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HB Prince: Year of Love
By DHobbit

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Category: Post-OotP
Characters:All, All
Genres: Angst, Drama, Fluff, Humor
Warnings: None
Rating: PG
Reviews: 309
Summary: *** The author has been reminded via the e-mail address on file that this story is listed as incomplete and has not been updated in over 2 years ***

This story starts at the end of Order Of The Phoenix. Although this story starts as the usual Harry/Ginny romance, I believe after several chapters, you will find that Ancient Dark Magic takes on a whole new meaning to our Harry and Ginny. Will Harry discover the key to the Half-Blood Prince?* * * *American Edition *** * * *
Hitcount: Story Total: 196457; Chapter Total: 3460

Author's Notes:
Due to the coming out of the Half-Blood Prince, there was a long delay in this last chapter to my story. This being Harry's sixth year. I decided to continue his next year within this story, instead of starting a new one. Since we all know that things have changed in the real story, I will condense my story down and just add several chapters to this one, to come to a conclusion to this story. Thanks to all that have reviewed and were more than kind. DHobbit *************** SUMMARY: Hermione’s affair


Chapter Thirty-eight Going Home

Harry and Dumbledore followed Ron down to the dungeons
so he could show them what remained of Peter Pettigrew.
Dumbledore conjured a box, then magically put the bottom
half of Scabbers in the box. He waved his wand, the vomit
and blood disappeared.

Harry was unsure about his feelings about Peter’s death. It
didn’t make him feel any better. He should have felt some
sense of justice or satisfaction. Instead, it just made him feel

Professor McGonagal walked Hermione to the hospital wing.
Madam Pomfrey had Hermione take a shower and put on a
hospital gown. She healed her cut on her neck. It was more
of a pinch that split the skin, than a cut, in any case, the
skin had been broken. She then administered a dreamless
sleep draught. Hermione tried to refuse it, but Madam
Pomfrey can be very resourceful when in need.

So, Hermione was out cold when they boys arrived to check
on her. Madam Pomfrey told them that she would be out
until sometime after lunch.

Ron and Harry sat in “Potter’s Corner” and ended up falling
asleep. They were not out long, before several of the
younger students, who had went to bed at a decent hour,
kicked them out. Ron’s snoring was more than they could
take. One little girl told Harry that he should get a special
award for sleeping next to Ron all these years.

Harry set is alarm for 11:30, that would give them three
hours sleep. Hopefully Hermione would be ready to leave
the hospital wing right after lunch.

When he went back down to the Common Room, Ginny was
waiting. She told Harry with her eyes that she knew
something was wrong. Harry brought out ink, quill and
parchment. He quickly wrote out a short version of what
happened in the early morning. After she read it, he tossed it
into the fire. Then he asked her out to lunch. Ron came
down and they all left for lunch together.

After they ate, Neville and Luna joined them when they went
to the hospital wing. Hermione was still sleeping. Madam
Pomfrey told them it would be a couple of hours before she
woke. So they all went to the Room of Requirements.

Harry locked the door and put up a Silencing Charm. Ron
explained to all of them what happened that morning. Ron
had only heard part of the conversation that Wormtail had
with Hermione. He had only heard the part that he wanted to
“venture”. He decided not to tell that part. He would leave
that up to Hermione if she wanted to divulge that part.

He also told them about Dumbledore not wanting Wormtail’s
death to become public, for now.

In the meantime, Hermione had woken up to an empty
hospital room. When she arrived at the Common Room,
she expected everyone to be waiting for her. Instead she
found “Potter’s Corner” empty. She was shocked and hurt.
She ran up to her dorm and lay across her bed weeping.

After they all arrived at the Common Room, Ginny and Luna
went up to Hermione’s dorm.

“Ron told us what happened. Are you feeling up to coming
down with us?” asked Ginny, as she sat on the bed next to
her. Luna was right behind her.

Hermione wanted to be reasonable but her heart was still
hurt. They were always there for GINNY when she was in
trouble, but the first time Hermione has a horrible
experience, they desert her.

They SHOULD have been gathered around her bed in the
hospital wing. They SHOULD have been holding her hand
and kissing her forehead and petting her. But they had left
her to come back to an empty Common Room.

“No. I want to be alone,” lied Hermione.

Ginny started to pet her shoulder, but Hermione flinched.

“We’ll be downstairs when you’re ready to come down,” said
Ginny, gently.

“I don’t think she really wants to be alone. I think she’s mad
at us,” said Luna, as they walked down the stairs to the
Common Room.

“Maybe or she just needs time to be alone, like she says,”
said Ginny.

“I think she’s mad,” said Luna, stopping on the stair.

“Yes, I know. I had hoped... well... she is jealous. Jealous
of me and Harry. Jealous of you and Harry and even Neville.
Jealous of anyone who is close to Ron and Harry.”

“She has always been the center of their little trio. This year
Harry has included us and Neville, so now the trio is six not
three,” said Ginny. “AND, she used to be the only girl. Now
there are three girls. She is not getting the attention from
Ron and Harry that she used to get,” said Ginny.

“Hermione doesn’t seem the jealous type,” said Luna.

“Luna, EVERYONE is the jealous type. I mean, we all get
jealous at one time or another. You’re right, some people
are more apt to be jealous than others, but it is in all of us. I
think she’s been fighting it, but she’s losing the battle,” sighed

“What are you going to do?” asked Luna.

“Me? Why me? I can’t DO anything. I just seem to make
her worse,” said Ginny.

“Harry?” asked Luna.

“I think Ron would be the one to turn her around,” said Ginny.
“Come on, the boys will start to get worried.”

They went back to the Common Room and told them that
Hermione wasn’t coming down.

In the meantime, while Neville had went to the loo, Ron had
told Harry about what Wormtail had tried to do to Hermione.

“She shouldn’t be up there alone,” said Harry.

“Ginny, go get her,” said Ron.

“I tried. I think I only made her worse,” said Ginny.

“You go tell her that if she don’t come down, that I’m going to
fly my broomstick to her window and break it down,” said

Ginny flew up the stairs to Hermione’s dorm.

“Hermione, you need to come down to the Common Room
now,” said Ginny.

“I don’t feel like it,” said Hermione.

“Ron says, that if you don’t come down, he’s coming up on
his broomstick and break your window to get in,” said Ginny.

“Really?” said Hermione.

“Yes. I’m not to come down until you are with me,” said

When they got back down, Ginny squeezed herself in next to
Harry. She leaned in with her back against his chest. She
adjusted his arms so that they were wrapped around her.
She was not trying to gloat, she just wanted to make it
perfectly clear that Harry was hers. Besides, she loved it
when he held her like this.

Ron had risen when Hermione stepped up to the sofa. After
she sat, he sat down close beside her and put his arm
around her shoulder.

“Hermione, are you all right now?” asked Ron.

“Yes, of course I am,” said Hermione.

“We just didn’t want you to be alone for a while. Sorry we
missed you. Madam Pomfrey told us you wouldn’t be awake
for a least a couple of hours. When we went back, you had
already left,” said Ron. “So, why didn’t you want to come

“I think I just need a little time,” said Hermione.

Crookshanks jumped up on Hermione’s lap. Hermione
shivered and tossed him off.

“Get him away! I can’t stand it!” shouted Hermione.

Ginny walked over, picked up Crookshanks and began to pet
him. She brought him back to the sofa with Harry. She was
messaging his back as he purred.

“Ginny, I really don’t want to see Crookshanks at this
moment,” said Hermione, still shivering.

“I’m sorry. He doesn’t understand why you are upset,” she
said, as she carried him over to the portrait hole.

“Go take a walk, Crookshanks. Hermione doesn’t
understand,” Ginny whispered to Crookshanks.

“See? I knew you weren’t ready to be alone,” said Ron,
squeezing her shoulder.

“I’m fine! It’s just that... “

“I’m sure, once Crookshanks as digested Scabbers, she will
be just fine,” said Ginny.

“Ewwwwww!” said Ron and Harry in unison.

“Ok, change of subject!” said Harry.

Ginny returned to her former position, pushing her back
against his chest for extra comfort.

“Are you going to get to come this summer?” asked Ron. He
couldn’t say where, but they all knew.

“I suppose, after our cruise,” said Hermione.

“You’re going on a cruise?” asked Luna.

“Yes, we are going to cruise the Mediterranean for two

“That sounds nice. What do you DO on a cruise?” asked

“Oh, there are lots of things to do on the ship. Swimming
and laying around at the pool. There are sports that can be
played on the ship during the day. At night there are movies,
dances and strolls along the deck,” said Hermione.

“I hope they have a library, or you will be bored out of your
mind,” said Ron, teasing.

“Actually, THIS year I don’t plan to spend any time in the
library. I was thinking more about having a romance,” said

“What?” said Ron.

“You know, meeting a man and... well...” she said.

“That doesn’t sound like it would make for a lasting
relationship,” said Luna.

“I’m of age now. I’m not looking for a lasting relationship. It’s
time for me to go out and well... seek some romantic
experience,” said Hermione, seriously.

Ron’s jaw dropped. He looked like he just swallowed a bug.

“I’m a woman now. I only have one year of school left
before I decide what I want to do in life. I need to start living,”
said Hermione. “I’m too old for mere school girl romances.
It’s time, I think,” she added.

There it was. Ginny knew it was something like that. She
was letting Ron and Harry know that she was free, available
and ready for love.

“Do you have someone in mind for your... romance?” asked

“Of course not. I won’t meet him until we are out to sea,” said
Hermione, wistfully.

Neville hadn’t said a word through this whole conversation,
but he couldn’t help himself. “That’s sad,” he said.

“Sad?” questioned Hermione.

“Yes, sad,” said Harry. “I thought that YOU, of all people,
would be holding out for your TRUE love.”

“I’m not talking about LOVE. I’m talking about experience.
Harry, you’ve been raised Muggle. Haven’t you noticed that
in the wizarding world, there is nearly no mention of sex? I
mean, I’ve never heard any adult mention it. It’s like the
stone age. There are whispers in the bathrooms by students,
but so far, it’s all been childish snickers,” said Hermione.

“I was raised by the Dursleys,” said Harry.

Harry, Ron and Neville all looked at Ginny.

“What?” she asked, not knowing what they were getting at.

“Hermione was raised Muggle. Luna lost her mother very
young,” said Harry.

“Your point?” asked Ginny.

“Eh... maybe you should have a talk with them,” said Ron.

“Oh no you don’t! That is something for Mum to tell,” said

“There won’t be time before she goes on the cruise,” said

“I not sure what you’re getting at, but if it’s what I THINK
you’re getting at, I don’t need any instructions from a CHILD.
I was raised Muggle. Muggles are more open about things
than Wizards. I know all about life and things,” said
Hermione. “My parents are dentists, you know.”

Ginny turned beet red and started to get up, but Harry
wrapped his arms tighter around her. “Shhhhhh don’t say a
word,” warned Harry in a whisper to her ear.

Ginny was squirming in her seat. Harry rubbed her arms
trying to soothe her. “Shhhhh, Love,” said Harry, again, in
her ear.

“Ginny! PLEASE!” pleaded Ron.

Ginny was holding her temper about as much as humanly
possible. She turned her face to Harry’s. Without saying a
word, she pleaded with him to help her out of the situation.
Harry stood up and took Ginny’s hand. “Let’s go for a walk.”

“Aren’t you going to TELL her?” asked Ron.

“No, I’m sure one of the first or second years can tell her
about it. I’m far too childish!” said Ginny in a temper.

“You coming?” she asked Harry.

“Yes,” said Harry. He didn’t want to run out, but thought it
was the safest thing to do.

Harry quickly led her out of the castle to a reasonably private
spot. “Are you calmed down now?” he asked her.

“Not really. I’d like to Bat Bogey Hex her!”

“You don’t really mean that.”

“Oh yes I do! If you hadn’t held my arms, she’d be sporting
Bat Bogeys right now!”

Harry wrapped his arms around her. “I know, Love, I know.
You did really good, considering your Weasley temper,” he

“Like YOU don’t have a temper,” teased Ginny.

“Me? I’m in command at all times. You never see me letting
my emotions get out of control,” teased Harry.

“Yeah, Mr. Cool.”

“That’s right.” he grinned.

“What are we going to do about her jealousy? A lot of this is
Ron’s fault!” said Ginny.

“Ron’s? Well... I mean, yeah, but he couldn’t help it. It’s
not easy trying to change from friends to... well you know.”

“I’m not talking about THAT. I’m talking about the way she
treats me,” said Ginny.

“Huh?” said Harry, clearly confused.

“ ‘Go away Ginny!’ ‘You’re too young, Ginny.’ ‘Beat it,
Ginny. etc . . .’ “ He’s always treated me like that”.

“He loves you, Gin.”

“I know, but when anyone’s around, he treats me like crap.
He doesn’t respect me, so she doesn’t respect me. She
treats me like he does, just with ‘kinder’ words, but
meaning the same thing,” complained Ginny.

“Well, I have to admit that THIS year he’s been better.
Specially since we’ve been ‘dating’. But that’s because YOU
are the one who let me in, Luna and Neville too. YOU
included us, so it’s all right. If left to Hermione or Ron, it
would still be the three of you,” added Ginny.

“So you don’t really like Hermione?” asked Harry.

“On the WHOLE I actually do. I mean, well, a little
Hermione goes a long way,” said Ginny, thoughtfully.

“Yeah, I know what you mean,” said Harry. “But you know
that I do love her. She’s like family to me.”

“Yes, I know. She’s like family to me too. The OLDER
‘know-it-all’ sister,” said Ginny, grinning.

“It’s only since... we had that AMAZING time, that she started
getting really catty with me,” said Ginny, thoughtfully.

“Yeah, that’s when I noticed it too,” said Harry, thoughtfully.

“It was probably when you and Ron decided that I would
have a nightmare and you all stayed up with me. Babying
me,” said Ginny.

“Yeah, well... I love to BABY you,” whispered Harry.

“Actually I love when you BABY me. Well, sometimes, at
least that kind of babying.”

Harry started kissing her, as he spoke. “So, KISS, what do,
KISS, you think, KISS, we should, KISS, do?”

“It’s, KISS, working.” kissed Ginny.

“What?” kissed Harry.

“Who, KISS, cares?” kissed Ginny. They both started
grinning, which messed up their kissing. So they began to
laugh and Harry hugged her tightly.

When they got back to the Common Room, Hermione and
Ron were still sitting in “Potter’s Corner”, starring into the
unlit fire. Neville and Luna were talking quietly to each other.

Ginny went up to her dormitory leaving Harry to, in her
words, “handle it”.

Harry sat down, hoping that MAYBE the situation had already
taken care if itself.

“Well?” asked Ron.

“Well, what?” asked Harry, who knew that nothing had
changed since he and Ginny and left the room. He looked at
Hermione, who was scowling now.

“I think... well... that maybe... you and I should have a private
talk,” said Harry to Ron.

“I think that if you are going to be discussing ME, that you
should speak in front of me,” said Hermione.

Harry’s semi-plan seemed to float out the window. He

“Hermione, would you take a walk with me?” asked Harry.
He didn’t know what he was going to say to Hermione but he
knew that he couldn’t talk freely with Ron, Luna and Neville
right there in the room, listening to every word.

Hermione stood up quickly and took Harry’s arm. He guided
her out of the Common Room and out to the grounds outside
the castle.

Harry didn’t have a clue about what he was going to say to
her. He wondered as they walked, what was the most
important thing that they should talk about. Her terrifying
experience with Wormtail? Her treatment of Ginny? Her
upcoming cruise?

They walked for over fifteen minutes and still she didn’t say
anything. He hoped that if she started talking that he would
start his conversation from whatever she introduced. She
seemed to be content just to walk with him. He felt that if
she didn’t say something soon that he was going to scream,
but he waited.

“Hermione, are you all right?” he finally said.

“Of course, I’m all right,” said Hermione.

This was getting them nowhere. He just didn’t know exactly
what to say. He MAY be able to comfort her about the
Wormtail thing, but the other two subjects were going to be

“Er... so! Eh... well! ... Eh... so when were you going to go
on your cruise?” stumbled Harry.

“As soon as I get home. It’s all planned out. I’m very excited
about it,” said Hermione.

“As soon as you get home? That soon? I mean, a few days
after or right away?” asked Harry.

Hermione looked at him thoughtfully. “I believe my mother
said it was going to be a day or two. She didn’t give me the
EXACT date. Why?”

“Er... because... well... Ok... look, you need to talk to Mrs.
Weasley before you got on your cruise,” said Harry turning

“Really! Why do you say that?” asked Hermione.

“Because... I think it is IMPORTANT. I mean, IF you are
going to spend your life in the Wizarding Community. There
are THINGS that... well... you need to learn from a witch
before you... a... well, anyway. You should talk to an adult
before you make certain decisions.”

“Oh Harry, you are so old fashioned. These are modern
times. Why don’t you just tell me?”

“Because... er... I don’t really know all the facts here. I
mean... don’t make this so hard, Hermione.”

“If you think it is THAT important, I COULD contact my
parents to see if I will have time to make arrangements to
talk to Mrs. Weasley. She may not be available, you know.”

Harry breathed a sigh of relief.

“Thank you for being so thoughtful, Harry. I mean, well, it
means a lot to me that you care,” said Hermione, coyly.

“Of course, I care,” said Harry.

Hermione’s face lit up. She was gently caressing Harry’s

Harry was starting to panic inside. She had gotten the wrong

“Eh... I need to get back to the castle. I REALLY need to talk
to Ron. He is VERY upset about what happened this
morning,” said Harry, rushing her along.

“He’s fine, Harry. I mean, he was very thoughtful this

“See what I mean? That’s not normal,” said Harry, teasing.

“Oh, Harry,” giggled Hermione.

Harry moved her along very quickly, back to the castle.
As soon as they arrived in the Common Room, Harry
grabbed Ron’s arm and ushered him up to their dorm.

“That took you long enough,” said Ron.

“Too long,” said Harry.

“Sooooooo, what happened and why so long?” asked Ron.

“Well, for one thing, she wouldn’t talk.”

“Hermione? That’s got to be a first.”

“Yeah. We must have walked for fifteen or twenty minutes
without her saying a single word.”

“Blimey!” said Ron. “Did you tell her?”

“Tell her what?”

“Well... you know,” said Ron.

“I didn’t TELL her anything. I just suggested that she talk to
your mum.”


“She doesn’t have the exact date of the cruise. So we are
not sure if there is time for them to meet before then.”

“Oh,” said Ron. “What else were you talking about?”

“That’s it,” said Harry.

“You took all that time, and that’s all you talked about,” said
Ron, looking suspicious.

“I told you. She didn’t say a word for a very long time. I had
to bring up the subject of the cruise AND the talk with your
mum,” said Harry impatiently.

“Hmmmm... I have an idea. I’m going to ask Ginny to owl
your mum and ask her to contact Mrs. Granger. You know,
let THEM set up the time. I also think it’s a good idea to
include Luna and Ginny in this talk. You know, make it out
that this talk was coming anyway. OH! I know, she can tell
all of them that since Ginny and I AND Luna and Fred are
dating, that she thought it best that she had a ‘little’ talk with
them before we all are living under the same roof this
summer. What ya think?” said Harry.

“Hermione will see through that. You already asked her to
talk to Mum,” said Ron.

“Yeah. Oh! I know. Yes, we wanted Hermione to have a
talk with her, but your Mum was planning on it anyway. She
could tell Mrs. Granger that she wanted to talk to all the girls
at once so they wouldn’t be embarrassed AND she wanted
do it as soon as possible,” added Harry.

“Yeah, that might just work,” said Ron.

“Ok, I’ll have Ginny send an owl,” said Harry. “I sure hope
she will.”

“And why wouldn’t she?” asked Ron.

“You haven’t noticed that they are not... well... as friendly
lately?” asked Harry. He wanted to get Ron’s point of view
on the situation.

“Yeah, actually I did notice. What’s up with Ginny? She’s
been kinda rude to Hermione lately,” said Ron, thoughtfully.

Harry couldn’t believe it. Ginny was completely right. Ron
doesn’t see it. He only sees the part where Ginny lashes
back not the snide remarks that Hermione makes.

“Hermione has been making little snide remarks. Ginny is
getting tired of it. Lately she’s been lashing back,” said

“She has? I guess when we aren’t around. I wonder what
Ginny’s done. I think I’ll have a talk with her about it,” said

“Eh... Ron... I don’t think that would be a good idea right
now. Eh... I think Hermione is having a hard time right

“Of course she is, with Wormtail and all. Ginny should be
more thoughtful to Hermione’s feelings,” said Ron.

“Ron, Hermione needs more attention. We should all pay
more attention to her. Let her know that we care about her.
I was hoping that YOU would help in that department,” said
Harry, tactfully.

“Of course, I will,” said Ron.

“Good! Look, Ron, Ginny and I don’t have very much time
before end of term. I don’t know how long I’m going to have
to stay at the Dursley’s this year. So Ginny and I want to
spend as much time together as we can. If you were to eh...
you know... spend some time with Hermione... you know... so
she don’t feel left out. I’d really appreciate it,” said Harry.

“No problem,” said Ron.

“Thanks!” said Harry, as he left the room and went looking
for Ginny.

Harry and Ginny went for another walk and talked about the
letter that Ginny would write to Mrs. Weasley. They also
talked about the plan for the rest of the term. They both had
tests coming up. Ginny starts her O.W.L.s next day and
Harry starts his end of term exams.

They decided they have done all the studying they were
going to do. Before each test, they would scan their notes
and the pray that was good enough. They both had studied
very hard this year. They decided that all the last minute
studying that everyone was doing was not going to help
them, they either knew it or they didn’t.

They were going to spend their last few days at Hogwarts
together, as much as possible. And that’s exactly what they

Hermione chewed out Harry for keeping Ginny from studying
but Harry just let it roll off his back.

Each day, after their tests and dinner, they took their
brooms out to the Quidditch pitch and flew together. They
would fly until they were tired, then take a walk down by the
lake and watch the giant squib. After dark, they went up to
the Common Room and did a little studying. Mostly making
out a outline of the next days subject with quick notes.

A couple of days later, Ginny got an owl from her mum telling
her that all the arrangements were made for their “talk”.
They were going to Hermione’s house, the next day after
they got home. Mrs. Granger thought it was a wonderful
idea, since Hermione would probably be spending a lot of
time with the Weasley’s this summer. With a house full of
young males and females, it couldn’t hurt to lay down some

Harry was relieved. Now he could spend his time with Ginny
and not worry about Hermione’s problem.

Ron kept his word and spent almost all his time with
Hermione. Of course, this was not really unusual because
every end of term they spent their time studying. Only THIS
year, Harry spent very little time with the last minute
studying. Luna and Neville joined in on the studying, so
Harry wasn’t missed too much.

Both Harry and Ginny felt that they were not doing bad on
their exams. Perhaps they would not get 100% but they both
felt they were doing fine.

The days went by quickly. The day of their departure for
home was upon them. So with trunks packed, they left for
the station.

The train ride back to King’s Cross was spent eating goodies
from the food cart and playing Exploding Snap and Wizard
Chess. About a half an hour before they were to arrive,
Ginny started fidgeting. Harry had put his arm around her
shoulder and was squeezing her close. He whispered sweet
things in her ear. They both were dreading their separation.

When the train stopped, Luna, Neville, Ron and Hermione
stood up and started gathering their things. As they left the
compartment, Harry told them he would be with them
shortly. He closed the door and pulled the shade. He held
Ginny and kissed her with all his heart. Her eyes brimmed
with tears that he kissed away. They only had a couple of
minutes left. He held her tight and kissed her again. It was
time to leave. He pulled her along and off the train.

Mr. and Mrs. Weasley were there to take her in their arms.

Fred and Tonks were there also. Fred greeted Luna with a
big hug.

Tonks told Harry that Lupin couldn’t make it. He understood
and told her to tell him that they would meet soon as it was
possible to get out of the Dursley’s.

Arthur greeted Harry with a big hug and promised he would
do the best he could to get Harry out as soon as possible.
Harry was pleased that it was becoming comfortable to be
around Mr. Weasley again.

“Molly Dear!” exclaimed Harry. He took her in his arms and
kissed her cheek. He gave her an extra hug before letting

Hermione’s parents were waiting there. He crossed over and
shook hands with them.

All their trunks and cages were set out and put on carts.
Harry gave Hermione, Ron, Neville and Luna a hug. Then
he took Ginny in his arms again. He held her for a couple of
minutes. He didn’t want to let go, but he did.

He watched as the Weasley’s walked away. Arthur was
holding Ginny around her shoulder and squeezing her arm as
they walked away.

Harry stood there on the platform watching.

* * * *
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