SIYE Time:3:45 on 8th September 2024 SIYE Login: no | | |
A Lesson in Human Anatomy By Dianne
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Category: Summer Challenge (2005-4)
Genres: Comedy, Fluff, Humor
Warnings: None
Story is Complete
Rating: PG-13
Reviews: 16
Summary: Harry and Ginny take Polyjuice to switch appearances so that Ron can take Harry to a Quidditch match in summer. They soon realize that they should have looked before they leaped as practical problems arise.
A/N Hi This challenge is a hybrid of the SIYE challenge and the Wizard Tales challenge set in one story. I have used the Bill and Charlie don't find Ginny in her bed, but they do find Harry there choice. I have used all of the bonus phrases from the Wizard Tales challenge and for that challenge, the story contains this part and then picks up at Harry's birthday bash, but alas as this one had to be is a one shot here for now for the challenge. I love both sites very much and I'm so glad there is peace now, so as a friendship gesture, please accept my first ever non- dark angsty fic...well so far anyway, but anything can happen as I flick my magic wand and this becomes a seventh year fic for the WT site with the change of a few lines ( I don't know how to pull a rabbit from my hat yet, sorry!) And now, my first ever venture into humour...well, I thought it was funny, but what do I know? This story is left as one shot for this challenge, but the next half of it will be posted in a few days for the Wizard Tales challenge and it will pick up this story where it leaves off from this one shot at Harry's birthday bash as per their challenge criteria. In that one, we will find out what Harry wishes for based on what he sees in this story... please check it out at wt, or if you want , I am going to post up the second half at SIYE once the challenge is over. please review.
Hitcount: Story Total: 7130
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Ginny Weasley sat at the table at the Burrow trying to ignore Ron, who was trying desperately to involve her in a plan to sneak Harry out of the Dursley’s house to see the Chudley Cannons play. Both of them knew very well that Harry was not allowed out, except to do chores when he stayed with his aunt and uncle.
Ron had the tickets to the game already bought, having saved up his allowance from degnoming the garden. He offered to tell Harry that Ginny had bought the tickets for Harry’s upcoming birthday. It was an attractive offer because Ginny had tried for ages to get Harry to notice her. As boring as summers were for Harry, even tickets to a no talent Quidditch match would interest him at this point, and he’d be very grateful to the person who was thoughtful enough to spring him from his relatives for a day.
“What would I have to do?” Ginny asked, just knowing that it would be something shady to say the least. But hadn’t she promised Fred and George that she would keep up the pranking and rule breaking tradition?
“Easy. Fred and George have made huge batches of Polyjuice Potion for an ingredient in one of their new products. You take a dose containing a piece of Harry every hour on the hour. You stay at his aunt and uncle’s house and Harry gets to go to the game with me and have a day he won’t be able to thank you enough for,” Ron coaxed.
“Just one problem. My voice. Harry’s relatives are going to know something’s up,” Ginny answered.
“You’ll have to fake sick. Pretend you lost your voice...” Ron advised before Ginny could lose her nerve.
“I must be nutters. You get to go to a Quidditch match and I have to spend the day with the Dursleys. I’m taking all the credit for the idea,” she told him, as her brother Bill walked in.
Bill and Charlie had been invited...a.k.a. persuaded to spend the summer at the Burrow. Molly Weasley had been obsessive about having the family together for what she feared would be the last summer before the war would break out in full. She had told Ginny that she wished more than anything that there would be at least one more time when all of the Weasley members on the clock would be pointed in the same direction; ‘at home.’ Percy Weasley was the only one who had not replied to the heartfelt letters she had sent her children who lived away from home.
Bill was happy to be home. He hugged Ron and Ginny warmly, and promptly challenged them to a Quidditch match in the field for the following morning, explaining that he was ‘broom lagged’ from travel. Ron sighed with relief when Bill went upstairs for a nap until his parents would return home from their shopping.
“Er....Ginny?” Ron said. “If you’re going to owl Harry about the game, you better do it now. It’s tonight at seven o’clock.”
“What! And how am I supposed to explain my absence tonight at seven?” Ginny asked with alarm. Ron sure didn’t think things through. “If we’re taking the Knight Bus to Harry’s, and you’re to make it to the game on time, we’d have to leave at five o’clock.”
“We’ll tell mum we’re helping Fred and George set up the shop today. She’ll love harmony and all, even though she doesn’t understand why they want to sell joke products. Fred and George already agreed to help us out.”
Ron and Ginny caught the Knight Bus to Little Whinging.
They were not even halfway up the walk of Number Four Privet Drive when the distinct smell of alcohol came to their senses. They turned around to find Mundungus Fletcher behind them, mighty curious as to what they were doing in Privet Drive. The man was so drunk he wouldn’t have detained them if they’d said they were taking Harry dragon hunting in Romania. Ron was disgusted, and if there was any way of reporting him for lax security without implicating himself for having snuck Harry out, he would have.
“I’ve heard that it’s like trying to get past a guarded treasure to see Harry these days,” Ron said angrily. He had expected to have to sneak past Aurors and security to get inside.
Ron had lost a little of the appetite for fun upon finding out just how lax security seemed, at least on Dung’s watch.
“Everyone knows Mundungus is a drunk. Whoever’s in charge of personnel should be hexed. I can’t believe he or she forgot about that.” Ron wanted Harry to have fun, but now he considered turning back so as not to put Harry at risk.
Before he could talk himself out of going to the game with Harry, Ron knocked on the door. Dudley answered and promptly ran upstairs, leaving Aunt Petunia to speak to Ron and Ginny. She seemed scared, almost desperately so at the sudden intrusion. Ron knew that Petunia remembered the warning she had been given at the end of the school year to be decent to Harry, and Harry’s had indicated that things were fine, but that was what he always said.
Petunia looked disgusted to have them in her home, but she directed them to Harry’s room, telling them they had fifteen minutes.
As they passed Dudley’s room, they could see his fat bottom sticking out from under his desk.
“Watch’a doing down there for?” taunted Ron, laughing, as Dudley covered his bottom with his hands.
Ginny knocked on Ron’s bedroom door. “Harry it’s me, Ginny.
There was some fumbling around and then the door opened. Harry did not look well. He wasn’t skinny or underfed looking like other years, just pale and tired. He’d been through so much with losing his Godfather just over a month ago. Ginny was glad now that she hadn’t refused to switch places with him.
Harry was reluctant to let Ginny stay with his relatives. They hadn’t so much as spoken to him since he’d arrived this summer, so he knew there would be no problem there, but she still had to coax him to get out for a bit, finally resorting to telling him that Sirius would have wanted him to have a bit of fun marauding around with Ron a bit.
Ginny plucked a hair from Harry’s head and laughed as he rubbed the spot gingerly. Harry only wished he had thought to hug her before she looked exactly like himself. It was awkward hugging yourself. He put on his Invisibility Cloak and left with Ron fifteen minutes later.
Harry didn’t fancy having to look like Ginny to watch the match, but at least he was out of Privet Drive for an evening. Ron had stolen Dung’s Firewhisky and he and Harry decided to have a bit.
The match was predictable, ending with a spectacular loss for the Cannons. Ron was worried about how drunk Harry had become drinking to Sirius’ memory. He wished he’d never confiscated the Firewhisky. Harry had never drank before. It was evident how depressed Harry had become in the isolation of summer. When he tried to walk into the men’s loo in Ginny’s body, Ron steered him away, not knowing what to do. Harry was too drunk to figure out how to go to the loo in a female body.
Ron kept his fingers crossed as Harry entered the ladies loo. He cringed when Harry’s voice was heard cursing the weird undergarments and skirt Ginny had lent him. Stockings were hard to navigate at the best of times... Ladies were seen shaking their heads, running out of the loo upon hearing a drunken male voice from the stalls.
Harry stumbled out of the loo, skirt backwards and holes in his stockings. “How do girls handle these things!” he exclaimed, pulling them further up until they reached nearly his armpits.
“You gonna drink that, mate?” Harry asked, seeing the half full bottle still in Ron’s hands.
“I think you’ve had enough, Harry,” Ron told him, finding it difficult to see his sister’s face and talk to Harry at the same time. “It’s time to drink the last dose of Polyjuice and get you back home.” Ron had to tell Harry that the Polyjuice was Firewhisky to get him to take it.
The trip back to Privet Drive was not fun. Ron kept forgetting himself and calling Harry by his name. Harry started to talk to Stan Shunpike like they were old pals. It was kind of funny. Stan took quite a shine to Harry and asked him out on a date. Harry promptly doubled up his small fist and punched Stan on the nose, getting them kicked off the Knight Bus at the next stop, the Leaky Cauldron.
Ron dragged Harry down to Fred and George’s store. The twins agreed that there was no way Harry could be taken back to Privet Drive in his condition. The only solution was to let him sleep it off at the Burrow.
It was not a pleasant broom ride to the Burrow with Fred and George holding the slight form of Harry still under Polyjuice between them.
Nothing got past Molly Weasley, who was furious to find out that Ginny was drunk. Fred and George covered by explaining that one of their experiments had fermented and Ginny had thought it was juice. As they took Harry up to Ginny’s room, they could still hear Molly yelling at them.
Ginny was going to have to spend the night at the Dursleys.
Ginny was experiencing some difficulties of her own. Harry’s relatives didn’t like the intrusion of ‘his’ kind popping around unexpectedly and they took it out on him by making him do chores for the first time this summer. She’d only been there for four hours and now she knew why Harry was so miserable.
It wasn’t until later that the real problems began. She had drank rather a lot of pumpkin juice that she’d brought with her upon warning from Ron that Harry didn’t get much to eat or drink in summer, and now, nature called. She avoided it as long it as long as she could, but ended up staring awkwardly into the mirror in the bathroom. ‘His eyes really are as green as fresh pickled toads,’ she mused, trying to put off having to look at another part of Harry’s anatomy.
‘It’s no big deal, Ginny,’ she told herself. ‘You just... undo the zipper thingy and...Oh!” In all the years she’d folded her brothers clothing, she’d never noticed the hole in the front of their underwear. This was embarrassing! Suddenly a panic struck her, not about her current needs, but of the body Harry had to contend with tonight...hers! There was a heck of a lot more to look at on the female body for sure, and she blushed scarlet wondering if Harry had thought of this and had peaked at...anything.
If for nothing else then to be on a fair playing level when it came to teasing on this subject, Ginny steeled herself, reached down and did the best she could. Moments later, relieved, but still blushing, she was washing the floor around the toilet, having missed almost completely. How did boys deal with those things!
The following morning, Bill made his way up the stairs to wake Ginny for breakfast.
“Oh, this I have to see,” Charlie said, coming back up, explaining how Ginny had come home drunk last night from having drank a spoiled product at the twin’s shop.
Charlie and Bill yelled obnoxiously to wake Ginny up, hoping to make her head pound in a hangover, but Ginny was not there. Harry sat up groggily, having no idea where he was. Ron, hearing the commotion, stumbled to Ginny’s room. He’d overslept and had forgotten to wake Harry every hour to get more Polyjuice Potion into him.
Harry blinked several times, looking down at himself. He suddenly grabbed the sheets and pulled them up over his head in total embarrassment. He was still wearing Ginny’s clothes! His body quickly won out over his pride as he ran to the loo passed Ginny’s astounded brothers, tripping over the stockings that now hung around his knees.
“Oh, mum’s going to kill you,” Charlie told Ron as Harry emerged from the loo.
Harry became worried immediately upon learning that Ginny had spent the night at the Dursleys. Despite his hangover, he begged Bill and Charlie to help him get back so Ginny could come home. Harry was so sincerely worried about their sister that they couldn’t say no. Ron kept watch for Mrs Weasley as Bill snuck Harry out to take him back to his relatives and pick Ginny up.
“So Harry, was it worth it?” Bill asked, looking back to see Harry, who was still green from his hangover.
Harry thought it over. The Canons had lost, he had a dreadful hangover, the Weasley boys would tease him for the rest of his life for wearing a skirt and the Dursleys would punish him for the rest of the summer for having unannounced guests. He didn’t answer until Ginny forgave him as she transformed back into herself, his clothing still looking wonderful on her small frame.
He’d seen a Professional Quidditch match with his best friend, he had toasted Sirius and he had friends who would do anything for him.
“It was more than worth it,” he smiled, looking directly at Ginny, who blushed as she tossed his underwear back to him. Now, he was blushing too.
“Bye Harry,” Ginny giggled. “Mum’s planning a big bash for your birthday, so think of a wish. Bill was only now cottoning on to the nature of the conversation. He rolled his eyes as he and Ginny zoomed off . Harry watched them go, wishing that he could be with them now instead of having to wait for his birthday, but remembering Ginny’s playful blush, gave him hope that maybe she hadn’t completely given up on him and with this happy thought, Harry fell asleep thinking about his upcoming birthday in a positive light.
Reviews 16
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