
SIYE Time:2:40 on 11th December 2024
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Penname: Fics by Fumph [Contact - ]

Real name: Em

Member Since: 2008.03.21

Last Login: 2020.04.26



Beta-reader: No

Membership status: Member

Instant Message:[   AOL IM None   |   ICQ None   |   MSN IM None   |   Yahoo IM None   ]

Communication:[   LiveJournal fics-by-fumph   |   Xanga None   |   BlogSpot None   ]

Creative:[   | None   | Park None   ]



Christmas Cards by Fics by Fumph starstarstarstarhalf-star [Reviews - 12]
When Harry and Ginny bump into Dudley, they find that time can change anyone – even Big D.
PG - Post-DH/AB - Drama, General - Warnings: None - Words: 7358
Completed: Yes - Chapters: 1 - Published: 2009.07.28 - Updated: 2009.07.30 - Hits: 7398

Connection by Fics by Fumph starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 9]
Preparing for his marriage to Ginny, Harry decides to invite the only remaining link to his parents - the Dursleys.
PG - Post-DH/AB - Angst, Romance - Warnings: None - Words: 3790
Completed: Yes - Chapters: 1 - Published: 2011.08.27 - Updated: 2011.08.27 - Hits: 6449

Enough by Fics by Fumph starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 14]
Harry and Ginny’s fifth anniversary celebration doesn’t work out quite the way they planned …
PG-13 - Post-DH/AB - Fluff, Romance, Songfic - Warnings: None - Words: 2156
Completed: Yes - Chapters: 1 - Published: 2009.07.28 - Updated: 2009.07.29 - Hits: 6868

Give It Time by Fics by Fumph starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 8]
Time Heals All Wounds: Something between Harry and Ginny had been damaged, but with time, it would mend.
PG - Post-DH/AB - Angst - Warnings: None - Words: 2596
Completed: Yes - Chapters: 1 - Published: 2009.08.15 - Updated: 2009.08.15 - Hits: 5476

Hand-Me-Down by Fics by Fumph starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 14]
Harry's lack of family history and tradition has never bothered him before – until now.

Written for the 'Making Magic' fest at
G - Post-DH/AB - Fluff, General - Warnings: None - Words: 3699
Completed: Yes - Chapters: 1 - Published: 2011.04.25 - Updated: 2011.04.25 - Hits: 6303

Inventing Life by Fics by Fumph starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 4]
When the Weasleys are concerned that Harry isn't coping with the aftermath of the war, it falls to Ginny to talk some sense into him.
PG - Post-DH/AB - Angst - Warnings: None - Words: 3304
Completed: Yes - Chapters: 1 - Published: 2009.07.28 - Updated: 2009.07.29 - Hits: 6265

It Started With a Kiss by Fics by Fumph starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 22]
Harry wasn’t kissed by many people when he was a teenager, but one kiss would ultimately change his life in ways he’d only dreamed about.
G - Post-DH/PM - Fluff, Romance - Warnings: None - Words: 1814
Completed: Yes - Chapters: 1 - Published: 2008.04.22 - Updated: 2008.04.24 - Hits: 7960

Letting Go by Fics by Fumph starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 8]
Harry grows increasingly upset as James' first day at Hogwarts approaches.
G - Post-DH/AB - Fluff - Warnings: None - Words: 2217
Completed: Yes - Chapters: 1 - Published: 2009.07.28 - Updated: 2009.07.30 - Hits: 4816

Snapshot by Fics by Fumph starstarstarstarhalf-star [Reviews - 28]
Harry realises there is hope for his future when he meets his children for the first time - six years before they are born.
G - Twin Travel Challenge (2008-3) - Fluff, Humor - Warnings: None - Words: 4120
Completed: Yes - Chapters: 1 - Published: 2008.06.23 - Updated: 2008.06.23 - Hits: 7814

The One With Everybody Stuck in Second Gear by Fics by Fumph starstarstarstarhalf-star [Reviews - 12]
A runaway bride shakes things up. 'Harry Potter' in the style of 'Friends'.
PG - Alternate Universe - Comedy, Humor, Romance - Warnings: None - Words: 4396
Completed: Yes - Chapters: 1 - Published: 2008.03.21 - Updated: 2008.03.22 - Hits: 5696

When Harry Nicked Nicholas by Fics by Fumph starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 18]
Harry makes an arrest in the early hours of Christmas Day.
G - Holidays, Post-DH/AB - Fluff - Warnings: None - Words: 4518
Completed: Yes - Chapters: 1 - Published: 2009.12.28 - Updated: 2009.12.30 - Hits: 5889

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