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HB Prince: Year of Love
By DHobbit

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Category: Post-OotP
Characters:All, All
Genres: Angst, Drama, Fluff, Humor
Warnings: None
Rating: PG
Reviews: 309
Summary: *** The author has been reminded via the e-mail address on file that this story is listed as incomplete and has not been updated in over 2 years ***

This story starts at the end of Order Of The Phoenix. Although this story starts as the usual Harry/Ginny romance, I believe after several chapters, you will find that Ancient Dark Magic takes on a whole new meaning to our Harry and Ginny. Will Harry discover the key to the Half-Blood Prince?* * * *American Edition *** * * *
Hitcount: Story Total: 196497; Chapter Total: 3405

Author's Notes:
So sorry for all the delays. A death in my family and other health related issues made work on the story impossible. My next installment will be arriving in a timely manner ---------

SUMMARY: What happened at Justin's party? Yet another party.

**Beta by Wolfs_scream**


Chapter Sixty-two - Neville’s Party

After Ron went home, on his way to bed, Harry heard the
girls giggling as he passed their door. He had hoped to kiss
Ginny goodnight, but thought it would be awkward if he
disturbed their party.

As he lay in bed, he sighed as he thought about Justin’s party. Justin
was either too embarrassed or afraid to tell Harry what really
happened. Harry had felt he had to use Legilimency on Justin to get
to the truth.

So, Malfoy was looking for him. What was the point? Malfoy always
ended up on the dirty end of a wand when he crossed Harry. Riddle
would not be using Malfoy to get to him. Riddle wanted him whole
and full of magic for his scheme. Malfoy must have reasons of his
own, probably revenge for his father who was still in Azkaban. If that
was the case, Malfoy may be in more trouble than just the Ministry’s

He finally tossed off those thoughts and returned to his main
priority, Ginny. He prayed that she slept well that night. At
least here, she was safe or as safe as she would be
anywhere. She was only just down the hall... not very far...
too far. He hoped that soon, she will be sleeping where she
belonged; next to him. He sighed, then rolled over.

* * * *
When Hermione and Luna finally went to sleep, Ginny lay
thinking about different things that the girls had said. It was
very strange to listen to Hermione and Luna share some of
their feelings about her brothers. She had to pretend that
they were talking about two other boys.

She wondered about what Malfoy was up to. Was attacking
Justin’s party worth it? Draco knew that Justin was Muggleborn. Did
he want to risk prison just for a little revenge?

As always, her mind wandered back to Harry. He was just
down the hall... just a little ways... if she could only get out
the door without waking Luna and Hermione. There was
stuff piled everywhere all over the floor . There was no way
to get out without waking one or both of them. She sighed
and rolled over.

* * * *

When Harry arrived in the kitchen early the next morning,
Hermione and Lupin were at the table drinking tea and
talking. He put on some toast and poured himself a cup of
tea to hold him over until Ginny came down.

Hermione and Lupin had been discussing the Wolfsbane
Potion. Hermione wanted the instructions from Snape so
that she could begin working on making it while she stayed
the rest of the summer. It was supposed to be a very difficult
potion to make, so they hoped by the end of the next month,
she would have it perfected.

Harry suggested that she would more likely get it if she
asked Dumbledore to request it from Snape.

“That’s a great idea,” said Hermione.

“I miss that potion. I will have to lock myself up tonight,” said
Lupin, sighing. He looked worn.

Lupin, Winky, Dobby and Harry had designed a lock-up in
the basement of the house for Lupin when he transformed.
Lupin and Harry had worked on making it strong, with the
heaviest iron bars available. Dobby worked on making it
escape-proof. The concrete floor of the enclosure held the
iron bars, so there was no way to dig under or around them.
The door hinges and lock were magically enhanced so that
they could not be removed or broken. Winky had worked on
making it as comfortable as possible. She had scattered
blankets and pillows on the floor everywhere so that when he
slept, it would be cozy. Dobby would keep watch, just in case
Lupin found some way around their precautions.

“Did Ginny sleep well last night?” asked Harry, as he sat
down with his toast and tea.

“I think so. She was sleeping deeply this morning. I tidied up
and dressed without disturbing her,” said Hermione.

“Where’s Tonks? Isn’t this her day off?” asked Harry.

“She went back to the Ministry to see what she could find out
about Malfoy’s lot. She said that she will try to get back before
Hermione leaves,” said Lupin.

After Harry finished his toast, he went upstairs. Luna was
just coming out of Ginny’s room.

“Is Ginny awake?” asked Harry.

“No. She’s sleeping soundly,” said Luna.

“Did she sleep well?”

“I think so, if she didn’t, she is now,” said Luna.

Harry stared at the door.

“Why don’t you go in and check on her? She won’t mind,”
said Luna, smiling.

Harry entered and closed the door quietly. The dim room
was unusually messy, although Hermione’s bed was made
and her things were neatly stacked on top.

He knelt down before Ginny’s bed. She was sleeping soundly. He
watched her for a moment. She looked beautiful, her skin looked soft
and creamy in her silky peach pajamas. He couldn’t help but brush
his hand across her soft cheek. The temptation was too much for
him, he had to kiss her cheek... then again. He kissed her lips softly,
then her eyes opened.

“Harry,” she purred.

“Shhhhh go back to sleep,” whispered Harry.

“I’m awake,” she said, stretching out like a cat.

“I didn’t mean to wake you,” said Harry.

“I’m ready to get up. I slept well.”

“Did you really?”

“Yes,” she said sweetly.

“I’ll have breakfast ready when you come down,” he said, as
he rose and started for the door.

“Thank you for kissing me awake, Harry,” she said, grinning.

“You owe me,” said Harry. He ducked, but too late, a
pillow hit him on the side of the head. He grinned and left the

Down in the kitchen, Harry peeled and sliced a banana that he put
onto two bowls of corn flakes, then added sugar. He waited for Ginny
to come down before he would add cream. Since Ginny was looking
so thin, he decided he would use cream instead of milk.

Luna, Ron, and Hermione were eating fried sausages,
scrambled eggs and toast when he arrived. Mrs. Weasley
and Winky were discussing dinner arrangements.

Ron eyed Ginny’s corn flakes as she sat down at the table to
join Harry.

“Don’t even think about it,” said Ginny.

“I was only looking,” said Ron, defensively.

“I see that you’ve already had two breakfasts,” said Ginny.

“It wouldn’t be three if I had some corn flakes, it would only
be part of the second breakfast,” said Ron. He started to get
up to make him a bowl, when he caught Hermione’s eye, she
winked. He changed his mind about the corn flakes then
they slipped out of the kitchen together.

* * * *
About an hour after breakfast, Tonks arrived. She gathered
Luna, Hermione, Ginny, Ron and Harry in the Dining Room.

“I thought that you’d all want to know the latest on the
Finch-Fletchy’s case and what went on at the Ministry,” began Tonks.

“Firstly, I just want to say, that I was so proud of all you. After
Mr. Finnegan reported the attack, we didn’t know what we were going
to find when we got there. To our surprise, all the thugs were tied up.
All we had to do was a little first aid and haul them in,” said Tonks.

“Why are you proud of us? We weren’t even there,” asked Harry.

“You taught ‘em what to do under attack, that’s why,” said Tonks,

Harry blushed.

“The most consistent story is that three of them broke the windows
and crawled through, then opened the door to let the rest in. A few of
them started breaking things. Draco Malfoy was asking everyone
where Harry was. He said he had “a new spell up his sleeve” and
wanted to use on him. A fight broke out and Malfoy’s lot lost,” said

“At the Ministry, Draco kept his mouth shut... for a while. Then he
told a most obvious lie. He said that the kids at the party pulled them
in off the street and attacked them, said they just happened to be
walking by.”

“Later, his mother, Narcissa Malfoy showed up at the Ministry. She
was crying, it was obvious that she was faking it. She said she came
to pick up her ‘little boy’. She went on and on about her ‘little boy’
until someone pointed out that we already knew that he was of age.
Then she turned... she became outraged. She began screaming that
it was just a boyish prank. She repeated the same words ‘boyish
prank’ several times and very loudly. She caused such a
disturbance, that she had to be escorted out of the Ministry,” said

“The prim and proper Mrs. Malfoy was chucked out of the Ministry?
Ha!” said Ron, in amusement.

“Yeah. Of course, Draco heard her words. You couldn’t help but
hear her screaming, even through closed doors. Anyway, Draco got
the hint, so after a little while, he changed his story to it all being a
joke that somehow went bad. He said he had no idea that Justin was
Muggle-born and also swears that he forgot that he was ‘of age’” said
Tonks, rolling her eyes.

“According to Adrian Pucey, do you know him?” asked Tonks.

“Yeah, he was on the Slytherin Quidditch team. He finished school
last year or the year before, I think,” said Harry.

Tonks nodded. “Anyway, he said he came up on the others
at The Leaky Cauldron not long before the party. Malfoy and
his cronies were talking about getting some action at some
party. He says he assumed they were talking about girls,”
continued Tonks.

“He said that now he understands a little better about what
Malfoy was talking about earlier. He said that Malfoy told
Crabbe that he was being stupid, that people didn’t hide in cakes.
Adrian assured him that sometimes, especially Muggles, girls hid in
cakes for parties. He said that he understood that Ron Weasley had
brought a large cake. He had heard tales of Ron’s reputation this
year and thought that it wouldn’t be unreasonable for Ron to bring a
cake with a girl in it,” said Tonks.

Hermione kept a straight face, while Ron blushed.

“Anyway, Adrian now believes that they were talking about
Ron hiding Harry in the cake. When Malfoy and the others
decided to leave for the party, Adrian asked if he could go too. He
said that Malfoy hesitated before deciding he could join them.”

“After they arrived, he said that Crabbe, Goyle and Nott
broke through the windows, then Nott opened the door to let
the others in. Malfoy immediately started asking about Harry, then
began searching the rooms. Adrian said he just stood there at first.
He didn’t know what was going on. He thought they were just going
to crash the party and see about connecting with the girls, but then
he saw Justin hit Crabbe with a Stunner. Others pulled out their
wands and a fight broke out. He ducked a few spells before he was
hit. He saw Draco blast the cake before he was Stunned and hit the
floor. The next thing he remembered, was waking up with his hands
tied behind his back,” said Tonks.

“Mum’s cake wasn’t big enough to hide a person. I know
Harry is skinny and all that, but not THAT skinny,” said Ron.

“Thanks Ron,” said Harry, rolling his eyes.

“Adrian told me that when he saw the cake, he knew that no
one could hide in there. Although it was a large cake, it was
not nearly the size for that. He thought that Malfoy blasted it just out
of frustration. He heard Malfoy mutter ‘Crabbe’, ” said Tonks.

“Adrian told us that the reason he was co-operating, was
because he was the oldest of the lot, he was ‘of age’ and
already out of school. He didn’t know if the others were ‘of
age’ yet or not. So, all he is claiming is ‘being along for the
ride’. Personally, I believe him,” said Tonks.

“So, what’s going to happen to them?” asked Hermione.

“There were seven of them, two were under age, they went
home and will have a hearing in a couple of weeks. The rest
are in holding cells and will not be released until after their
hearings,” said Tonks.

“Do you mean they were sent to Azkaban?” asked Hermione.

“No. They are being held in lock up at the Ministry. It looks like they
will be convicted; if so, then they could be sent to Azkaban.
We are at war, the Ministry will not go too lightly on them,” said

“So, are they going to break their wands?” asked Harry.

“It’s possible. It will depend on what happens at their
hearings,” said Tonks.

“They were going to break my wand the night I used magic
out of school,” said Harry.

“There are different people in power now, so it’s hard to
judge the outcome,” said Tonks.

Not long after their conversation, Hermione went home.

* * * *
During that week, Ron completed the inside of the chicken coop
section of The Complex. It was now ready for roosting and nesting.
Each night, Winky completed one of the other rooms, by organizing
and installing all the items that were to go into each section.
Everyone was delighted with the results.

On Thursday morning, Harry, Ron, Molly, Luna and Ginny
worked on moving the fence. That evening when Arthur
came home from work, they completed it, including making a gate.

All week Ginny had been working on her own project of
making a pathway from the deck stairs in the back yard to
the chicken coop yard. She mixed the left-over bricks from
the chimney and the tan bricks from The Complex to make a
herringbone pattern. Ron was so impressed with it that they
decided that they would make one for the front too. Ron
decided he was going to try to talk his dad into letting him
make a full patio from the house across the way to The
Complex. He would have to buy more bricks to do it though.
He decided to wait a while, hoping his dad would think of it

Winky was enjoying herself immensely. She couldn’t wait to
get started on the house. Harry suggested that Ginny’s room
be first. Winky almost passed out when she saw the color of
Ginny’s room, so Winky planned to redo Ginny’s room next.

Also during that week, Harry continued to give Luna wandless magic
lessons. On days when Ginny needed a nap, after she woke, he
would instruct her on wandless magic too. She took home a few
beginning Charms and Transfiguration books to practice in her room
at night. Her concentration was sporadic. Depending on whether
she could keep her mind from wandering back to the Riddle problem,
sometimes it was easy for her, sometimes not.

* * * * *
The night of the Neville’s birthday finally arrived. Harry and
Ron, each dressed in black, and Luna in her blue summer
party dress, were waiting in the Living Room when the
Grangers and Hermione arrived with Arthur. Ron’s jaw
dropped, he knew at once that the Grangers were going to
the party. Mr. Granger had on a three piece suit and Mrs.
Granger was wearing a blue party dress. He hadn’t expected
the Grangers to be there. That meant that Mr. Granger was
going to find out that he and Hermione were attending the
party together.

Hermione looked radiant. She wore a pink cotton eyelet
dress with short sleeves. Her hair was sleeked back into a
knot at her nape.

Harry immediately stepped forward and greeted the
Grangers. He hugged Hermione, as did Luna. Ron paused,
then stepped over and shook hands with Mr. and Mrs.
Granger. He took Hermione’s hand and whispered his
greeting to her, then gave her a quick hug. This did not go
un-noticed by Mr. Granger, who bit his bottom lip.

“The Grangers have a special invitation from the
Longbottoms. Since they missed the awards ceremony, the
Longbottoms wanted the opportunity to meet them,” explained Arthur.

Molly, Fred and Ginny arrived. Molly was wearing new moss
green dress robes. Her red hair was up in a French twist. With her
lovely diamond necklace and earrings, she was a picture of
perfection. She greeted the Grangers and gave Hermione
a smashing hug.

Fred was wearing a silk black shirt with black trousers. Luna
started to move forward, but Harry caught her arm. After
Fred greeted the Grangers, he gave Hermione, Harry and
Ron a hug. Fred approached Luna and gave a her hug.
Taking her hand and bowing to her, he then summoned a
blue flower to match her dress. Luna’s eyes twinkled.

Ginny had had a hard time choosing what dress to wear, but after
talking to Ron, she choose the black crepe dress. She wore the
pearl drop necklace and her gold bracelet. Her hair hung down loose.
Harry waited patiently for her to approach, then hugged her and
kissed her hand.

Bill and Charlie had waited outside with two cars to drive
them to the party. The adults rode in Charlie’s car and the
teens in Bill’s.

It was a warm summer night. Standing on the sidewalk outside the
Longbottom’s estate, Harry took in his surroundings. A black, iron
gated fence faced the street. The tiny garden was neat, the house,
however, was showing some neglect. Although there weren’t
any obvious patches, there were places where the paint was
flaking. The centuries old stately home appeared to have four
floors. All the windows were lit, so although the house
looked stately, it had a welcoming appearance.

The door was opened by an older man, at first, Harry
thought it was a butler, but the man introduced himself as
Algie Longbottom and lead them into the large off-white
foyer. If it weren’t for the bouquets of flowers and the side
table that was piled with bright colored birthday gifts, the
foyer would have been very bland. Harry decided that
Neville’s gran’s no-nonsense personality dictated the
interior of the house.

Lined up to greet their guests were: Augusta, Frank, Alice
and Neville Longbottom. Algie Longbottom announced that
the Weasley, Granger, Lovegood and Potter party had

Neville’s grandmother, Augusta, was not wearing her normal
vulture hat, but a wide brimmed straw summer hat with
pansies covering it. Her dress robes were purple to match
the flowers. “Ahhhh Harry, so good to see you again. I’m
honored that you consider Neville one of your friends,” said
Mrs. Longbottom, taking his hand with her claw-like hands.

“I’m the one who is honored to have Neville consider me to
be one of HIS friends,” said Harry.

When Harry approached Neville’s parents, he again, had a very
strong feeling inside that told him to bow. He held very high esteem
for the Longbottoms, since he knew that they held back information
from Death Eaters while being tortured with the Cruciatus Curse. He
knew exactly what the pain was like. Withholding information, while
under this curse, was one of the most bravest things a person could
do. They gave up their sanity rather than divulge whatever
information that the Death Eaters wanted. He glanced over at
Neville. Unfortunately, Neville also knew exactly what that curses’
pain felt like too. Neville had to be proud of them. Until you have felt
the pain, you just couldn’t appreciate their bravery.

Ginny took Harry’s cue and bowed to them too. They both
graciously nodded.

Harry took Neville in his arms and gave him a very strong
hug. “Happy Birthday, Neville.”

With Ginny beside him, they stood to the side and waited until each
one had been greeted, then Neville’s uncle escorted the group
though the French glass doors that led to the back garden.

The patio was wider than the width of the house. There were
outside chairs, tea tables and a porch swing. On the right,
a staircase led to a balcony above. On the left, the patio formed an
‘L’, backed by hedge that was taller than a man’s height. It was
lighted with hundreds of tiny fairy lights.

On the left side, beside a large brick outdoor grill, were
tables filled with snacks and drinks. Beyond the tables, further away
from the house, was the large wooden stage for the band.

Charlie, Bill, and George, each wearing a black silk shirt the
same as Fred’s, were playing a soft, non-descript
instrumental tune.

Tiny fairy lights were scattered here and there among the
many shrubs. There were several fellow students in little
groups scattered around the grounds. Harry and Ginny
along with Fred and Luna, followed Ron and Hermione’s lead
as they began greeting each little group. They each greeted
each other with a hug, as everyone they met were in the D.A.

Padma and Pavarti Patel were chatting with Lavender Brown and
Seamus Finnegan, who had come as a couple. Both Ron and
Hermione took a deep breath, then hugged each one in turn. Harry,
Ginny, Fred and Luna followed suit. They didn’t stay with this group
long. There were some awkward moments, but Harry talked a little
with Seamus and was told that Dean Thomas should be arriving at
any time.

The party continued to grow with each passing minute. There
were a lot of hugs exchanged before Neville made his
appearance. On his arm was Susan Bones, who was
wearing a yellow flowered summer dress. The crowd
cheered and wished him a happy birthday. Although he
turned a shade of pink, Neville was pleased with the cheer of
good will.

From the balcony above, Dumbledore, Molly, Arthur, the
Grangers and the Longbottoms were watching the party.

“Why are they all hugging when they greet each other?”
asked Mr. Granger. “That is most unusual, isn’t it?”

“Most unusual,” said Dumbledore, his eyes twinkling. “You
are looking at the most powerful wizards and witches to ever
attend Hogwarts.”

“Do you mean that for some reason, this generation has
more magical powers?” asked Mr. Granger.

“Not in the way that I think you are thinking. No, they are just
better educated. I would say without exception that all of
these students are part of the defense club known as the
D.A. They are taught to defend themselves in times of war.
Most of them know more about defense than their parents.
They greet each other with a hug, it shows unification among

“Don’t you think that is promoting violence?” asked Mrs.

“They live in a violent world. Defending themselves and their
families is important. They are no more violent now than
before, less I think,” said Dumbledore.

* * * *

Dean Thomas and Katie Bell stepped up and greeted Harry
and Ginny. Dean hugged Ginny a little longer than necessary but
Harry didn’t comment.

“Oh Dean, that wound over your eye is probably going to
leave a scar,” said Ginny.

“I know. I decided to leave it. I hear that scars on the
forehead are quite attractive,” said Dean, grinning.

Ginny giggled.

Ginny and Katie began a conversation about Quidditch, so
Harry took the moment to pull Dean aside.

“Have you heard anything about Malfoy’s lot?” asked Harry.

“Yeah, a bit. Last I heard, Malfoy is still in lockup. They
aren’t going to let him out until the hearing next week,” said

“How do you know?” asked Harry.

“Everyone from the party were called back to the Ministry to tell our
story again. They asked a few more questions, wanting more details.
I picked up a few things from one of the Aurors,” said Dean.

“Oh,” said Harry.

“What’s wrong with Ginny?” asked Dean.

“What do you mean?” asked Harry, surprised.

“She’s thinner. They said she was ill last week, is it from the
illness? Is she ok now?” asked Dean, clearly concerned.

“Eh... yeah, she wasn’t feeling well last week. She’s been
exercising too much. She needs to stop working so hard
in the garden too. Have you seen Justin?” asked Harry,
changing the subject.

“Yeah, well not tonight. He won’t be attending in respect for
his mother. She is still shook up pretty bad. She’s on
sedatives. This party is just a little too soon after his
disastrous party. He said that he won’t be going anywhere for
a while, but will be attending Hogwarts in the fall,” said Dean.

Fred and Ron walked up at this last statement. “Well this
party is not going to be disastrous,” said Ron, taking Fred’s
arm and leading him to the bandstand.

Ron removed his sport coat revealing his matching black
shirt and strapped on his guitar. He began stomping one
foot on the wooden bandstand and clapping, creating a beat.
Bill, Charlie, Fred and George began stomping their feet and
clapped to the same rhythm. Everyone else stopped talking
and joined in. The crowd began to sway. Ron speeded up
the tempo and everyone else did too. After a bit, Fred
began drumming the tempo, then Ron played a riff as they
all kept clapping to the beat. Ron played another riff and the
crowd recognized the song. Several moved closer to the
bandstand, while some began shouting. Ron began singing
and the crowd went wild.

From up in the balcony, Mr. Granger watched in horror.
“He’s a rock singer too,” he said under his breath. Arthur
heard his mutter but only smiled to himself.

Hermione and Luna wove their way closer to the
bandstand. Harry and Ginny danced and sang backup to
the song. Their singing was mostly wiped out because most
the crowd new the backup words and sang them too.

When the song ended, they went into an even faster song.
By the time the second song was over, everyone was ready
for a slower one. Ron left the stage to join Hermione. Bill
began singing the lead to a very romantic ballad. Ron scooped up
Hermione by her waist and pulled her close. Her father was watching
from the balcony, his hands in fists at his side. When the song
ended, Ron kissed Hermione’s forehead and went back to the stage
replacing Fred. Fred joined Luna for the next dance.

Ron sang one of Harry’s favorite slow songs. Harry always
felt strong feelings of love when he danced with Ginny to that
song. When it finished, both of them were thirsty, so they
went over to the drinks table to find Neville and Susan
sipping butterbeer, talking quietly. Neville pulled Harry aside.

“I think everyone is having a good time,” said Neville.

“Yeah. I know that I am,” said Harry. In the meantime, Ron
left the bandstand, Fred replaced George and Charlie began
singing a slow ballad that Ron and Hermione were dancing

“Thank you for the birthday present. I opened it this morning.
I know that they will come to good use. I plan on studying
them in my spare time. So by next year I will have at least
some preparedness,” said Neville.

Harry had bought him a complete set of advanced level
Herbology books. They were very expensive but would be
required for specialty in Herbology schooling. Harry had
asked about the subject at Florish and Botts. They told him
that these were the best ever published, so he ordered them
and had them delivered that morning. Since this was Neville’s special
birthday, he wanted to give him something extra special.

“I’m glad you like them,” said Harry.

“I like the jumper that Ginny sent too,” said Neville, grinning.

“Yeah, she said you would need something to keep you
warm on cold winter nights. Of course, we didn’t know about
Susan,” said Harry, grinning.

“Yes, Susan will be with me on cold winter nights. We are to
be married,” said Neville.

“Married? Neville... eh... that seems sudden,” said Harry,

“I need not look further. It was Ginny that made me see,”
said Neville, glancing over at Ginny and Susan, who were chatting

“What did Ginny make you see?” asked Harry, confused.

“The way she looks at you, that’s what I wanted.”

“Sorry Neville, she’s mine,” said Harry.

“Of course, she’s yours. That’s what I’m talking about, I
wanted someone to love and admire me the way that Ginny
does you,” said Neville, glancing over at Ginny and Susan

“Oh,” said Harry, frowning.

“You don’t approve?” asked Neville.

“Eh... sure. Susan is a lovely girl,” said Harry.

“I’ve lived with you for six years. I ought to know when you
don’t approve of something,” said Neville, grinning.

“Eh... I mean... marriage. You haven’t gone together very
long,” said Harry. He didn’t think it was any of his business
who or why Neville wanted to marry. Now he was boxed in
to the conversation. He was desperately trying to come up
with something to change the subject.

“We’ve known each other all our lives.”

“I meant, you haven’t been a couple very long,” said Harry.

“Longer than you think.” Seeing the look on Harry’s face, he
said; “I tried very hard to make it work out with Hermione,
since we had so much in common and all,” said Neville.

“Much in common?” asked Harry. He couldn’t help himself,
the question just slipped out.

“Of course. We both lack self confidence and we both need
to be admired,” said Neville, grinning.

“Hermione lacking self confidence?”

“Of course. Haven’t you noticed? She always re-reads
everything. She re-reads until she has everything
memorized word for word. She understands it completely the
first read, but she is a perfectionist. She can’t help but go
over everything again and again. She has to be the best, that
is her thing. Nobody works harder at it. It’s quite maddening,
actually,” said Neville.

“I’m like that, but not to that extent. With my memory
problem, I had to re-read everything too. I usually don’t
have to re-read any more. I don’t care if it is exact, as long
as I get the idea. Hermione also wants to be admired more
than most people. That’s why she works so hard at being the
best, I think,” said Neville, thoughtfully, looking over at
Hermione and Ron dancing together.

“I see that they finally got together, it’s about time,” added

“Yeah,” said Harry, hoping the subject was changed enough
to move on.

“It took them so long to finally get together. It’s hard to
imagine, since they are so well suited,” said Neville.

“Yeah,” said Harry, not having a clue about what Neville was
talking about.

“You don’t know, do you?” asked Neville.

“Know what?”

“Why they are suited to each other,” said Neville.

“Yeah... well...” Harry let the sentence trail off.

“They have been drawn to each other since second
year. Although Hermione did get off track for a few months
at the end of last term,” said Neville.

Harry blushed and looked around trying to find another
subject to move to.

“Of course THAT would have been disastrous, but I see that
Hermione came to her senses... but then, so did Ron,” said
Neville, seriously.

“I don’t think that Hermione would ever had been satisfied
with anyone other than Ron,” added Neville.

“Why?” asked Harry.

“Because Ron gives her everything she ever wanted.”

“Like what?” asked Harry, fascinated.

“Haven’t you noticed how critical Ron is? He has a very high
standard that he judges people by. Of course, he is just as
critical of himself,” said Neville. “Ron admires the best. He
wants the best. To him, Hermione represents the best. No other girl
will do.”

“So what’s in it for Hermione?” asked Harry.

“Hermione wants to be admired more than anything. To be
admired by Ron is like the ultimate praise. So you see, they
are very well suited.”

“Hmmmm I think your theory is a bit flawed. I mean, Ron
admires Hermione and all that, but he doesn’t always show it.
They seem to argue over just about anything,” said Harry.

“That’s because, for one thing, Ron doesn’t just take her
word for everything. He makes her prove it. She likes that... but at
the same time, it irritates her, so they bicker. Most of the time she’s
right,” said Neville.

“Yeah, that’s true.”

“Of course, there has be that certain little ‘spark’ combined with
admiration and respect, to make it work. Admiration is the key. Just
like you and Ginny. You both admire each other, but you also
understand each other. There is definitely a ‘spark’, you both glow
when you look at each other. Ginny admires you above all people,”
said Neville.

“No she doesn’t. I mean... She does think highly of me, I think, but
you heard her, she admires her dad the most,” said Harry,

“No, she lied. Of course she thinks highly of her father, but it
is you who she admires the most. I can see it in her eyes
when she looks at you,” said Neville.

“And that’s what I see in Susan’s eyes when she looks at me.
Susan admires me... respects me... I mean... she listens to
what I have to say. We agree on most subjects most of the time. We
think alike,” said Neville, eyes shining.

“Is that enough?” asked Harry.

“Oh there is far more to it than that... that is just the basis of
it... a solid foundation, if you know what I mean.”

“When are you going to announce it? Tonight?” asked Harry.

“No, we have it all planned out. We will announce it
sometime in the middle of this school year. Then we will marry next
summer before I start Herbology school,” said Neville.

“Before you get a job and all?” asked Harry.

“Yes. We’ve talked to our parents about it. My mum and
dad agree that we needn’t wait too long. After all the wasted years
of their lives, they don’t want us to miss out on the happiness we
could have. My dad says that supporting both of us for a couple of
years while I finish schooling is the least he could do. They want me
to have a full life,” said Neville, seriously.

Harry, although surprised, finding the logic in it, just nodded.

“I have a feeling that you will marry young too,” said Neville.

Harry caught Ginny’s eye. Not saying a word, Harry used
this moment as an excuse to join the girls.

* * * *
From above, Mr. Granger watched as Ron and Hermione
slipped away from the dance area to the side of the house
out of sight. His face was turning a shade of red that only
Vernon Dursley could muster during a fit of rage.

“I wouldn’t worry about them,” said Arthur.

Mr. Granger only glared at him.

“I mean, girls are perfectly safe with my sons,” said Arthur, proudly.

“How can you be so sure?” asked Dumbledore, knowing
perfectly well why.

Arthur rocked on his heels proudly telling them about the
Boils Curse.

“Why that’s barbaric!” said Mrs. Granger, shocked.

“Can’t be too careful with young ladies in the house. I can
rest easy at night, knowing that the girls are protected while
living under my roof,” said Arthur.

“That’s terrible! I mean, you don’t even trust your own
sons?” asked Mrs. Granger.

“I do now,” said Arthur, grinning.

“Now now, dear, the man does need to sleep at night,” said
Mr. Granger, showing a great deal of relief for the first time
this summer.

* * * *
A few minutes before midnight, Neville stood on the bandstand and
got everyone’s attention. “I’d like to thank everyone for
coming. Some of you may not know, but at midnight it will
become Harry Potter’s birthday. For this one hour, I like to
think that we share the same birthday. Please join me in
sharing our combined birthdays,” said Neville, as a huge
cake with the words “Happy Birthday Neville and Harry”
written in curly script, with a total of thirty-four lit candles on it,
seventeen for each of them, was carefully placed upon a
sturdy table upon the bandstand. Harry grinned.

At midnight, everyone clapped and cheered , when together they blew
out the candles together. Cake was passed around to everyone.
After everyone finished their cake, Fred and George put on a
fireworks display, which included a huge roaring dragon with a boy
dressed in red and gold circling it on a broom. Even Dumbledore
was impressed by the detail.

The band played until 2:00 a.m. then the party broke up.

In bed that night, Harry reflected on the night’s events. He had
enjoyed himself at the party, but always in the back of his mind, he
had expected trouble, trouble from Riddle. Harry’s birthday would
have been a significant day to attack. If Dumbledore was correct, the
attack could come at any time now that he was ‘of age’. It was a long
time before he drifted off to sleep.

* * * *
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