ll be happy to show it off. Come.” He led the group back towards the skiff and noticed Bill had taken Ron to the skiff already and had him sitting in a seat next to where Bill would be in the front. The group of five came aboard and sat in the back.

Before Harry sat down, he motioned Bill over and turned them around a little, puzzling Bill. “Look over my shoulder at the two men on the park bench. Notice anything unusual?”

Bill discreetly did that before he looked at Harry. “Besides it being a little hard to figure out what they look like? Oh, right, wizards under a charm; I should have noticed sooner. I’ve gotten too comfortable during our trip.”

“Jean hadn’t heard anything about us being looked for yet when I talked to him last week, but what do you think?” Harry asked.

“Possible,” Bill conceded with a pause before he added, “or maybe they just noticed a boat with magic come into the harbor and wanted to check it out. To someone who was looking for magic where it was unexpected we’d stand out like a beacon at night being the only boat covered with it.”

“I guess we need to be watchful,” Harry said before he took his seat and Bill went to the controls to take them back to the yacht and slip the skiff into its birth in the back of the bigger boat.

“Trouble?” Ginny asked quietly when she leaned over to whisper in his ear.

“Don’t think so, but be vigilant,” he grinned at her and received an eye-roll before she smiled at the visitors. “I hope you’re coming back, Hermione. It’d be nice to have another girl to talk to.”

Hermione nodded but didn’t say anything. In fact, not much was said on the short ride, but it was a little noisy with the little boat’s motor and with the wind so talking wasn’t easy. When they returned, Bill kept Ron back to help him with the skiff as the others left.

Harry gave the three a quick tour of the parts of the boat that passengers used the most. That included a normal cabin that the Grangers were told they could stay in if they came too or even just for the night, the cabin reserved for Hermione, and the public area ending with the lounge where the others were waiting and introductions were made.

As with their formal parties, the lounge, kitchen, and dining room was closed to the crew and privacy spells were up; food was in the crew’s public room for when they wanted dinner.

The Grangers were given a glass of wine and allowed to become comfortable, although it looked like they weren’t totally.

“Mr and Mrs Granger, you’re allowed to say anything you like in here this evening,” Harry told them. “Normally, magic and our past aren’t mentioned except in our cabins to prevent the crew members from overhearing in case they should happen to be walking by, but this is all protected tonight.

“I do want to welcome you here again and tell you to enjoy yourselves for the evening. You’re also welcome to spend the night. If you want, you’re also welcome to join us on our trip as we see the world or at least parts of it. We’re also pretty flexible as far as time goes.”

“We also would like you to join us for a party tomorrow afternoon and evening if you can stay that long,” Ginny added with a smile.

Harry looked puzzled. “Why? I’m sure you told me we’re having a party tonight.”

“Sure, we’re having a party tonight too since it’s Neville’s birthday. Winky has a cake and the food is already prepared,” she explained. Neville looked a little surprised. “You’ve forgotten that tomorrow is your birthday, haven’t you?” she teased him and others chuckled at him.

Harry looked sheepish as he took the teasing graciously. “I suppose I have. It’s been a busy couple of months.”

“All the more reason for a couple of parties,” Ginny told him matter-of-factly and looked as if the matter was settled. “Everyone gets their own party over the next year.”

Harry nodded to her to concede the argument before he turned to the Grangers. “Are there any questions you’d like to ask us? We’ll even tell you embarrassing stories about Hermione, like the time she said we couldn’t do something because,” he held up his hands to make air quotes, “we’d be killed or worse expelled.” He grinned and Hermione hung her head and covered her face while the others all laughed.

“She really said that?” Emma asked with incredulousness and her husband looked about as shocked.

Hermione sat up and looked defiant. “I was flustered and mixed my words, obviously.”

“Hmm, I don’t recall any corrections at the time,” Harry said, still teasing her.

“Yes, I mixed up the order of killed and expelled,” she insisted.

“If you say so,” Harry said unbelievingly and still smiling.

“Err, I have one, or maybe two,” Dan said. “Are all of you redheads related?”

“I’ll take that one, yes,” Bill answered. “Ginny is the youngest, Ron is next, then George, and myself as the oldest -- at least for those here. There is one between George and myself who is in Romania last we talked not long ago.” He paused and took a deep breath and let it out slowly. “One more is gone, one has disappeared while in a place a he shouldn’t have been and is presumed gone, and our parents are gone, making me the head of the family decades before I should have been normally.”

“Our condolences for your family’s loss; I’m sure that has been difficult,” Dan said softly. “I asked because I understand our daughter had some issues with the young man who was with her, but she nor he will say and I’d like to know what happened.”

Bill glanced at Harry then back at Dan. “My understanding is that it would best be described as he wasn’t a good friend by not being as supportive as he should have and nothing untoward happened, which I’d guess is your concern. At the moment, it’s being treated as a family matter, which means what happens with him is mostly up to me, although I do acknowledge Harry has a say in the matter as it is his boat.”

“And I’m leaving it up to Bill generally,” Harry said as solemnly. “I’m satisfied with what Bill has planned and is doing to correct Ron’s thinking, although I do plan to have a talk with Ron tomorrow. If you’d like more details, I think those will have to come from Hermione as I don’t even know them all.”

“She hasn’t been very forthcoming,” her father commented lightly with only a slight glance at the young woman.

“Perhaps a good reason to stay here as it would give the three of you time together to discuss things,” Harry returned as lightly, earning slightly displeased look from his friend. “It’s a little early, but perhaps we can start appetizers?” He looked at his girlfriend.

“We don’t have many, but I think a few decorations should be put up first then appetizers,” Ginny said as she stood and headed for the entrance to the kitchen where she picked up a box.

As Ginny handed out the few birthday decorations they had to others and directed where the people should put things, Emma refilled her wine glass before she walked slowly over to the young redhead who was making sure the work was done to her satisfaction. Noting her husband was talking with their daughter, she asked, “Are you in charge of all of this because you’re his girlfriend?”

Ginny looked at her and smiled. “Sort of. He’s going to be the captain as soon as he finishes with his license in a couple of weeks. I’ve been working on it too, but he’s our leader. That means when things go wrong, Harry fixes them. I hope to be,” she cleared her throat lightly and smiled more, “Mrs Captain one day. I decided that if that’s to be so, then I needed to act like it. He does his part for the boat and I’m doing my part to keep it running too, just more on the people side.”

“So the support?”

“We’re all support, but I’m more for him directly. In addition, helping everyone else also helps him too. Excuse me, please, I need to get the food coming and don’t be alarmed by Winky. She’s a friend too, just with a different look.” Ginny headed back towards kitchen.

Emma found the conversation interesting. Before she could take that thought further a small non-human creature and Ginny exitted from the kitchen each carrying a large platter of food. Looking over, she saw Dan was as wide-eyed as she probably was, except that Hermione was saying something to him, explaining it she was sure.

“Don’t worry, she won’t harm you and she can’t get or give you Nargles.”

Emma turned to see the young blonde who was standing next to her that hadn’t been there a moment before. She also had a totally serene look on her face as if nothing could bother her … except another look into her light blue-gray eyes said that might not be true as they looked vulnerable at a second longer look. “Umm, I’m sorry, all I can remember is your name started with an ‘L’.”

“I’m Luna. You’re fortunate. I wished I’d thought to send my father away, but I’m also afraid of what the memory charm would have done to him.” Luna blinked slowly. “It might have been worth it anyway,” she ended sadly.

Emma caught on and put an arm around the girl’s shoulders. “I’m sorry you lost him. Hermione has only said friends and family were lost. She wouldn’t give any details.”

“Magic is amazing. It’s allows us to do incredible things: both good and bad.” Luna looked at her, still serene. “You don’t really want to know all the details.” With that said, she walked away towards the table with the drinks.

“All right, mum?” Hermione asked as she walked up. She leaned forward to whisper, “Ginny just told me to be careful and understanding with Luna as she’s not doing well with the loss of her father.”

“I think I might agree,” Emma said slowly as she looked at her daughter carefully while thinking of what she’d just been told. “I’ll go tell your father, but no more discussion on the hot topics tonight; we’ll save that for tomorrow. I’m also starting to see that perhaps we don’t need all of the details, but you’re going to have to tell enough to reassure us of some things.”

Hermione hugged her mother. “Thank you.”

” ” ”

Later that evening, the Granger parents retired to their room; Neville had led them back since his room was nearby.

After Dan had closed the door, he looked at his wife. “I’m surprised, but I had a reasonably relaxing time.”

“Knowing we have the day off tomorrow and three glasses of wine, I’d like to hope so,” she said with a smile.

“What did you think of Neville?” he asked.

She gave him an exasperated looked. “Dan, stop trying to set up a boy with Hermione. She doesn’t need it and besides, that’s my job.”

He sniffed. “Well, she needs something to set her straight. What are we going to do about her?”

“We are going to not talk about our daughter and go to bed,” she told him as she started to dig into her bag that Hermione had told her to bring. “That can wait until tomorrow. But to help that along,” she smiled slyly, “I did enlist Harry’s help to talk to her in the morning before we did. So we shouldn’t appear in the dining room before ten to give him time.”

“That’s sounds helpful,” he admitted as he also started searching the bag for his pyjamas. “Just one more general question. Do you think Harry and that redhead, uh, Ginny, will end up together for certain?”

“Dan, Dan, Dan. You are blind if you have to ask that question. Those two will be together unless one of them makes a major mistake, but I seriously doubt that will happen. She has him right where she wants him. Come on and brush your teeth and then let’s see if I can get you were I want you,” she told him mischievously. “I’ve never been on a yacht before and may never be again.”

The next morning Ron heard a knock on his door and wondered who it was. As he was confined to his quarters, he hadn’t talked to anyone other than Bill last night, and that hadn’t been a comfortable conversation. At least his quarters were comfortable although he was a bit bored.

Opening the door, he wasn’t too surprised to see Harry standing there. “Err, come in.” He closed his door after his friend, noticing his friend didn’t look too happy. He also noticed a labeled bottle and two glasses in his hand. “Isn’t it a little early in the day for Firewhisky?”

Harry took a seat and actually smiled for a brief moment. “It’s a Muggle drink in origin, but it’s really just a sparkling apple juice. Can’t really get pumpkin juice and I’ve decided I like this better anyway.” He poured into the two glasses and took a sip of his before leaning back in his chair.

Ron picked up the other glass. “Mum used to make apple cider and we’d drink it at Christmas.” He took a sip. “A little different, but acceptable.”

“I’ve just spent about an hour with Hermione. It was hard to get her to talk at first, but when she did start a lot came out. I heard about her hopes and fears, mostly in regards to her parents; but your name came up surprisingly often and most of it wasn’t good. There are a number of questions I could ask, but I suppose they all come down to why. So why, Ron?” Harry took a large drink and swallowed slowly as if to savor it.

Ron put his drink on the small table next to him. Elbows on his knees, he leaned forward in his chair and looked down for a moment. Steeling himself, he looked up at his friend. “I was really angry when you called and threatened me,” he said calmly. “I’m sure I would have done something rash had you been there. It took a little bit for me to calm down and start to plot as to what I’d say to you next time we talked. Somehow in that thinking, something Hermione said to me a couple of weeks ago came to me and it hit me harder than a Bludger once I really thought about it.

“I’m not even sure I can remember exactly what I’d done to make her angry, but she told me, ‘How would you like me to do that to you? Or what about all the things you’ve done to me over the years?’ She stormed out of the hotel room and I thought she was just being a girl about things at the time, but I realized later that’s when things changed between us.

“Anyway, what she yelled at me came back after you called. For some reason, I actually thought about what she’d told me before.” Ron grabbed his glass and took a sip before setting it back down; his friend had remained quiet, for which he was grateful.

“It’s hard to admit it to myself even now, but I’ve been pretty terrible to her over the years. And you were right, I needed to grow up. I didn’t come to that conclusion immediately, mind you, but you were right. I think a lot of it was being the sixth boy. A lot of people, starting with my parents, did a lot of things for me so I didn’t have to and I took advantage of that. I got used to life a certain way -- an easy way -- and when things didn’t stay on that path I didn’t always react well. The loss of Mum and Dad hasn’t helped and it’s possible I might be a little jealous of Hermione right now.” Ron sighed heavily and was bit uncomfortable in saying that.

“After your call, I was a little worried when Hermione took so long to come back that evening, but it was probably for the best as it gave me more time to think. I won’t say that all of my attitudes and thinking were wrong, but a lot of it was. I still prefer the Wizard lifestyle, but there are a lot of acceptable things in the Muggle world if you look and are patient -- not one of my strengths if you hadn’t noticed.” Ron was again grateful for Harry’s silence, although he did noticed a brief smile.

“I screwed up a lot. I lost a wonderful girlfriend and I wonder if I can ever win her back or not. I hurt you and the rest of my family that’s here from what Bill told me. Oh, I think he did mention that all of our friends don’t think well of me either, so I’ll have to prove myself to them too. This really sucks. The worst is, even if I want to blame others for influencing me, I know deep down it was my actions that did it.

“I’m really sorry about everything. I’m going to try to fix it. I only ask that you let me try. I’ll make mistakes along the way, but I want to try.” He grabbed his glass and leaned back in his chair but couldn’t drink as he was nervous about his friend’s reaction.

Harry just looked at him for a long moment, studying him. “I still want to yell at you,” he said softly, “but after that, it’s kind of hard as you seem really sincere. In your favor, Hermione did say that after you apologized, she found little fault in your behavior over the next four days -- even around her parents.”

“I really do like this,” Harry said as he looked at his glass, drained it, and then set it down. “I’ll let you come and be a part of the group again, under Bill’s supervision for a while. You can try to mend the fences you broke. I’ll give you a chance by not throwing you overboard. But I warn you Ron, being an idiot around me is one thing, but if you ever hurt Hermione like that again, I swear you will not like what I do to you -- and that’s after Hermione gets through with you, and probably Ginny too.”

Ron nodded, not surprised by the statement or the serious tone. “If I do something like that again, I’ll save you the trouble and just jump overboard.”

Harry snorted and then smiled as he stood and motioned Ron up.

A little afraid he was about to be punched, Ron set his glass down and stood up anyway, knowing he deserved it. Therefore, he was surprised when Harry stepped forward and hugged him briefly.

“You are growing up, because that’s actually smart as it’d be less painful,” Harry said with a grin. “Grab your glass and come on.”

With relief, Ron drained his glass and followed his friend out.

Harry pointed to a sign next to the door in the corridor that said “Ron”. “You and Hermione have been called that during the trip, so you get your normal names, the rest of us are still using our passport names. You can explore it later, but you’ll find that most of the group is on this deck.” He waved at “Selene’s” door as they passed it before going up stairs.

On the next deck, Harry said, “The rest of us are here. Bill and Fleur are that way. Up this way is Hermione’s cabin.”

From the look Ron could tell Harry really meant “It could have been yours too”. He appreciated it not being said out loud though. The next caused him to wince.

“The last one here is mine and Ginny’s.” The nameplate by the door only said “J & G”. “We’ll change that after the crew is gone. One more flight of stairs.”

On the next deck Ron was amazed. Half of it was enclosed and he could see what must be a large dining room and then a sitting area that looked very comfortable. They could have put most of the Gryffindors in the two rooms. The rest of the deck forward had what looked like a small swimming pool and lots of chairs. Part of the amazement was Ginny, Luna, and Fleur -- all in two piece swimsuits -- in the chairs sunning themselves near the little pool and talking. In a purely objective way, he’d admit he’d never seen his sister look so good, and the same could be said for Luna. As for Fleur, he had to look away and saw Harry smirking at him.

“Yeah, just imagine Hermione joining them; they’re quite the sight, aren’t they?” Harry asked before guiding him into the dining area. “Ginny said not to bother them as they were having some girl talk. Sadly, Luna isn’t dealing well with the loss of her father and I’m sure the loss of her mother years ago doesn’t make it any easier. I think this session is to see if Fleur can help. Give me your glass and have a seat.” Harry disappeared through a doorway.

Ron couldn’t help but look out the window towards the girls for a moment again. Feeling it for the best, he turned and sat so he couldn’t see them.

Harry returned with two plates, each with a large slice of cake. “We had a little left over. Sorry you missed the birthday party for Neville last night, but tonight is the party for me so more cake.”

Ron stopped with the bite halfway to his mouth. “Mate, sorry, I forgot. I don’t have anything for you.”

Harry waved it way. “No worries, as they say. No gifts since no one can get to a store easily. Not sure it’d be a good idea here. I saw two wizards at the dock watching us. Not sure if they were there just because we have wards all over the boat and therefore magic, or if they were looking for Harry Potter and friends. They left later and haven’t been back, so we’re hoping they were only checking out a magical boat that showed up and that’s all.”

After a few bites, Ron had to ask. “Would you have really left me here?”

Harry took another bite and chewed slowly. “I’m sorry I threatened you with that. At the time I said it, I would have. After I cooled down, however, I realized how unfair that would have been to you. You could have been captured and sent back to Britain and to who knows what. I then decided I’d just stun you and bring you onboard and then leave you on New Zealand for being so selfish. Now, you’re trying to grow up like I asked so I have to be nice and keep you.” He grinned at his teasing.

Ron shook his head and smiled slightly. “I’ve really missed this since we split.”

” ” ”

By lunchtime, the girls had returned to their rooms, but the three Grangers joined Harry and Ron, who were still in the dining room talking and joking.

“Did you know you have a putting green at the stern of the boat?” Dan asked in amazement.

Harry blinked at him for a moment. “Oh, you mean that area with the green carpet and holes. Yeah, I’ve played a few times. It’s pretty hard when we’re sailing; best to try it now when we’re anchored.”

“I did try a few shots; I hope you don’t mind,” Dan said as he sat.

“Not at all,” Harry said easily and noticed the two women looked a little red in the eyes. “Have you considered joining us?”

It was Emma who answered. “We’d love to, but we have started a life down here and it sounds like it’d be best not to return to Britain given what we’ve just learned. In addition, what would we do? It be a nice holiday for the first month, but after that we’d probably want to do something else.”

Harry nodded. “Yes, that’s one of my questions: What to do next? The next few weeks are planned, but after that it’ll be just us and we can go wherever we want. We will tour for a while, but I do think we need to figure out something for the longer term. I haven’t had inspiration yet, but we do have a home.” He grinned.

“That you do, lad, and some home it is,” Dan said as he looked around yet again.

” ” ”

After the party where Harry had to admit he’d probably drunk a little more alcohol than he should have -- although he’d remind anyone who asked that it was his 18th birthday -- at least he wasn’t truly drunk. He’d admit to being a little tipsy perhaps, but definitely not drunk. It was a good thing he didn’t have to pilot the ship right now though. Captain Moore had a rule about not piloting unless completely sober and Harry agreed with that.

Shutting the door to their cabin, he saw Ginny standing in front of the dresser in her dark blue very form fitting dress that was held up by little straps and showing some lovely and lightly freckled shoulders. As she finished taking her jewelry off, he walked up behind her, slipped his arms around her stomach, and held her close. “Thank you for the party. It was the best I’ve had yet. You also looked amazing tonight.”

“Thank you,” she said and watched him intently in the mirror in front of them. “Would you unzip my dress please? While I could use a spell, I thought you might like to do it.”

He couldn’t help it since she was right there. He leaned down and kissed her neck, trailing the kisses down to her bare shoulder. “What I’d like is for this dress to fall off and there be nothing but Ginny under it.” He continued the kisses and slowly pulled her zipper down, enjoying her almost but not quite silent moaning due to his kisses. In his state, he didn’t notice her nervousness.

When the zipper hit the bottom, Ginny reached up and pulled the thin strips of her very slinky dress down over her shoulders before she let the dress fall. It didn’t take long for Harry to notice that she was now wearing only her knickers.

“Wow! I should have asked for this sooner! Simply amazing in every way.”

Ginny couldn’t help her giggle, not only at his statement but in relief that he liked what she looked like. Turning in his arms, she pressed herself against him and put her arms around his neck. “Happy birthday,” she told him before she kissed him.

When they parted both were breathing heavily. Ginny put her head on his shoulder and said quietly, “This is a far as it goes, Harry; you don’t get to see me with my knickers off unless you talk to Bill first as you would have my father and you ask me the magic question with a ring in hand.”

“Oh, I’ve got one of those here somewhere.” He tried to move but she held him fast.

“No, no trying to go there now. In fact, I won’t even take the question from you until September because I want you to have a month to really think about it. This is for life Harry and it’s serious; it’s until death do us part if we start down this road. Know that I want you; I want a life with you; I want a family with you too. But I also want to know that you really mean it and have thought it through, that we’ve talked it through as much as we can without really living all of it.”

He let a hand roam downwards until it touched the top of her knickers before he started to pull it up, rubbing her bare back. “You are wise, wiser than me.”

“Someone has to keep you in line and pointed in the right direction,” she retorted. “Speaking of which, get ready and join me in bed. I just need to hang up my dress.”

“And a little time before we fall asleep?”

She kissed him before she pulled back. “Yes, you silly boy.”

“Hey, you like me that way, just as I like that you’re a girl.”

Ginny knew he was looking so she bent over facing away from him to pick up her dress and heard him suck in his breath. With a smile from knowing he was definitely attracted to her, she also grabbed her shoes and took it all to the closet. She really did love him, but she also wondered exactly who was chasing whom. In the end, she decided the best answer was when they were each chasing the other and that seemed to be happening.

Harry sat back and watched Ginny pilot the boat out of Melbourne harbor area. She was completely concentrating on her job as she knew she was being judged by Captain Moore, and to a lesser extent by Harry himself. Harry knew she’d do fine as she was taking it slowly and checking her position in relation to the other boats on the radar constantly.

Besides the need to make sure their departure was going well, he just watched her because he enjoyed it. Then there was the question she’d placed in his mind the evening of his birthday two nights ago. In fact, he’d had trouble not thinking about it once the question had been raised. He wondered if Ginny had done that on purpose, but if he was fully honest with himself he’d have to admit to wondering about it a little before then. It was just that now he had trouble not thinking about it.

Of all things to interrupt his thoughts, it was the phone. Considering Hermione had just returned from taking her parents back to their house, he assumed something had been left behind. Since he was free he answered it. “Hello?”

“Harry, it’s Jean.”

“Oh, hello. Since this isn’t our usual time to talk, what’s happened? Is your family all right?”

“My family is safe, thank you, but yours may be about to have a little trouble. How freely can I speak?”

“I’m on the bridge but using the handset.” Harry saw Ginny give him a quick glance but she was otherwise still focused on her piloting job. The captain didn’t spare him a glance, knowing it was private business.

“I’ll let you read between the lines then. I don’t know if they know you’re not at home or if they’re just blindly grasping, but they let the international confederation know you’re missing and would like all of you to return and to answer a few questions. I think that wasn’t requested until yesterday, but my contact in that department couldn’t get a better answer for me. I don’t know how long that request will take to reach all of the local levels, but you should be on your guard if you’re near a place that could be difficult.”

Harry considered that for a moment. “I see. I don’t think that will pose too much difficulty, but thank you for letting me know now as I might want to change one plan. We can talk more at our normal time in a couple of days. Anything else before then?”

“No, everything else is normal, I just thought you should know that as soon as possible.”

“Thanks for the heads up. I’ll talk to you soon.” Harry hung up and returned to his chair.

“Anything I need to know now?” Ginny asked in a hurried tone as she was still being careful as the boat left the harbor for open ocean.

“No, other than I think it will be better to be in New Zealand. In fact, I probably need to go make a phone call to Mr Cummings to see about speeding up that work. I’ll be back soon.” He saw her nod and thought she understood. They’d talked about what to do if Britain asked the ICW for help before they were finished with Australia. The plan had always been to get to New Zealand as soon as they could.

Down in his cabin where he had privacy, Harry made the phone call. “Mr Cumming, James Evanson.”

“Good day, Mr Evanson. You have good timing. I was going to call you today to say that we’ll have the last of the materials later today or tomorrow morning at the latest. I also have a team of two lined up for the four days required for the install. It was tight, but we managed.”

“That’s good to hear, but I hope you won’t mind too much that I’d like to change the timing of it,” Harry told him. “I’ll still to be there in the morning the day after tomorrow as planned. However, I’d like to have everything loaded onto the boat as quick as possible and then take your lead installer with us so the system is installed on our way to New Zealand. I will of course pay the arranged price plus his wages for any overtime. I will also pay for his flight back and give a bonus for the inconvenience. I have two or possibly three junior engineers who can assist him as needed over the few days he’ll be with us.”

There was a very definite pause. “Umm, that’s very interesting. Can I call you back at the number I have for you? I don’t have a problem with the change, but I’d have to find out if one of our workers would be willing to do that; I hope you understand.”

“Of course, I fully understand,” Harry told him with sympathy. “I’m sorry for this last minute change but we’ve had a change in plans that requires us to move forward more quickly.”

“I understand changes in plans,” Cummings replied, “it’s really more of a coordination problem. I’ll call you back when I find out.

It wasn’t until late in the afternoon Cummings called and said he’d found a person who would sail with them. That made Harry feel better. Now he just had to hope the notice about them from the ICW took longer than two days to reach the Aurors in Sydney and to hope they didn’t think to look in the boatyard.

Harry left the boat and met Cummings to start the materials transfer, pay for it all, and meet the technician who’d be supervising the work. Steve was tall and lanky, like Ron was, and looked to be about 30. Cummings thanked him for his business and Steve walked back with Harry with a bag on his shoulder.

“You sure you don’t mind coming with us to do the work?” Harry asked.

Steve smiled. “It’s not the most convenient arrangement and the wife isn’t too happy about me leaving her alone with our baby, but I don’t mind and the wife wants the bonus money so here I am.”

Harry laughed as they walked up the gangplank onto the boat. The first pallet of supplies was already being lowered by a crane to be stacked wherever there was space just to make the transfer faster; half of it was stacked on the putting green. The four large pallets of materials didn’t take long so they were soon leaving.

Just as they were leaving the dock, Ginny -- who was also on the bridge -- said, “Two new people just arrived and they’re talking to someone and pointing at our boat. I wonder who they are.” She would have asked about Aurors if Captain Moore hadn’t been standing there.

“Sounds like inspectors, but I don’t know why they think they’d need to inspect us,” the Captain said casually. “If it’s a real problem, they’ll contact us on the radio.”

No calls came and the two shared a relieved look as they left the harbor.

Meanwhile below, Steve was checking out the boat as to where everything went. George and Lee were at his beck and call, while Mia would help out during her free time.

The next evening, they had a group meeting at dinner. Harry called it to order after the food had been dished and everyone had started eating. Privacy spells were already up.

“Status time,” Harry announced. “We’ll be in Auckland in about 48 hours at our present speed as we should have good weather the entire time. How’s the install going?”

“We’ll probably make that,” George answered, “or we probably will because of magic. Magic makes it a lot easier to run the wires in tight spaces. One of us distracts Steve so the other can do it. He’s a good bloke, by the way.”

Lee nodded his agreement. “Yeah, but we’ll have to get back to it for a few more hours after this break for dinner.”

“All right, I’ll slow us down a little to give you a little more time. Bill, you’re leading phase 2,” Harry said.

“The rest of us are making magical lights and that’s going well,” Bill replied. “We don’t have to have them all done this week as we can add them as we go, but it’s an easy thing to do in our cabins where we can’t been seen doing magic. I’ve looked at the freezer and refrigerator and I can convert them to stay cold with magic after we turn them off. We’ll need to pick up a magical stove in New Zealand though, and put the one we have in storage along with any other large electrical devices we don’t plan to use. The work won’t be hard, but it will take most of a day and that can’t be started until after the crew has left.”

“Very good. Anything else that’s important?”

Ginny spoke up. “The girls have reserved the front foredeck tomorrow morning. No boys allowed.” She ended on a teasing note.

“Oh, why?” George had to ask and he was grinning.

“We’re going to get to know Mia a little better if you must know. Also,” Ginny looked at her brother intently, “no pranks or interference or I’ll show you some pranks in some sensitive places. Understand?”

George just blinked. “Message received.”

Harry was piloting the boat by himself and it was getting close to lunchtime. He’d have called Winky, but was afraid Captain Moore would come out of his quarters at the wrong time; the Captain’s quarters had a door to the bridge. He checked the radar and looked out all of the windows to find only one large ship a long way away, so he reduced his speed a little and locked the wheel in place before he hurried out and down to the kitchen area.

As he neared his destination, he found he had clear sight of where the girls were. He found he had to stop and, well, gawk. All five of them were in two piece swimsuits. He’d barely taken in the sight of that gorgeous group of girls when Mia stood, said something to the others, and turned and headed towards him. He found himself agreeing with Ginny that she had a lovely caramel coloring as he was looking at a lot of it.

He watched her as she walked towards him, then he smiled and said hello as she passed, she returned the smile and the greeting. When she was by him, and it was hard not to turn and watch her go, he looked forward again to look at the other girls and he was very glad he hadn’t turned around because now he was looking at the rest of the girls walking towards him with Ginny in the front and she didn’t look overly happy.

“Harry,” she said evenly.

“Ginny,” he returned with a smile. “May I say that you look especially lovely right now.” He also was hoping for a good response given his faux pas, although he thought it was minor considering the circumstance. He also kept his eyes on her eyes, as difficult as that was.

She tilted her head slightly as if trying to divine something. “A passable save. You’re lucky I love you.”

“Thank you, I love you too,” he replied. “However, what was I supposed to do when all of you took this moment to walk by me?”

He heard Hermione hiss playfully, “Oh, so close as he goes from a passable save to crashing and burning.”

As it looked like Ginny was about to agree based on her expression, he did the only thing he could think of. He took a step forward to close the space between them, grabbed her quickly, and kissed her. She resisted for a few seconds before she started to melt into his embrace and put her arms around his neck.

When he pulled back slightly he said, “Girls, if you could continue on while my eyes are closed, please?”

He heard movement and Fleur saying as she walked by, “I think he snatched victory from the jaws of defeat. Surprise kisses are always good.”

“It’s his saving people thing,” Hermione commented as she walked by, “it’s just that this time he saved himself.”

“Yummy,” said the last one, which caused Harry’s eyes to fly open and see Ginny looked as amused as he felt.

“I agree with Fleur on this,” she told him. “And for the record, you may be right logically, but logical doesn’t always rule the heart or the emotion.”

“I’ll try to remember that,” he breathed before he kissed her again. “Sadly, I must leave to you get my lunch and hurry back to the bridge.”

“Since we delayed you, go on back and I’ll bring lunch to you in a few minutes after I change,” she told him as she let go and walked passed him too.

He couldn’t help but turn and stare now plus he gave a very soft wolf whistle. Ginny just exaggerated the swing of her hips for a moment before she twisted and blew him a kiss over her shoulder. As he hurried back to the bridge, he thought he really needed to talk to Bill soon.

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