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HB Prince: Year of Love
By DHobbit

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Category: Post-OotP
Characters:All, All
Genres: Angst, Drama, Fluff, Humor
Warnings: None
Rating: PG
Reviews: 309
Summary: *** The author has been reminded via the e-mail address on file that this story is listed as incomplete and has not been updated in over 2 years ***

This story starts at the end of Order Of The Phoenix. Although this story starts as the usual Harry/Ginny romance, I believe after several chapters, you will find that Ancient Dark Magic takes on a whole new meaning to our Harry and Ginny. Will Harry discover the key to the Half-Blood Prince?* * * *American Edition *** * * *
Hitcount: Story Total: 196436; Chapter Total: 3659

Author's Notes:
SUMMARY: Harry takes a stand -- Lupin held hostage -- Tonks’ wish ---------------


Chapter Fifty - The Wedding

At last, the day of the wedding arrived, it was spent
decorating the Defense Room, Entrance Hall and the Living
Room. They scalloped wide white ribbon along the banister
and put huge elaborate silver bows at the top of each scallop.
Silver bows were tied on each of the sconces along the
staircase. The round table in the entrance held a huge
bouquet of red roses with fronds of green fern and tiny white
flowers. The piano from the Defense Room had been rolled
in. Upon it, was a gold, carved candelabra holding chunky
white candles.

In the Living Room, the sofa and two armchairs that once
faced the fireplace were now removed. An archway of
flowers now stood before the fireplace. Wide white ribbon
scalloped on waist-high posts formed an aisle leading to the
archway from the doorway. Upon each post was a chunky
white candle surrounded by a ring of flowers. The game
table was covered with a lace tablecloth with a bouquet at
each end leaving the center a place that would hold the
wedding cake. There were cake plates stacked to the side
with forks and napkins placed decoratively. At the end of the
table on the floor, was a tub that would hold ice and drinks.
Each side table held either a bouquet of flowers or a ringed

Between tasks, Ron and Hermione spent every moment they
could, going over Hermione’s notes. Harry watched as they
put their heads together studying them. He knew that they
were not studying the chicken coop plans, they were up to

It took him most of the day, before he got a chance to glance
at one of them, he paled. With the help of Luna causing a
diversion, he managed to magically copy one of the pages.
What he read, alarmed him. He wanted to get copies of the
others but he never got another chance.

It was coming on to evening, not too long before dinner
when, Harry was leaving the downstairs loo. He heard:

“No! No! No! No! No! Harry! Haaaaaaaaaaaaaarry!”

Harry scrambled down the Entrance Hall and into the Living
Room to find Ginny on the sofa screaming. He leaped over
the ribbon aisle to get to her.

“Ginny! Ginny, wake up. It’s me, Harry,” he said,
enveloping her into his arms.

“Nooooooo!” screamed Ginny.

“Ginny! It’s me, Love.”

“Oh Harry,” said Ginny, opening her eyes. She was pale
and trembling. She began to sob. Harry cupped her face
and kissed her gently around her face, then wrapped his
arms around her again.

“Better, now?” asked Harry, a couple of minutes later.

“I must have fallen asleep. I didn’t sleep well last night. I’m
so sorry, Harry.”

“This was not your usual Chamber nightmare, was it?” said

“No,” said Ginny, remembering. She was in Diagon Alley
when a scaly arm pulled her into a dark nook. It was
suddenly dark but she could see the face of the man who
grabbed her, his eyes were glowing red. “I know all about
your plan. My plan has changed, I didn’t take the potion.
You are mine, now,” said a horrible voice. She began to

She shivered, holding Harry tight.

Molly and Lupin entered the room. “Is she all right?” asked

Harry turned towards her, scowling. “Get Dumbledore. Get
him NOW!”

“But Harry...” started Molly.

“NOW!” yelled Harry.

“We’ll be in the Dining Room.” said Harry, as he assisted
Ginny to the door. Harry and Ginny entered the Dining
Room. He closed the door and held her.

“I’m putting a stop to all this,” said Harry.

“How?” asked Ginny. He didn’t answer, but lifted her chin
and kissed her deeply.

Arthur arrived. Lupin filled him in on what was happening.
A few minutes later, Dumbledore arrived.

Harry remained holding and kissing Ginny until he heard the
door opening. Lupin, Arthur, Molly and Dumbledore entered.
Dumbledore waved his arm sealing the door closed and then
he put up a Silencing Charm.

Harry squeezed Ginny’s shoulder as they and the others sat
at the table. Dumbledore, dressed for the wedding, was
wearing beautiful red brocade robes with red silk slippers.
He didn’t say anything until everyone was seated.

“Harry, whatever it is, can it not wait until after the
ceremony?” asked Dumbledore, reasonably.

“No! This can NOT wait. Something needs to be done.
Something needs to be done, NOW.” His voice rising with
each word.

“What has happened to alarm you so?” asked Dumbledore.

“Loads!” said Harry, clearly outraged.

“Harry...” started Lupin.

“Look! It’s not working. Your little plan is falling apart. They
have to be told or something has to change,” said Harry.

“Why?” asked Molly.

“Why? Why? Look at what it’s doing to Ginny!” yelled

“Harry, I’m fine. It was only a nightmare. I’m sorry,” said

“It was not just a nightmare. This has to stop! I trusted all of
you. YOU are the adults. You should have planned
something better. Look what it is doing to Ginny. Does
anyone CARE?”

“Harry...” started Arthur.

“You had her going to Diagon Alley! She’s been parading
around The Burrow everyday so she can be SEEN! She has
to walk around KNOWING that HIS lot is watching. How can
she stand that?” said Harry, standing.

“Harry, you know full well that yours and Ginny’s movements
have been watched,” said Dumbledore.

“Tell me about it. ‘Course, I know! Do YOU know how that
trip to Diagon Alley affected her? Do you SEE what it’s doing
to her? She’s scared to death! I won’t have it! You’re not
going to do that to her again!” yelled Harry.

“Harry... stop shouting at them. It was my idea to go to
Diagon Alley,” said Ginny.

“What! No, Ginny, no.”

“I thought...”

“You thought it would hurry things along. Yeah... look what it
is doing to you!” said Harry.

“I just want this all to be over,” said Ginny, softly.

Harry looked down on her, softening. “I know.” He turned to
the others. “You’ve got to have a better plan. We are not
leaving here until you do.”

“What do you want us to do?” asked Lupin.

“FIX IT! There IS no plan, is there? You just have her
parade around The Burrow each day hoping he will grab her.
That’s the plan, isn’t it? Day after day, she walks around
waiting to be... BAIT! You rushed us to get married, now we
wait. Do you see what that is doing to us? Look at Ginny!”

“Now Harry...” started Arthur.

“Now what? Now what? She is your daughter! Don’t you
CARE about her sanity?”

“Of course, I do,” answered Arthur, beginning to anger.

“You’re having her walk around the house in the yard, with no
purpose. Don’t you think that someone will wonder?”
‘Look at her, she’s walking around the house again. She
does that a couple times every day. She makes sure that
anyone can see her. I wonder if she wants me to see her. I
wonder WHY she wants me to see her,’ “ said Harry,

“Each step she takes, she wonders if he will come and grab
her. Each and every step! THEN, she supposed to go back
into the house and pretend that everything is fine. She has
to continuously lie to her brothers and Hermione and Luna
and Tonks. Every day?... Every day!”

“I’m stronger than you think,” said Ginny, boldly.

“Ginny! No one can hold up to this, NO ONE!” yelled Harry.

“Harry, I can take it,” said Ginny.

“No you can’t. NO ONE can take this!”

“So, you’re just worried about her sanity?” asked
Dumbledore, stirring the pot, his eyes twinkling.

“Just her sanity! JUST her sanity? SHE’S MY WIFE! I
didn’t marry her for her body. I could’ve had plenty of...
bodies. I love her for her mind or whatever it is that makes
her Ginny! You are risking the very essence of her.
No more of this, something has got to change!”

“Harry, it’s not just us, that we’re doing this for?” said Ginny.

“I don’t CARE about the others. I don’t care about anyone
but YOU. Don’t you understand? You are the only one I
care about!”

“You don’t mean that,” said Ginny, softly.

“Yes I do! YOU are the only one that matters!”

“What about our babies?” asked Ginny.

“Babies?” asked Harry.

“Babies? You can’t have any babies. Molly, do something!”
said Arthur, paling.

“Yes, our babies, the ones we won’t have, if we fail. Not
just ours, ALL the babies,” said Ginny.

Harry looked at her and softened, remembering what she
said about Riddle being a baby killer. He paused, but got his
resolution back.

“Look! Your plan is failing. You have to come up with a
better idea. If it means telling the others, then so be it!” said
Harry, pounding the table.

“We already agreed that the others would not be told,” said
Dumbledore, gently.

“Then you better come up with something. We’re not leaving
this room until you do! I trusted all of you. You had all this
time to make a plan that would work. Something that could
give us some kind of normal life. I know we can’t live a
NORMAL life, but some kind of life, if only to have a little
private time. But it looks like you are just taking it minute by
minute. We can’t constantly make up things as we go. We
are going to get caught! We already have!” yelled Harry.

“What do you mean?” asked Molly, horrified.

“I mean that Ron and Hermione know something is wrong.
They are working on it, as we speak!” said Harry, running
his hands through his hair.

“How? Did they say something?” asked Arthur.

“They are pretending to be working on that stupid chicken
coop, but they are working on... whatever we are doing!”

“How do you know?” asked Ginny.

“Because I caught a glance at the chicken coop plan. It is
lists of things that are... wrong... with all of us,” answered

“Wrong with us?” asked Ginny.

“Yes! How you’ve changed. Your staying in your room at
The Burrow. Your walks outside each day. Your dad staring
at you. Your dad’s changes. Your mum’s changes. My
changes. Secret meetings. Everything!”

“They are out there right now, working on it!” added Harry.

“They can’t possibly figure it out. That’s impossible,” said
Lupin, reasonably.

“It doesn’t matter! They are working on it!” said Harry.

“Can’t we talk about this later, Tonks is waiting,” said Lupin,
far more patiently than would be expected.

“No! It has to be now. Before the wedding. You don’t
understand?” said Harry, desperately.

“Why?” asked Lupin.

“Because you are leaving. You will be gone until Monday.
Hermione would have left by then,” said Harry.

“That’s a good thing. She’ll go home and forget all about
this,” said Lupin.

“No she won’t!” said Harry. “Know your enemy,” he said,
under his breath. “She will be thinking about it all the

“It doesn’t matter. We will have time to come up with
something while she’s gone,” said Lupin, reasonably.

“You don’t understand. Ron is here. Ron will be writing her,
giving her all the latest or things he remembers or
something,” said Harry, desperately.

“So? They’ll never figure it out,” said Arthur.

“Ron will be WRITING to her. What if the enemy READS
their letters? We can’t have that!”

“I will forbid him to write. I will think of some reason,” said

Harry rolled his eyes. “That won’t stop him.”

“If I tell him not to write, he won’t,” said Arthur.

Harry looked desperately at Ginny and Lupin. “He doesn’t
get it. They will think of a way to get around it. Now that
they’ve started, they’re not going to give up.”

“We can keep him busy with the chicken coop. He won’t
have time for anything else,” said Arthur.

“No! It’s too dangerous. You have to come up with a plan
and some story to tell them. Something that will explain
everything. If you don’t come up with something, I’m going
to tell them. I can’t let you put Ginny in any more danger.”

“What do they know?” asked Ginny.

“Here,” said Harry, pulling out the piece of parchment and
handing it to her.

“Oh my!” said Ginny, after glancing down the page.

“Yeah!” said Harry.

“What made you think they were up to something?” asked

“Hermione. She only gets that look when she’s plotting.”
“Know your emery,” he whispered. “Since when, has Ron
had to correct Hermione’s figures? Hermione was just a little
too interested in Ron’s chicken coop. She has four or five
pages of stuff written,” added Harry.

“How did you get this?” asked Dumbledore, who had read
the parchment after Ginny was finished.

“Luna. She made a diversion, but only long enough for me to
copy one page. I choose the one with the most writing on it.”

“What did you tell Luna?” asked Dumbledore.


“Isn’t she going to want you to tell her why she diverted her
friends? asked Dumbledore.

“No. My sister always does what I ask, without question.
She trusts me, unlike my FRIENDS,” said Harry.

“Harry, that is unfair,” said Arthur.

“Show him the parchment,” Harry asked Dumbledore.

Arthur read the parchment and paled. “Merlin’s beard! Why
are they doing this?”

“Because they’re worried. You’re hiding something.”

“But why?” asked Arthur.

“Because... because they want to help. You look ill,
apparently something is wrong. If I didn’t know what was
going on, I’d be right in there with them.”

“Do I look that bad?” asked Arthur.

Even Dumbledore rolled his eyes on that remark.

“Why’d you leave Hermione alone with Ron? They’re both
probably wondering why she wasn’t invited to go shopping,”
said Harry.

“You know. We thought it would be a good time to leave
them alone together,” said Ginny.

Dumbledore studied Ginny and her remark.

“There seems to be something that I’m missing. Why would
you want them to be alone together?” asked Dumbledore.

“Hermione’s taken a fancy to Harry,” said Molly.

“I see,” said Dumbledore.

“I thought it was a bad idea to bring Hermione in this soon.
You know, we should have waited until things were more
settled,” said Arthur.

“Hermione? No, it’s Ron. You always under-estimate Ron!
Ron’s the one that’s been around us. It is Ron who is
concerned. So, of course he would consult Hermione. Ron
is feeding information to Hermione,” said Harry.

“But if she wasn’t here, he wouldn’t figure it out,” said

“You don’t understand the way it works. Ron is part of the
team. He often has been very close to the mark with his
flippant remarks. He says things that Hermione either works
on to prove him wrong, or she looks at it in a different way or
something. Anyway, leaving them alone together was a
mistake,” said Harry. “Know your enemy,” he chanted to
himself. “They are probably working on Luna right now.
Yes, Hermione is probably cleverly questioning Luna. We
need to get out there. You’ve GOT to come up with
something,” said Harry, clearly upset.

“What does Luna know?” asked Ginny.

“I don’t know, but she has a way of looking at things...
maybe... she might clam up if Hermione questions her,”
said Harry, thoughtfully.

“Why?” asked Ginny.

“Because Luna trusts me. If I’m keeping something from
Ron and Hermione, then I have a good reason. She won’t
help them. But... she could accidentally help them, before
she realizes that Hermione is trying to get information,” said

“Ron wouldn’t try to talk to Luna?” asked Molly.

“No, he’d leave that up to Hermione. That’s they way they
work,” said Harry. “Know your enemy,” he whispered.

“Why do you keep saying that? Do you think that Ron and
Hermione are your enemy?” asked Molly.

“What? Oh! Yes! Anyone who could mess this up, is my
enemy. Anyone!” said Harry.

The room became silent with everyone thinking their own

“Tonks, Fred and George should be here by now. They will
want to know why we are not eating by now. They will all be
hungry. Ron is probably starving,” said Molly.

“You’re not leaving until you come up with something. I’ll go
out there and stall them. Get busy!” said Harry, as he went
to the door. Dumbledore unsealed the door, his eyes

* * * *

Harry went into the kitchen and found Winky and Dobby
working on dinner. They had just pulled a huge turkey out of
the oven. “Smells good! Could you put together about six
sandwiches? Big ones, Winky, you know the way I like
them. We’re having a meeting,” said Harry.

“Yes sir! Harry Potter! We will takes them to your meeting.”
said Dobby.

“No... just make them up. I’ll be back to pick them up in a
few minutes,” said Harry, leaving the kitchen.

Harry went into the Defense Room looking for everyone.
Luna was sitting next to Fred holding his hand. Fred was
laughing at some remark that Luna had just made. George
was at the piano, going over some sheet music. Ron and
Hermione were sitting at the table with their heads together.

“Excuse me. I think you will be eating soon. Winky let you
know. We’re in a meeting with Dumbledore. It could take
some time, so you’ll probably eat without us,” said Harry.

“Is anything wrong?” asked Hermione.

“Eh... well, not exactly. You’ll all know soon enough,” said

“You mean you’re going to tell us something?” asked Ron.

“Yes. I know you are all concerned about... things.
Dumbledore is sorting everything out. Eh... don’t worry.
You should know everything by tomorrow... Where’s Tonks?
Has she come yet?” asked Harry.

“She went up to shower. She’s worried because Lupin was
not here to greet her. She thinks he might have ran out on
her,” said Ron, grinning.

“Not a chance. He’s just delayed,” said Harry, as he left the

He went up and knocked on Ginny’s door. Tonks answered.
“Where’s Remus? Did he run out on me?” asked Tonks, her
eyes watering.

“He tried to climb out the window, but Dumbledore tied him
up. He’s not getting away,” said Harry, teasing.

Tonks face went to stone.

“Just kidding, I’m sorry. This is all my fault. We’re having a
meeting with Dumbledore. It could take a while... but please
don’t worry, your werewolf is safe with me. He’s not going
anywhere,” said Harry, trying to lighten the mood.

“Dumbledore is already here?” asked Tonks.

“Yes. Your wedding is on, as scheduled. You can eat while
we’re in the meeting. Soon as we’re done, we’ll get dressed
and get things started,” said Harry, assuredly.

“Harry, I won’t be able to eat a thing,” said Tonks.

“You better! You’re going to need all your strength... for
dancing,” said Harry, grinning.

“Yeah! For dancing,” said Tonks, with a grin.

Harry left her and went back to the kitchen. The sandwiches
were ready. He put them in a box along with six bottles of
butterbeer. “Winky, you may announce dinner, whenever
you are ready. I don’t know how long we will be.”

“Dobby, I want you to do me a favor.”

“Yes, Harry Potter.”

“Please make sure that NO ONE enters this house tonight.
No one from the Order, or even the Weasley family. NO
ONE. Everyone that is supposed to be here, is here. If
someone comes to the door, come get me. All right?” asked

“Yes! Harry Potter. Winky and I will make sure, NO ONE!”
said Dobby.

Harry took his box, entered the Dining Room and sat it on the
table. Dumbledore charmed the door shut. Everyone but
Ginny dug into the box like vultures. Ginny sat with her arms
crossed against her chest. “Harry! I don’t want to be ill.
Please make them change it!” said Ginny.

“What did you come up with?” asked Harry.

“They want me to pretend that I have some serious illness.
I’m not doing it!” She pulled out her wand. “If you try, I’ll
bat-bogey-hex you.”

“Ginny, do you know what it feels like to have slugs
streaming from your nose?” asked Harry.

“Ewwwww,” said Ginny, lowering her wand a little. “You can’t
do any charms with a Bat-Bogey,” she said with satisfaction.

“I’m pretty sure I will have just enough concentration to make
it work. ‘Course it might end up being toads or something
else disgusting,” said Harry, grinning.

Ginny scowled at him.

“Is Tonks here? Is she all right?” asked Lupin.

“Tonks is fine. I told her that Dumbledore tied up you up to
keep you from escaping,” said Harry.

“What!” exclaimed Lupin.

“So, what’s all this about Ginny being ill?” asked Harry.

“I got the idea from you. You said that Arthur looked ill.
What if he looked ill because Ginny is seriously ill?” said

“Not bad,” said Harry. “Hmmm I don’t know, that seems like
a pretty standard ploy,” said Harry.

“It would answer a lot of their questions,” said Lupin

“We are trying to get away from having to lie so much. The
lies are getting us down too. We are going to mess up,
somehow,” said Harry.

“That’s the beauty of it. If Ginny were ill, it would answer
most of their questions,” said Lupin.

Harry thought. He took his sandwich and put it to Ginny’s
face. She bit. He took a bite and opened them both a

After swallowing he asked; “What’s she got?”

“We don’t know. She will have to go to a specialist to find

“Why hasn’t she gone before? When did she come down
with it? What are her symptoms? How serious is it? Is it
catching? Why hasn’t the whole family been examined?”

“Whoa, Harry,” said Lupin.

“You’ve got to have answers. They will be asking questions.
Hermione’s parents are dentists or something. You better
know what you're talking about,” said Harry.

“I don’t want to be ill !” said Ginny. Harry put the sandwich
to her mouth and waited. She bit.

“She has an ‘affliction’,” said Lupin.

Harry continued to feed Ginny and himself as Lupin laid out a
plan. He gave Harry answers as quickly as Harry could think
of questions.

“You’re pretty good at this,” said Harry.

“I wasn’t a Marauder for nothing. It was my job to punch
holes in James’ and Sirius’ schemes,” he said, grinning.

Arthur, Molly and Dumbledore added or changed things as it
went along, but a plot was forming.

Two hours later, they felt that it was good as it was going to
get. Ginny remained scowling in her seat.

“You all go ahead. I want a few minutes with Ginny, alone,”
said Harry. After the others left the room, he turned to
Ginny, who was still sitting with her arms crossed, wearing a

“Do you trust me? Have I ever steered you wrong?” asked
Harry. Ginny began to answer, when he stopped her.

“Oh, yeah, never mind, forget it. But do you trust me?”
asked Harry, seriously.

“Yes, of course I do, but I don’t want to act sick and I don’t
want to answer questions about it,” said Ginny, pouting.

“Weren’t you listening? You don’t have to act sick and you
don’t have to answer any questions,” said Harry.

“I don’t? No I wasn’t listening. I was... pouting,” said Ginny.

“You are going to act normal and no one is going to question
you. You will have to be seen around The Burrow, but with
a purpose. You will be either helping Ron or working in the


“I’m going to make this work for us. We are going to have
more time together,” said Harry, wiggling his eyebrows.


“You’ll see. I’m not a son of a Marauder for nothing,” said
Harry, again, wiggling his eyebrows and grinning sheepishly.

* * * *
Harry rushed upstairs, took a shower and dressed in his
finest robes. He took as much time getting his hair right, as
his patience would allow. They all had decided that they
were going to act as though it was a big formal wedding. So
everyone was dressing formally for the occasion.

He knocked on Ginny’s door. A pretty woman with brown
hair and a heart-shaped face opened the door.

“Tonks?” asked Harry, uncertainly.

“Yeah, it’s me,” said Tonks.

Harry entered the room and closed the door. He stood for a
moment looking at Tonks. Ginny’s gown was almost
unrecognizable. It was short in the front, even with her
knees, then cascaded down to full length in the back. The
skirt had been drawn up under the bust-line and attached. A
string of pearl beads bordered the seam in a way that made it
look like it was part of the design. She was not wearing the
outer robe.

“You’re so pretty, is this the real you?” asked Harry. Her
heart-shaped face looked soft and sweet, like a doe.

“Yep! The real thing. Well, most of it,” said Tonks, looking
down at her bust.

“Why haven’t we seen you like this before? You are really
pretty. You look... sweet.”

“What’d you think some Death Eater would think, if this face
arrested ‘em? I wouldn’t get any respect.”

“Yeah, I guess. You don’t look very intimidating,” said
Harry, grinning. “Has Lupin seen you like this?”

“’Course, you don’t think he’d marry some woman he’s
never seen before, do ya?” said Tonks.

“Sorry, of course. I was just so surprised. I brought you a
gift,” said Harry, pulling out a box from his pocket. She
opened it and gasped. It was a string of large pearls. He
removed it from the box.

“It’s from the Black Family Jewel Collection. I thought it
would be fitting for you to own,” said Harry, placing it around
her neck, closing the clasp.

“What ol’ Lady Black would think, if she seen me wearing

“Why don’t you go up and ask her? Her portrait is upstairs in
the attic,” said Harry, smirking

“Not on my wedding night... or any other NIGHT as far as
that goes. You been up there in the attic at night?” asked

“No. Too spooky for me.”

“I guess we’re ready. All I need is my shoes,” she sighed.
She slipped on the shoes and started to wobble.

“Bloody hell! How can she stand these things?” said Tonks.

“The shoes?”

“No! THESE!” she pointed to the front of her gown. “I don’t
know how she balances herself and having to carry these
things around all day... Damn! She must get tired.”

“Tonks! You shouldn’t talk like that with... that face... it
seems unnatural,” said Harry.

“That’s just why I don’t wear this face,” said Tonks.

“Sorry, can’t help it. You really are pretty though. Lupin is
going to be very pleased seeing you tonight,” said Harry,

“I have to admit that he does prefer the real me,” said Tonks.

“Ready?” said Harry, smiling.

“Just give me a couple of minutes to get my balance,” she
said as she walked around in circles.

“Ok. Ready or not,” she said, grabbing her bridal bouquet.

Harry opened the door and stepped out first. He leaned over
the railing and signaled for George to begin the Wedding

“Harry! I can’t do it. I’m gonna fall flat on my face. You
know how clumsy I am. We should start at the bottom of the
stairs, not the top.”

“Lupin said he couldn’t wait to see you come down these
stairs tonight. You’re going to do it,” said Harry, firmly.

“Harry, really, I’m not going to make it,” said Tonks,

“Yes you are. I won’t let you fall. You are going to walk
down gracefully.”

Tonks began to tremble. “I’m too nervous. What if I fall?
Remus will be humiliated.”

“He won’t either. Take my arm,” said Harry, calmly.

“I can’t do it. They’ll all be looking.”

“Tonks, it’s not as if they haven’t seen you trip and fall
before. Everyone here has seen you trip one time or
another. It’s just us. Don’t worry,” said Harry, patiently.

George started playing the intro with huge chords, filling the
room. The lights went out, leaving a soft glow from the
lighted candles. Harry took Tonks’ hand and guided it
through his arm, holding it firm. He walked forward, guiding
her down the hall to the top of the stairs, where he stopped.
They looked down and saw George at the piano and Lupin
standing in the doorway leading to the Living Room. Behind
him, the others stood watching.

When George began the main theme to the Wedding March,
Harry took the first step down. He paused on each stair
giving Tonks time to keep her balance for each step. About
half way down, George turned the piece into a
boogie-woogie. Tonks giggled. He must have gotten “a
look” because he went back to the traditional music. When
they reached the landing, George added another theme in
the background of the piece. Harry recognized it as “Blue

As they approached the doorway, Lupin walked into the
Living Room to the archway of flowers in front of the fireplace
where Dumbledore stood waiting. The glow of the candles
made everything seem dreamlike. Everyone else stood on
either side of the aisle of ribbon, as Harry guided Tonks to
Lupin. He stepped to the other side of Lupin and breathed a
sigh of relief.

Dumbledore began the ceremony. When it came to the part
where he asked “Who gives this woman in marriage?”,
Harry said; “I, Harry James Potter, Godson of Sirius Black,
cousin to Nymphadora Tonks, give her hand in marriage.”
When they got to the part where he asked for the rings.
Harry handed Tonks’ ring to Lupin. Ginny handed Lupin’s
ring to Tonks. After they exchanged rings, Lupin kissed his
bride. Everyone clapped and whistled as Lupin took his time
with the kiss.

When the ceremony was over, Dobby passed out glasses of
Champagne. Dumbledore led a toast to the bride and
groom. A little later, Winky and Dobby brought in the
wedding cake and set it in the middle of the table. It was
three tiers of white, with pink roses. On the top was a
miniature of the bride and groom. The twins did something
to make the bride’s hair change from brown to pink and the
groom to transform into a werewolf every few seconds.
Molly scolded them, but she hardly had the heart to scold
them seriously, because everyone was laughing, including

As they queued for the cake, Harry looked at everyone’s
faces, they all looked happy. He couldn’t help but feel a
twinge of jealousy. This should have been his and Ginny’s
wedding. This was the kind of wedding that Ginny wanted.
He looked closely at her face as she fixed her plate. She
was standing next to Ron, who was adding two pieces of
wedding cake to his plate. She was giving Ron a hard time
about his getting two pieces of cake at once. He didn’t see
any hint of dissatisfaction on her face.

After he sat, with his cake plate resting upon his lap, he
watched Lupin and Tonks. They were sitting on a sofa, gaily
laughing along with Arthur and Molly. They were both
glowing with happiness. This is how it should be, not rushed
into a hotel room with hardly any warning. Lupin would not
find his bride sitting in a chair wringing her hands. Lupin
would not wonder if his bride would run out the door,
screaming into the night. They both knew they loved each
other. They had more than a few minutes to sort out their
feelings and...

“You aren’t eating your cake,” said Ginny.

“Oh! Yes,” said Harry, taking a bite of cake.

“Is something wrong?”

“No, I was just reflecting,” asked Harry.

“Tonks has been waiting a long time for this,” said Ginny,

Harry looked over at Tonks again. She looked happy,
listening to every word that Lupin as saying as though he
were saying the most important words ever spoken. Lupin
had his arm across the back of the sofa, with his hand resting
on her shoulder. Every once in a while, he would squeeze it

He watched Lupin’s face. Although lined and careworn from
all the years of transforming, tonight it seemed smoother.
Lupin’s face and body language gave off an impression of
contentment. In all the years he knew him, Harry never saw
Lupin truly happy. The last of the Marauders, the only living
member, may have, for the first time in his life, finally found

“I’ve decided that I would not sulk tonight,” said Ginny.

“What? Eh... sulk?” asked Harry.

Ginny didn’t say anything for a moment, but looked at him

“This is their night. They want us all to share in their
happiness. Tonight is not a time to sulk, it would be selfish.
I don’t want to indulge myself, so I will save my sulking for
tomorrow,” said Ginny, thoughtfully.

“You’re right. It is selfish. They deserve their happiness,”
said Harry. Ginny felt the same way he did. It was unfair
that their wedding couldn’t be like this one. They often had
the same feelings about things, he mistakenly thought.

“So, you’re not upset?” asked Harry.

“I didn’t say that. I said I would save my sulking for
tomorrow. I plan on dancing and having a good time
tonight,” she said, smiling.

“Does that mean, you are going to dance with me tonight?”
asked Harry, knowing full well it did.

“If you ask me in the right way, I might,” said Ginny.

“I better go do some stretches. I haven’t danced in a long
time. Best be prepared,” he said, using this as a good
excuse to go to the loo.

On the way out of the loo, Harry thought to go down to the
kitchen to thank Winky and Dobby for all the hard work they
did. He spent several minutes talking to them before joining
the wedding party.

In the time that he was gone, the piano had been pushed
back into the Defense Room. The music had started and
dancing had begun. Dumbledore and Ginny were dancing
together when he arrived.

Harry pulled out two butterbeers and had opened one when
Ginny joined him. She was wearing “the dress”, being that it
was her most formal of clothing other than her pearl gown
that Tonks was now wearing. He handed her the opened
butterbeer and opened another. After taking a few big gulps,
he walked over and requested a song from Ron. After taking
another drink, he whispered to Ginny: “Would you ask the
dress if I may have the next dance?” she nodded.

Ron began the requested song and Harry swept Ginny up in
his arms. The beautiful ballad help put him into a romantic
mood. He held her close and could smell her clean,
“soap-like” smell. He’d almost forgot how it felt to be in
Ginny’s arms, while dancing.

He danced the next couple of songs with Ginny, then
danced with Luna. Luna had added a black baseball cap to
her attire. Across the front in peach lettering, to match her
gown, it read “WWW” then it would flash to “Weasley’s”
then “Wizard” then “Weezies”. It was quite distracting when
trying to talk to her.

Next, he danced with Hermione who had changed her
clothing. He didn’t remember exactly what she was wearing
before, but she was now wearing a pretty peasant dress, or
at least he thought that was what it would be called. Maybe
from Mexico or Italy, made from ocher linen with colorful
embroidery around the neckline and again around the bottom
of the skirt.

“Did you change your clothes?” asked Harry, as they were
dancing to a slow song.

“Yes. Eh... Ron... “ said Hermione, blushing.

“Ron? Oh, I see. He likes this dress, does he?” said Harry,

“Well, he wanted me to wear it to the wedding but it’s too
casual, so I waited for the party. It’s ok isn’t it?” said
Hermione, uncertainly.

“Of course, don’t know why not.”

“You like it too, don’t you?” asked Hermione.

“It’s fine,” said Harry, afraid to give her an opening of

After dancing with Hermione, he stepped up close to Ginny,
whispering “Hermione’s wearing a dress that RON likes.”
Ginny beamed.

He volunteered to sing the next couple of songs, to give Ron
a break. He decided to sing the two new songs that he wrote.
Firstly, because they were slow and secondly they were
romantic. Since Ron used this time to dance with Hermione,
it was well worth any embarrassment that Harry endured. He
was getting better at singing in front of people, but these
being his own songs, added to his discomfort.

Later, Dumbledore pulled him aside and asked him to meet
with him at 11:00 am the following day. The Weasley
meeting would be held at noon. “Could you ask Winky if she
would delight us with a couple of her delicious sandwiches?”

Harry nodded.

Sometime later that evening Lupin and Tonks quietly slipped
out of the room. The party continued until the wee hours.

Harry and Ginny hung back for a few minutes after the party
broke up. When they stepped out of the room, they saw
Ron guiding Hermione up the staircase to Ginny’s door with
his hand around her waist. They were talking softly, when
Harry and Ginny arrived. Harry decided to leave them
talking, so he passed them up, until they reached the
stairway to the next floor. He guided Ginny up a couple of
steps, then stopped.

“What do you think?” asked Harry, grinning.

“Could be,” said Ginny, giggling.

Harry took advantage of the seclusion and dove in for a
passionate kiss. Little did he know, George had reached the
top of the stairway, starting his way down, to give Fred and
Luna a couple of private moments. So, George saw the
passionate kiss from above.

George was in a position where he had lovers behind him
and lovers before him. He decided that seeing Ginny and
Harry was worse than Fred and Luna so he stepped back to
the next floor landing. He waited a couple of minutes before
loudly clearing his throat and descending the stairs.

Harry and Ginny heard him, they separated and blushed.
They all came from out of the stairway to see Ron beginning
to bend foreword, cupping Hermione’s chin, when the sound
of Arthur and Molly’s voices reached their ears from the
bottom of the staircase.

Ron grimaced and backed away.

Hermione stepped through the door and Ron went off to his
room grumbling something about “having no privacy around

“Blimey! It’s a regular ‘lover’s lane’ around here,” said

* * * *

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