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HB Prince: Year of Love
By DHobbit

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Category: Post-OotP
Characters:All, All
Genres: Angst, Drama, Fluff, Humor
Warnings: None
Rating: PG
Reviews: 309
Summary: *** The author has been reminded via the e-mail address on file that this story is listed as incomplete and has not been updated in over 2 years ***

This story starts at the end of Order Of The Phoenix. Although this story starts as the usual Harry/Ginny romance, I believe after several chapters, you will find that Ancient Dark Magic takes on a whole new meaning to our Harry and Ginny. Will Harry discover the key to the Half-Blood Prince?* * * *American Edition *** * * *
Hitcount: Story Total: 196383; Chapter Total: 3541

Author's Notes:
SUMMARY: Praise for the deserved. - - I smell a rat! ---------------


Chapter Thirty-seven End of Term

The following Monday at dinner, Dumbledore made an

“Anyone with information as to the whereabouts of a toilet
seat, is to contact Professor Snape in his office.”

Lee Jordan raised his hand.

“Yes, Mr. Jordan?”

“This toilet seat, could it be just any toilet seat or is there
something unusual about it?”

“I would think that we are talking about a normal toilet seat
that is not attached to anything. Am I correct, Professor

Snape sneered, then nodded.

The room filled with whispers and giggles.

* * * *

Ginny and Luna were now up to their necks in homework.
There were only a few days left before their O.W.L.s. They
were both complaining about having so much homework but
were still expected to review each subject.

On the last Saturday before their tests, they both bowed out
of the maze meeting. They did, however, teach their regular
D.A. classes. That morning Harry insisted that Ginny take a
walk with him. First they went out to the Quidditch pitch and
rode their brooms. They flew around the pitch, side by side,
then did a few tricks. Ginny had learned to Loop De Loop,
so they practiced doing them in unison.

When they tired of that, they took a walk down by the lake.
They were going to be separated for a while during summer
break. Dumbledore had told him that he would be staying
with the Dursleys for at least a couple of weeks. Harry
wanted to spend every minute they could spare, together.

As always, they could not talk about their lives or anything
real intimate, but the could talk a little bit about their love for
each other. When they were passing between trees or other
large foliage, they did indulge in a few passionate kisses,
but kept that to a minimum. They had to keep themselves
within sight of anyone watching them. Neither Harry or
Ginny would normally want to be seen kissing. That was
something they both felt was private.

After lunch, Ginny went back to her studying and Harry went
back to the maze. He took the book with him. He examined
the binding over and over. He looked at each chapter page
again and again. He could find nothing else to give him a
clue. He was running out of time!

After a couple of hours, he gave up and went back to the
Common Room to do a bit of studying for the tests coming
that week.

When they went down to dinner that night, they were all in
for a big surprise. There were a couple of extra tables
across the front of the room near Dumbledore’s table. At
these tables were people that Harry knew and others he did

The Weasleys, Lupin and Fred and George were seated at
one table along with another man and woman that Harry
didn’t know. At the other table were a few others. The only
ones he recognized at that table was Madam Bones from the
Ministry of Magic and Rita Skeeter.

Dumbledore rose after the room had filled.
“There will be some announcements after dinner. Please
remain seated. For those of you studying for final exams,
this will not take too long. Tuck in!”

While they ate, Harry watched the Weasley’s and Lupin.
They were all dressed in finery. Another triumph for Mrs.
Weasley, she looked gorgeous.

After dinner, Dumbledore rose again.

“I want to present Mr. Lane, chief administrator of St.

Everyone politely applauded, as he took center stage.

“Earlier this year, six students from Hogwarts uncovered a
vicious plot at our hospital. There were several patients that
have benefited from this discovery.”

“I am here to recognize these students. Harry Potter, Neville
Longbottom, Luna Lovegood, Hermione Granger, Ronald
Weasley and Ginevra Weasley. Would you rise and come

They all turned pink but did as requested and went forward.

Mr. Lane shook each student’s hand in turn, then he
awarded a plaque to each one. Colin had his camera ready
and took pictures of each of them as they accepted their

“These students have shown courage and intelligence
beyond measure. They each will also receive FREE medical
care at St. Mungo’s for life. We at St. Mungo’s will never be
able to thank them enough.”

Everyone applauded them (except Malfoy and his cronies).

They each had turned red, but pleased. They were about to
go back to their seats when they were interrupted.

“Before you sit down, since you are all here before us, I
think now is a good time to acknowledge your efforts this
year,” said Dumbledore.

“There are approximately two hundred students here at
Hogwarts that have had extra training against the evil forces
that now threaten our world.”

“These same six students have sacrificed many many hours
of their time to teach their fellow students. Each of them will
be receiving another award from Hogwarts for ‘Special
Services to the School’. He then handed each of them
another plaque with their name engraved on it.

“Harry, I think it would be proper for you to speak for the
group,” said Dumbledore.

Harry was unprepared and embarrassed, he blushed.
Dumbledore firmly placed his hand on Harry’s shoulder and
gently pushed him forward.

“Er... thank you, Professor,” started Harry. “I guess I just
want to say that, all the students that took extra classes of
defense, did so voluntarily. They all worked hard and I am
proud of each of them.”

“I will add that without the efforts of Ginny and Ron Weasley,
Hermione Granger, Luna Lovegood and Neville Longbottom,
this task would not have been possible. Each of them
deserve our praise.”

The crowd applauded them.

There were several others that helped teach,” Harry named
off all the Advanced students that had taught this year. He
had each one stand. “They all deserve your applause.”

Again crowd applauded them.

Dumbledore let the applause go on for several minutes
before raising his hands.

“Those of you who are willing to risk a slightly lower grade on
their exams, may remain here in the Great Hall for a
celebration tonight. There will be goodies and drinks for all.”

The crowd jumped up and applauded. The tables were now
garnished with all the goodies that the House Elves were
famous for. It seems that there were few, if any, who left to
go study.

They all went over to the Weasley table to visit. Arthur rose
and hugged his son and daughter. He then pulled Harry in
for a big hug. Harry didn’t know exactly how Arthur was
going to accept him, but was relieved at his greeting. He
returned the hug and patted him on the back.

For Harry, Molly was no problem. He bowed before her and
kissed her hand. “I’m so happy to see you, Molly Dear,” said

“Bend down and give me a hug, Harry, dear,” said Molly.

Harry bent down and gave her a big hug and kissed her
cheek. Molly beamed.

Lupin just finished hugging Luna, when Harry approached
him. They gave each other a big hug and shook hands.

“I’ll have pictures to show you when I get home. Colin took
several,” said Harry. Lupin grinned.

Harry shook hands with Fred and George and whispered a
question to them.

“How long does it take for you to remove a NORMAL toilet
seat?” whispered Harry.

“A couple of minutes,” said Fred.

“Less if we are in good form,” added George. “The trick, is
to be able to walk away with it, after it is removed.”

“Why?” they both asked in unison.

“We have something to show you when school ends,” said
Harry, grinning.

“Who’s we?” asked Fred.

“You’ll see,” said Harry, grinning.

Neville pulled Harry aside and brought him over to the two
people that Harry didn’t know.

“Mum, Dad, this is Harry,” said Neville.

“I am honored to meet you,” said Harry, bowing.

Harry shook their hands. He hadn’t recognized them from
the people he had seen at St. Mungo’s last year. They both
looked completely transformed.

“WE are honored to meet YOU,” said Mr. Longbottom. “My,
you look so much like your father.”

“But he has his mother’s eyes,” said Mrs. Longbottom.

“So, you KNEW my parents?” asked Harry.

“Oh yes! Lily and I were both expecting at the same time. I
knew her very well.”

“Will you tell me about her some time?” asked Harry.

“Yes, sometime when we meet more privately,” said Mrs.

Neville introduced the others to his parents. They each were
praised for their help in solving the mystery.

Madam Bones walked over and shook their hands also.
“We are all so proud of you,” she said.

Harry blushed.

Rita Skeeter walked up with her Quick Quotes Quill.
“Anything you would like our readers to know?” asked Rita.

“Nothing printable,” said Harry.

Harry caught Neville’s eye. He motioned with his hand, a
zipper across this lips. He caught on and didn’t talk to Rita.
He didn’t have to tell Ron, Hermione, Luna and Ginny about
the dangers of talking to Rita.

Harry watched as Ginny talked to Lupin. He bet that she was
grilling him about Tonks. She was smiling and giggled at
some of his remarks.

He watched as she talked with her father. Arthur squeezed
her shoulder several times during their conversation. She
always had a soft look on her face when she talked with her
father. He sometimes got that same look from her. It always
melted his heart. Whatever they were talking about, Harry
knew that Arthur was putty in her hands.

He loved watching her. When she talked with Fred and
George, they turned red. She could match their wit and
sometimes beat them at their own game. He knew she just
got to them about something. He grinned.

When she talked with Molly, they were whispering very
seriously for several minutes. He knew they were up to
something too, because when she walked away she had a
satisfied grin on her face.

He got close to her and asked about it.
“There are SOME things that a girl shares with her mother
that are not shared with anyone else,” said Ginny.

“Oh! Sorry. I wasn’t raised around girls, so I didn’t know,”
said Harry, blushing.

“Don’t worry, Love. You’ll learn,” said Ginny.

At one point in the evening, Harry heard a conversation
between Fred and George and Ron.

“You know, that you now have all the free drinks you want at
The Three Broomsticks... “

“AND free medical at St. Mungo’s... “

“You are set for life!” said Fred and George in unison.

“Yep! and I plan to use both services in order. Get plastered
at The Three Broomsticks and revived at St. Mungo’s,” said

“No you won’t!” said Molly, who had heard the conversation.

“Curses!” said Ron.

“I’ll CURSE YOU if you keep an attitude like that, Ronald
Weasley! ” said Molly.

“Mum, you’re supposed to be here to support me, not
punishing me. I haven’t even done anything yet,” said Ron.

“Yet! You’ll see yet!” said Molly.

“Molly, give him a break. He hasn’t done anything,” said

“I’m just giving him fair warning,” said Molly.

Ron rolled his eyes. Why was there always something to
ruin his great moments?

“Ron’s just letting off a little steam,” said Harry. “He hasn’t
been in any trouble. Of course, he hasn’t had enough time to
get into any trouble. He has worked very hard this year,
more than anyone would expect of him or anyone else. I’m
personally very proud of him.”

“I agree,” said Ginny. “Between being a Prefect, Quidditch
Captain, keeping up his studies AND teaching D.A. this year,
even I’m impressed.”

“Well, then ok. I guess you’re right. Ron I am very proud of
you too,” said Molly, smiling.

“You OWE me,” whispered Ginny to Ron. He rolled his eyes.

Hermione had been talking with several of the guests but she
had a sad look in her eyes.

After a couple of hours of visiting with the guests, they went
back to their table and visited with the other students. There
were plenty of pats on the back and hugs. Of course, by
then they were hungry again. So they all were munching on
the goodies.

Harry quietly took Hermione aside.
“Hermione, didn’t your parents get invited tonight?” asked

“Dumbledore told me that they couldn’t come tonight,” said

“I’m sorry. I know they would have been very proud of you,
tonight. They ARE proud of you. I just know it,” said Harry,
as he patted her shoulder.

“Thanks, Harry. Yes I’m sure they are. I just miss them,
especially tonight,” she said.

“Don’t be sad, ok?”

“Ok,” said Hermione, smiling. Since Harry had taken the
time to try to cheer her up, she felt a lot better. He did care
about her.

All the students took advantage of the celebration and were
up until the wee hours.

In the early hours of morning, before anyone had went to
sleep, Harry took Ginny for a walk. They walked all over
the castle, just enjoying each other’s company. They knew
there were only a few days left before summer break.

Dumbledore had told him that he would be going back to the
Dursley’s, if only for a little while. It could be a few weeks, an
eternity for him and Ginny. He needed to spend as much
time with her as he could.

They were gone for a couple of hours, but the whole time
they made sure that they were within the public eye.

Colin Creevey decided to take some more party pictures.
That’s when Hermione realized that Harry and Ginny had
been gone for a very long time. She used the pictures as an
excuse to go looking for them.

Since she had no idea where they went, she spent a good
hour searching. She had made it down to the dungeon area.
She wandered in farther than she ever had before. She was
about to turn back when she spotted a rat. There was
something shining on it’s paw. She wanted to make sure it
wasn’t just a trick of light, so decided to investigate. She
followed it for a few minutes. She suspected that it might be
Wormtail. She knew she should have went for help, but she
wanted to make sure first. It was early morning but the
corridors were dimly lit, it felt like night. She had just decided
that it was too dangerous and was turning back when a cold
metal hand grabbed her throat.

In the meantime, Harry and Ginny arrived back at the
Common Room. Ron was sprawled out asleep on the sofa,
before the fire. Harry threw a blanket on him and left him
there. Harry kissed Ginny goodnight and they both went up
to their dorms.

Ron tried to turn over and woke up. Crookshanks was sitting
up on his chest. Ron was too tired to bother with him and
pushed him off. Crookshanks was scratching his leg. Ron
started to kick him, but stopped himself.

Crookshanks walked towards the portrait door, bushing his
tail, then back to Ron. In Ron’s grogginess, it took a while
before Ron decided that Crookshanks was trying to tell him

“Is something wrong?” asked Ron.

Crookshanks purred and rubbed his leg, then walked towards
the portrait door again. Fully awake now, Ron decided to
follow him. Crookshanks made it very clear that he wanted
to be followed.

* * * *

Wormtail was standing behind her with his silver hand upon
her throat. He had pressed just hard enough to cause a
small cut that was bleeding. He was whispering in her ear.
His spit had splattered against her ear and neck as he spoke.

“So! Little Hermione Granger, all grown up. Still putting your
nose where it doesn’t belong. You should know better by
now,” he hissed in her ear.

“Too bad you wasted all your time with Longbottom. Even I
could see that relationship was doomed. You would have
been better off with Ron. Yes, I know all about your little
love lives.”

“Ron has grown up too. He spent a lot of time with some real
women. No time for a serious little bookworm like you, too

“Ahhhh, but you’ve got your eyes set on the Potter boy now,
don’t you? He’s grown up too, but he’s in love with another
girl. Yes, little Ginny Weasley. I wouldn’t worry about that,
their days are numbered,” said Wormtail.

“You’ve always been a little too smart for your own good. I
would like to take the time to venture where Ron never
ventured, but alas time is running out,” he said, as he
stroked the front of her with his other hand. Hermione

“I’m not alone,” Hermione said, trembling. She saw
Crookshanks from the corner of her eye. “Help is coming.”

“You are lying. It is only you and I... Maybe I will take the
time to... venture.” He stopped. He felt something poke him
in his back.

“Get off her! Now!” said Ron, with his wand pressed
against Wormtail’s back.

Wormtail let go of Hermione and slowly backed away.
Hermione collapsed to the floor, trembling, although still fully
conscious. She pulled out her wand and aimed it at
Wormtail, but it was shaking so bad that any spell she tried
would have probably missed.

“Now Ron, you wouldn’t want to start trouble. It’s your old
friend, Scabbers. Didn’t I comfort you when you were
frightened? Wasn’t I faithful to you?” whined Wormtail.

“Faithful? You don’t know the meaning of the word,” said

Wormtail’s eyes were searching the corridor for some way of
escape. Ron cast a disarming charm, stepped forward and
took Wormtail’s wand. As he was about to cast a Tie and
Binding spell, Ron’s foot connected with Hermione’s and he
stumbled just enough to give Wormtail enough time to
transform back into a rat.

Ron and Hermione both had their wands directed upon him.
He didn’t dare move. They all stayed in place for a few
moments. It had taken Ron every bit of will to control himself
after he saw Scabbers touching Hermione. He needed to get
her out of here. Ron decided he would send Hermione for
help. With his wand still aimed, he reached down to give
Hermione a lift up.

At that moment, Scabbers moved. Crookshanks saw the
movement and pounced on Scabbers. Within a second,
Crookshanks had Scabbers’ upper body in his mouth. He
crunched down. Blood squirted in all directions. Scabbers
other half fell to the floor.

“Ewwwww!” said Ron, as Crookshanks began to chew, then

Hermione turned white, then vomited. The other half of
Scabbers was still twitching and became covered in the
vomit. This made her retch all the more.

Ron gave her a moment to compose herself, then he pulled
her close and held her. She was still white and trembling.
He wiped her tears, then helped her walk down to the first
crossing corridor out of sight of the mess. He pulled her
close and held her.

“You’ll be ok. You just need to give yourself time to calm
down,” he said as he rubbed her back.

Ron’s emotions were raging. After the encounter with
Wormtail and now being so close to Hermione. He could feel
her heart beating against his chest. Hermione’s arms felt so
good around him. Her total dependence on him at the
moment, brought back many of the feelings he had always
had for her. He would have kissed her, but he remembered
that she just threw up. It was not good timing. He held her
tight until her legs stopped trembling.

He walked along with her with his arm around her shoulder
until they got to Gryffindor Tower.

“Are you ok now?” asked Ron, gently.

“Yes. I think so,” said Hermione.

“Ok. You go to Professor McGonagal to get Dumbledore
and I’ll go get Harry,” said Ron.

Ron rushed up to his dorm and woke Harry.

“You’re not going to believe it! Wormtail’s dead!
Crookshanks ATE him,” said Ron.

“Ewwwwww!” said Harry.

“I got to go explain all this to Dumbledore. You coming?”
asked Ron.

“Yep. Let me find my slippers,” said Harry.

Professor McGonagal, dressed in housecoat and slippers,
was waiting for them when they arrived in the Common
Room. She took them to the entrance to the Headmaster’s
office. They waited outside until she arrived back.

Professor Dumbledore was fully dressed in one of his
beautiful robes, entirely awake. They all sat before him in
cushy chairs.

Hermione began telling what had happened until Ron had
arrived. Then Ron explained about Crookshanks waking
him, then finished the whole story.

“Would you let Lupin know as soon as possible? I think he
deserves to know right away,” said Harry.

“Of course,” said Dumbledore.

“I think that we should keep Peter’s death a secret for now. I
will inform Remus, but to the public, I think it should be kept
secret until I can sort this all out,” he added.

“Miss Granger, I want you to go to the hospital wing. No
excuses. I think you have had enough to be going on with,
for one night,” said Dumbledore.

* * * *
Reviews 309

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