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HB Prince: Year of Love
By DHobbit

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Category: Post-OotP
Characters:All, All
Genres: Angst, Drama, Fluff, Humor
Warnings: None
Rating: PG
Reviews: 309
Summary: *** The author has been reminded via the e-mail address on file that this story is listed as incomplete and has not been updated in over 2 years ***

This story starts at the end of Order Of The Phoenix. Although this story starts as the usual Harry/Ginny romance, I believe after several chapters, you will find that Ancient Dark Magic takes on a whole new meaning to our Harry and Ginny. Will Harry discover the key to the Half-Blood Prince?* * * *American Edition *** * * *
Hitcount: Story Total: 196499; Chapter Total: 3225

Author's Notes:
Beta by Wolfs_scream

SUMMARY: The coop is started -- Lupin learns a secret --
Arthur learns to ask


Chapter Fifty-eight - The Vow

The next morning Harry flew his broom back to The Burrow.
Ron had already taken inventory of the supplies that were
delivered earlier. Bricks, timber, doors, windows and sacks
of cement were piled neatly all over the yard.

“It’s like a maze. Where do we start?” asked Harry.

“We have to move the broom shed and get the ground
perfectly level. Dad has to show me how to build the
foundation, then I think I know what to do from there,” said

“Do we just lift the shed and move it?” asked Harry.

“I don’t think so. I think we will have to remove everything
from the shed or all the stuff will just fall out all over the
ground,” said Ginny, wrapping her arms around his waist
from behind.

They scrambled around finding boxes and lined them up
outside the shed. Ginny handed out hats and gloves, then
put the rest into one of the boxes. Harry and Ginny took the
old brooms and garden tools that had long handles and put
them up on the deck.

“Hey there! Do I get a box too?” called out Luna from the
deck. She had just arrived by Floo, Lupin was standing
beside her.

“We were bored and thought we would help out,” said Lupin.

“Great!” shouted Ron. “There are hats and gloves over here
in one of these boxes. You really should wear a hat, the sun
is scorching.”

Lupin levitated the boxes to the deck, as they were filled.
The morning was starting to get hot, so Ron insisted that
Ginny get out of the sun. She retreated to the deck and
began sorting, repairing and cleaning the things from the
boxes. After a few minutes, Luna joined her, since they
were almost finished emptying the shed.

Ron decided that he wanted the shed to be moved to the far
end of the chicken run. They dug around the stone flooring
of the shed to unearth the stones that were below the floor
level. It was hard and hot work, so Harry removed his shirt.
Harry went to the outside of the shed and began to remove
dirt from around the base of it, to unearth the stones below
dirt level too.

Ron asked Molly to dig a shallow trench so that the could
lower the shed in to make it more stable.

Once this was done, Molly, Ron and Lupin began levitating
the shed towards the spot Molly had prepared. Harry
watched, as he was still not supposed to use magic outside
of school until he was “of age”. The shed began teetering,
so he wandlessly helped steady it and guided it gently to the
trench previously prepared.

“Harry! You better not get sunburned,” shouted Ginny.

“What does it matter? He’s white as a ghost anyway,” said

“If he were sunburned, Ginny wouldn’t have anywhere to put
her hands,” said Luna.

“What does that mean?” asked Ron.

“She always puts her hands around his waist or back. If
Harry were sunburned, she wouldn’t have any place to put
her hands,” said Luna.

Ron rolled his eyes and Harry grinned, as he put his shirt
back on. Harry guessed that Ginny didn’t want him getting
as sunburn right before their honeymoon.

Molly and Lupin returned to the house as Ron and Harry
began filling in the trench where the broom shed previously
stood. A few minutes later, Lupin returned with Winky.

Winky took over the task of cleaning and repairing the items
from the shed, so Ginny and Luna went into the house to
prepare lunch.

Lupin taught Ron a spell that would level sections of the
ground, so together they had the ground level in no time.
When they were done, they went to the house for lunch.
Harry remained outside on the deck.

“Why aren’t you going in the house?” asked Ron.

“I’m tired of being stuck in a house all the time. I prefer to eat
out on the deck,” answered Harry.

Ginny brought sandwiches and drinks for them to share on
the deck.

“I see that Ron’s still looking out for you,” said Harry.

“Yeah, it’s sort of sweet. But when he finds out that I’m not
ill, he’s gonna be all over me,” whispered Ginny.

“If he does, I’ll kick his ass,” whispered Harry.

“Really?” asked Ginny.

“Least I could do,” answered Harry, grinning. Ginny giggled.

In the meantime, Arthur had joined the others in the house
for lunch. When they were finished eating, they gathered on
the deck. Arthur walked around the yard looking at all the
supplies for the chicken coop.

“This is all high quality. Ron, you did an excellent job with
the purchase. What about these bricks? Tan bricks are far
more expensive,” questioned Arthur.

“Yes, they were a little more, but we won’t have to paint
them. I know that I was not supposed to pay more just to
save time, but Mr. Grommet told me that we would have to
be careful about the paint we used because of the chickens,
some paints have lead in them. Also, he said we would
have to paint every few years, so in the long term, we would
save money buying these,” said Ron, defensively.

“That makes sense. Very good, Ron,” said Arthur. Ron

Arthur patted him on the back as they walked over to the
area where the foundation would be built. Lupin joined them,
as Arthur described exactly what needed to be done for the

Harry asked Ginny about how she slept. She told him that
she slept OK but he saw the purple streaks under her eyes
that told him different. He suggested that she come to his
house to take a nap. So Harry, Lupin and Luna left The
Burrow right after lunch.

Luna went up to her room to read. Harry and Lupin went into
the Defense Room for a quick chat. Harry locked the door
and put up a Silencing Charm.

“I have to tell you about Luna,” started Harry.

“Is something wrong?” asked Lupin

“Luna knows about Ginny and me being married,” said Harry.

Lupin sat down hardly on the piano bench. “Oh, eh... that
does make things difficult. How did she find out?”

“She saw Ginny rubbing her ring often at The Burrow before I
arrived. She saw both of us doing it a couple of times at
school too. I wasn’t aware that I was doing it. Anyway,
Ginny also has shown dread when going outside at The
Burrow. Luna doesn’t know what that means, but she
noticed it,” said Harry.

“So, exactly how much does she know?” asked Lupin,

“Only that we are married. She told me after we had our
‘Affliction’ meeting that ‘everyone believed our little story’.
She told me she wanted to reassure me that they all believed

“What about Fred? Does he know?”

“No. She said he didn’t have a clue. She said she would
help us cover it up if we needed her. I haven’t told the
Weasleys, Dumbledore or Ginny about it. I think they all
have enough to worry about. I thought that you should know,

“Do you feel you can trust her?” asked Lupin.

“Yes. She would not tell it willingly. I think that her knowing
is not any worse than the Weasleys knowing. Anyone could
break if tortured. I don’t believe she would crack any sooner
than they would. If that’s what you mean,” said Harry,

“It sounds so... I don’t know. You saying it like that makes it
sound so unreal, yet very real. Is she aware of the danger?”

“Yes, I believe so. She knew it was dangerous because we
hadn’t even told Ron and Hermione. She put up the
Silencing Charm when we talked about it,” said Harry.

“Nothing can be done about it now. She shouldn’t have to
worry about things like that,” Lupin said sadly.

“I know. She said that SEVEN was a very lucky number,”
said Harry.

“Leave it to Luna to say that,” said Lupin, smiling.

“Do you think we should tell the others that she knows?”
asked Harry.

“Let’s just leave it between us for a while. I agree that
Dumbledore, the Weasleys and Ginny have enough to bear
for now.”

Harry changed the subject, “I saw one of the watchers

“You mean at The Burrow?” asked Lupin.

“Yeah. I was flying straight towards him. He was up in a
tree, I could see a light reflecting off his spyglass, so I
diverted my path. I flew a bit farther towards the village and
found another set of trees, where I Apparated from,” said

“I thought I saw a flash of light earlier today too. This one
seems to be more careless than the others or perhaps he
stayed farther back, thinking he could use the spyglass to
give him more distance. Did you see who it was?”

“Nah, but it was a male. I was sorely tempted to go back
and sort him out, but I thought better of it,” said Harry,

“You did well not to. I know the pressure is always there.
How you do it, is beyond me,” said Lupin, sadly.

“Ginny. If I do something stupid to delay things, it will only be
worse for her,” said Harry.

They were interrupted by a knock at the door. Harry
released the Silencing Charm and opened the door to find
Ginny standing there.

“We are going into the Living Room for Ginny to take a nap,”
Harry told Lupin.

Harry closed the sliding door and closed the curtains to
darken the room. He guided her to the sofa in front of the
fireplace then sat beside her and kissed her. Then he
adjusted himself so that he could pull her against him, both
facing the fireplace.

“Harry...” started Ginny.

“No talking. You are to go to sleep. I will be silent. Maybe
we will both go to sleep and you can kiss me awake,” he
said, hopefully.

“No. I’m the one taking the nap. You have to kiss me

“If I fall asleep, maybe you will wake first, so you could kiss
me awake.”

“No way. I’m taking the nap so you will have to kiss me
awake. That’s the deal.”

“What if I kissed you asleep then you kissed me awake?
asked Harry.

“Do you think I can sleep with you kissing me?”

“What if I kissed you real boring like?” asked Harry.

“Yeah, I could see that happening.”

“Let’s see,” turning her to kiss her.

After several minutes, they both began laughing. “Whoever
wakes first has to kiss the other one awake. There’s no
other way,” said Ginny.

“Ok,” said Harry, knowing she would cheat.

“Ok,” said Ginny, knowing he would cheat.

* * * *

At seven o’clock Arthur arrived at Harry’s and asked to speak
with him in the Defense Room. “There is going to be an
Order meeting tonight. I thought I would have a word with
you before it started. Harry... about Winston...” started

“I know. Don’t you think I’ve lived around you long enough
to know that you wouldn’t have paid so much, unless you had
a very good reason?” said Harry, grinning.


“You did it so that Ginny would have a place to ‘be seen’.
You should have had me pay for all of it. I am responsible
for Ginny now, not you. You forget that... Arthur, I know that
you would not feel right if I paid for The Burrow. You would
not feel that it belonged to you, I understand that, so I think
that you should pay that cost. But anything else that has to
do with Ginny, I should pay for, that is my right,” said Harry.

Arthur thought a moment; “I see. Yes, of course.”

“Thank you. I want you to know that the Black Estate is there
to make our lives easier. If we need it, we will use it. If
Hagrid or anyone else that I consider family, needs money, it
will be there. I don’t plan to live off of the estate. After my
schooling, I will work and be making my own way.”

“Sirius wanted the money to be used to make us happy. I
don’t pretend to understand about money, but I know that his
family left a lot. We will use some for fixing up the house,
that he requested, and for some fun things. But most of it is
just going to sit there. I’m not fussed about having great
stores of money. Ginny and I will get by on what I earn,”
added Harry.

“All right, Harry,” said Arthur.

“I hope you understand that my family stretches out a little
further than what would be considered ‘normal’. Anyway, we
have to stick together more than ever. If we need something,
we need to ask. Because, if Ginny or I need anything, I’m
going to ask. Do you understand?” asked Harry.

“Of course,” said Arthur.

“You understand when WE ask, but not for yourself. Arthur it
has to go in a circle. We all ask if we need to.”

“All right Harry. We all ask.”

“Wednesday next, 5:49 p.m.” said Harry.

“What is Wednesday next?” asked Arthur.

“That is when it will be the perfect time to pay off Winston.
Winky has it all sorted out. That will be the worst time for
Winston, financially speaking,” said Harry, grinning.

“She has it figured out to the exact time of day too?”

“I told you she always factors in the time. I don’t understand
it all but she says it’s important,” said Harry.

“I will arrange to be in his office at that time then,” said

“On another matter, I want to ask you if you would allow
Winky to help the girls with fixing up The Burrow. The cost
will be minimal. Winky really knows how to arrange things.”
asked Harry.

“Yes, I would appreciate it. Molly hates the new Burrow,
maybe with Winky’s help, she will hate it less. I bought that
beautiful new sofa. It was a very expensive sofa that I got a
really good deal on, but when we put it in the house, it looks
awful,” said Arthur.

“Molly Dear does not hate the new Burrow, it’s just too new
looking. I noticed the new sofa, I think it’s the color, that dark
brown against all those white walls, makes it look out of
place, or something. All it needs is Winky’s touch.”

“There is a lot of furniture from this house that could be used.
We re-arranged some bedrooms upstairs. It seems,
according to Winky, that the old families prided themselves
on how many bedrooms they had. Many of them were too
small with far too much furniture in them. We moved some
walls and took out the extra furniture. Now we have too
much furniture left over. If you would allow Winky to use
some of it at The Burrow, I would appreciate it, the attic is
really overflowing.” added Harry.

“All right, Harry,” said Arthur.

* * * *

While the meeting was being held, Harry retreated to his
bedroom to study. He wanted to avoid seeing Snape at all
costs. He wasn’t in the mood to take any of his remarks.

At 10:30 that night, a paper was slipped under his door. He
picked it up and read it.


Go to your ‘safe place’ at 6:45 p.m. You will be taking Ginny
to her first ‘appointment’.

Albus Dumbledore

Harry could hardly get to sleep that night, anxious about his

The next morning, Harry went back to The Burrow and
helped Ron lay brick for most of the morning. After lunch, he
returned home.

Luna informed him that she had a date with Fred that night.
They were going out to a famous restaurant, then going to a
carnival. She was very excited about it and was going to
paint her fingernails red for the occasion.

Harry told her he would be taking Ginny to her appointment
that evening. So they were both very excited.

After dinner, Harry took a few bottles of butterbeer and
placed them in a paper bag to take. Winky suggested that
he take a book to read, while he waited for Ginny’s
consultation. So he added a book to the bag.

At exactly 6:45 Harry Apparated to the cave. Standing
before him were Dumbledore and Ginny. It took him a few
seconds to realize that the cave had been transformed.
There were lit candle sconces placed on the walls of rock,
every several feet. There was a huge Persian carpet on the
dirt floor and a big brass bed up against a far wall. The bed
had a puffy blue comforter and several colored pillows piled
upon it. Several small rugs were place strategically near the
bed and other areas that the larger carpet did not reach.
There was a table with two chairs against another wall.
Centered on the table was a candelabra with lit candles. On
the wall, Harry assumed was the entrance, hung dark velvet

“Do not open the drapes. A light seen where it is not
supposed to be, could draw attention. There is a make-shift
loo around a corner at the far right. You have until exactly
11:30. I’m assuming you know what to do,” said Dumbledore.

“Of course,” said Harry, blushing.

“No. I meant, eh... the spell I taught you,” Dumbledore
stammered, blushing.

“Oh! Right!” said Harry, blushing more deeply. Ginny could
not help but laugh out loud.

I must be off,” said Dumbledore, then he was gone.

“Harry, you embarrassed Dumbledore. That is just too

“It was an easy mistake to make,” said Harry, defensively.

“Easy for you,” giggled Ginny.

Ginny looked beautiful. He thought he had better put the bag
down before it got in his way.

“Is that a book in your bag? You brought a book on your
honeymoon?” asked Ginny, grinning.

“Winky thought I would need something to read, while I
waited for your consultation.”

“Harry, I need to talk to you,” said Ginny.

“Now?” asked Harry, as he placed the bag on the table.

“It’s important.”


“You know I’ve always loved you. I can’t say that part of it
isn’t because of your fame. I mean, I’ve never known you
before you were famous, so all I know is that it is a part of
you. I know that your fame is not one of the things that I like
about you, but the reason for the fame probably is. Does that
make sense?”

Harry thought a moment, “Yeah. OK. I see.”

“I’ve always been drawn towards you . Your looks... your
wit,... your laugh... and especially your smile. Anyway, I
didn’t know for sure if I loved you for yourself, as a person,
until last fall. The day you adopted Luna as your sister, that’s
when I knew that I loved you for who you are as a person.
You not only took her in, you treated her as a welcomed
family member, a real sister. I know you looked to Ron as
an example of how to treat a sister, and you found him
lacking,” Ginny grinned. “You went beyond that to make her
feel wanted and loved. She needed that and has returned
that love,” said Ginny.

“Luna has brought joy into my life. She makes me laugh,”
said Harry.

“I know,” Ginny smiled.

“I have to tell you that I am very worried,” said Ginny,


“You’ve changed.”

“I know. I hope for the better,” said Harry.

“Yes and no. Harry, we know that you’ve been destined to
defeat Riddle. It’s been a personal thing between you and
him. Although you’ve had help, it’s always been just you and

“Yeah. You think that has changed?” asked Harry.

“Yeah. That’s the part that has me worried. Harry, on the
night we married, you insisted on it. Did you wonder why I
didn’t want to marry you?”

“Yeah, but I thought that you didn’t love me or that you didn’t
want to make me feel that I was trapped or something...” he
said, thoughtfully.

“No, at least not completely. You have to understand that
what Dumbledore told us, was a shock. I knew that I loved
you, but that was not the way I wanted you. I had to put my
feelings aside and look at it as if I were someone else, a third
party, so to speak. I told myself that you were someone else
too. The same situation, but two other people. Do you


“When I said that I would... volunteer, I asked myself if it
would be the right thing for me to do. Yes, in order to
destroy Riddle, it was not too much to ask. My virginity was
nothing, compared to his evil. Not just to us, but to everyone.
He is a monster, a baby killer. That made my decision easy.
But if we were two other people, then to marry, would be
wrong. You understand?” asked Ginny.

“If you put it that way,” said Harry.

“I do.”

“OK.” said Harry, not knowing exactly where this was going.

“Then you proposed to me. It was so sweet,” said Ginny,

“I can be sweet,” he said, grinning.

“Then you sort of swept me off my feet,” she said, blushing.

“I’m very good with a broom, ya know.”

Ginny elbowed him in his side, grinning.

“That night... you didn’t know... you made love to
me the way a man who’s in love does. Then it became

“Very personal,” he whispered, stepping closer.

“That night, we bonded. We both knew that the marriage
was real. We became like... two sides of a single coin.
There would be no separating when this was over,” she said.


“That’s when you changed. Not immediately, but you’ve
been changing all along. I’m scared, Harry.”

“Of course you are.”

“Not of him, of you. I mean, I’m scared of him, I’m not
stupid, but I’m more scared of what you will do.”

“You’re worried about that?” he said, astonished.

“I think you’ve forgotten what we are here to do. We have to
defeat him. We may die doing it, one or the other, maybe
both of us. We just don’t know. You’ve been talking about
me being the most important thing. That is not right, Harry.
What we are doing is for everyone. We are only two people.
Our two lives are not important compared to all the
thousands, or whatever,” she said, seriously.

Harry began to anger. “Ginny, I plan on living. I want to live.
I want to us have a place together and have chicks, a real

“I do too. But Harry, he would never let your babies live, you
know that. He has to be destroyed.”

“Not if it means your life!”

“Don’t do that to me, Harry. I could live without you, but I
couldn’t live with myself if he lived because of the choice to
save me,” she said, tears streaming.

“Ginny...” he held her close, rubbing her back.

“Harry, you have to promise me. No, more than a promise...
a vow. A sacred vow... a vow that says that you will not
choose me or anyone else, like Ron or Hermione... Luna...
anyone. When the time comes, if you are there, you are to
let me go with him or whatever. If there is a choice, then you
will do or not do, whatever it is that will lead to his defeat. Do
you understand me?”

“Oh, Ginny. What have I gotten you into?”

“You didn’t get me into anything. I chose, remember? I
chose to do it as if it were not you or me. The Wizarding
world may never get another chance like this one. We’ve got
to take advantage of it. It’s a good plan. I think it will work.
The spell is very powerful. He has a lot of power. We can
use HIS power to destroy him,” she said, determinedly.

“It is a good plan. I think it will work,” he said.

“It will only work, if you forget about who is involved and stick
with the plan. Will you make that vow?” she said, pulling
back and looking directly into his eyes.

He hesitated.


Thinking the whole process through, he finally nodded.

“Ginny, you are just like your father. You don’t make
anything easy.”

Ginny boldly stuck out her chin.

“What do you want me to say?” he asked.

“Whatever is in your heart,” she said, gently.

“I vow to go on with the plan, no matter whose life gets in the
way,” he said.

“That’s good enough,” said Ginny. They both relaxed. They
both had been very tense without realizing it.

“Do you like my dress? Mum bought it for me. She said she
had one like it when she was young. She said Dad really
liked it.”

The dress was black. It was made of a stretchy crepe
material that clung in all the right places. It had a deep ‘V’
neckline. The skirt hung in folds to her knees.

“Yeah, I can see why your dad liked it. Black is your color.
You look beautiful in black. Very sexy,” he said, wiggling his

“Harry, I wear black at school every day,” she said,

“Yeah, I know,” he said, wiggling his eyebrows again.

“Oh Harry,” she said, wrapping her arms around his neck.

He took this moment to deeply kiss her. This is what he had
been waiting for.

“Harry, where are my shoes?”

“Over there with mine,” he said, starting a new kiss.

“Harry, I feel a draft,” she said, when they paused between

Harry grinned.

“What is that sound? Do you hear it? I noticed it when we
first arrived,” said Ginny.

“Yeah. It’s coming from the loo, I think,” he said. Curious,
he stepped over to the area that Dumbledore had referred to.
“Ginny, come see.”

She stepped over in her bare feet and peeked around the
corner. There was a portable loo with a stand beside it piled
with big fluffy white towels. Beyond the loo, farther back
there were lit candle sconces leading to a perfect waterfall
near the back wall. There was candlelight shining from
behind the wide sheet of water. There was a large puddle in
the floor. From the puddle the water flowed into the rock

“It’s beautiful!”

“That was very thoughtful of Dumbledore. That took a bit of
magic to make, that did,” said Harry.

Ginny stepped close to the water, watching the candlelight
reflect on the surface. Harry stepped closer to see too.
Ginny quickly splashed a handful of water in Harry’s face.


Ginny tiptoed a few feet away and splashed him again.

“That water is cold and you’re getting me all wet,” said Harry.

“It’s not that cold,” said Ginny, splashing him again.

“You’re getting your dress wet.”

“It will dry. So will you!” She then began splashing him
fearlessly. Harry splashed back and soon it became a full
fledged water fight.

Closer to the area where the waterfall flowed, the water was
a little deeper. It came up to their knees. Harry grabbed at
her and she slipped and fell into the deeper water. She
quickly darted away from his grasp and came up on the other
side of the wall of water.

“Ginny, you’re soaked, it’s cold. Come out.”

“I like it here. Come join me,” she said, with her hair dripping
with water.

“Don’t try to lure me in. That water is cold. Come out.”

Ginny began lifting her hair off her shoulders and flicking it
about. “It’s not cold, it’s cool. You’re not very brave to be
afraid of a little cool water.”

Although the sheet of water made her look blurry, he could
see a sly look on her face. He held his breath and
crossed through the water to the other side. He grabbed her
around the waist and boldly kissed her...

After several minutes of passionate kissing, Ginny asked;
“Harry, where’s my dress?”

* * * *

Beta by Wolfs_scream - THANKIE !!
Reviews 309

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