
SIYE Time:23:15 on 5th November 2024
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Summer of Recovery
By PotterSloth

Category: Post-DH/AB
Characters:Harry/Ginny, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, Teddy Lupin
Genres: General, Romance
Warnings: Mild Language, Mild Sexual Situations, Negative Alcohol Use
Story is Complete
Rating: R
Summary: What comes after Voldemort’s defeat? A very, very difficult summer. The world moves on, and it’s much different than it was when Harry and Ginny first got together. The summer will be one of grief, but they’re ready to recover together after so long apart. The only question is: will the world finally let them?

Part 1 of Happier Every Day
Hitcount: Story Total: 77319
Awards: View Trophy Room



1. Promise Kept by PotterSloth
3898 words, updated on 2024.03.22 [Reviews - 2] starstarstarstarstar

2. A New Morning by PotterSloth
9098 words, updated on 2024.03.22 [Reviews - 2] starstarstarstarstar

3. Family Reunited by PotterSloth
6620 words, updated on 2024.03.22 [Reviews - 2] starstarstarstarhalf-star

4. Brave by PotterSloth
10533 words, updated on 2024.03.22 [Reviews - 3] starstarstarstarhalf-star

5. Blazing by PotterSloth
15870 words, updated on 2024.03.26 [Reviews - 3] starstarstarstarhalf-star

6. Falling by PotterSloth
13591 words, updated on 2024.03.29 [Reviews - 3] starstarstarstarstar

7. The Return by PotterSloth
10565 words, updated on 2024.04.02 [Reviews - 6] starstarstarstarstar

8. I'll Be There by PotterSloth
7833 words, updated on 2024.04.05 [Reviews - 5] starstarstarstarstar

9. Honouring Friends by PotterSloth
9185 words, updated on 2024.04.09 [Reviews - 5] starstarstarstarstar

10. A Restless Break by PotterSloth
9747 words, updated on 2024.04.12 [Reviews - 5] starstarstarstarstar

11. Remembering the Date by PotterSloth
11898 words, updated on 2024.04.16 [Reviews - 4] starstarstarstarstar

12. Assigning Blame by PotterSloth
9582 words, updated on 2024.04.19 [Reviews - 3] starstarstarstarstar

13. Heroes by PotterSloth
11837 words, updated on 2024.04.23 [Reviews - 7] starstarstarstarstar

14. Better Together by PotterSloth
8366 words, updated on 2024.04.26 [Reviews - 7] starstarstarstarstar

15. No More Secrets by PotterSloth
10101 words, updated on 2024.04.30 [Reviews - 8] starstarstarstarhalf-star

16. Living in Love by PotterSloth
10389 words, updated on 2024.05.03 [Reviews - 4] starstarstarstarstar

17. Panicking and Healing by PotterSloth
9460 words, updated on 2024.05.07 [Reviews - 8] starstarstarstarstar

18. Memorial by PotterSloth
10757 words, updated on 2024.05.10 [Reviews - 5] starstarstarstarstar

19. Setting the Record Straight by PotterSloth
10491 words, updated on 2024.05.14 [Reviews - 7] starstarstarstarstar

20. A New Normal Weekend by PotterSloth
7807 words, updated on 2024.05.17 [Reviews - 6] starstarstarstarstar

21. Scars and All by PotterSloth
9943 words, updated on 2024.05.21 [Reviews - 6] starstarstarstarstar

22. I Must Not Tell Lies by PotterSloth
10881 words, updated on 2024.05.24 [Reviews - 8] starstarstarstarstar

23. Growing Up by PotterSloth
10633 words, updated on 2024.05.28 [Reviews - 7] starstarstarstarstar

24. All I Want by PotterSloth
10260 words, updated on 2024.05.31 [Reviews - 6] starstarstarstarstar

25. Part of the Family by PotterSloth
11123 words, updated on 2024.06.04 [Reviews - 6] starstarstarstarstar

26. Proud by PotterSloth
10819 words, updated on 2024.06.07 [Reviews - 6] starstarstarstarstar

27. What Comes Next by PotterSloth
10707 words, updated on 2024.06.11 [Reviews - 9] starstarstarstarhalf-star

28. Magical Days by PotterSloth
10522 words, updated on 2024.06.14 [Reviews - 6] starstarstarstarstar

29. Birthday Quidditch by PotterSloth
11676 words, updated on 2024.06.18 [Reviews - 6] starstarstarstarstar

30. Moving On by PotterSloth
9660 words, updated on 2024.06.21 [Reviews - 5] starstarstarstarstar

31. Romance Required by PotterSloth
11137 words, updated on 2024.06.25 [Reviews - 8] starstarstarstarstar

32. Coming of Age by PotterSloth
12077 words, updated on 2024.06.28 [Reviews - 4] starstarstarstarstar

33. Navigating New Waters by PotterSloth
13444 words, updated on 2024.07.02 [Reviews - 7] starstarstarstarstar

34. Final Preparations by PotterSloth
12255 words, updated on 2024.07.05 [Reviews - 9] starstarstarstarstar

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