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After the Cup
By harrystwin1

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Category: Post-HBP
Genres: Fluff
Warnings: None
Story is Complete
Rating: G
Reviews: 3
Summary: One Shot take on what Harry and Ginny talked about after the Quidditch Cup win during the Half-blood Prince.
Hitcount: Story Total: 1296

Disclaimer: Harry Potter Publishing Rights ? J.K.R. Note the opinions in this story are my own and in no way represent the owners of this site. This story subject to copyright law under transformative use. No compensation is made for this work.

Author's Notes:
This story occurs during the Half-Blood Prince after Harry and Ginny's kiss in the Common Room. Thank you all for your interest and support.


Harry reached for Ginny’s hand as soon as the portrait of the Fat Lady swung closed behind them. They began to walk down the corridor toward the main staircase. The deserted hallway echoed with their footsteps, and they didn’t speak to each other.

When Harry glanced over at Ginny, she was staring at him with an expression in her cinnamon eyes, which, once again, sent the lion roaring in his chest.

They didn’t speak as they walked. They smiled when they caught themselves sneaking glances at each other.

Harry wondered why he couldn’t say any of the words he’d wanted to speak for months. Something enfolded him like a warm embrace when he looked over at Ginny, and he couldn’t find the words to express it. Still, the quiet between them wasn’t awkward. It felt like “ he had come home “ finally!

The light in Ginny’s face told him she felt the same “ magic “ only this magic came from love, not from some outside power. Again, the feeling he’d had in the Ministry of Magic when he’d fought against Voldemort’s invasion of his mind washed over him.

Harry looked at Ginny as they hurried out of the castle and down the steps toward the Quidditch pitch. Again, she seemed to understand everything in his mind and his feelings, which astonished him.

Harry and Ginny reached the edge of the black lake before either spoke. “That was some kiss,” Ginny said.

“I’ve wanted to do that for months,” Harry said as he studied Ginny’s reflection in the water.

The pond’s surface glowed golden in the midafternoon sunlight, but the sparkling light couldn’t compete with the fire of Ginny’s long, red hair as it swayed a little in the breeze.

“I’ve wanted you to kiss me for years,” Ginny said.

Harry took his eyes off the reflection of Ginny and turned to her. They began to walk around the lake. They passed other students who giggled, stared or made teasing remarks, but the couple ignored them.

“So, Harry Potter, what are your intentions,” Ginny asked.

Harry glanced at her and saw the questioning light in her eyes that belied the mischievous tone in her inquiry. “Isn’t such a question asked by a father,” he said.


He stopped near a tree at the outer edge of the Forbidden Forest and bent down to snap a large, purple blossom from a bush that grew in the coolness of the shade.

“Red is my favorite color, but this will have to do,” Harry said as he handed it to her.

Ginny took the flower and sniffed it. “It smells like summer,” she said, tucking it behind her left ear.

“Ginny,” Harry began. “I’m not attempting to dodge your question.”

“I know,” Ginny said, pulling him back into the sunlight.

“I thought talking to you would be tough, but it’s not. The answer is - I don’t know. I like you, Ginevra Molly Weasley, very much. I have for a long time, but “ I know this will sound like a stupid excuse, but with everything that “ “

Ginny squeezed his hand. “I understand.”

“Yeah, I know you do. I see it in your eyes.”

“Do you?” Ginny asked.


“I was thinking it’s easy to be with you and not talk,” Ginny said.

“I know,” Harry said. “I could sense it because I was thinking the same.”

“Magic,” Ginny said.

“Didn’t see you cast a spell,” Harry said as the giant squid rose to the lake's surface and lazily waved one tentacle above the water.

“I didn’t,” Ginny said.

“Neither did I.”

“No love potions in my pumpkin juice,” Harry teased.

“Nope. I want it to be real.”

“Me too.”

Harry gently tugged her forward and kissed her. Ginny broke the kiss and said. “So, what now?”


“Harry Potter!”

Harry laughed and hugged her tight. “Just kidding. Let’s continue our walk.”

“As long as you behave.”

“I will.”

They watched the giant squid sink back beneath the surface and then continued their walk around the lake.

“Ginny,” Harry asked after nearly finishing their circuit around the lake.


“Why now?”


“Why hug me after the Quidditch Cup?”

“Because I was tired of being afraid to take a chance.”

“Thank you,” Harry said.

“You’re welcome, but it was entirely selfish on my part,” Ginny said, making him laugh.

“I’m glad you were selfish.”

“So am I.”

They were silent again for a long time as they continued their walk on the grounds. Harry noticed that sun hung lower in the sky. He looked at his watch and said. “Almost time for dinner.”

“Always thinking about your stomach,” Ginny said with a false smile.

“I’m hungry.”

“Oh, you,” Ginny said.

“So, tell me about the match,” Harry said.

Ginny rolled her eyes. “We won.”

“I know, but I want to know all the details,” Harry said as they returned to the steps leading up to the castle.

Ginny began to talk about the game. Harry realized that he was distracted by her hair and by her eyes. He barely heard a word until she said. “Harry Potter, are you listening to me?”

“Ah, yeah, of course.”

“What did I just say.”

Harry swallowed hard and shook his head as her eyes took on a dangerous light he’d seen from her mother when annoyed. “Um, no idea,” he admitted.

“You must be starving if you can’t keep your mind on Quidditch.”

“It’s not food,” Harry said. “I was thinking about how beautiful you are.”

“Oh, Harry.”

He kissed her, and they stayed on the top step until someone said. “Potter, Weasley,” and he looked up to see Professor McGonagall standing in the doorway. “You’re blocking the entrance.”

“Oh, ah, sorry, Professor,” Harry said and felt his face go red.

Several students passed them, openly staring or commenting on the embrace. Harry tugged Ginny to one side, and McGonagall said. “Off you go.”

They didn’t dawdle and hurried down the hallway toward the Great Hall. “Thanks for the walk,” Harry said.

She squeezed his hand. “Come on. I’m hungry.”

Harry laughed, and they walked hand in hand into the Great Hall. It didn’t matter if anyone else stared or teased. He finally had the one thing missing in his life, and he’d never let her go.

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