
SIYE Time:15:36 on 4th January 2025
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Happy Belated Birthday to... SIYE!

I did not know this until just a little while ago, when curiosity led this cat by the hand:

Sandwiched neatly in the middle of SIYE's birthday season (Harry, JKR and Ginny) is the SIYE's very own fete.  This past August 3rd was our site's 15th birthday!


The site marked it's first operational day with several dozen pre-approved stories, which I shall not list in full, but the industrious amongst you can probably find.

The very first story, the mythical story #1, has been deleted, and its identity may have been lost to the ravages of time.  However, for historical purposes, I will list story #2:

Can't Stop Loving You by LaArpista

which will never qualify for Martin's gems because it was left incomplete after 12 chapters.  The distinction of first completed story that we have on file, therefore, is story #3:

My Best Guarded Secret by Amanda SaturnVenus


Fifteen years is an eternity in the era of the internet.  Congratulations to those who came before and gave us what we have; appreciations to those to picking up the oft-handed torch to keep the community thriving for another generation!

GHL on 2018.08.17 - 08:56AM ()


Gin110881 came out of the woodwork on 2018.08.17 - 09:37AM to say:

Wow, that's great. It's a good thing that there's still someone around who knew it. 15 years is indeed a long time. I can't remember what I've done at this time. Maybe I was busy reading Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix that was published 6 weeks before. Ah yes. Story #3. A few weeks ago I found out by trial and error that story #3 is the 'oldest' completed SIYE story. I don't know when it'll happen but I plan to make #3 a Gem.

BigFatMaybe came out of the woodwork on 2018.08.17 - 05:19PM to say:

Congratulations, everyone! This forum really is something special in this day and age. Thank you to the admins who have worked hard behind the scenes to keep it running all this time.

ellen came out of the woodwork on 2018.08.20 - 05:42AM to say:

Well done SIYE - long may you continue. Gosh, 15 years ago I hadn't even read a HP book. No way was I going to get caught up in it all. Huh!!

Aurorofthelight came out of the woodwork on 2018.08.21 - 12:56PM to say:


pleurocoelus came out of the woodwork on 2018.08.23 - 06:46AM to say:

This is especially meaningful when you consider all the HP fic archives and fandom sites that have gone away over the years. You expect that to happen over time, but I'm glad to still have a H/G-centric archive.

Sites like FFN and AO3 aren't likely to go away, but half the allegedly H/G fics on AO3 are ones where he cheats on her with the author's preferred partner. It's good to have a site where Harry/Ginny means exactly what it says.

Congratulations, SIYE!

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